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[v2.5.0] OlvynSpells: 150 New Spells for BG:EE, BG2:EE, IWD:EE and EET



  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Dimensional chest: Thankee! I wasn't sure. Appending the bit about items staying in the chest between castings would remove doubt.

    What say you to revisiting this mod in the near-term? For example, you seemed interested in the capstone spells I mentioned earlier, like temporal stability. There are also many other potential spells and metamagics to include. I only ask because I love this mod so much! It's made my telekinetic flinging dreams come true in BG!

    (As an aside, I'm unsure why perfect invisibility is a level 9, Illusionist-only spell that has such a short duration and can be foiled by true seeing.)

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What happens if someone casts Mass Spell (Find Familiar), especially if familiars are in the area?
  • kaiiakkaiiak Member Posts: 20
    I remember there was a spell that allowed you the see the name of the spell while it's being cast - which is very if you want to decide to use copy spell and the like .
    I there a way to enable that functionally (seeing the spell names being cast ) ?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited October 2021
    How to add metamagicked versions of spells to contingency, etc.? For example, how to add an Extended Fire Shield to Contingency assuming my CL is high enough to cast level 5 spells in this Contingency?

    That spell is Oracle, but Olvyn knows more on how it works.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Endarire wrote: »
    How to add metamagicked versions of spells to contingency, etc.? For example, how to add an Extended Fire Shield to Contingency assuming my CL is high enough to cast level 5 spells in this Contingency?

    This isn't feasible. The metamagic system is designed such that you can apply more than one metamagic for a single spell at once. To do this would require I make a copy of each spell for every possible metamagic combination, which would be creating hundreds of thousands of new spell files.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited October 2021

    Thankee! I wanted to be sure I understood things correctly.

    Bubb is also reworking EEex for 2.6. Once this is done, what are your plans for updating and expanding your mods? (Perhaps have some UI options to add metamagic to contingency, etc.)
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited October 2021
    I installed EEex and Familiars Deliver Touch Spells. In-game, how do I make my familiar deliver touch spells?

    Should units be able to cast through Walls of Force and Forcecages? It seemed odd that this 'invincible' barrier could be so easily circumvented. (Thicker walls would prevent melee from working.)
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Endarire wrote: »
    I installed EEex and Familiars Deliver Touch Spells. In-game, how do I make my familiar deliver touch spells?

    Put your familiar next to the enemy while your character isn't next to them, then cast the spell on them.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited October 2021
    I tested and EET seems to prevent the familiar touch spells from working. I made a Sor with Shocking Grasp and Find Familiar. I put my familiar next to Firebeard Elvenhair in the Candlekeep inn. I cast Shocking Grasp far from my familiar and Firebeard. I'm given no way to retarget Shocking Grasp & Chill Touch. The same thing happened with Ghoul Touch.

    I tried making a Cleric/Mage in a 2 member party. She prepared Cure Light Wounds with her familiar out and I cast Cure Light Wounds with the familiar next to an injured party member. Nothing happened. The spell wasn't cast. When I moved the familiar away from the injured party member, I could cast Cure Light Wounds on the injured party member by having the Cleric/Mage walk to that person and cast CLW. The same thing happened with Vampiric Touch.

    Incorporating this code may fix the problem.

    Mod Wad in thie Order: DLCMerger, EET, EEex, OlvynSpells (new spells, metamagic feats, and familiars deliver touch spells among other features), Worldmap, EET_End

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    It's been a week. What's your response to this research about EET preventing familiar touch spells from working?

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    With Spell Revisions installed before OlvynSpells, the description for displacement is inaccurate. It says the spell range is Long but it's really Self-Only.
  • SardukeSarduke Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2021
    Hello every one
    Need help with install
    im using bg2ee 2.6
    Installed the new EEex that is compatible with version 2.6 No problems
    Then i installed Olvyn spells it installed fine no errors.
    But when i went to use InfinityLoader to boot game got 2 LUA ERRORS flhab1wgd583.png
    I get these 2 errors any help would be appreciated really love this mod.
    Happy holidays
    Also hehe forgot to say this is an EET install

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    The newest EEex as of this writing isn't yet compatible with EEex-required mods. Stay with 2.5 for the moment to use said mods.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Once EEex is updated for 2.6, what do you plan to fix/add for OlvynSpells?

  • AzirAzir Member Posts: 4
    Does the mod works in 2.6 if i dont have EEex to use the spells that don't need it?
  • Ryan72511Ryan72511 Member Posts: 2
    this mod is very cool but i do have some questions.
    I'm playing IWDEE to be clear.
    1. can you HLA abilities in this mod if you play IWDEE and if so how? do you get level 10 spells in this mod are they quest-based or do they count as HLAs?
  • Ryan72511Ryan72511 Member Posts: 2
    I just found a bug "widen spell" at least with the sleep spell does not use up a level 2 spell use for my sorcerer long story short it's a free cast.
  • HiroHiro Member Posts: 1
    Sarduke wrote: »
    Hello every one
    Need help with install
    im using bg2ee 2.6
    Installed the new EEex that is compatible with version 2.6 No problems
    Then i installed Olvyn spells it installed fine no errors.
    But when i went to use InfinityLoader to boot game got 2 LUA ERRORS flhab1wgd583.png
    I get these 2 errors any help would be appreciated really love this mod.
    Happy holidays
    Also hehe forgot to say this is an EET install

    I m having the same issue. The following post suggests staying on 2.5 edition of the game.
    Any news on an update maybe?

    The mod seems really really nice.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    The problem is that @Bubb hasn't yet updated the 2.6 EEex to support OlvynSpells. OlvynChuru and I have been eagerly awaiting the appropriate update(s) to realize this.

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I also tested today EEex 0.9.7 for 2.6 and OlvynSpells 2.2. I got the same errors as Hiro.

    The new spells weren't available to learn at character creation, but I found new scrolls of arcane spells at High Hedge. I installed the ability for familiars to use touch spells but that didn't work.

    In short, give Bubb time to finish updating EEex for OlvynSpells.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited August 2022
    The mod looks great with many interesting features and ideas. Is there any kind of readme available ?

    While waiting for an updated version of EEex, i am focusing on the components that play with Paladins and Rangers spells:

    980 - Let Rangers and Paladins gain spells quicker and up to 6th-level spells *
    990 - Let Rangers and Paladins cast spells at their full caster level

    In my opinion very nice ideas to make thoses classes shine at low levels and later on also. I guess they don't need EEex.

    * Does this component is related to opcode 191 effects ?

    Subtledoctor in G3 reports that op191may have issues with stacking...It is beyond my knowledge but are we expecting potential issues installing "980 - Let Rangers and Paladins gain spells quicker and up to 6th-level spells" ?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    Subtledoctor in G3 reports that op191may have issues with stacking...It is beyond my knowledge but are we expecting potential issues installing "980 - Let Rangers and Paladins gain spells quicker and up to 6th-level spells" ?

    As long as you don't install anything else that messes around with the caster level of rangers or paladins, it shouldn't be a problem.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Bubb released EEex 0.98. I'm unsure if this has all you seek to update your mods to 2.6, but this is a reminder if so.

    Request for OlvynSpells when it's time: spectral hand! This way, people can remotely deliver some touch spells regardless of their familiar!
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited October 2022
    Has anybody gotten the latest version of this mod to work without EEex installed?

    The "New spells" component causes my BG2:EE on Linux to reliably crash on starting a new game (or on loading a savegame), even when installed in a fresh installation with no other mods.

    According to `gdb`, the crash happens in the "DecodeEffect" function:
    Thread 1 "BaldursGateII" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    #0  0x0000555555543c1f in CGameEffect::DecodeEffect(Item_effect_st*, CPoint const&, int, CPoint const&, int) ()
    #1  0x000055555561fb69 in CSpell::GetAbilityEffect(int, int, CGameObject*) const ()
    #2  0x00005555558bd170 in CGameAIBase::ApplySpell(CGameSprite*) ()
    #3  0x00005555554e5475 in CGameAIBase::ExecuteAction() ()
    #4  0x00005555554d122d in CGameAIBase::DoAction() ()
    #5  0x00005555554e267b in CGameAIBase::ProcessAI() ()
    #6  0x000055555571876f in CScreenWorld::AsynchronousUpdate(int) ()
    #7  0x00005555558f9557 in CChitin::AsynchronousUpdate(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) ()
    #8  0x00005555554a59e9 in CBaldurChitin::AsynchronousUpdate(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) ()
    #9  0x00005555558fd6d9 in CChitin::Update() ()
    #10 0x00005555558fd788 in CChitin::WinMain() ()
    #11 0x00005555554988d8 in main ()

    According to `strace`, the last system-calls made before the crash are (apparently) opening and reading the file `override/meperms1.spl`:
    openat(AT_FDCWD, "[...]/game/override/meperms1.spl", O_RDONLY) = 40
    lseek(40, 0, SEEK_CUR)                  = 0
    newfstatat(40, "", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0777, st_size=346, ...}, AT_EMPTY_PATH) = 0
    newfstatat(40, "", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0777, st_size=346, ...}, AT_EMPTY_PATH) = 0
    lseek(40, 0, SEEK_SET)                  = 0
    read(40, "SPL V1  \377\377\377\377\177\226\230\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\4\0\0\0"..., 346) = 346
    lseek(40, 346, SEEK_SET)                = 346
    close(40)                               = 0
    --- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_MAPERR, si_addr=0x150} ---
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Version 2.2.1 is released.

    @ineth This version should work correctly if you don't have EEex installed.

  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    Wow, you're quick!
    This new version seems to work, thanks.
  • BlackstoneBlackstone Member Posts: 15
    The latest version doesn't seem to work properly in Throne of Bhaal. I started a new game in ToB to test out some of the spells and it gets stuck on a black screen. If I save and quit, I load into the game but the stone heads dialogue never starts. This was on a clean install with just the latest version of your mod. The spells themselves seem to work fine though and I'd really like to use them in a new run. Any idea what's going on?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    OlvynSpells is intended for an EEex version that as of this writing only works on 2.5.
  • BlackstoneBlackstone Member Posts: 15
    @Endarire 2.2.1 is supposed to work without EEX.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Were you using EET?
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