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[v2.5.0] OlvynSpells: 150 New Spells for BG:EE, BG2:EE, IWD:EE and EET



  • TylerDurdenTylerDurden Member Posts: 17
    Does anyone know if this mod is compatible with SCS? I'd love to try it out but I want to play with SCS too.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    The two mods don't affect each other.
  • kaiiakkaiiak Member Posts: 20
    edited September 2023
    @OlvynChuru - since 2.6 none of the metamagic is working for me . I can see the lua functions in the memm00X spl and the functions seems fine to me. I added print statements in the LUA functions and I can it being called . but the projectile is not mutated (sage spell still causing damage) . Widen spell indicator shows larger circles pre cast , but the effect actuals radius is not mutated
    Post edited by kaiiak on
  • TemarielTemariel Member Posts: 42
    edited October 2023

    I'm getting this resulting specifically from the combination of EEeX optional components (not core) and your mod here. These tracebacks infinitely repeat. I suppose they might have the potential to cause some in-game stuttering, although on my system I can't notice it if that is the case.

    I've potentially narrowed it down to:

    ~MESPELLS\MESPELLS.TP2~ #0 #14131 // Increase the duration of Negative Plane Protection to 8 hours: 2.5.0

    This is the only addition from your mod that has been constant in my install (over 40+ iterations), but the problem may persist with any component. I haven't tested.

    Removing EEeX optional components resolves it. Vice versa, removing the entirety of your mod and keeping EEeX optional components solves it. However, Bubb has ruled it out as an EEeX problem. Apparently the fault lies in OlvynSpells.

    It seems beamdog doesn't allow weidu.log posting here, but my installation is an EET installation that includes SRR. I have tried putting your mod both before and after SRR. The result is the same.

  • outreblivionoutreblivion Member Posts: 1
    @Olvynchuru - I can't wait to begin my new playthrough of Olvynchurudale (Icewind Dale EE, Improved Heart of Fury + Olvyn Spells)! But I noticed some spells like Create PIt, Sphere of Reverse Gravity, Levitate, and Metamagics like Safe Spell don't quite seem to be working right now.

    Here's the Weidu.log from my test on Icewind Dale EE v2.6.6.0, with only the latest EEex master and Olvyn Spells v2.5:
    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~EEEX/EEEX.TP2~ #0 #0 // EEex: master
    ~EEEX/EEEX.TP2~ #0 #1 // Enable effect menu module - LShift-on-hover to view spells affecting creature: master
    ~MESPELLS\MESPELLS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // New spells -> Add all the new spells to the game, including the really powerful spells: 2.5.0
    ~MESPELLS\MESPELLS.TP2~ #0 #1100 // Add 3E-like Metamagic abilities to the game: 2.5.0

    Also, would you be implementing some of the spells we see in IWD2:EE into Olvyn Spells? I like your newer implementation of Sphere of Reverse Gravity (with the new graphics and fall damage) there too.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193

    Hello your mod is honestly really really awesome, (linked portals spell is honestly a gold Idea when you think of how dimension gate works actually).

    But I just wanted to point a possible bug in your mod, two actually.

    Firstly your mod I think isn't supposed to install certain spells if the person doesn't have EEex.
    But it still installed MEWI258 on my install, which was causing my game to crash on rest, until I was able to ask from help from someone else to look into it all for me on what was the cause.

    Secondly your delayed fireball from what I read isn't supposed to use EEex but was looking for it on my install, causing my game to also crash whenever I cast the spell.

    Just wanted to point this out to you.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    planning to install this mod. I have a question: how do you justify other npcs not using the spells available here? :P

    I'm kinda undecided to install it for this reason.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Ulkesh wrote: »
    planning to install this mod. I have a question: how do you justify other npcs not using the spells available here? :P

    I'm kinda undecided to install it for this reason.

    It would require an enormous amount of work to script NPCs in a bunch of different games to cast these spells. I've done it for High Power Baldur's Gate (since that's the mod I originally made most of these spells for), but I don't plan on doing it for BG2EE or IWDEE.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    Thanks, I imagined it would. I will ponder a bit more about the mod.

    By the way, the
    resurrection spell for evil clerics is insane and great
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    A problem that Bubb helped me last night to find. I had only installed some of the spell tweaks, but not the new spells. Starting a new BG2 game, and after recruiting Yoshimo, the game started to slow down to a snail crawl. I managed to track this to a couple of mods changing the way stats and racial bonuses work, and then EEex' stutter detector led me to M__MEFUN.lua, which a changelog tells me originates from the Bless/Curse component.

    As Bubb explained to me, the function EEex_GetActorStat was referencing a internal EEex variable that he's done with for a while, EEex_Stats_FirstExtendedStatID. Replacing it with 203 solved *some* of the slowdown, but not all.

    EEex started complaining about the line
    if me_ceiling_height[areaRES] ~= nil then
    in the function EEex_HeightMod. Bubb commented that "me_ceiling_height should be defined by another file. M_MECBG1.LUA / M_MECBG2.LUA / M_MECEET.LUA / M_MECIWD.LUA". We didn't go much further than that.

    My bigger concern even if the code was spotless, is that from what I can understand reading M__MEFUN.lua is that it's mainly EEex functionality for the new spells. So I don't understand why the Bless/Curse improvement component, which is only about reducing a spell casting time, would need it installed in the first place. That and it should probably be prudent to modularize it, given it doubles the size of the next biggest lua file I can see in a megainstall.
  • BlackstoneBlackstone Member Posts: 15

    The Farcast spell doesn't seem to work anymore. I've also tested it on a clean install with just EEex and this mod so it isn't any other mod interfering with it. Thanks for your work on this mod, it makes casters much more fun.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    @OlvynChuru I generally play BGEET on Android like many others, and it seems you set Bounce spell to work only with EEex.

    So I was wondering maybe you could make an alternate itm and spl files for the spell to use possibly Spell Turnings effects in place of what you originally made (given bounce spell's description reads very much like spell turning), but tweaked to act like your original bounce spell.

    Just so it works on android , since unlike the other components of your mod ,that spell gets installed regardless of whether EEex is present or not.
  • scruffysethscruffyseth Member Posts: 1
    Hello, I'm having some trouble getting OlvynSpells to work with the effect menu module of EEex. If I just install EEex, the module works just fine, but as soon as I install OlvynSpells, the shift-hover functionality stops working.

    A previous comment mentions this line: B3EffectMenu_Stat_Required = false in the B3EFMEN.lua file, but I cannot find it in the version of EEex that I am using. Is it just that OlvynSpells isn't compatible with the most recent version of EEex?

    Any advice on this problem would be much appreciated!
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited August 2024
    When the Paladins of Faerûn Quest Pack mod is installed, then OlvynSpells' component "New spells -> Add all the new spells to the game, including the really powerful spells" fails with the following error (on Linux):
    ERROR: illegal 228-byte read from offset 3212 of 3212-byte file XG0319.ARE
    ERROR: [XG0319.ARE] -> [override/XG0319.ARE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("XG0319.ARE: read out of bounds"))
    Stopping installation because of error.

    Does this mean that the "override/XG0319.ARE" file installed by the Paladins mod is somehow defective, or is it an issue with OlvynSpells?
    I've attached that file in case it helps.
  • AtomixxAtomixx Member Posts: 4
    Hey hey. Thanks for this mod. I've been having a blast playing around with the spells in BG2:EE and have seen minimal issues - Bar one or two spells not functioning correctly. The ones that come to mind are the gravity field spell, and the pit spell. They don't seem to do anything, despite having EEex installed.

    Also, and more critically - I just downloaded this for BG1:EE to play around with the spells there, and all of the spells are missing their proper names/descriptions.... I've probably just done something silly but hoping you, or someone else can help? Screenshot attached so you can see what I mean. Dimension Door is also not working for me and simply just informs me that my character is "Unaffected By effects" etc.masiwq5r1l05.png

    Is this all a simple misunderstanding on my part of installing the wrong version of the mod...? I think I got the latest, and other spells are "functional", but still have the text issues. Thanks in advance, and keep up the great work :smile:
  • CrazedSlayerCrazedSlayer Member Posts: 131

    Hello your mod is honestly really really awesome, (linked portals spell is honestly a gold Idea when you think of how dimension gate works actually).

    But I just wanted to point a possible bug in your mod, two actually.

    Firstly your mod I think isn't supposed to install certain spells if the person doesn't have EEex.
    But it still installed MEWI258 on my install, which was causing my game to crash on rest, until I was able to ask from help from someone else to look into it all for me on what was the cause.

    Secondly your delayed fireball from what I read isn't supposed to use EEex but was looking for it on my install, causing my game to also crash whenever I cast the spell.

    Just wanted to point this out to you.

    Thanks for your input @DraikenWeAre . I've had massive problems with my game crashing on rest for unclear reasons, your suggestion got me to delete 'MEWI258' files and this fixed it.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    @CrazedSlayer Glad I could Help.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    This new update makes OlvynSpells compatible with the current version of EEex and adds the following spells:

    * Hide Campsite (2nd-level ranger spell)
    * Chaos Teleport (1st-level mage spell)
    * Flaming Sphere (2nd-level mage spell)

  • NinetyDancingRatsNinetyDancingRats Member Posts: 1
    Hey guys, tried installing, but I keep getting an error. I don't much about WeiDu or IE modding, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the TP2 file. What that something is, I don't know. Here's the debug log, if anyone has any sort of input, it would really help.

    I know that's a lot of text, so what in case you don't feel like parsing through: My problem are the ones associated with the "Undefined String"
  • BlackstoneBlackstone Member Posts: 15
    Thanks for updating the mod!
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