Ensure you use the master EEex for now, not the latest release.
Thanks - I've found its also (after a few hours of play today and the new spells gradually being incorporated into various party members spell books, etc) that its also made resting unstable and the game crashes whenever you try to rest. Couldn't identify a specific spell or change prior to it starting as cause. Completely uninstalling OS and cleaning the game save with eeKeeper (i.e. going through each party member's spell tabs so eeKeeper automatically removes the 'custom' OS entries then saving a copy of the game save) resolves both issues (start up error and resting crash) and game save is loadable, playable, and resting works...
@Endarire / @OlvynChuru Do you know if installing EEex Master will possibly resolve this resting bug too - is that a know issue previously with OS?
I've reinstalled temporarily for now with the EEex standard release but (a) have installed OS very last of all - after Powergaming Scripts & SOD to BG2EE Item Upgrade mod - and (b) only enabled one change to existing spells (NPP lasting 8 hours); and not installed any of the new spells. Was planning to test if the resting issue reoccurs (and depending on guidance/response to question above I'll look to reinstall with the Master EEex in the next few hours of game play while continuing testing the rest issue doesn't reappear - if it does even with Master EEex I'll have to uninstall OS for now I guess).
When i hope I'm flying, enemy Melee attack doesn't work(only arrow or magic), and I hope the enemy Wizards, dragons, lich can fly ^^
but now you're a still god of mod!!
thank you so much
Might be a stupid question; but the that green line that appear before casting the spell - is it part of your mod (Olvyn Spells) or is it a plugin for EEX? Also seen a few where you can track the radius of AoE spells such as fireball.
Might be a stupid question; but the that green line that appear before casting the spell - is it part of your mod (Olvyn Spells) or is it a plugin for EEX? Also seen a few where you can track the radius of AoE spells such as fireball.
It's a feature of the EEs, not EEex.
In the folder "Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition" which contains your save game folders, there is a file called "Baldur.lua". Open this file in Notepad or another text editor and find the line that says:
The green "line" AoE indicator shown in that video clip when the character casts Rampant Lightning is supposed to be shown when casting a spell with an Agannazar's Scorcher-type AoE. I don't know why it shows that shows that AoE indicator for the Rampant Lightning projectile.
Might be a stupid question; but the that green line that appear before casting the spell - is it part of your mod (Olvyn Spells) or is it a plugin for EEX? Also seen a few where you can track the radius of AoE spells such as fireball.
It's a feature of the EEs, not EEex.
In the folder "Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition" which contains your save game folders, there is a file called "Baldur.lua". Open this file in Notepad or another text editor and find the line that says:
The green "line" AoE indicator shown in that video clip when the character casts Rampant Lightning is supposed to be shown when casting a spell with an Agannazar's Scorcher-type AoE. I don't know why it shows that shows that AoE indicator for the Rampant Lightning projectile.
Simple as that, eh? That's awesome! Thanks for info!
When installing the version 2.5.0 the installer failed at the "Install new spells" part: "ERROR: Failure("BG2624.ARE: read out of bounds")
Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-MESPELLS.DEBUG and look for support at: OlvynChuru"
Added the debug file as .txt.
EDIT: never mind, it's something i'm doing wrong, because attempting with the old version that worked, it does the same
With an alleluia-worthy full update of OlvynSpells to 2.6.6 and EEex compatibility, what say you to adding these spells in a near-term release? (Note that the spell levels listed below are their defaults for 3.5.
My overall goal with this request list is to provide more options to make the game feel more like a tabletop campaign of mixed edition rulesets. The Infinity Engine games and their mods already provide an experience significantly close to what's possible in tabletop, and OlvynSpells has already improved this situation significantly with its many metamagic feats and many, many spells.
>>> SPELLS <<<
Below are many spells that are new to the Infinity Engine but which exist in D&D in some form. Since I'd prefer to make this my final request list for OlvynSpells, I've included all spell effects - accounting for effects already in EET in some form of which I know - that, if implemented, would make the EET spell roster complete for me. My goal for this request list was to fill niches that seemed vacant and provide certain people's favorite spells while also considering what's possible and useful within EEex and EET. (For example, there are many, many damage spells added, and many summons. I didn't focus on these.)
For new spells, suggested spell levels are included. However, these spells may need further balancing to work properly in EET.
Many spell requests below are for IWDIIEE spells to be added to the OlvynSpells mod, even if they require a separate installation option. (I'm unsure why they would but it's an option.)
Auril's Blessing (Dru HLA)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Bestow Curse (Cle3, Sor/Wiz4)
Upon casting this spell, the caster would be able to choose which version to have manifest, a -6 penalty to one ability score (STR, DEX, etc.) to a minimum of 1, a -4 penalty to accuracy, physical damage, and saves, or a 50% chance of being able to act each turn. Spell resistance applies. This spell lasts until dispelled/removed or the creature dies.
This is a touch spell.
Curing Contingency (Cle4)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Darklight's Lightning Web (Sor/Wiz6)
Functions as the Web spell with a -2 save penalty but those caught in the web within take 2d6+7 electrical damage per round with no save, and spell resistance does not apply to this damage. Any creature immune to electrical damage (that is, one with 100% or more electrical resistance) is also immune to being caught in Darklight's Lightning Web.
Darkness (Brd2, Cle2, Sor/Wiz2)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too? (Maybe Obscuring Mist from Spell Revisions does this, and if so, let's use that instead.)
Deathwatch (Cle1, Pal1, Rgr1, Sor/Wiz1)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
(I know IWDIIEE doesn't give Paladins this spell but it also seems appropriate that they have it; hence, its inclusion in my request here.)
Eclectic Sequencer (Generalist Wiz9)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
(I know Eclectic Recall is an OlvynSpell but it's different enough to me to count.)
Energy Weapon (Cle3, Arcane3)
While this alteration is in effect, all physical weapons that character wields deal +d6 cold, electricity, or fire damage per hit. (You choose the energy type upon casting the spell.)
This spell lasts for 1 round per caster level.
Enlarge Creature (Sor/Wiz3)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too but also allow for invisibility, blur, mirror image, and other visual effects on it?
Enervation (Sor/Wiz4)
The target of this necromancy gains d4 negative levels that last for 1 hour per caster level. There is no save but spell resistance applies.
Explosive Smite (Pal6)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Flame Shots (Sor/Wiz3, Rgr4)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too? (Note that the AD&D 2e Flame Arrow spell already does something like this.)
Flaming Sphere (Dru2, Sor/Wiz2)
The sphere this spell evokes is either directly controlled by the party (simple and more likely) or requires some sort of innate ability to control. This sphere damages all those - friend or foe - that come into contact with it, dealing 2d4 fire damage per touch. Each creature can only be damaged by this sphere a maximum of once per round.
Heroes' Feast (Brd6, Cle6)
All allies and conjured creatures immediately gain d8 temporary HP + 1 per 2 caster levels (maximum d8 + 10) and are healed of all diseases and poisons. They are also immune to poison, fear, and hopelessness for 8 hours.
This spell can only be cast out of combat.
Hide Campsite (Brd1, Cle1, Dru1, Pal 1, Rgr1, Sha1, Sor/Wiz1)
For 24 hours after casting this Illusion spell, you do not trigger any random encounters while resting nor traveling overland, even by creatures capable of using True Seeing.
(This spell is adapted from Pathfinder 1e.)
Imbue with Spell Ability (Cle4, Pal4)
Choose a divine spell you can cast and a friendly target. For 8 hours, that target can now cast that spell once with the caster level, saving throw penalty, etc. as if you had cast it.
Besides, IWDIIEE has this spell. May we get it too?
Ironwood (Dru6, Rgr6, Sha6)
This spell transmutes a chosen body armor or shield to nonmetal, allowing Druids to wear it freely and without penalty. The duration is permanent and undispellable.
Jester's Party (Brd8)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
(PS: This is hilarious!)
Lightning Leap (Sor/Wiz5)
Warps the caster a significant distance (likely beyond the 26' limit) and does lightning bolt damage (d6 electrical damage per caster level to a maximum of 15d6) to all foes (or all creatures if you're feeling less generous) in this line. Useful as an escape option, but also to mimic the Flash.
(The OlvynSpell Steel Wind Strike is similar in concept.)
Liveoak AKA Summon Treant (Dru6)
Conjures a treant to serve the party for 8 hours. Counts against the summon unit limit. (SoD added the treant creature model.)
Magic Jar (Sor/Wiz5)
Possess a creature for 1 hour per caster level on a failed save vs. spell at a -2 penalty. (Spell resistance applies.)
While the spell is active, the caster becomes immobile, but transfers most of its abilities (casting, mental stats, feats and most class features), but uses its host body’s STR/DEX/CON/size/natural weapons/HP.
A simple route would be to allow possessing only one body per casting, but the RAW and more complex route is to allow body switching at-will as a standard action. Protection from Evil and its derivatives block Magic Jar.
For the sake of simplicity, Magic Jar has no maximum range once a creature is possessed, and if your possessed body or your normal body dies, you die. (Normally, if a creature you possess dies while you possess it, you resume controlling your body if it’s in range or die otherwise. I’d prefer to keep the ‘end the spell effect on possessed body’s death’ without the maximum range auto-killing you.)
(NOTE: Shadow Magic has the Possess spell which functions similarly to how I imagine Magic Jar working.
Mark of Justice (Lawful Cle5, Lawful Pal4)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Mass Harm (Cle HLA)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Mental Pinnacle (Arcane6)
With this alteration in effect, you lose your spellcasting ability but can use the a variety of psionic innate abilities at will as listed below for the duration of this spell, 1 round per caster level. Even with Improved Alacrity active, you can only use one of these per round.
Normally, psionic abilities are unaffected by deafness, silence, miscast magic, and wild magic. Since they aren't magic abilities, spell resistance doesn't apply to them and they can't be dispelled. These abilities usually have no associated school of magic like Enchantment, meaning Spell Immunity won't block them. They normally ignore spells which block or absorb spells of a certain level, such as Globe of Invulerability or Spell Trap.
The activation time of all these abilities is 0, as if casting a spell with no cast time. This also means activating these abilities can't be interrupted like typical spellcasting can.
Your manifester level for these effects is equal to your caster level for Mental Pinnacle at the time you cast it.
-Ballistic Attack
-Ego Whip
-Improved Invisibility
-Planar Travel (Dimension Door)
-Psionic Blast
-Psionic Domination
-Psionic Maze
(NOTE: Psionic powers listed here are all that I could find in vanilla from a combination of Entu the Psionic Planar Sphere Halfling, Githyanki, and Illithids plus Improved Invisibility since SCS Illithids used it.)
Omnivision (?) & Mass Omnivision (Sor/Wiz9)
IWDIIEE already has these spells. May we get them too?
(I also know Extend Vision is an OlvynSpell. Does it do the same thing for 1 creature?)
Peaceful Alacrity (Arcane1, Divine1)
While this alteration is active, your entire party including conjured units moves at the maximum movement speed - but only while out of combat. In combat, you move at your normal speed.
This spell lasts 8 hours or until dispelled.
Perception Filter (Brd3, Sor/Wiz3)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Plane Shift (Cle5, Sor/Wiz7)
This spell would offer a save vs. spell (likely with a penalty) or be 'slain' from being shifted off-plane. Death ward and immunity to death effects would not prevent this slay effect.
This is a touch spell.
Polymorph Any Object (Sor/Wiz8)
Upon casting this multipurpose spell, the user chooses one of these options.
-Convert sellable item to gold. This option effectively sells a sellable object in the caster's inventory at its base price. (Reputation and CHA don't affect the price.)
-Disintegrate on the target as per the spell.
-Flesh to Stone on the target as per the spell.
-Haste on the targets as per the spell, but without the fatigue afterward.
-Improved Haste on the target as per the spell.
-Polymorph Other on the target as per the spell.
-Polymorph Self on the target as per the spell.
-Protection from Petrification as per the spell but affecting all allies in a 20' radius.
-Slow (multi target) on the area as per the spell.
-Stone to Flesh on the target as per the spell.
-Transmute equippable body armor or shield to nonmetal. This allows Druids to equip them, even if the graphic is metal full plate. The duration is permanent and undispellable.
-Transmute equippable weapon to cold iron & silver. This adds the cold iron and silver properties to any weapon for purposes of bypassing DR. The duration is permanent and undispellable.
Quiver of Plenty (Rgr3)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Reduce Creature (Sor/Wiz3)
There was talk about this spell effectively being the opposite animation process of Enlarge Creature. May we get it too but also allow for invisibility, blur, mirror image, and other visual effects on it?
Repulsion (Brd7, Cle6, Sor/Wiz7)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
(I know Repulse is already an OlvynSpell but being able to continuously repel hostile creatures also appealed to me. Perhaps call the current level 1 version Instant Repulse or Rejection.)
Second Chance (Brd5, Cle6)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Shield Other (Cle2, Pal1)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Simple Summoning (Brd2, Cle2, Sor/Wiz1)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Skeleton Traps (Sor/Wiz7)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
(PS: It's hilarious!)
Soul Bind (?)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Spectral Hand (Sor/Wiz2)
Conjures an incorporeal and maybe invincible hand that allows remote delivery of touch spells like the familiar option.
Spellstaff (Dru6)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Steal Effects (Brd6, Sor/Wiz7)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Sympathy (Brd6, Dru7, Sor/Wiz7)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Sticks to Snakes (Cle4, Dru4, Rgr3, Sha4)
This alteration spell transforms easily-obtained brush and wood into live snakes that serve you for 30 rounds. Each of these snakes has the statistics of a snake type listed here.
At caster level 7, you bring forth 1 amphisbaena.
At caster level 9, you bring forth 2 amphisbaenas.
At caster level 11 or higher , you bring forth 2 amphisbaenas and 1 boalisk.
(I linked the Pathfinder 1e version since it seemed like a better defined version of the AD&D 2e Sticks to Snakes spell. This request is also for ProJared who claimed this spell is his favorite in all of D&D.)
Telekinesis (Sor/Wiz5)
For 1 round per caster level and with no spell resistance check, you can manipulate objects (doors, containers, traps, etc.) remotely as if you were standing beside them. (This doesn't apply to remotely talking to creatures.) If you have thieving skills like Open Lock or Disarm Trap, you can use them remotely as well. This part of Telekinesis functions continuously while the spell is in effect.
Also, you perform any of the below tricks to a maximum of one trick per round, as if casting a spell. (These tricks are innate abilities, but can trigger wild surges if used in areas of wild magic.) If used on an enemy, a save vs. spell at a -2 penalty negates but Telekinesis ignores spell resistance. (Some creatures, especially big creatures like dragons or giants, are immune to at least some of these effects.)
-Disarm: Swiftly removes whatever the creature is holding in its hands if the items are droppable. Doesn't apply to natural weapons like claws or magically-conjured weaponry like Flame Blades.
-Pull: Swiftly draws a creature to the caster a maximum of 26' and takes d6 crushing damage per 2 caster levels to a maximum of maximum 10d6.
-Push: Swiftly knocks a creature back from the caster a maximum of 26' and takes d6 crushing damage per 2 caster levels to a maximum of maximum 10d6.
-Suspend: The target levitates in midair (as per the Levitate spell) for the duration of Telekeinsis and takes 3d6 crushing damage as falling damage after this effect ends, even if it is dispelled.
-Trip: The target is knocked prone for 1 round.
-Violent Thrust: The target is forcefully thrown upward into the air and down to the ground again, taking d6 crushing damage per caster level as falling damage (maximum 20d6). Upon landing, it is knocked prone for 2 rounds. Using this ability ends the duration of Telekinesis.
Telekinetic Weaponry (Brd3, Sor/Wiz3)
While this alteration is active, any melee weapon you wield has a reach of 26' instead of its normal reach, allowing you to attack creatures much farther away than normal. These attacks are considered in all regards as melee attacks, not ranged attacks.
This spell lasts 1 round per caster level.
(The IWDII Mordenkainen's Sword spell functioned similarly.)
Total Control (Enchanter9)
You seemingly liked this concept - a single mind control spell that works on anything not warded by protection from evil, mind blank, or similar. Alternatively, use the IWDII interpretation of Enslave instead of the current OlvynSpells one and we're set on this point!
Translocation Trick (Brd2, Sor/Wiz2)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Wall of Ice (Arcane 4)
When you cast this invocation, a 10’ long wall of solid ice assembles before you at the point in space you specify if there is ample room. It has 20 AC and 10 HP per caster level. Merely standing within 5' of this wall does d6 cold damage + 1 per caster level per round with no save (maximum d6+20), but spell resistance applies.
This wall the following resistances and immunities:
100% resistance (immunity) to cold, electricity, and poison.
50% resistance to acid and magic.
100% vulnerability (-100% resistance) to fire.
75% resistance to physical damage (crushing, missile, piercing, and slashing).
-Immune to all status effects.
This wall can’t be resurrected nor healed, nor can it attack nor move.
A Wall of Ice does not count against the summoned creature limit.
These were spells that intrigued me, but which I was unsure how feasible their implementation would be.
Permanency (Arcane5)
I think many EET players would gladly pay a significant cost in cash or/and EXP to ensure they never had to manually buff before every fight. (I know buff scripts exist. Thanks, Morpheus!) This spell is in the questionable category since Persistent Spell and Extend Spell already exist.
My interpretation of Permanency - a Universal spell:
When you cast Permanency, the next non-hostile spell you cast within 2 rounds that targets a creature or an area has its duration changed to permanent. At the time of casting your spell to be made permanent, you must also pay an EXP cost of 1000 EXP per spell level of the spell level to be made permanent.
A dispelled or expended permanent spell in this case is automatically renewed after a successful rest of 8 hours or longer.
Certain spells simply can't be made permanent via Permanency, such as these:
-Spells that animate or conjure creatures such as Animate Dead or Call Woodland Beings. This also includes spells that make illusory duplicates like Clone Other or Simulacrum. (Diablo II Kits has Decoy
(NOTE: Because of the ability to redirect spells, I accounted for more spells than I normally would.)
Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, and Shades Spells
These illusions partially mimic Sor/Wiz conjuration and evocations respectively. Casting these spells has the player choose which spell to mimic from what may be a long list, which while versatile, is questionably practical. (There are tens or hundreds of potential spells, and sorting through the list each time may be meh.) There's also the matter of partial reality and nonbelievers taking partial effect, but that was my secondary concern.
As with my spell requests, since I'd prefer to make this my final request for metamagic abilities, here it is. Like with the spell list above, I preferred to focus on the most important options while minimizing redundancy. I considered game balance more with metamagics since this mod automatically grants them to all casters and D&D 3.5 tabletop standards for balance and EET standards for balance differ. However, these metamagics may need further balancing to work properly in EET.
Animating Spell: +3 Spell Slot Levels
Any creature slain by an Animating Spell is instantly revived as an undead creature under your control as per the Reanimate spell. This animated creature's type becomes undead but can still use its spells and abilities.
These creature types can't be animated via Animating Spell:
-Any creature with more total hit dice than your caster level for Animating Spell.
-Extraplanar creatures like angels, demons, devils, and elementals.
Chain Spell: +2 Spell Slot Levels
Chain Spell only applies to spells that target a creature. Unlike with the metamagic Mass Spell, self-only range spells and area spells are excluded.
A Chain Spell targets a creature then affects all creatures within 30' of it, even ones you can't see. Hostile spells such as magic Missile or Melf's Acid Arrow affect only enemies in range while beneficial spells such as Blur or Death Ward affect all allies in range.
Saves and spell resistance apply as normal to each target.
(Maybe this uses the Chain Lightning graphic or just shoots the appropriate projectiles at all creatures in range as prudent.)
Delay Spell: +0 Spell Slot Levels
Instead of taking effect upon casting, Delay Spell changes a spell to take effect in a number of rounds that you specify - 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. This spell takes effect at the start of your turn on that round.
Sometimes, this is used to ensure the spell is cast in a safe environment before combat, or used as a trap.
Elemental Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
Elemental Spell changes the damage type for a spell to be cold, electricity, or fire - your choice when casting the spell. The spell's visuals do not change.
Elemental Spell only applies to spells that deal acid, cold, electricity, fire, magic, or/and poison damage.
Enervating Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
Any creature that takes damage or at least 1 negative level by this spell gains an additional negative level. There is no save for this additional negative level but spell resistance applies.
Negative levels from this metamagic last for 1 hour per caster level or until removed, whichever comes first.
Entangling Spell: +2 Spell Slot Levels
Any creature that takes HP damage from this spell is also Entangled as per the Entangle spell for 1 round with no save. Spell resistance doesn't apply to this metamagic entanglement.
Knockback Spell: +2 Spell Slot Levels
Knockback Spell only applies to spells with an area. Self-only, single-target and touch spells are unaffected.
In addition to its typical effect, a Knockback Spell deals d8+12 crushing damage and the subject is forcefully pushed 26' away from the spell. A successful save vs. breath at a -2 penalty negates the effects of this knockback, including the damage. Spell resistance doesn't apply.
Any creature knocked back must also save vs. death at a -2 penalty or be knocked unconscious for 1 round. Spell resistance and immunity to sleep effects also don't apply.
Some especially large creatures like dragons and giants are immune to the effects of Knockback Spell.
Imbued Summoning: +1 Spell Slot Level
Immediately after casting the Imbued Summoning spell - which must conjure or animate at least 1 creature - the caster must attempt to cast another spell of any level that targets a single ally or creature or that affects allies in an area. If successfully cast, this second spell immediately applies to all units conjured or animated by the first spell. Personal-only spells such as Stoneskin can't be imbued this way.
For example, using Imbued Summoning on Animate Dead, a caster can apply Blur, Chaotic Commands, Haste, Improved Invisibility, Regeneration, or one of many other beneficial spells on all creatures animated via one casting of Animate Dead. A particularly whimsical caster may imbue the summons with Sacrificial Explosion.
The imbued spell may be affected by metamagic as normal.
For another example, a Druid could use Imbued Summoning on Call Woodland Beings (a level 5 spell slot) to conjure a nymph, then cast Extended Barkskin to improve her AC, Extended Free Action to prevent her from being Entangled, or Extended Neutralize Poison to prevent her from taking poison damage. This Druid could hypothetically cast Persistent Barkskin on this nymph, though conjured nymph's duration would normally expire long before the Persistent Spell did.
Penetrating Spell: +1 to +8 Spell Slot Levels
A Penetrating Spell gives +10% to overcome spell resistance per spell slot level increase used. This stacks with other sources of spell resistance reduction such as the spell Lower Resistance.
Previously Personal Spell: +3 Spell Slot Levels
Previously Personal Spell changes the range of the next self-only spell you cast, such as Mirror Image or Stoneskin, to be touch range.
Reach Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
Reach Spell changes the range of touch spells to be any creature within vision, to a maximum of 26'.
Reach Spell changes the range of any other spell with a range less than 26' to be 26'. It has no effect on spells with other ranges.
Reach Spell prevents you from delivering the spell as a touch spell via your familiar or other means.
Retributive Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
If you take targeted, physical damage, [Retributive Spell releases a stored targeted spell on your attacker of spell level 2 or below. As your caster level increases, the maximum spell level you can store also increases.
Note that this spell has no effect if you aren't hit or if you're hit for no damage, such as being hit with Stoneskin active on you, or if you're hit by a spell or an area effect.
This effect lasts until discharged or until 8 hours pass, whichever comes first. You may have a maximum of 1 Retributive Spell active on you at a time.
Scaling Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
This increases the maximum caster level on damaging spells such as Magic Missile, Fireball, or Horrid Wilting by 5 caster levels. You still must have the higher caster level to benefit from this metamagic ability,
For example, a Wizard10 applying Scaling Spell to a Magic Missile would get no extra benefit from it since Magic Missile grants +1 projectile per 2 caster levels beyond the first; however, a Wizard13 applying Scaling Spell to Magic Missile would evoke 2 a total of 7 projectiles from Magic Missile, each dealing their normal damage.
For another example, a Wizard11 that applied Scaling Spell to Fireball would deal 11d6 fire damage, while a Wizard16 would deal 15d6 of damage with this spell since Scaling Spell only increases the maximum caster level by 5 .
Still Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
You may cast a Still Spell while Entangled, Held, or Paralyzed, though not while unconscious. Since a Still Spell does not require bodily motion, it also does not require speaking, meaning you can also cast it while Silenced.
Twin Spell: +3 Spell Slot Levels
A Twin Spell is cast twice in very quick succession on the same targets or in the same area. Saving throws, spell resistance, and the summoned unit cap apply to each spell as normal. Metamagic applies as normal to each spell so Twinned.
For example, a Twin Domination means the subject must save twice against the Domination effect. (There is no additional benefit to affecting the same subject twice simultaneously with this spell.)
For another example, a Twin Fireball evokes 2 Fireballs that each deal their own damage, provide their own save, and check spell resistance separately.
For a third example. a Twin Mass Cure heals allies within range twice in short succession which may be enough to save their lives!
Note that Contingency and Sequencer effects provide no additional benefits when Twinned: Only one of each can be in effect on a creature at a time as normal.
Wounding Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
Any creature that takes damage or at least 1 negative level by this spell gains is also drained of 2 points of CON. There is no save for this CON drain but spell resistance applies.
CON drain from this metamagic lasts for 1 hour per caster level or until removed, whichever comes first.
Constructs and undead are immune to the CON drain from this metamagic.
>>> INSTALL OPTIONS <<< Conjured Creatures Can Cross Overworld Map Boundaries Including via Teleport Circle
This does exactly what is says. It only applies to creatures with a long enough duration.
Contingent Resurrection Application Frequency
A subject can be affected by this spell with a frequency level chosen at install time:
-Once per 7 days (default)
-Once per day
-Remove this frequency restriction
>>> FINALLY FOR NOW <<< THANK YOU, OLVYN & BUBB - and thank you testers and contributors - for making OlvynSpells such a wonderful mod and something worth dreaming about! OlvynSpells has already gone a long way toward allowing EET to feel more like tabletop! Alleluia!
Attempted to call global EEex_action_AddEnabledSpriteStartedActionListener (a nil value)
I get this pop up when I run InfinityLoader.exe.
This is what I have in M__MEFUN.lua after installation:
function ME_FMC_ActionbarListener(config)
local actorID = EEex_GetActorIDSelected()
if actorID ~= 0x0 then
-- Infinity_DisplayString(config)
-- Infinity_DisplayString(EEex_GetActorClass(actorID))
if config == 16 and EEex_GetActorClass(actorID) == 17 then
EEex_SetActionbarButton(0x3, EEex_ACTIONBAR_TYPE.FIND_TRAPS)
EEex_SetActionbarButton(0x4, EEex_ACTIONBAR_TYPE.THIEVING)
EEex_SetActionbarButton(0x5, EEex_ACTIONBAR_TYPE.STEALTH)
Currently you need the very latest master branch version of EEex for all the spells to work. The latest actual release of EEex is outdated and doesn't include all the necessary functionality.
You can download the master branch version of EEex here.
Bestow Curse, Curing Contingency, Darkness, Deathwatch, Flaming Sphere, Hide Campsite, Jester's Party, Mark of Justice, Mass Harm, Perception Filter, Quiver of Plenty, Second Chance, Skeleton Traps, Soul Bind, and Sympathy are the ones I might consider implementing.
Regarding Auril's Blessing, druids currently don't have enough spells that deal cold damage for this spell to be worth it.
Regarding Darklight's Lightning Web, Lightning Leap, Liveoak Spectral Hand, and Wall of Ice, the main problem is that I don't have good animations to represent the AoE (or the hand or the treant). The treant animation in SoD and IWD2 is a dark treant, which looks quite different from a real treant.
Regarding Energy Weapon, Flame Shots, Heroes' Feast, and Quiver of Plenty, it is problematic to add more buffs that are useful in every fight, such as buffs that increase your damage output. I added too many of these spells in IWD2EE, and I probably added too many in this mod already.
Spells like Fireball that you cast during combat are balanced by the fact that, aside from Improved Alacrity+Robe of Vecna shenanigans, you only have a limited amount of time in combat to cast those spells before the enemies kill you. You can't just enter combat and instantly cast 20 offensive spells. But you can put on 20 different buffs before combat and gain the benefits of all those buffs simulaneously. The result is that every generally useful buff you add to the game is essentially a permanent increase to the power of the party, without much opportunity cost.
Regarding Enlarge Creature and Reduce Creature, the only reason that Enlarge Creature was possible in IWD2EE was because IWD2 has a special way to increase the size of a character animation in-game. Beamdog's EEs do not. The only way to implement Enlarge Creature in these games would be to create larger animations for every creature animation in the game, which would require many gigabytes of disk space. It's just not feasible. Even just enlarging player character animations would be a problem.
Regarding Explosive Smite, the 2E games don't have the same Smite Evil system that IWD2 has, so the spell would have to work somewhat differently.
Regarding Ironwood and Telekinetic Weaponry, the only way alter the class usability or weapon range of a specific instance of an item would be to replace it with another item that has those properties changed. That would require making extra item files for each item that could be changed, for each way an item could be changed. Not really worth it.
Magic Jar is too similar to Domination, a spell at the same level.
Regarding Mental Pinnacle, it's probably better to leave that up to a mod that adds a psion class to the game, rather than having a mage infringe upon a psion's territory.
Plane Shift is too similar to Finger of Death or Slay Living, two spells at the same level.
Polymorph Any Object has too many options that are redundant (how many ways do you really need to essentially insta-kill someone?) and several options that aren't even polymorphing effects in the first place.
Regarding Repulsion, that would be better off as a component that replaces Repulse Undead with Repulsion. Or you could install Spell Revisions, which does exactly that.
Regarding Telekinesis, currently the only way to allow a character to interact with objects at long range is to set their "personal space" to 0 (which is what the spell Omnipresence does), which also has the side effect of allowing enemies to attack you at long range with melee weapons.
Total Control is too similar to Enslave. I don't need both of those spells.
Permanency is very problematic if you can make high-level spells permanent simply by paying experience (or gold). From my testing, making a spell last 8 hours is a VERY powerful effect (if a spell lasts 1 turn normally, you are multiplying its duration by 40). Making a spell permanent would be even better because you don't even need to use up a spell slot for the spell.
The power of the effects you'd be giving the party with a spell like this is far above the power level of permanent effects the party would normally obtain in these games. For example, consider how satisfying it is to obtain a book that increases 1 character's Strength by 1. Now compare that to if you obtained a book that permanently hasted the entire party. Even Throne of Bhaal doesn't have items like that. And that's just what you can do with a 3rd-level spell combined with Permanency; higher level permanent spells would be even more absurd.
Olvyn, thank you for your thorough and diplomatic response!
I made this request list not being sure how feasible everything would be. What new EEex functionality would be required to make telekinesis and ironwood work, for example? (I kept requesting telekinesis since one of my friend's favorite superpowers is telekinesis and he's made various D&D characters specializing in it.)
For wall of ice, there's the wall of moonlight spell from IWD, but you already used something similar for wall of force.
For Darklight's lightning web, what about using the web graphic with lightning bolts (just the graphics) bouncing around inside or used as glowing anchor points? What about using the sparks from shocking grasp somehow? Your rampant lightning spell seemingly does something similar, but if these lightning bolt graphics (or chain lightning graphics) just formed the right shape, it could act as a web!
For lightning leap, what about just changing a character's graphic into a lightning bolt during transport then changing it back after arrival, or warping the character to the end point and showing a lightning bolt graphic between?
For spectral hand, what about using a version of the Claw of Kazgaroth, or just a small cloud graphic like the cloud produced from a vampire's mist form? What about making a ghostly humanoid with transparent graphics and permanent blur graphics that delivers the spell from its hand? (Perhaps rename the spell spectral spell emissary.)
Imbue with spell ability: I know Mass Spell is in the game already for Mass mirror image, mass stoneskin, etc. However, there's just something appealing about letting a non-caster like the dumbest creature on the map or a summon cast something.
Polymorph any object is intentionally versatile and perhaps redundant in its effects, but I wanted to offer something to make it feel like the very versatile spell it's meant to be.
Recall party: What about changing the spell level to 3 to match IWDIIEE?
Repulsion: I'm glad Spell Revisions already included it!
Shield other: It's a buff but seemingly helps tanks tank better.
Spellstaff: It's a buff, but it's a melee buff that comes late in a Druid's spell progression when they're generally more and more incentivized to stay as ranged casters.
Teleport step: What about reducing this to a level 8 spell to match IWDIIEE?
Total control was my version of your IWDIIEE enslave. Go ahead and use your IWDII enslave instead which can affect any creature type.
Translocation trick: What say you about adding it to OlvynSpells for EET? IWDIIEE seemingly had it as an unused spell and it can produce a seemingly unique effect in or out of combat.
Balance-wise, I understand permanency is either uber or near-useless depending on implementation. You mentioned including a plethora of buffs that parties feel encouraged to use often, and perhaps overdoing it on the buffs. As a buff lover and buff caster player, I get it. Feeling like I had to buff a party of 6+ before every fight manually back in the pre-EE days made me quit BG2 for years. Permanency was a simple and likely too good solution for the sake of convenience.
What say you regarding my aforementioned install options and metamagic feats?
Level: 7
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: Visual range of the caster
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Nearest corpse in 3-ft. radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell "resurrects" the target as an undead creature under the caster's control. Reanimate cannot target a dead creature directly; it should be cast targeting the location of a corpse. The nearest dead creature to the target point, excluding undead, constructs, most extraplanar creatures, and creatures higher level than the caster, will be reanimated. The reanimated creature becomes undead, but can still use its abilities and spells. It is controlled by the caster until destroyed. Reanimate cannot be cast by good characters.
do the reanimated creature follow you through areas? it would be very very cool!
What say you to my previous posts about adding these new spells, metamagics, and install options beyond what you've already said? (Note that I clarified things in previous posts.)
Also, may we have an install option to install either the Made in Heaven Spell Pack or OlvynSpell version of spells listed below like you did with B_Spells and Spell Revisions?
Arcane Spell Table
Ball Lightning (Arcane)
Mass Charm (Arcane)
Polar Ray (Arcane)
Stygian Ice Storm (Arcane)
Divine Spell Table
I found no overlapping names, though I request you also check for effects that are similar enough to warrant inclusion.
Epic Spell (HLA) Table
I found no overlapping names, though I request you also check for effects that are similar enough to warrant inclusion.
PS: What say you to formally including summon cow in OlvynSpells? I know Shards of Ice did it, but you'd do it without mockingly shaming the audience for wanting to use it. Similarly, what say you to formally including Evard's Black Tentacles in OlvynSpells? Angel already included it in his pack, but, like with summon cow, I believe your implementation would be the best one.
Thanks - I've found its also (after a few hours of play today and the new spells gradually being incorporated into various party members spell books, etc) that its also made resting unstable and the game crashes whenever you try to rest. Couldn't identify a specific spell or change prior to it starting as cause. Completely uninstalling OS and cleaning the game save with eeKeeper (i.e. going through each party member's spell tabs so eeKeeper automatically removes the 'custom' OS entries then saving a copy of the game save) resolves both issues (start up error and resting crash) and game save is loadable, playable, and resting works...
@Endarire / @OlvynChuru Do you know if installing EEex Master will possibly resolve this resting bug too - is that a know issue previously with OS?
I've reinstalled temporarily for now with the EEex standard release but (a) have installed OS very last of all - after Powergaming Scripts & SOD to BG2EE Item Upgrade mod - and (b) only enabled one change to existing spells (NPP lasting 8 hours); and not installed any of the new spells. Was planning to test if the resting issue reoccurs (and depending on guidance/response to question above I'll look to reinstall with the Master EEex in the next few hours of game play while continuing testing the rest issue doesn't reappear - if it does even with Master EEex I'll have to uninstall OS for now I guess).
Many Thanks.
This crashed Draiken's game @ G3 discord.
This is now fixed.
but now you're a still god of mod!!
thank you so much
It's a feature of the EEs, not EEex.
In the folder "Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition" which contains your save game folders, there is a file called "Baldur.lua". Open this file in Notepad or another text editor and find the line that says:
Change the 0 to a 1.
The green "line" AoE indicator shown in that video clip when the character casts Rampant Lightning is supposed to be shown when casting a spell with an Agannazar's Scorcher-type AoE. I don't know why it shows that shows that AoE indicator for the Rampant Lightning projectile.
Bubb's EEex master reimplemented opcode 280. Enjoy!
Simple as that, eh?
Version 2.5.0 re-implements Spellshaping: Fireball and Enoll Eva's Duplication.
Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-MESPELLS.DEBUG and look for support at: OlvynChuru"
Added the debug file as .txt.
EDIT: never mind, it's something i'm doing wrong, because attempting with the old version that worked, it does the same
With an alleluia-worthy full update of OlvynSpells to 2.6.6 and EEex compatibility, what say you to adding these spells in a near-term release? (Note that the spell levels listed below are their defaults for 3.5.
My overall goal with this request list is to provide more options to make the game feel more like a tabletop campaign of mixed edition rulesets. The Infinity Engine games and their mods already provide an experience significantly close to what's possible in tabletop, and OlvynSpells has already improved this situation significantly with its many metamagic feats and many, many spells.
>>> SPELLS <<<
Below are many spells that are new to the Infinity Engine but which exist in D&D in some form. Since I'd prefer to make this my final request list for OlvynSpells, I've included all spell effects - accounting for effects already in EET in some form of which I know - that, if implemented, would make the EET spell roster complete for me. My goal for this request list was to fill niches that seemed vacant and provide certain people's favorite spells while also considering what's possible and useful within EEex and EET. (For example, there are many, many damage spells added, and many summons. I didn't focus on these.)
For new spells, suggested spell levels are included. However, these spells may need further balancing to work properly in EET.
Many spell requests below are for IWDIIEE spells to be added to the OlvynSpells mod, even if they require a separate installation option. (I'm unsure why they would but it's an option.)
Auril's Blessing (Dru HLA)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Bestow Curse (Cle3, Sor/Wiz4)
Upon casting this spell, the caster would be able to choose which version to have manifest, a -6 penalty to one ability score (STR, DEX, etc.) to a minimum of 1, a -4 penalty to accuracy, physical damage, and saves, or a 50% chance of being able to act each turn. Spell resistance applies. This spell lasts until dispelled/removed or the creature dies.
This is a touch spell.
Curing Contingency (Cle4)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Darklight's Lightning Web (Sor/Wiz6)
Functions as the Web spell with a -2 save penalty but those caught in the web within take 2d6+7 electrical damage per round with no save, and spell resistance does not apply to this damage. Any creature immune to electrical damage (that is, one with 100% or more electrical resistance) is also immune to being caught in Darklight's Lightning Web.
Darkness (Brd2, Cle2, Sor/Wiz2)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too? (Maybe Obscuring Mist from Spell Revisions does this, and if so, let's use that instead.)
Deathwatch (Cle1, Pal1, Rgr1, Sor/Wiz1)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
(I know IWDIIEE doesn't give Paladins this spell but it also seems appropriate that they have it; hence, its inclusion in my request here.)
Eclectic Sequencer (Generalist Wiz9)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
(I know Eclectic Recall is an OlvynSpell but it's different enough to me to count.)
Energy Weapon (Cle3, Arcane3)
While this alteration is in effect, all physical weapons that character wields deal +d6 cold, electricity, or fire damage per hit. (You choose the energy type upon casting the spell.)
This spell lasts for 1 round per caster level.
Enlarge Creature (Sor/Wiz3)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too but also allow for invisibility, blur, mirror image, and other visual effects on it?
Enervation (Sor/Wiz4)
The target of this necromancy gains d4 negative levels that last for 1 hour per caster level. There is no save but spell resistance applies.
Explosive Smite (Pal6)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Flame Shots (Sor/Wiz3, Rgr4)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too? (Note that the AD&D 2e Flame Arrow spell already does something like this.)
Flaming Sphere (Dru2, Sor/Wiz2)
The sphere this spell evokes is either directly controlled by the party (simple and more likely) or requires some sort of innate ability to control. This sphere damages all those - friend or foe - that come into contact with it, dealing 2d4 fire damage per touch. Each creature can only be damaged by this sphere a maximum of once per round.
Heroes' Feast (Brd6, Cle6)
All allies and conjured creatures immediately gain d8 temporary HP + 1 per 2 caster levels (maximum d8 + 10) and are healed of all diseases and poisons. They are also immune to poison, fear, and hopelessness for 8 hours.
This spell can only be cast out of combat.
Hide Campsite (Brd1, Cle1, Dru1, Pal 1, Rgr1, Sha1, Sor/Wiz1)
For 24 hours after casting this Illusion spell, you do not trigger any random encounters while resting nor traveling overland, even by creatures capable of using True Seeing.
(This spell is adapted from Pathfinder 1e.)
Imbue with Spell Ability (Cle4, Pal4)
Choose a divine spell you can cast and a friendly target. For 8 hours, that target can now cast that spell once with the caster level, saving throw penalty, etc. as if you had cast it.
Besides, IWDIIEE has this spell. May we get it too?
Ironwood (Dru6, Rgr6, Sha6)
This spell transmutes a chosen body armor or shield to nonmetal, allowing Druids to wear it freely and without penalty. The duration is permanent and undispellable.
Jester's Party (Brd8)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
(PS: This is hilarious!)
Lightning Leap (Sor/Wiz5)
Warps the caster a significant distance (likely beyond the 26' limit) and does lightning bolt damage (d6 electrical damage per caster level to a maximum of 15d6) to all foes (or all creatures if you're feeling less generous) in this line. Useful as an escape option, but also to mimic the Flash.
(The OlvynSpell Steel Wind Strike is similar in concept.)
Liveoak AKA Summon Treant (Dru6)
Conjures a treant to serve the party for 8 hours. Counts against the summon unit limit. (SoD added the treant creature model.)
Magic Jar (Sor/Wiz5)
Possess a creature for 1 hour per caster level on a failed save vs. spell at a -2 penalty. (Spell resistance applies.)
While the spell is active, the caster becomes immobile, but transfers most of its abilities (casting, mental stats, feats and most class features), but uses its host body’s STR/DEX/CON/size/natural weapons/HP.
A simple route would be to allow possessing only one body per casting, but the RAW and more complex route is to allow body switching at-will as a standard action. Protection from Evil and its derivatives block Magic Jar.
For the sake of simplicity, Magic Jar has no maximum range once a creature is possessed, and if your possessed body or your normal body dies, you die. (Normally, if a creature you possess dies while you possess it, you resume controlling your body if it’s in range or die otherwise. I’d prefer to keep the ‘end the spell effect on possessed body’s death’ without the maximum range auto-killing you.)
(NOTE: Shadow Magic has the Possess spell which functions similarly to how I imagine Magic Jar working.
Mark of Justice (Lawful Cle5, Lawful Pal4)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Mass Harm (Cle HLA)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Mental Pinnacle (Arcane6)
With this alteration in effect, you lose your spellcasting ability but can use the a variety of psionic innate abilities at will as listed below for the duration of this spell, 1 round per caster level. Even with Improved Alacrity active, you can only use one of these per round.
Normally, psionic abilities are unaffected by deafness, silence, miscast magic, and wild magic. Since they aren't magic abilities, spell resistance doesn't apply to them and they can't be dispelled. These abilities usually have no associated school of magic like Enchantment, meaning Spell Immunity won't block them. They normally ignore spells which block or absorb spells of a certain level, such as Globe of Invulerability or Spell Trap.
The activation time of all these abilities is 0, as if casting a spell with no cast time. This also means activating these abilities can't be interrupted like typical spellcasting can.
Your manifester level for these effects is equal to your caster level for Mental Pinnacle at the time you cast it.
-Ballistic Attack
-Ego Whip
-Improved Invisibility
-Planar Travel (Dimension Door)
-Psionic Blast
-Psionic Domination
-Psionic Maze
(NOTE: Psionic powers listed here are all that I could find in vanilla from a combination of Entu the Psionic Planar Sphere Halfling, Githyanki, and Illithids plus Improved Invisibility since SCS Illithids used it.)
Omnivision (?) & Mass Omnivision (Sor/Wiz9)
IWDIIEE already has these spells. May we get them too?
(I also know Extend Vision is an OlvynSpell. Does it do the same thing for 1 creature?)
Peaceful Alacrity (Arcane1, Divine1)
While this alteration is active, your entire party including conjured units moves at the maximum movement speed - but only while out of combat. In combat, you move at your normal speed.
This spell lasts 8 hours or until dispelled.
Perception Filter (Brd3, Sor/Wiz3)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Plane Shift (Cle5, Sor/Wiz7)
This spell would offer a save vs. spell (likely with a penalty) or be 'slain' from being shifted off-plane. Death ward and immunity to death effects would not prevent this slay effect.
This is a touch spell.
Polymorph Any Object (Sor/Wiz8)
Upon casting this multipurpose spell, the user chooses one of these options.
-Convert sellable item to gold. This option effectively sells a sellable object in the caster's inventory at its base price. (Reputation and CHA don't affect the price.)
-Disintegrate on the target as per the spell.
-Flesh to Stone on the target as per the spell.
-Haste on the targets as per the spell, but without the fatigue afterward.
-Improved Haste on the target as per the spell.
-Polymorph Other on the target as per the spell.
-Polymorph Self on the target as per the spell.
-Protection from Petrification as per the spell but affecting all allies in a 20' radius.
-Slow (multi target) on the area as per the spell.
-Stone to Flesh on the target as per the spell.
-Transmute equippable body armor or shield to nonmetal. This allows Druids to equip them, even if the graphic is metal full plate. The duration is permanent and undispellable.
-Transmute equippable weapon to cold iron & silver. This adds the cold iron and silver properties to any weapon for purposes of bypassing DR. The duration is permanent and undispellable.
Quiver of Plenty (Rgr3)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Reduce Creature (Sor/Wiz3)
There was talk about this spell effectively being the opposite animation process of Enlarge Creature. May we get it too but also allow for invisibility, blur, mirror image, and other visual effects on it?
Repulsion (Brd7, Cle6, Sor/Wiz7)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
(I know Repulse is already an OlvynSpell but being able to continuously repel hostile creatures also appealed to me. Perhaps call the current level 1 version Instant Repulse or Rejection.)
Second Chance (Brd5, Cle6)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Shield Other (Cle2, Pal1)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Simple Summoning (Brd2, Cle2, Sor/Wiz1)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Skeleton Traps (Sor/Wiz7)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
(PS: It's hilarious!)
Soul Bind (?)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Spectral Hand (Sor/Wiz2)
Conjures an incorporeal and maybe invincible hand that allows remote delivery of touch spells like the familiar option.
Spellstaff (Dru6)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Steal Effects (Brd6, Sor/Wiz7)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Sympathy (Brd6, Dru7, Sor/Wiz7)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Sticks to Snakes (Cle4, Dru4, Rgr3, Sha4)
This alteration spell transforms easily-obtained brush and wood into live snakes that serve you for 30 rounds. Each of these snakes has the statistics of a snake type listed here.
At caster level 7, you bring forth 1 amphisbaena.
At caster level 9, you bring forth 2 amphisbaenas.
At caster level 11 or higher , you bring forth 2 amphisbaenas and 1 boalisk.
(I linked the Pathfinder 1e version since it seemed like a better defined version of the AD&D 2e Sticks to Snakes spell. This request is also for ProJared who claimed this spell is his favorite in all of D&D.)
Telekinesis (Sor/Wiz5)
For 1 round per caster level and with no spell resistance check, you can manipulate objects (doors, containers, traps, etc.) remotely as if you were standing beside them. (This doesn't apply to remotely talking to creatures.) If you have thieving skills like Open Lock or Disarm Trap, you can use them remotely as well. This part of Telekinesis functions continuously while the spell is in effect.
Also, you perform any of the below tricks to a maximum of one trick per round, as if casting a spell. (These tricks are innate abilities, but can trigger wild surges if used in areas of wild magic.) If used on an enemy, a save vs. spell at a -2 penalty negates but Telekinesis ignores spell resistance. (Some creatures, especially big creatures like dragons or giants, are immune to at least some of these effects.)
-Disarm: Swiftly removes whatever the creature is holding in its hands if the items are droppable. Doesn't apply to natural weapons like claws or magically-conjured weaponry like Flame Blades.
-Pull: Swiftly draws a creature to the caster a maximum of 26' and takes d6 crushing damage per 2 caster levels to a maximum of maximum 10d6.
-Push: Swiftly knocks a creature back from the caster a maximum of 26' and takes d6 crushing damage per 2 caster levels to a maximum of maximum 10d6.
-Suspend: The target levitates in midair (as per the Levitate spell) for the duration of Telekeinsis and takes 3d6 crushing damage as falling damage after this effect ends, even if it is dispelled.
-Trip: The target is knocked prone for 1 round.
-Violent Thrust: The target is forcefully thrown upward into the air and down to the ground again, taking d6 crushing damage per caster level as falling damage (maximum 20d6). Upon landing, it is knocked prone for 2 rounds. Using this ability ends the duration of Telekinesis.
Telekinetic Weaponry (Brd3, Sor/Wiz3)
While this alteration is active, any melee weapon you wield has a reach of 26' instead of its normal reach, allowing you to attack creatures much farther away than normal. These attacks are considered in all regards as melee attacks, not ranged attacks.
This spell lasts 1 round per caster level.
(The IWDII Mordenkainen's Sword spell functioned similarly.)
Total Control (Enchanter9)
You seemingly liked this concept - a single mind control spell that works on anything not warded by protection from evil, mind blank, or similar. Alternatively, use the IWDII interpretation of Enslave instead of the current OlvynSpells one and we're set on this point!
Translocation Trick (Brd2, Sor/Wiz2)
IWDIIEE already has this spell. May we get it too?
Wall of Ice (Arcane 4)
When you cast this invocation, a 10’ long wall of solid ice assembles before you at the point in space you specify if there is ample room. It has 20 AC and 10 HP per caster level. Merely standing within 5' of this wall does d6 cold damage + 1 per caster level per round with no save (maximum d6+20), but spell resistance applies.
This wall the following resistances and immunities:
100% resistance (immunity) to cold, electricity, and poison.
50% resistance to acid and magic.
100% vulnerability (-100% resistance) to fire.
75% resistance to physical damage (crushing, missile, piercing, and slashing).
-Immune to all status effects.
This wall can’t be resurrected nor healed, nor can it attack nor move.
A Wall of Ice does not count against the summoned creature limit.
These were spells that intrigued me, but which I was unsure how feasible their implementation would be.
Permanency (Arcane5)
I think many EET players would gladly pay a significant cost in cash or/and EXP to ensure they never had to manually buff before every fight. (I know buff scripts exist. Thanks, Morpheus!) This spell is in the questionable category since Persistent Spell and Extend Spell already exist.
My interpretation of Permanency - a Universal spell:
When you cast Permanency, the next non-hostile spell you cast within 2 rounds that targets a creature or an area has its duration changed to permanent. At the time of casting your spell to be made permanent, you must also pay an EXP cost of 1000 EXP per spell level of the spell level to be made permanent.
A dispelled or expended permanent spell in this case is automatically renewed after a successful rest of 8 hours or longer.
Certain spells simply can't be made permanent via Permanency, such as these:
-Absolute Guard
-Absolute Immunity
-Antiharm Shell
-Antimagic Shell (IWDification)
-Contingency spells
-Damage Turning
-Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleaning (Dark Side of the Sword Coast)
-Enoll Eva's Duplication
-Freeze Inanimates
-Linked Portals
-Nonrandom Zone
-Project Image
-Protection from Magic Weapons
-Protection from Non-Silver Weapons
-[url=https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/ArtemiusI/Docs/blob/master/shadowmagic.html#SPA]Protection from Weave-Forged Weapons[/url] (Shadow Magic)
-Rewind Time
-Sequencer spells
-Skip Time
-[url=https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/ArtemiusI/Docs/blob/master/shadowmagic.html#SPA]Shadow’s Refuge[/url] (Shadow Magic)
-Spellshaping: Fireball
-Spells that animate or conjure creatures such as Animate Dead or Call Woodland Beings. This also includes spells that make illusory duplicates like Clone Other or Simulacrum. (Diablo II Kits has Decoy
-Spells that conjure weapons such as Flame Blade or Melf's Minute Meteors. (NOTE: Shadow Magic has Black Blade of Disaster, Shadow Blade, Shadow Comets, Shadow Spear, and Sword of the Night.)
-Spells with a normal duration of less than 5 rounds.
-Spirit of Power
-Time StopUmbral Stasis (Shadow Magic)
-Warlock Blast Essence Spells: Beshadowed Blast, Bewitching Blast, [Brimstone Blast, [Draining Blast, Electrifying Blast, Frightful Blast, Hellfire Blast, Hellrime Blast, Noxious Blast, Utterdark Blast, and Vitrolic Blast, etc.
-Wish and Limited Wish
(NOTE: Because of the ability to redirect spells, I accounted for more spells than I normally would.)
Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, and Shades Spells
These illusions partially mimic Sor/Wiz conjuration and evocations respectively. Casting these spells has the player choose which spell to mimic from what may be a long list, which while versatile, is questionably practical. (There are tens or hundreds of potential spells, and sorting through the list each time may be meh.) There's also the matter of partial reality and nonbelievers taking partial effect, but that was my secondary concern.
Perhaps only install these spells - if included - if Bubb's Extended Spell Menu is also installed.
As with my spell requests, since I'd prefer to make this my final request for metamagic abilities, here it is. Like with the spell list above, I preferred to focus on the most important options while minimizing redundancy. I considered game balance more with metamagics since this mod automatically grants them to all casters and D&D 3.5 tabletop standards for balance and EET standards for balance differ. However, these metamagics may need further balancing to work properly in EET.
Animating Spell: +3 Spell Slot Levels
Any creature slain by an Animating Spell is instantly revived as an undead creature under your control as per the Reanimate spell. This animated creature's type becomes undead but can still use its spells and abilities.
These creature types can't be animated via Animating Spell:
-Any creature with more total hit dice than your caster level for Animating Spell.
-Extraplanar creatures like angels, demons, devils, and elementals.
Chain Spell: +2 Spell Slot Levels
Chain Spell only applies to spells that target a creature. Unlike with the metamagic Mass Spell, self-only range spells and area spells are excluded.
A Chain Spell targets a creature then affects all creatures within 30' of it, even ones you can't see. Hostile spells such as magic Missile or Melf's Acid Arrow affect only enemies in range while beneficial spells such as Blur or Death Ward affect all allies in range.
Saves and spell resistance apply as normal to each target.
(Maybe this uses the Chain Lightning graphic or just shoots the appropriate projectiles at all creatures in range as prudent.)
Delay Spell: +0 Spell Slot Levels
Instead of taking effect upon casting, Delay Spell changes a spell to take effect in a number of rounds that you specify - 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. This spell takes effect at the start of your turn on that round.
Sometimes, this is used to ensure the spell is cast in a safe environment before combat, or used as a trap.
Elemental Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
Elemental Spell changes the damage type for a spell to be cold, electricity, or fire - your choice when casting the spell. The spell's visuals do not change.
Elemental Spell only applies to spells that deal acid, cold, electricity, fire, magic, or/and poison damage.
Enervating Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
Any creature that takes damage or at least 1 negative level by this spell gains an additional negative level. There is no save for this additional negative level but spell resistance applies.
Negative levels from this metamagic last for 1 hour per caster level or until removed, whichever comes first.
Entangling Spell: +2 Spell Slot Levels
Any creature that takes HP damage from this spell is also Entangled as per the Entangle spell for 1 round with no save. Spell resistance doesn't apply to this metamagic entanglement.
Knockback Spell: +2 Spell Slot Levels
Knockback Spell only applies to spells with an area. Self-only, single-target and touch spells are unaffected.
In addition to its typical effect, a Knockback Spell deals d8+12 crushing damage and the subject is forcefully pushed 26' away from the spell. A successful save vs. breath at a -2 penalty negates the effects of this knockback, including the damage. Spell resistance doesn't apply.
Any creature knocked back must also save vs. death at a -2 penalty or be knocked unconscious for 1 round. Spell resistance and immunity to sleep effects also don't apply.
Some especially large creatures like dragons and giants are immune to the effects of Knockback Spell.
Imbued Summoning: +1 Spell Slot Level
Immediately after casting the Imbued Summoning spell - which must conjure or animate at least 1 creature - the caster must attempt to cast another spell of any level that targets a single ally or creature or that affects allies in an area. If successfully cast, this second spell immediately applies to all units conjured or animated by the first spell. Personal-only spells such as Stoneskin can't be imbued this way.
For example, using Imbued Summoning on Animate Dead, a caster can apply Blur, Chaotic Commands, Haste, Improved Invisibility, Regeneration, or one of many other beneficial spells on all creatures animated via one casting of Animate Dead. A particularly whimsical caster may imbue the summons with Sacrificial Explosion.
The imbued spell may be affected by metamagic as normal.
For another example, a Druid could use Imbued Summoning on Call Woodland Beings (a level 5 spell slot) to conjure a nymph, then cast Extended Barkskin to improve her AC, Extended Free Action to prevent her from being Entangled, or Extended Neutralize Poison to prevent her from taking poison damage. This Druid could hypothetically cast Persistent Barkskin on this nymph, though conjured nymph's duration would normally expire long before the Persistent Spell did.
Penetrating Spell: +1 to +8 Spell Slot Levels
A Penetrating Spell gives +10% to overcome spell resistance per spell slot level increase used. This stacks with other sources of spell resistance reduction such as the spell Lower Resistance.
Previously Personal Spell: +3 Spell Slot Levels
Previously Personal Spell changes the range of the next self-only spell you cast, such as Mirror Image or Stoneskin, to be touch range.
Reach Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
Reach Spell changes the range of touch spells to be any creature within vision, to a maximum of 26'.
Reach Spell changes the range of any other spell with a range less than 26' to be 26'. It has no effect on spells with other ranges.
Reach Spell prevents you from delivering the spell as a touch spell via your familiar or other means.
Retributive Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
If you take targeted, physical damage, [Retributive Spell releases a stored targeted spell on your attacker of spell level 2 or below. As your caster level increases, the maximum spell level you can store also increases.
Note that this spell has no effect if you aren't hit or if you're hit for no damage, such as being hit with Stoneskin active on you, or if you're hit by a spell or an area effect.
This effect lasts until discharged or until 8 hours pass, whichever comes first. You may have a maximum of 1 Retributive Spell active on you at a time.
Scaling Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
This increases the maximum caster level on damaging spells such as Magic Missile, Fireball, or Horrid Wilting by 5 caster levels. You still must have the higher caster level to benefit from this metamagic ability,
For example, a Wizard10 applying Scaling Spell to a Magic Missile would get no extra benefit from it since Magic Missile grants +1 projectile per 2 caster levels beyond the first; however, a Wizard13 applying Scaling Spell to Magic Missile would evoke 2 a total of 7 projectiles from Magic Missile, each dealing their normal damage.
For another example, a Wizard11 that applied Scaling Spell to Fireball would deal 11d6 fire damage, while a Wizard16 would deal 15d6 of damage with this spell since Scaling Spell only increases the maximum caster level by 5 .
Still Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
You may cast a Still Spell while Entangled, Held, or Paralyzed, though not while unconscious. Since a Still Spell does not require bodily motion, it also does not require speaking, meaning you can also cast it while Silenced.
Twin Spell: +3 Spell Slot Levels
A Twin Spell is cast twice in very quick succession on the same targets or in the same area. Saving throws, spell resistance, and the summoned unit cap apply to each spell as normal. Metamagic applies as normal to each spell so Twinned.
For example, a Twin Domination means the subject must save twice against the Domination effect. (There is no additional benefit to affecting the same subject twice simultaneously with this spell.)
For another example, a Twin Fireball evokes 2 Fireballs that each deal their own damage, provide their own save, and check spell resistance separately.
For a third example. a Twin Mass Cure heals allies within range twice in short succession which may be enough to save their lives!
Note that Contingency and Sequencer effects provide no additional benefits when Twinned: Only one of each can be in effect on a creature at a time as normal.
Wounding Spell: +1 Spell Slot Level
Any creature that takes damage or at least 1 negative level by this spell gains is also drained of 2 points of CON. There is no save for this CON drain but spell resistance applies.
CON drain from this metamagic lasts for 1 hour per caster level or until removed, whichever comes first.
Constructs and undead are immune to the CON drain from this metamagic.
Conjured Creatures Can Cross Overworld Map Boundaries Including via Teleport Circle
This does exactly what is says. It only applies to creatures with a long enough duration.
Contingent Resurrection Application Frequency
A subject can be affected by this spell with a frequency level chosen at install time:
-Once per 7 days (default)
-Once per day
-Remove this frequency restriction
THANK YOU, OLVYN & BUBB - and thank you testers and contributors - for making OlvynSpells such a wonderful mod and something worth dreaming about! OlvynSpells has already gone a long way toward allowing EET to feel more like tabletop! Alleluia!
I get this pop up when I run InfinityLoader.exe.
This is what I have in M__MEFUN.lua after installation:
Currently you need the very latest master branch version of EEex for all the spells to work. The latest actual release of EEex is outdated and doesn't include all the necessary functionality.
You can download the master branch version of EEex here.
Bestow Curse, Curing Contingency, Darkness, Deathwatch, Flaming Sphere, Hide Campsite, Jester's Party, Mark of Justice, Mass Harm, Perception Filter, Quiver of Plenty, Second Chance, Skeleton Traps, Soul Bind, and Sympathy are the ones I might consider implementing.
Regarding Auril's Blessing, druids currently don't have enough spells that deal cold damage for this spell to be worth it.
Regarding Darklight's Lightning Web, Lightning Leap, Liveoak Spectral Hand, and Wall of Ice, the main problem is that I don't have good animations to represent the AoE (or the hand or the treant). The treant animation in SoD and IWD2 is a dark treant, which looks quite different from a real treant.
Regarding Energy Weapon, Flame Shots, Heroes' Feast, and Quiver of Plenty, it is problematic to add more buffs that are useful in every fight, such as buffs that increase your damage output. I added too many of these spells in IWD2EE, and I probably added too many in this mod already.
Spells like Fireball that you cast during combat are balanced by the fact that, aside from Improved Alacrity+Robe of Vecna shenanigans, you only have a limited amount of time in combat to cast those spells before the enemies kill you. You can't just enter combat and instantly cast 20 offensive spells. But you can put on 20 different buffs before combat and gain the benefits of all those buffs simulaneously. The result is that every generally useful buff you add to the game is essentially a permanent increase to the power of the party, without much opportunity cost.
Regarding Enlarge Creature and Reduce Creature, the only reason that Enlarge Creature was possible in IWD2EE was because IWD2 has a special way to increase the size of a character animation in-game. Beamdog's EEs do not. The only way to implement Enlarge Creature in these games would be to create larger animations for every creature animation in the game, which would require many gigabytes of disk space. It's just not feasible. Even just enlarging player character animations would be a problem.
Regarding Explosive Smite, the 2E games don't have the same Smite Evil system that IWD2 has, so the spell would have to work somewhat differently.
Regarding Ironwood and Telekinetic Weaponry, the only way alter the class usability or weapon range of a specific instance of an item would be to replace it with another item that has those properties changed. That would require making extra item files for each item that could be changed, for each way an item could be changed. Not really worth it.
Magic Jar is too similar to Domination, a spell at the same level.
Regarding Mental Pinnacle, it's probably better to leave that up to a mod that adds a psion class to the game, rather than having a mage infringe upon a psion's territory.
Plane Shift is too similar to Finger of Death or Slay Living, two spells at the same level.
Polymorph Any Object has too many options that are redundant (how many ways do you really need to essentially insta-kill someone?) and several options that aren't even polymorphing effects in the first place.
Regarding Repulsion, that would be better off as a component that replaces Repulse Undead with Repulsion. Or you could install Spell Revisions, which does exactly that.
Regarding Telekinesis, currently the only way to allow a character to interact with objects at long range is to set their "personal space" to 0 (which is what the spell Omnipresence does), which also has the side effect of allowing enemies to attack you at long range with melee weapons.
Total Control is too similar to Enslave. I don't need both of those spells.
Permanency is very problematic if you can make high-level spells permanent simply by paying experience (or gold). From my testing, making a spell last 8 hours is a VERY powerful effect (if a spell lasts 1 turn normally, you are multiplying its duration by 40). Making a spell permanent would be even better because you don't even need to use up a spell slot for the spell.
The power of the effects you'd be giving the party with a spell like this is far above the power level of permanent effects the party would normally obtain in these games. For example, consider how satisfying it is to obtain a book that increases 1 character's Strength by 1. Now compare that to if you obtained a book that permanently hasted the entire party. Even Throne of Bhaal doesn't have items like that. And that's just what you can do with a 3rd-level spell combined with Permanency; higher level permanent spells would be even more absurd.
I made this request list not being sure how feasible everything would be. What new EEex functionality would be required to make telekinesis and ironwood work, for example? (I kept requesting telekinesis since one of my friend's favorite superpowers is telekinesis and he's made various D&D characters specializing in it.)
For wall of ice, there's the wall of moonlight spell from IWD, but you already used something similar for wall of force.
For Darklight's lightning web, what about using the web graphic with lightning bolts (just the graphics) bouncing around inside or used as glowing anchor points? What about using the sparks from shocking grasp somehow? Your rampant lightning spell seemingly does something similar, but if these lightning bolt graphics (or chain lightning graphics) just formed the right shape, it could act as a web!
For lightning leap, what about just changing a character's graphic into a lightning bolt during transport then changing it back after arrival, or warping the character to the end point and showing a lightning bolt graphic between?
For spectral hand, what about using a version of the Claw of Kazgaroth, or just a small cloud graphic like the cloud produced from a vampire's mist form? What about making a ghostly humanoid with transparent graphics and permanent blur graphics that delivers the spell from its hand? (Perhaps rename the spell spectral spell emissary.)
Imbue with spell ability: I know Mass Spell is in the game already for Mass mirror image, mass stoneskin, etc. However, there's just something appealing about letting a non-caster like the dumbest creature on the map or a summon cast something.
Polymorph any object is intentionally versatile and perhaps redundant in its effects, but I wanted to offer something to make it feel like the very versatile spell it's meant to be.
Recall party: What about changing the spell level to 3 to match IWDIIEE?
Repulsion: I'm glad Spell Revisions already included it!
Shield other: It's a buff but seemingly helps tanks tank better.
Spellstaff: It's a buff, but it's a melee buff that comes late in a Druid's spell progression when they're generally more and more incentivized to stay as ranged casters.
Teleport step: What about reducing this to a level 8 spell to match IWDIIEE?
Total control was my version of your IWDIIEE enslave. Go ahead and use your IWDII enslave instead which can affect any creature type.
Translocation trick: What say you about adding it to OlvynSpells for EET? IWDIIEE seemingly had it as an unused spell and it can produce a seemingly unique effect in or out of combat.
Balance-wise, I understand permanency is either uber or near-useless depending on implementation. You mentioned including a plethora of buffs that parties feel encouraged to use often, and perhaps overdoing it on the buffs. As a buff lover and buff caster player, I get it. Feeling like I had to buff a party of 6+ before every fight manually back in the pre-EE days made me quit BG2 for years. Permanency was a simple and likely too good solution for the sake of convenience.
What say you regarding my aforementioned install options and metamagic feats?
Yes. Understandable after that wall of text from our resident wannabe-ChatGPT. Stiill needs EEEx for full functionality ofcourse.
Thanks for confirming . so still need to wait for bubb to finish updating EEEx , as Metamagic is the main reason I play with Olvynspells ..
Fantastic - I was waiting for that . Just a suggestion - maybe it's worth updating the first post saying 2.6 patch is now supported .
Level: 7
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: Visual range of the caster
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Nearest corpse in 3-ft. radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell "resurrects" the target as an undead creature under the caster's control. Reanimate cannot target a dead creature directly; it should be cast targeting the location of a corpse. The nearest dead creature to the target point, excluding undead, constructs, most extraplanar creatures, and creatures higher level than the caster, will be reanimated. The reanimated creature becomes undead, but can still use its abilities and spells. It is controlled by the caster until destroyed. Reanimate cannot be cast by good characters.
Yes, the reanimated creature will follow when the party goes to a different area.
this is great. I'm looking forward to playing bg2
What say you to my previous posts about adding these new spells, metamagics, and install options beyond what you've already said? (Note that I clarified things in previous posts.)
Also, may we have an install option to install either the Made in Heaven Spell Pack or OlvynSpell version of spells listed below like you did with B_Spells and Spell Revisions?
Ball Lightning (Arcane)
Mass Charm (Arcane)
Polar Ray (Arcane)
Stygian Ice Storm (Arcane)
Divine Spell Table
I found no overlapping names, though I request you also check for effects that are similar enough to warrant inclusion.
Epic Spell (HLA) Table
I found no overlapping names, though I request you also check for effects that are similar enough to warrant inclusion.
PS: What say you to formally including summon cow in OlvynSpells? I know Shards of Ice did it, but you'd do it without mockingly shaming the audience for wanting to use it. Similarly, what say you to formally including Evard's Black Tentacles in OlvynSpells? Angel already included it in his pack, but, like with summon cow, I believe your implementation would be the best one.