Well I thought you changed them a little bit ;D
I play IWD only so cant say anything about BG.
Anyway I dont remember spell Enchanted Weapon in the vanilla game.
Would it be possible to install without gameplay issues after EET End in this order:
OlvynSpells: 146
The reason I want to keep EEex related mods at the end is because EEex gets frequent updates.
Mod installation takes a lot of time. It takes me approximately two weeks to get all mods I want. When I install the EEex in the beginning it may happen that I am not finished with my mods installation yet and there is updated version of EEex already out.
Hello, I'd like to ask if the "no OP spells" option adds spells that are more powerful than base game ones, or just more interesting? I'm trying to build a difficult install and wouldn't want to accidentally make it easier Otherwise this mod looks sick! Didn't know such things were possible in BG haha. Cheers.
On page 6 of this thread, search for "New Priest Spell" and "New Wizard Spell" and you'll see a (nearly) full list of contents. Check to determine what you want.
Just know that a vanilla Sorcerer can solo the game on the highest difficulty. Other mods add options.
Hello, I'd like to ask if the "no OP spells" option adds spells that are more powerful than base game ones, or just more interesting? I'm trying to build a difficult install and wouldn't want to accidentally make it easier Otherwise this mod looks sick! Didn't know such things were possible in BG haha. Cheers.
Most of the "especially powerful spells" are just spells that are very abusable, rather than spells that have a ton of raw power. Typically, how much they make the game easier depends on how you use them.
For example, one of the "especially powerful spells" is the 4th-level spell Copy Spell, which lets the caster cast the same spell that another character is currently casting. There are plenty of ways you could use this spell that would not make the game too easy; e.g. you could have your character use Copy Spell to copy another character's Ice Storm spell, or something. But you could also have the character use it to copy another character's Wish or Time Stop spell. It's very abusable in that way.
What else remains to be updated with EEex so OlvynSpells will fully work in 2.6? For example, Enoll Eva's Duplication wasn't included yet.
EEex currently does not have the hook for opcode 280 (the effect that causes spells to trigger a wild surge) which lets you choose which wild surge it will trigger, and can suppress the wild surge message and graphics. That is needed for Spellshaping: Fireball, Mass Cast, and Enoll Eva's Duplication to work.
I tested familiar touch spells today with a Cleric/Mage and it still didn't work on EET but there is a seemingly solution!
To quote myself from this thread from about 2 months ago...
Familiars weren't working properly on EET. This is simply a matter of how EET handled familiars, since, normally, familiars have different stats in each campaign (BG1, SoA, ToB). This is a problem for all mods that modify familiars on EET and not just OlvynSpells.
Thus, consider this a note for when you adapt Touch Spells for Familiars.
Also note that multiple familiar mods generally don't work together: Only the most recent one applies. I'd like this ability to work well with the better familiars from other mods like klatu, MSFM, Tome & Blood, and Tweaks & Tricks, but I'm unsure how these would cooperate code-wise.
1. Did you summon the familiar prior to installing the component "Allow familiars to deliver the wizard's touch spells"? The component won't work if it wasn't installed when the familiar was summoned.
2. The familiar must be within a couple of feet of the target at the time you select the spell. Make sure you put the familiar close to the enemy (try putting it right next to them) before you select the spell to cast, otherwise the wizard will cast the spell.
3. What is the install order? OlvynSpells patches the Find Familiar spell while EET overwrites it. OlvynSpells will need to be installed after EET for the component to work with EET.
Unless you installed OlvynSpells before EET, I do not think EET is the issue. The component "Allow familiars to deliver the wizard's touch spells" patches all the familiar creature files, including the ones that are used in BG1, BG2, and TOB. I just looked through EET's files and code, and EET does not change which creature files are used to represent the familiars. They should still have the effect that the OlvynSpells component gives them which allows them to deliver the wizard's touch spells.
The code from k4thos in that link is completely irrelevant. All it does is remove an effect that would trigger when the familiar dies. The effect it removes would not have prevented the ability to deliver the wizard's touch spells.
Also, do you have any mods installed that affect familiars besides this component and EET?
The only mods I have installed that affect familiars are OlvynSpells and EET. I made a new game in BG1 with a Half-Elf Cleric/Mage today for testing after installing OlvynSpells 2.4 and the latest master branch of EEex.
Maybe I misunderstood how things worked.
Thus, after I read your post, I made a new 2.6 install with DLCMerger, EET, EEex (latest master), and OlvynSpells 2.4 (only the familiar touch spells and improved touch spells components). I installed EET End after this. I ran the game via InfinityLoader.exe. I made a new Half-Elf Cleric/Mage on Story Mode for testing. The arcane spells were chill touch and find familiar.
After the game started, I found my familiar, changed to chill touch, then slept at Winthrop's. I moved my familiar beside Mr. Elvenhair who was friendly as usual.
TEST 1 Look how they're effectively kissing!
I cast protection from evil on Mr. Elvenhair, but my character started moving to cast it on him. The same thing happened upon casting chill touch on him.
TEST 2 My familiar flew ahead and my caster is out of range of this High Hedge gnoll.
I visited High Hedge's gnolls. My familiar flew ahead to be in melee range of the gnoll. I cast chill touch. My caster started walking toward the gnoll, getting hit along the way by a skeleton.
TEST 3 Snuggle up for testing!
I tried casting chill touch again on the gnoll after my caster had moved in visual range of it while my familiar was still the target of its melee attacks. My caster still walked up to the gnoll to touch it. The same thing happened with protection from evil.
TEST 4 Take 2!
I made yet another install but this time only with BGEE 2.6, EEex (master), and OlvynSpells 2.4. I only installed the same components. I got the same results on Elvenhair and a High Hedge foe.
I tested with the default AI scripts on and off. Each time, my familiar was in melee range of its target. Each time, the familiar just stood there or auto-attacked its target instead of casting the spell.
I can’t help but keep on coming back to the classic games. It’s good to know that IE modding is still alive. And this is one of the best ones out there. Anyway, I can’t find anything about the “3E-like Metamagic abilities.” Can you please elaborate, if you don’t mind? Thanks.
Oh yeeaah, I vaguely remember this, but I've read this feature before. Very cool!
And also, basically this mod would work with 2.6, except "Spellshaping: Fireball, Mass Cast, and Enoll Eva's Duplication"? Meaning, no error but the said spells won't function properly?
Btw, I can't find the insightful or like button, or any other reaction button for that matter.
There are still a small number of things that haven't fully been updated to 2.6. As mentioned above, the familiar touch spells weren't working for me, but metamagics seemingly did.
I just released version 2.4.1 of OlvynSpells. That component should be fixed in this version. You will need to cast the Find Familiar spell again after installing version 2.4.1 for it to work.
What was the problem with familiar touch spells? How compatible is this component with other mods that change familiars like from More Style for Mages (MSFM)?
Okay, I fixed the problem. Download the mod again here.
Thanks for looking at this! ToB is starting correctly now, but I'm still not getting a game over on PC death.
I think preventing a game over on PC death was something I did deliberately. The reason was because otherwise, if you cast Contingent Resurrection on your PC and they die, Contingent Resurrection won't bring them back before the game ends. But I could probably make it so you get a game over on PC death as long as they don't have Contingent Resurrection active.
Hi @OlvynChuru, I have installed your mod and find it amazing, but I do not like this component as resurrecting the PC is not intended in BG.
Could you tell me a way to reverse this? I am familiar with NearInfinity so if there is a way to do with that tool, it would be easy for me. I just need to know what to look for.
Thank you in advance
Hi @OlvynChuru, I've just installed OlvynSpells for the first time (BG2 EE) and I'm getting this error at game start up - Bubb at EEex says it'll be a mod calling a feature of EEex that is not yet available in the current public release. So I'm pretty sure it's your OS Mod doing it (as its the only new thing I've installed that accesses EEex) - although I have updated the version of some other mods at the same time.
This is the error when I run Infinity Loader that stops the initial BG2 Splash Screen loading:
This is my mod list (and install sequence) with relevant notes FWIW (when I update I always uninstall everything in reverse sequence then reinstall from scratch with the new version):
Adalon's Blood v15 (c#sb_silber) --- new install today
The Tweaks Anthology v16 (CDTweaks)
EEex v0.9.19-alpha --- updated version today
OlvynSpells 2.4.1 (MESpells) --- new install today
HiddenGameplayOptions 4.2 --- updated version today
Spell-Menu-Extended v4.5.4 --- updated version today
Enhanced Powergaming Scripts v12.1
SoD-to-BG2EE Item Upgrade v2.0.6
Thoughts/Suggestions? Does version 2.4.1 of OlvynSpells try and call that EEex resource above?
OlvynChuru, all your mods are a stable in my installs.
My only question concerns this one - I have a hard time justify <charname> and his teammates knowing these spells while the enemies don't. Any lore explanation you could come up so I can justify myself installing this?
I admit I would probably install it anyway, just wondering if there is any explanation I could tell myself for me being the only person casting these spells.
I play IWD only so cant say anything about BG.
Anyway I dont remember spell Enchanted Weapon in the vanilla game.
OlvynSpells: 146
The reason I want to keep EEex related mods at the end is because EEex gets frequent updates.
Mod installation takes a lot of time. It takes me approximately two weeks to get all mods I want. When I install the EEex in the beginning it may happen that I am not finished with my mods installation yet and there is updated version of EEex already out.
On page 6 of this thread, search for "New Priest Spell" and "New Wizard Spell" and you'll see a (nearly) full list of contents. Check to determine what you want.
Just know that a vanilla Sorcerer can solo the game on the highest difficulty. Other mods add options.
Most of the "especially powerful spells" are just spells that are very abusable, rather than spells that have a ton of raw power. Typically, how much they make the game easier depends on how you use them.
For example, one of the "especially powerful spells" is the 4th-level spell Copy Spell, which lets the caster cast the same spell that another character is currently casting. There are plenty of ways you could use this spell that would not make the game too easy; e.g. you could have your character use Copy Spell to copy another character's Ice Storm spell, or something. But you could also have the character use it to copy another character's Wish or Time Stop spell. It's very abusable in that way.
EEex's master branch now has opcode 409 (EnableActionListener). I think you needed this for metamagics.
The spells Taunt and Far Cast have returned, as have the following components:
*Allow familiars to deliver the wizard's touch spells
*Make it so the spell Oracle lets you foresee what spells enemies are going to cast (like Spellcraft in 3rd-edition games)
*Add 3E-like Metamagic abilities to the game
<Confetti streams from the sky!>
EEex currently does not have the hook for opcode 280 (the effect that causes spells to trigger a wild surge) which lets you choose which wild surge it will trigger, and can suppress the wild surge message and graphics. That is needed for Spellshaping: Fireball, Mass Cast, and Enoll Eva's Duplication to work.
To quote myself from this thread from about 2 months ago...
A few things to check:
1. Did you summon the familiar prior to installing the component "Allow familiars to deliver the wizard's touch spells"? The component won't work if it wasn't installed when the familiar was summoned.
2. The familiar must be within a couple of feet of the target at the time you select the spell. Make sure you put the familiar close to the enemy (try putting it right next to them) before you select the spell to cast, otherwise the wizard will cast the spell.
3. What is the install order? OlvynSpells patches the Find Familiar spell while EET overwrites it. OlvynSpells will need to be installed after EET for the component to work with EET.
Unless you installed OlvynSpells before EET, I do not think EET is the issue. The component "Allow familiars to deliver the wizard's touch spells" patches all the familiar creature files, including the ones that are used in BG1, BG2, and TOB. I just looked through EET's files and code, and EET does not change which creature files are used to represent the familiars. They should still have the effect that the OlvynSpells component gives them which allows them to deliver the wizard's touch spells.
The code from k4thos in that link is completely irrelevant. All it does is remove an effect that would trigger when the familiar dies. The effect it removes would not have prevented the ability to deliver the wizard's touch spells.
Also, do you have any mods installed that affect familiars besides this component and EET?
The only mods I have installed that affect familiars are OlvynSpells and EET. I made a new game in BG1 with a Half-Elf Cleric/Mage today for testing after installing OlvynSpells 2.4 and the latest master branch of EEex.
Maybe I misunderstood how things worked.
Thus, after I read your post, I made a new 2.6 install with DLCMerger, EET, EEex (latest master), and OlvynSpells 2.4 (only the familiar touch spells and improved touch spells components). I installed EET End after this. I ran the game via InfinityLoader.exe. I made a new Half-Elf Cleric/Mage on Story Mode for testing. The arcane spells were chill touch and find familiar.
After the game started, I found my familiar, changed to chill touch, then slept at Winthrop's. I moved my familiar beside Mr. Elvenhair who was friendly as usual.
Look how they're effectively kissing!
I cast protection from evil on Mr. Elvenhair, but my character started moving to cast it on him. The same thing happened upon casting chill touch on him.
My familiar flew ahead and my caster is out of range of this High Hedge gnoll.
I visited High Hedge's gnolls. My familiar flew ahead to be in melee range of the gnoll. I cast chill touch. My caster started walking toward the gnoll, getting hit along the way by a skeleton.
Snuggle up for testing!
I tried casting chill touch again on the gnoll after my caster had moved in visual range of it while my familiar was still the target of its melee attacks. My caster still walked up to the gnoll to touch it. The same thing happened with protection from evil.
Take 2!
I made yet another install but this time only with BGEE 2.6, EEex (master), and OlvynSpells 2.4. I only installed the same components. I got the same results on Elvenhair and a High Hedge foe.
I tested with the default AI scripts on and off. Each time, my familiar was in melee range of its target. Each time, the familiar just stood there or auto-attacked its target instead of casting the spell.
Thus, something is amiss. Thankee for the fix!
Can you post a zip here containing a save file after you summoned the familiar?
Also, could you look in your override folder for a file called "SPWI123.SPL" and include it in the zip?
I used the latest release of EET, not master.
Thankee! Alleluia!
The metamagics are Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, etc. as mentioned on page 8.
And also, basically this mod would work with 2.6, except "Spellshaping: Fireball, Mass Cast, and Enoll Eva's Duplication"? Meaning, no error but the said spells won't function properly?
Btw, I can't find the insightful or like button, or any other reaction button for that matter.
I just released version 2.4.1 of OlvynSpells. That component should be fixed in this version. You will need to cast the Find Familiar spell again after installing version 2.4.1 for it to work.
What was the problem with familiar touch spells? How compatible is this component with other mods that change familiars like from More Style for Mages (MSFM)?
Hi @OlvynChuru, I have installed your mod and find it amazing, but I do not like this component as resurrecting the PC is not intended in BG.
Could you tell me a way to reverse this? I am familiar with NearInfinity so if there is a way to do with that tool, it would be easy for me. I just need to know what to look for.
Thank you in advance
This is the error when I run Infinity Loader that stops the initial BG2 Splash Screen loading:
This is my mod list (and install sequence) with relevant notes FWIW (when I update I always uninstall everything in reverse sequence then reinstall from scratch with the new version):
Thoughts/Suggestions? Does version 2.4.1 of OlvynSpells try and call that EEex resource above?
My only question concerns this one - I have a hard time justify <charname> and his teammates knowing these spells while the enemies don't. Any lore explanation you could come up so I can justify myself installing this?
I admit I would probably install it anyway, just wondering if there is any explanation I could tell myself for me being the only person casting these spells.
Ensure you use the master EEex for now, not the latest release.
That's why