DAO had a lot of good things going for it despite the hate I saw it get from a lot of older crpg fans. Only thing I really didn't like we're the mage class specializations.
Blood mage was op, shape shifter was a little up until you got the bugs than it was somewhat op. Arcane warrior...just why? If u wanted to get I. Your face than why wouldn't I just be a warrior? Spirit healer was ok.
Arcane warrior...just why? If u wanted to get I. Your face than why wouldn't I just be a warrior?
Because hybrids That spec and using a mage was my first char in DAO, well actually my second, the first was a twohander warrior but that was too short to count since I restarted in the first village. It was cool to be a mage but be able to switch to melee for a while. My char wasn't very good though and I ended the run before playing the rogue and never looking back.
@Skatan I tried to reinstall the game yesterday...I hate the computer I have now, it's an Acer, with 3 ram and windows 7... It's freaking old! I couldn't even play it.
My first playthrough was hands down a a mages bad build blood mage... My second and third playthrough oh boy I had so many spell mods that I had ours of fun, especially when I expended the necromancy magic.
Or the primal elemental magic, I'm so glad morrigan is my fav npc she had to stay on my team to do support magic.
I guess my favorite ME class will always be the Soldier. Allthough, the Infiltrator was neat, too.
I only ever played through the ME trilogy once, but I did so with an Engineer and didn't regret it one bit.
It felt a bit like the wizard of ME classes. In ME2 you get the classic fire, electricity, and ice powers, and by the third your summons are pretty neat. A Missile Drone/Fire Turret combo took care of most generic enemies on it's own. I almost never used a gun, if I did it was a sniper rifle, preferring instead to spam incinirate every few seconds.
A great series, that. I hope they do it right again.
Overlords and Warlocks from Heroes of Might and Magic III Dungeon were cool. I loved both of them due to the skills they tend to get with a higher % chance. Basically evil generals and well evil sorcerers. I loved especially the minotaur Gunnar with his logistic skill and the specialization. It gave you more movement ponints on the map depending on your level which is pretty op in HOM III.
Overlords and Warlocks from Heroes of Might and Magic III Dungeon were cool. I loved both of them due to the skills they tend to get with a higher % chance. Basically evil generals and well evil sorcerers. I loved especially the minotaur Gunnar with his logistic skill and the specialization. It gave you more movement ponints on the map depending on your level which is pretty op in HOM III.
There were so many good leaders in that game. I liked Cyra from the Tower. In mid to late game (depending on how her skills play out) her Haste boost makes it so that every single creature in her army crosses the entire board! That's a bloody disaster for anybody trying to take her on with shooters...
I like the Warlock class a lot (as seen in NWN2). Someone who gets his magical powers from demonic bloodline is interesting to me from a roleplaying perspective.
As for a class that i always have zero interest to play is swordsman. Don't get me wrong, despite preferring use magic in fantasy games or powerful firearms in sci-fi games, i can enjoy melee in few games, like M&B where i can charge at enemies using a spear but swords are IMO a extremely overused, clichê, boring and not interesting. Swords was good only VS unarmed humans and was mostly backup weapons. Don't try fight enemies in armor of large creatures with it. But by some unknow reason, is the most prevalent weapon in fiction... Forcing me to be a tanime swordsman is a good way to make sure that i will never play your game.
DAO had a lot of good things going for it despite the hate I saw it get from a lot of older crpg fans. Only thing I really didn't like we're the mage class specializations.
Blood mage was op, shape shifter was a little up until you got the bugs than it was somewhat op. Arcane warrior...just why? If u wanted to get I. Your face than why wouldn't I just be a warrior? Spirit healer was ok.
Because hybrids That spec and using a mage was my first char in DAO, well actually my second, the first was a twohander warrior but that was too short to count since I restarted in the first village. It was cool to be a mage but be able to switch to melee for a while. My char wasn't very good though and I ended the run before playing the rogue and never looking back.
My first playthrough was hands down a a mages bad build blood mage... My second and third playthrough oh boy I had so many spell mods that I had ours of fun, especially when I expended the necromancy magic.
Or the primal elemental magic, I'm so glad morrigan is my fav npc she had to stay on my team to do support magic.
I only ever played through the ME trilogy once, but I did so with an Engineer and didn't regret it one bit.
It felt a bit like the wizard of ME classes. In ME2 you get the classic fire, electricity, and ice powers, and by the third your summons are pretty neat. A Missile Drone/Fire Turret combo took care of most generic enemies on it's own. I almost never used a gun, if I did it was a sniper rifle, preferring instead to spam incinirate every few seconds.
A great series, that. I hope they do it right again.
There were so many good leaders in that game. I liked Cyra from the Tower. In mid to late game (depending on how her skills play out) her Haste boost makes it so that every single creature in her army crosses the entire board! That's a bloody disaster for anybody trying to take her on with shooters...
I love warlock ,but HATE the NWN2 implementation of Warlock. Most nerfed class since Pale Masters on nwn1. I suggest this mod ( https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn2/other/warlock-reworked-102g ) that fixes warlock.
As for a class that i always have zero interest to play is swordsman. Don't get me wrong, despite preferring use magic in fantasy games or powerful firearms in sci-fi games, i can enjoy melee in few games, like M&B where i can charge at enemies using a spear but swords are IMO a extremely overused, clichê, boring and not interesting. Swords was good only VS unarmed humans and was mostly backup weapons. Don't try fight enemies in armor of large creatures with it. But by some unknow reason, is the most prevalent weapon in fiction... Forcing me to be a tanime swordsman is a good way to make sure that i will never play your game.