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(IE) Console versions released



  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Staran wrote: »
    Is the console version of nwn coming out before the iOS version?

    That depends on all ins and outs of the iOS build, the team around it, the QA time, etc.

    Can you give a more definitive answer to this question?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Yes, now I can give an answer to that. The console version will be released earlier. New challenges have been found regarding the iOS version, we're handling them.
  • KroganAxehammerKroganAxehammer Member Posts: 2
    AWESOME!!!! I think I have every version ever released. I love this game so much. I have to be this guy; will players be allowed to use the cheat codes? If not thats fine because Im sure I can still remember where everything is in the game.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    AWESOME!!!! I think I have every version ever released. I love this game so much. I have to be this guy; will players be allowed to use the cheat codes? If not thats fine because Im sure I can still remember where everything is in the game.

    I'm afraid that officially changes to files, including those enabling cheats, are not supported.
  • mak66623mak66623 Member Posts: 2
    Хороший порт на ps4 но хотелось бы узнать почему русские субтитры максимально увеличенные в настройках выглядят визуально меньше и тоньше чем английские субтитры. Так же хотел бы узнать нет ли возможности отключить русскую озвучку ибо она ужасна, было бы хорошо добавить возможность играть с оригинальной озвучкой но русскими субтитрами.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    @mak66623 Наверное, используемый шрифт виноват. На консолях выбрать английскую озвучку и русский текст не представляется возможным.
  • mak66623mak66623 Member Posts: 2
    Интересно почему в русском релизе не использовали те же шрифты что и в английской версии, или были некие ограничения?
  • boogieboyboogieboy Member Posts: 11
    Именем Саревока! А чего по-русски тоже писать можно?=) Насчёт озвучки Врат Балдура от Buka полностью согласен с предыдущим оратором. Два с половиной актёра-явно маловато, да и к тому же актёры явно не профессиональные (печально, что нельзя вернуть оригинальную озвучку). Хотя к слову у меня есть диск Icewind dale от 1C для PC, так там отечественная озвучка была шикарной. Ну и конечно обидно, что Planescape: Torment остался без перевода вообще. Хотя в сети существует фанатский перевод проф. уровня.
  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    The Console EE has a lovely new pic of Sarevok - please could you share the original artwork?

    Id love to see more of Beamdog's BGEE artwork released highres.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    The Console EE has a lovely new pic of Sarevok - please could you share the original artwork?

    Id love to see more of Beamdog's BGEE artwork released highres.

    mak66623 wrote: »
    Интересно почему в русском релизе не использовали те же шрифты что и в английской версии, или были некие ограничения?

    Не знаю, если честно. Скорее всего, это шрифты, на которые были переданы права при передаче волонтерами перевода.
  • EugVVlEugVVl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 118
    mak66623 wrote: »
    Интересно почему в русском релизе не использовали те же шрифты что и в английской версии, или были некие ограничения?
    Шрифты, которые используются для английского, не поддерживают кириллицу.
  • ZaungeistZaungeist Member Posts: 2

    the german thread is already dead (I'm a german), so i wasnt sure what the best way is to be heard. I hope this gets through to somebody from importance :D.

    The German Voiceovers are atrocious (for today standards), on pc this is no problem with switching the dialog.tlk in the folders (with the german ones) when enabled the english language, ingame. I was pretty happy when i noticed on PS4 the german VO were missing and i could play it with the english VO and german subtitles. Now, you did put up a patch delivering german voices, which breaks the game for me on consoles, athmosphere wise.

    Would it be possible to do it like on Nintendo Switch? Make it optional to change VO to whatever one prefers. It would serve everybody who doesnt like the VO of his/hers language.

    Oh and the 'sprite outline' and 'nearest neighbor scaling' option isnt working on Icewind Dale and Planescape Torment EE for PS4. And i had several crashs with error warnings, when exiting the game.

    Best regards, Oliver
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Hello, Oliver! English VO and German text at the same time are not supported on the console.

    We would appreciate all your reports if something isn't working at
  • ZaungeistZaungeist Member Posts: 2
    Thank you for the fast response! :)
    Thought so that it isnt possible, still had to ask. I'll report at least the bugs i encountered.
  • Tommy123Tommy123 Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2019
    Zaungeist wrote: »
    Would it be possible to do it like on Nintendo Switch? Make it optional to change VO to whatever one prefers. It would serve everybody who doesnt like the VO of his/hers language.
    How can I change VO on the switch? I started playing shortly after release and then paused and want to continue now. For me the (digital) switch version has german text and english voice over ... but I would prefer german voice over for nostalgica reasons ;)
    Hello, Oliver! English VO and German text at the same time are not supported on the console.
    Thats weird ... this combination is exactly what I have on the switch version (see above). Is there a way to have both text and VO in german? Do I have to delete/reinstall the game? My Baldurs Gate game version is 1.0.3 and there is no update available when I try to do a software update.
  • Bruno_WaywardBruno_Wayward Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2022
    Hallo, I just began playing Planescape Torment EE on Xbox Series X and I am experiencineng the same Problem with Journal that someone mentioned three years ago - I see none. I can search through Journal, but there is nothing There. I am playing in Polish.
    Can you help me with it?
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