FYI: I've noticed that when the small sized portrait is sized correctly (54X84), it will look wrong in the custom portraits preview (there will be empty space at the bottom and right of the small box) but it is the correct size and will display correctly in-game.
I noticed the same thing. I got mine working with the help from last night's thread. For anyone else having problems, try starting off with a ".bmp" file and making edits there. Sometimes converting other file types makes things wonky.
I am still unable to get the custom portrait button to come up in character creation. I have created the Portraits folder in the appropriate place. I have resized the picture per the instructions earlier. I have even downloaded pictures presized and labeled by someone on the boards and copied them in there, but nothing. No button shows up.
There's a way to make it know the portrait gender, too, but I'm not sure how. Is there an M or F marker that tells it?
I usually name my custom portraits as Fpld01L (female paladin 1 large) or Mrog01S (male rogue 1 small) so I can find what I'm looking for (I used to have lots and lots of portraits and quite many characters too, back in the day) but I don't think there's a way to make the game show only female or only male custom portraits during the selecting. Or I never knew about it, anyway.
Ugh, this is still driving me batty. I have even downloaded and put the pictures from the dropbox that someone started and I still don't get a custom button under the portrait when I try to create a new character.
@DCParry Just to be sure, what's the path of your Portraits folder?
It was in the right place. I am almost ashamed to admit, especially having a PhD and having taught in university writing programs before, the problem was the interface between the keyboard and the chair,
I had misspelled portraits. My "potraits" folder was just sitting there, doing nothing, like a lazy kobold.
Oh well. It's all good now and working. A big thanks to everyone for providing the images!
idk why but most of the portraits on the internet are just way to small to resize bigger for use as a custom portrait, ive followed the instructions in resizing but the image is stretched, and also when i use one ive downloaded it has a black border around it.
idk why but most of the portraits on the internet are just way to small to resize bigger for use as a custom portrait, ive followed the instructions in resizing but the image is stretched, and also when i use one ive downloaded it has a black border around it.
You could always use an image editor of some kind (I use Infraview). You can crop the image to remove the border and when you resize make sure to maintain aspect ratio (or as close as possible).
It still won't let me import my portrait from the char creation screen. I did all the steps required at the beginning of this thread, but the import button is still dead
create a folder named Override at C:\Program Files\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766 (i.e., in the 00766 folder)
place the desired portrait files in that Override folder
portraits must be properly sized at 330x210 (L), 266x169 (M), and 84x54 (S)
file name no greater than 8 characters in length (first seven letters of the character's name followed by L, M, or S)
files must be .bmp
I think Rasaad's sprite looks a little spiffier wearing the colors in that original portrait, i.e., dark red primary and orangey-brown secondary. Versus all brown in the released in-game portrait.
With the red-garbed portrait it's a little harder to tell when he's injured when viewing his icon on the right-hand side of the UI, lol. But anyway, overall that's my preference aesthetically as well.
To BGEE working conditions? I've been using this pack forever now, but I'm unable to use them in-game. They are at the wrong size and missing the medium sized pictures. I tried resizing them myself but as soon as I resize them, they no longer show up in-game.
To BGEE working conditions? I've been using this pack forever now, but I'm unable to use them in-game. They are at the wrong size and missing the medium sized pictures. I tried resizing them myself but as soon as I resize them, they no longer show up in-game.
Just a little easy peasy tip for folks wanting to us custom portraits. I used photobucket's editor to crop mine, then downloaded and saved them as 24bit .bmps using MSPaint. Nothing fancy needed and the photobucket crop function works really nicely.
Paint.NET is a pretty respectable little workhorse image editor too (it's free). Very user-friendly. Of course there's also GIMP and Picassa, but they have a lot more bells and whistles that could overwhelm the casual user.
Good New Good News From Moddb and the creator of the ultimate portrait pack " Rodman49 Rodman49 Dec 2 2012, 2:49am says:
Actually the portraits are slightly different in size in BG:EE I will update a new pack as time permits over the next week. Sorry for the delay (I was aiming to have it ready for release but I suddenly moved across the country less than a month after getting back from Afghanistan). " Say it with me "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"
@Philhelm: The large portrait comes into play in the character creation screen on the right at the very beginning of the game. If you do not have one, the game just slots the medium portrait in there. To the best of my knowledge, the large portrait is never used again, so it's not a big deal.
I just checked in game, if you do not have a large portrait nothing is displayed in that box.
1) DPI usually only matters for printing. I save mine in 72 DPI and it works. 2) I'm pretty sure it has to be 24-bit. It might explain why some folks are having trouble despite following the instructions.
@Kilivitz I can't get my picture to import still! I created the Portraits folder in the Baldur's Gate folder in program files... I sized em up right and saved em as portaitl, portraitm, portraits, and saved em as 24bit bmps... I used microsoft paint, what's wrong???
It is... maddening.
Just to be sure, what's the path of your Portraits folder?
I had misspelled portraits. My "potraits" folder was just sitting there, doing nothing, like a lazy kobold.
Oh well. It's all good now and working. A big thanks to everyone for providing the images!
You could always use an image editor of some kind (I use Infraview). You can crop the image to remove the border and when you resize make sure to maintain aspect ratio (or as close as possible).!210
- create a folder named Override at C:\Program Files\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766 (i.e., in the 00766 folder)
- place the desired portrait files in that Override folder
- portraits must be properly sized at 330x210 (L), 266x169 (M), and 84x54 (S)
- file name no greater than 8 characters in length (first seven letters of the character's name followed by L, M, or S)
- files must be .bmp
I think Rasaad's sprite looks a little spiffier wearing the colors in that original portrait, i.e., dark red primary and orangey-brown secondary. Versus all brown in the released in-game portrait.With the red-garbed portrait it's a little harder to tell when he's injured when viewing his icon on the right-hand side of the UI, lol. But anyway, overall that's my preference aesthetically as well.
To BGEE working conditions? I've been using this pack forever now, but I'm unable to use them in-game. They are at the wrong size and missing the medium sized pictures.
I tried resizing them myself but as soon as I resize them, they no longer show up in-game.
" Rodman49
Rodman49 Dec 2 2012, 2:49am says:
Actually the portraits are slightly different in size in BG:EE I will update a new pack as time permits over the next week. Sorry for the delay (I was aiming to have it ready for release but I suddenly moved across the country less than a month after getting back from Afghanistan).
1) DPI - Does this actually matter or is the default .bmp dpi based on resolution OK?
2) 24-bit color, again required or not?
1) DPI usually only matters for printing. I save mine in 72 DPI and it works.
2) I'm pretty sure it has to be 24-bit. It might explain why some folks are having trouble despite following the instructions.