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Ausar the Riven (Fighter/Mage Playthrough)



  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    What a detailed and interesting interpretation of the game's magic system. Kudos.
  • RaoRao Member Posts: 141
    Thanks, @BelgarathMTH . To be honest, it's probably not anywhere close to the magic system I would have designed if I were drawing it up from scratch, but trying to work out something reasonable from what we have in-game is its own sort of fun.
  • energisedcamelenergisedcamel Member Posts: 110
    Rao wrote: »

    Intrepid readers, thank you for braving a week's long interlude of relatively cerebral content, as Ausar collects his thoughts in his room at the Friendly Arms. I promise you that Monday's installment will see him out of these forests of the mind and back on the high road of action and adventure.

    Personally I've loved these last few posts, as the little details really bring the world to life! Your interpretation of the scribing process was incredibly interesting and I love your descriptions of the spells. I could happily read just an entire series of you going through the spell book and describing each spell in detail :D Also, Ausar's analysis of the situation was a nice touch, because I think it's easy for us, as players who probably know the game quite well, to skate over just how confusing and terrifying this whole experience is for our darling PCs. I'm looking forward to the next installment!
  • RaoRao Member Posts: 141
    Thank you, @BelgarathMTH, for your kind words. I don't have much practice writing action, so it's nice to be able to start with relatively small, quick scenes, like this most recent one. As the party expands and the fights become larger in scope, it will definitely become more challenging to manage. There'll probably be a bit of a difficulty spike once serious spell-slinging starts. Hopefully I will be up to it by then! The first-person perspective is definitely going to be a double-edged sword.

    Thanks also for sharing about your old assignment - sounds fun, even though it was a lot of work. If, despite your misgivings, you ever feel tempted to write up one of your own playthroughs on this board, you will have at least one reader ;)
  • RaoRao Member Posts: 141
    @energisedcamel - thanks! glad you liked the scene; it was also fun to write :)

    An elf makes an odd Gorion's Ward for precisely the reason you mention: elven youth is supposed to be quite lengthy, sometimes lasting (I think) the better part of a century. Naturally, this sort of makes a hash of the standard timeline. I don't want to reveal too much here, because I have some plans for exploring this idea and "softening the blow" in-narrative. But you are insightful to point it out, and I do acknowledge that there's not really a completely watertight solution here (or at least, I haven't found it yet).

    Also, you make a fair interpretation of Ausar's motivations thus far. Of course, we'll all just need to wait and see how he turns out ;) Thanks, as always, for reading!
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Uh oh. Nice cliffhanger, there.
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