Poor Rasaad (spoilers)
in BGII:EE Mods
So, Rasaad has some really bad epilogues. Like, worse than Viconia levels of Diabolus Ex Maxhina. Are there any mods out there that gives our favorite monk some happier endings? I've done some looking myself, but without any luck. No EET mods please, I'm not interested in mega mods.
EET is not a megamod, it just put BGEE + BG2EE +SoD together into a one continuous adventure. You don't have to install megamods (or in fact any other mod) on top of it.
As for your question, check Ascension. It has component with additional epilogues by Shawne and I think it's for EE characters too.
Oo, spicy. I kind of agree though. Not terrible but I wasn't particularly sad.
My main complain comes from how the epilogues don't take ascending or staying mortal into account, nor do they take alignment/reputation into account for a mortal player. For example, it doesn't make sense to me that Imoen would immediately split from (and heavily implied to never see again) a good-aligned mortal player they've been a lifelong friend with. Minsc is literally said to vanish without a trace for some reason. Viconia's epilogue wants her story to end on a bittersweet note, but does so in a way that can't help but to feel unsatisfying and arguably mean-spirited. I think the EE was trying to do the same for Rasaad, but it also encounters the same problem. though allegedly Rasaad's epilogues had the additional factor of D&D execs making demands that Alorgoth was strictly off-limits to be harmed.
I'd love if there was a mod that went all-in on giving companions a bunch of different epilogues that took as much as possible into account; companion side quests, the reputation/alignment/ascended state of the player, friendships/hostilities within the party, etc, but the scripting alone would be nightmarish in its scale and ambition.
No, but 99% of EET mods ARE megamods. I can't even keep track of all the times someone posted "Oh this EET only mod does that one small thing you want, but it also adds two new campaigns that happen Between BG1 and BG2 that gets you to level 15. But don't worry, it also removes the exp cap, so you can just smash your way through all the actual game content!
This. There are only handful of mods that are strictly made for EET (Sandrah Saga and The Cowled Menace comes to mind). Other mods are just regular mods adapted to work with EET. @ThacoBell you are just confusing things, and this generally is a common misinformation regarding EET. This is not a megamod.
The only mod that I know of that expands the epilogues is Ascension, just look for Extended epilogues components by shawne (one is dedicated for vanilla NPC's and the second for EE NPC's). It may not fully satisfy your needs, but it may Improved things for you.
I already use ascension, but nothing I've seen says what (if anything) is changed for Rasaad.
@ThacoBell the only mods that are EET exclusive are Roxanne's mods (notably Sandarh Saga) and her unofficial versions of official mods (which have EET in name, maybe that's why you were misled). And there is The Cowled Menace (which actually I'm very hyped to try). Other mods are just regular mods adapted to work with EET like any other platform. So feel free to try it out
Which mod pages, please show me, I'm curious now.
In that case you have completely different experience in this matter than me and @jastey