[spoiler] Why doesn't Thrix want me to take the staff?

When he offers you the three items, he tells you the staff is a piece of garbage and you should take the sword or the helm instead. If you insist on the staff anyway, his reaction is weirdly subdued, almost annoyed, compared to how pleased he is if you take the other two. Am I missing something? Why does he want to keep his stick so badly?
Post edited by Glam_Vrock on
Thrix is a demon according to the in-game files (race - demonic).
And the staff is devil's. "Echo of the Fiend" - "A devil of Avernus once possessed this gnarled wooden staff. Though the devil long since escaped from the staff, a residue of its essence permeated the weapon and lingers still. When a command word is spoken, an aura of fire springs up around anyone wielding the staff; though the flames leave the wielder untouched, they sear others with devastating heat."
You know, demons and devils don't like each other. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_War
Also, Thrix is a demon? Are you sure? Isn't the [Demonic] race just a catch-all for fiends in general? Isn't his model derived from Fjhull Forked-Tongue, a cornugon? What's a demon doing working for a devil in Avernus to begin with?
Thrix is not a demon. The fact that the race of both demons and devils is called "demonic" rather that "fiend" or something like that is just a quirk of the games' writing; it's not to imply that all the devils in these games are actually demons.
Unless I'm missing something, the distinction is based on the CLASS attribute (offset 0x273 of the CRE file): IMP (devil) vs. TANARI (demon).