Jaheira Romance Stuck

Trying to get the romance thing finished before I fight Irenicus, am at the point where Jaheira is told to submit to Harper judgement after we fought that guy in the Harper Hold a while back, and I cannot for the life of me get this to trigger. I was under the impression that using a cheat to advance real time would resolve this problem, but that seems not to work. Does anyone have any advice on how I can get this event to trigger?
Yes, she has. I'm looking for one of the Harpers that shows up after you fight in the Hold the first time, either Reviane or Dermin, I think. I'm at the cusp of Jaheira renouncing her status as a Harper, I believe
No, she hasn't, I'm at just before someone comes to make her face judgement, I think
Alright, I'll try doing that again for good measure, but I don't think I got that to work last time. In the case this doesn't work, is there a command I can type in to make Jaheira's leaving event fire manually?
Just to double check a couple things:
Has the bandit ambush happened yet?
Have you bought the locket from the Docks merchant?
Yes, both of those have happened
Given the actual wait times I've observed, the only conclusion I can come to is that TWELVE_HOURS is actually far less than twelve hours.
Other advancement requirements:
LT 12 ("Mmmmmph..."): rest
Bandit encounter: rest outdoors, not in a city, romance active.
Meronia calls Jaheira away: Bandit encounter done, Montaron job done, and LT 26 ("Hm... This is a dangerous life we seem to lead, it does seem.") if romance active. Montaron job done if romance inactive.
Jaheira returns: seven hours after above.
LT 28 ("So, what do you think of Amn so far?"): Galvarey dead.
Reviane appears: LT 34 ("I have been in a similar place as this before, though it was in the company of other Harpers.") with romance or four days after Galvarey without, outdoors.
Dermin appears: LT 40 ("There is an ill wind in the air) with romance or seven days after Galvarey without, outdoors.
Dermin returns: Six days after first appearance, outdoors, LT 52 ("How... hm. How did the last battle make you feel?") if romance active.
Terminsel appears: After second Dermin appearance, rest outdoors. This is the event you seem to be stuck on.
LT 56 ("Ahh! The dawning of our day!"): rest
Final Dermin encounter: Two days after first Terminsel appearance, outdoors, LT 56 if romance active.
LT 64 ("I have... had a realization."): outdoors
LT 70 ("Good morning! Shall we get ourselves ready for the road?" or "We are ready to move on? I think it best that we get an early start."): rest
Terminsel returns: one real hour after the final love talk with romance, or a standard wait after the final Dermin encounter without.
The love talks also generally require that you not be in a dungeon
You mean to say you've romanced her MORE than once? That's really strange and unusual.
If every step of the romance depended on real time timers, this wouldn't be possible.
A standard romance wait: RealSetGlobalTimer("timer", "GLOBAL", "TWELVE_HOURS")
The final step's wait: RealSetGlobalTimer("timer", "GLOBAL", 3600)
There are a few in-game timers as well, associated with the events that aren't just talking to each other. They're more prominent on the non-romance path.
(All right, the timer variables aren't literally named "timer".)
If that fails, I suppose my last recourse is to just watch the romance on YouTube, modify my save file to say I've romanced Jaheira, and hope I don't run into similar problems during Throne of Bhaal. If I just want a completed romance on my save, what do I do?
You could try and spawn the npc directly with the console. Someone more knowledgeable than me would have to tell you what command though.
i remember fixing someone else's jaheira romance while just chillin in the docks district resting and advancing real time by 30 minutes and i was able to get everything to continue as normal
If that is indeed what happened, you need to rest before the next part will trigger. I don't think it matters where, but a little time does need to pass before it happens. I recommend traveling between the city gates and dearnise hold, resting at each map. It should happen pretty quick.