The problem with BG3 [CRITICISM ONLY THREAD]

This thread is solely for civil criticism regarding BG3. This is the place to voice your grievances and dissatisfactions regarding BG3 and the shortcomings that it has without being called out. If you cannot tolerate negative criticism about BG3, this thread is not for you.
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EDIT: Updated thread title to "CRITICISM ONLY" as per popular demand that asked for parity with the "POSITIVE ONLY" thread.
Regardless, ALL FORUM RULES STILL HOLD VALID HERE, and the discussion must be kept civil. Thank you and enjoy the discussion.
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Positive Only thread here:
EDIT: Updated thread title to "CRITICISM ONLY" as per popular demand that asked for parity with the "POSITIVE ONLY" thread.
Post edited by Rik_Kirtaniya on
But I haven't seen it yet, and I hope i'm wrong, and it's great. Maybe it WILL be fondly remembered, with active modders still creating content 20 years later like BG is. I sure hope so anyway.
I think Twitch integration goes hand-in-hand with attracting a new generation. Old farts like us already play D&D. I think Larian is betting on the Twitch integration to lead to more exposure to a younger audience who can then discover the game and D&D.
For what it's worth, I'm old/grumpy enough to want the kids to get off my lawn, but young enough that friends my age use Twitch.
I'm curious as to how much work Larian has to put into the Twitch integration compared to the core game development. I assume Larian is using APIs created by Twitch and making sure they work in the game with whatever tweaks/graphics they need to make. My guess is the Twitch features don't overlap with the rest of the game's development (meaning that time spent developing the Twitch stuff doesn't take away from the core game development). In other words, I think we would get the same game if Larian didn't add the Twitch features.
What I'm getting at: I don't think the Twitch stuff really tells us what Larian's priorities are. My thought process is that Larian started with a goal of making the best game they can. If there are optional features (like Twitch) they can add that make the game more fun for different audiences, then that's even better.
But yes: we haven't seen it, so a wait-and-see approach is about all we can do. If the game's a dud, I don't think it will be because of the Twitch stuff.
Yup. I was hoping to be the main bad guy in the game
Baldur's Gate had isolated pockets of comic relief and the occasional thematic exaggeration, but the games aren't completely saturated in fantasy troped cranked up to 150%. D:OS is what you'd get if you took BG but every companion was Minsc and Boo, every NPC was Noober, and every quest was the Machine of Lum the Mad. Larian's games completely lack the grit and believability of the BG series. When it was announced that they would make BG3, I was a little worried but prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Then we saw the previews and my worries grew. What they showed us came off more like Divinity 3 crammed into the Forgotten Realms. Here I'm not talking about the UI skin or the tooltip font, I'm talking about the tone and theme of the game itself. The cartoonish gameplay, the over-the-top visuals, the non-stop RPG clichés and the craziness of the game's fundamental concept where you're someone with a friggin' illithid tadpole implanted into your brain so you hijack a githyanki spaceship and crash it.
It gave me no indication of the grounded, realistic-within-Faerûn nature of BG. Punting a goblin thirty feet into the distance, killing an enemy by throwing your boots at it, spell-like visual effects from the mundane act of jumping... it was just more of what I didn't like about Divinity. While we didn't get to see a whole lot of the game, what we saw did not feel like a Baldur's Gate game at all. It felt like they wanted to boost the sales of their Divinity 3 by hijacking the beloved Baldur's Gate name, without any genuine intentions of living up to the legacy of the series.
I'll be watching streams on Tuesday to see if I was right, and if I was, I'm not buying it.
larian just has a tone issue in general that may effect bg 3 as a whole.
Your critique of the Rivellon setting of the D:OS games is especially spot-on, and the foundational reason why I cannot stand the D:OS games. It's because I just hate Rivellon as a fantasy RPG setting.
so we have a real big issue in terms of current rpgs. on the one side we got larian who are to silly. then we got say pillars of eternity which is to serious. there is barley a middle ground.
same issue i have with modern adventure games. prefer the serious ones.
like i enjoy disco elysium it has a dark sense of humor but it has more to it then that.
As someone raied on Disney, Nickelodeon, CN, and Kids WB....I don't see the correlation, frankly.
@megamike15 I find full serious all the time exhausting. There needs to be a good amount of levity to balance it out. But unless you're making a parody game, the absurd and humor should not be the majority tone.
I think the Dragon Quest games have a good balance of absurd/serious in an RPG. The main narrative is always treated a serious, and can even get dark or downright tragic at times. But the world of the has so much more to it. Absurd situations and people dot the land. You can have a tale centering around a family broken up by the violence and corruption in the world......and have a mid-tier villain named "Ballzack" in the one game. The series loves it puns btw.
The Yakuza series is another that does a great job with mixed tones. Gritty crime dramas that don't pull any punches, but the side content is an excuse to dabble in the absurd. Like winning a bowling contest to win a chicken. But instead of cooking the chicken, it becomes a member of your real estate company. A normal chicken.
Yeah, Dragon Quest is great. Almost everything has a name that is a silly pun, but the story is relatively serious.
And the full-party customization of IX is very addictive. So is the fact that they don't just sit around standing there when it isn't their turn. Makes battles at least interesting to look at.
Try playing more than Avernus. Fire and other surfaces are not overused in this game. The prologue zone is full of fire but it is not as often present later. See this comment for example.
Also, a tip: when you start getting vines and your characters will run into them, just use fire on the vines - they will burn and won't trouble you any longer.
That said, since any use of elemental surfaces is getting heavily criticized by a portion of players, there might be quite a few tweaks to it during Early Access.
One problem I have with the companions is how much gameplay trumps story here - none of them feels like he should be a level 1 PC. It is like BG 1 having Gorion join you and then he is a level 1 mage.
To be fair this is true to some extent in the old games. Khalid and Jaheira were on the low side, though to be fair they were a level higher and that D&D edition had the level 2 = elite warrior (think Special Forces). Aerie was a bad offender as well in the opposite direction. But in BG 3 it seems like every single NPC.
Undoubtedly someone will bring up BG1 or 2 here, but I would argue there are even more empty containers than those games. It's especially glaring when they have tons of generic items, a multitude of different types of food, forks, spoons, plates, cups, etc they could use.
Whoever is making all these crates and selling them, or just selling the lumber, must be making a fortune given people seem to be buying them up and not using them
It also applies to monster corpses as well as well as any eggs they may have (or at least in most cases).
this is both a gross understatement and 100% correct
well this thread is the only place criticism is allowed. we arnt allowed to do it in the annocement thread. and we have to have played the game to do it in the spoiler thread.