When was the last time you tilted?
I don’t often tilt anymore but I did today. Working on a solo, poverty, no reload run with a lvl 15 Priest of Lathander/Mage and died in the Abazigal fight. Lost my cool completely and haven’t been able to play at all the rest of the day.
When was the last time you tilted and what game?
When was the last time you tilted and what game?
if that is what you mean i still remember that day well....
it was winter i believe of .... 20... 15/16ish perhaps?
i was doing something very stupid;
playing IWD on heart of fury mode with 5 fighters and 1 swashbuckler starting at level 1 with the idea of dual classing two of the fighters at level 13 to become a cleric and a wizard and then dualling the swashbuckler at level 10 or 15 to become a fighter, anyway....
so i go off into the big bad world of IWD and holy moly, was it just down right diabolically brutal. I had to exploit the hell out of EVERY single fight to just barely win. In fact i almost couldn't even beat the orc cave because i had to run back to town to rest up and since i had no healer my group was having comas at the inn and it was costing like 80 gold at a time
but i was slowly and barely making my way through the game
and then i eventually hit dragon's eye at day 1330 or so ( ah comas, good times ) or was it day 3330? dont remember anyway....
i finally got to the last room of the last boss in dragon's eye and i remember my fighters finally hitting close to the level 13 mark so i actually had some cleric and mage power, although i believe i stopped them at level 7 or so, to not waste proficiency points....
i started my attempts at around 7 or 8 pm and the goal was to win this battle with no one dying ( i dont know if it does by default but i was still on insane difficulty with double damage on )
after many, many, MANY attempts, had so many times where only 1 or 2 guys died and reload after reload after reload, and then finally after 8 or 9 hours straight of tom foolery it was finally going to be the one, all that was left was marileth holmes and i had all 6 of my team standing and she was down to near death, victory was mine.....
and then for spite, absolute spite, just as i land the finishing blow on the marileth, she was able to sneak one quick attack in at the exact same time and took out my top guy....
hahaha i laugh about it now, but the unfiltered rage of that madness was just unbearable, i was RIGHT THERE, so i went hulk smash, and not only did i wreck my keyboard tray, i annihilated it. not only did it rip right off of my desk but apparently there were ball bearings in there and they went all over the hardwood floor and scattered, and even after my keyboard tray ripped right off of my desk i took the metal pieces that are supposed to attach it to the desk and on purposely bent them all out of shape in my frustration. ahahaha ah good stuff.
So after that i said calmly; okay, im done, its 4 in the morning im going to bed
and when i woke up later that afternoon i went out to walmart and bought a dinner tray in which i used as a keyboard tray for years until i finally bought a new desk this time its all made out of glass to help make sure i dont do that in the future hahaha.....
although i still have that dinner tray right beside me to this day, its filled with envelopes and papers that i keep forgetting to go through and i use it as a table as i eat my subway sammiches every day while im on my PC
so if anyone looks at that tray and think; ah, i bet he just got that to give himself more "desk space" that answer would be nope, that tray is a lovely memento of a reminder of that night when i finally went hulk smash and strangely enough i never played HoF mode again, weird how that happens hahaha....
At one point, midway in, four of my team was ambushed by the entire enemy team in the center of the map while I was pulling in a special map buff down south. I came up from the south and was able to run right up into their flank and unload a fully equipped and levelled damage dealer, and was able to wipe four of the 5 in about 15-20 seconds.
3 of my team were either dead or had to retreat, and I decided to chase down the last guy. He was far away, but my characters passive was that I would speed up while moving towards an enemy character. A teamate of mine was closer, but could only move forward in short bursts. They knew I was going for the Penta, but decided to try and sabotage me anyway. It was a race across half the map with me steadily, but slowly cathcing up, while they kept bursting ahead every several seconds.
I GOT IN RANGE. Fired my crossbow, and while it was in transit, my teammate got one last boost and stole the kill. I think that was the only time I yelled out in rage while playing a game. I got up, walked away, and left my team to die. Which they did, because I had been doing my job and carrying the team.
But you know what game caused me endless rage as a kid? Pokemon freaking Stadium. You think Pokemon is a cakewalk until you stumble onto those two games, which were as hard as they could possibly get in the first two generations. Optimized stats, teams, strategies based on the actual tournament metagame of the time, and a few rule changes to prevent abuse. I never met a kid that could beat them growing up, and even now I have to use all my knowledge to actually win.
Nowadays I actually appreciate that brutally difficult old school pokemon games exist.
i seriously here ya, whatever the level 50-55 cup is called ( prime cup? ) is so damn hard, especially in round 2 when that one dude has a dragonite at level 55 with 204 HP and blizzard for F sakes only does half its health, like get the hell out of here with that trash
starmie was my MVP in that cup with it's great typing and move pool
but killing round 2 mewtwo with a rental seaking felt soooooooo good hahaha
Starmie is always a good pick, he was a top-tier mon for a long time from what I understand. I went with a bit of an unconventional build and went with a Seadra with Smokescreen, Blizzard, Double Team, and Surf for the final Round 2 cups. Throw up one Double Team at the start, then one Smokescreen, and add another Smokescreen every time they are forced to switch. A bit risky, but reliable enough to win more often than not.
A lot of people say Stadium 2 is harder, but I find it a bit easier due to the fact that you have access to reliable healing on anyone you need, passing stat boosts became a thing, and Hidden Power can give you type coverage you wouldn't otherwise have. Try getting a Dodrio with HP Fighting, it's a monster. None of its weak types can safely switch in if you can predict it, which usually isn't hard.
The comment section on that video is pure gold.
Literally drunk with power, I thought it was a good idea to declare war on all the other civs at once and take over the world. Needless to say, it was a disaster. I made terrible decisions and couldn't keep track of what was going on across the whole map. As the first light of dawn stabbed into my apartment window, my empire was in tatters and the realization of how badly I'd shit the bed hit me. And the worst thing was it all seemed like a microcosm of my entire life at the time. I did not handle it well and that was the end of my PS1.
I have never had that happen before or since. The closest I have come in BG was when I had three consecutive no-reload attempts end at Sarevok's coronation. I admit I had a hard time keeping composed after that third time.
i had a friend of mine beat the ho-oh, lugia and mewtwo battle with a tyranatar, amphrous and a lapras, god it was epic, and man the luck was silly as hell;
first he brought out tyranatar and the game brought out mewtwo
mewtwo went first of coarse and used submission and tyranatar being the beast that it is survived it, although just barely, but best part is, mewtwo almost killed itself from recoil, so tyranatar used crunch and mewtwo was taken out
next the game brought out lugia and i believe lugia used calm mind or some jargon, then my friend used crunch again and did just under half it's health i believe, then lugia used whatever and took out tyranatar
so next my friend brought out amphrous, and lugia went first and i dont remember what it used but amphrous survived and he used thunder, got a critical hit and took lugia out, friggin LOL
then the game brought out ho-oh, and again i dont remember what move it used first but my friend was able to get a thunder in and paralyze ho-oh, but in the end somehow ho-oh was able to take out amphrous
so next my friend brought out lapras and since ho-oh was near death and paralyzed, one surf and the fight was won
it was so hilarious to watch 3 non legendaries take out the 3 most powerful legendaries in that fight hahaha
Ever since then, I've kinda cooled down, and losing runs doesn't faze me much. I'm also less ambitious with my runs, since the only way to top my solo LoB run is to do something that's even less fun. I no longer try to chase trophies.
It could very well be the hardest PS1 game of all time.
Picture this. You start with a deck of 40 cards, none of which have an attack factor above 1500. Tributes don't exist. Magic and traps? Forget about it, you aren't getting those. Every time you win a duel you get 1 card. You have about a 1 in 100,000 chance of getting any card with an attack above 2000.
By the time you get to mid game, everyone you face is automatically drawing cards with 3000+ attack, tribute free. The last few are auto-drawing cards with 4000+.
The very best combo you can reasonably make without hundreds of hours of grinding is to fuse a 2800 monster, if you're lucky. The best strategy beyond cheating or frame-perfect manipulation is to bash your head against the wall of RNG until they draw the worst cards of their deck and you draw the best. It is as fun as it sounds.
Oh, you want to use the password system to get good cards you actually own? Every halfway decent card costs 999,999 chips. You can maybe use your passwords to get something in the 900 attack range. Did I mention monster effects don't exist?
Really, I'm underselling it here. If you want to get extremely mad at video games, try it out.
but did you use the heart of the cards though? wasn't that the catch phrase?
Forbidden Memories is what happens when what is inside the Heart of the Cards is nothing but a desire to see you suffer.
It turns out the Memories were Forbidden because they were memories of dozens of traumatic beatdowns Yugi suffered at the hands of the High Mages.
ah my bad, i barely if ever watched the show back in the day, and all i remembered was some jargon about using the heart of the cards or some such to win matches
although i've seen every episode of the yu-gi-oh abridged series on youtube and man was that stuff hilarious
I only briefly watched the show as a kid but played quite a few of the old games and read some of the old manga. The original tone before the anime was way darker. The sister of Yugi's ancient rival kills herself as tribute to summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon against raiders, several people die within the course of the game I was just talking about, etc.
Agree there, and I didn't even go into half of the ways the game cheats. When you cheat and start with every available card, it's actually pretty fun. Pick your favorite of any power level and watch some early 3D monster battling. Lots of mods for a ps1 game as well.