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[MOD] "Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders" - Banter/Quest/Romance Mod for BG2!



  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 8
    edited August 14
    hi. is there a full walkthrough to this? theres still some bugs and i dont know if i cant keep playing because i dont find things or because its bugged.. eg: renal bloodskalp is locked in after maevar dialogue and i cant continue quests
    edit: also i cant find the treasure in brynnlaw
    edit: i tried doing the korgan/book of kaza branch. i got the book of kaza and nothing happens. nowhere on the internet i can find where to go from here. can u pls offer some sort of a walkthrough? like i dont need complete sollutions but this is just annoying.
    do i need to keep him in my team? do i need to go somewhere? do i need to continue to chapter 3 to continue with this quest? or is it missable and im not gonna be able to get this quest done?
    Post edited by eamon on
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 222
    edited August 14
    Perhaps a FAQ could help, and be added at Not for complete walk-throughs, but slight hints when people are stuck. This helped me a little in the Neverwinter Night mod (though I still have not successfully completed it yet).

    FAQ entries that could be added, from the above, could include:

    - Where might the treasure in Brynnlaw be found?
    - Will there be a triggered event after the Book of Kaza has been obtained?
    - Does Korgan have to be kept in the team for subsequent triggers?
    - Will this quest be continued into Chapter 3?

    (The FAQ could be split into technical FAQ and quest-hints.)

    I also did not do all quests in HTaM; I usually do the one where our party has to fight some enemy party and a mage there.
  • LawfulStupidLawfulStupid Member Posts: 45
    To whom do I speak after collecting the debts? I talked to everyone at the bank that I could find, but the quest didn't advance. What am I missing? It's been awhile since I talked to the orcish debt collectors, so I don't remember everything that they had to say. Thank you for any advice.
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 44
    To whom do I speak after collecting the debts? I talked to everyone at the bank that I could find, but the quest didn't advance. What am I missing? It's been awhile since I talked to the orcish debt collectors, so I don't remember everything that they had to say. Thank you for any advice.
    @39 = ~When you're done with both, meet me on the roof of the Copper Coronet. Thanks for doing this, <PRO_SIRMAAM>. ~

  • LawfulStupidLawfulStupid Member Posts: 45
    much appreciated

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 301
    edited August 21
    eamon wrote: »
    hi. is there a full walkthrough to this?
    Hello! There is no full guide, but many answers can be found in the mod's discussion thread here and on G3. If someone can write a FAQ with answers, I will gladly add it, but unfortunately I do not have time to do this work now.

    renal bloodskalp is locked in after maevar dialogue and i cant continue quests
    What dialogue exactly are we talking about, after which phrase do problems arise? What does "locked" mean? I don't understand the question at the moment. Also, the problem may be related to other mods, if you have them installed.
    also i cant find the treasure in brynnlaw
    What exactly is your problem? You can't find the entrance to the abandoned house according to the quest plot or what?
    i tried doing the korgan/book of kaza branch. i got the book of kaza and nothing happens.
    The quest with the Kaza book is a standard Korgan game quest. The mod (Component №1) adds the ability to decipher it, but for this, at the moment you receive the book, Edwin and (highly desirable, to see all the options for the development of events) Keldorn must be in your group.
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 8

    renal bloodskalp is locked in after maevar dialogue and i cant continue quests
    What dialogue exactly are we talking about, after which phrase do problems arise? What does "locked" mean? I don't understand the question at the moment. Also, the problem may be related to other mods, if you have them installed.

    actually the renal thing solved itself, i remembered something wrong.
    also i cant find the treasure in brynnlaw
    What exactly is your problem? You can't find the entrance to the abandoned house according to the quest plot or what?

    well once i did the quest via the non korgan path and i arrived at brynnlaw with some sort of treasure map/ riddle and i really didnt know where to go from there. i didnt know anything about an abandoned house.
    i tried doing the korgan/book of kaza branch. i got the book of kaza and nothing happens.
    The quest with the Kaza book is a standard Korgan game quest. The mod (Component №1) adds the ability to decipher it, but for this, at the moment you receive the book, Edwin and (highly desirable, to see all the options for the development of events) Keldorn must be in your group.

    at the moment i have the open quest from korgan which says "great dwarf debt" and i advised him not to pay that debt. i rested for like a week in the wilderness and tried to get approached by the bank ppl but nothing happened. i then kicked korgan (hes not gonna stay in my group) and continued to chapter 3 and now coming back from the underdark. can i continue his questline in this chapter? how do i continue? do i just wait with korgan in my team?

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 301
    eamon wrote: »
    well once i did the quest via the non korgan path and i arrived at brynnlaw with some sort of treasure map/ riddle and i really didnt know where to go from there. i didnt know anything about an abandoned house.
    If you started the quest "Pirate's Treasure", then upon arrival in Brynnlaw you need to talk to Lorna (she is on the dock), then the details will be in the dialogue. If you have difficulties in finding the house, which is needed to continue the quest after this, you can find the answer in this topic on one of the previous pages, I recently uploaded a screenshot of the location of the house.
    at the moment i have the open quest from korgan which says "great dwarf debt" and i advised him not to pay that debt. i rested for like a week in the wilderness and tried to get approached by the bank ppl but nothing happened. i then kicked korgan (hes not gonna stay in my group) and continued to chapter 3 and now coming back from the underdark. can i continue his questline in this chapter? how do i continue? do i just wait with korgan in my team?
    The "Great dwarf debt" quest belongs to Component 2, and the expansion of the standard quest about the Book of Kaza belongs to Component 1. Thus, these things are not connected in any way.
    To continue the quest "Great dwarf debt" you need to have Korgan in the party. The next meeting with the bank collectors begins as a random encounter during the transitions between the city areas of Atkatla.

  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 8
    [/quote] The "Great dwarf debt" quest belongs to Component 2, and the expansion of the standard quest about the Book of Kaza belongs to Component 1. Thus, these things are not connected in any way.
    To continue the quest "Great dwarf debt" you need to have Korgan in the party. The next meeting with the bank collectors begins as a random encounter during the transitions between the city areas of Atkatla.


    and can i continue this in chapter 6? also:
    "- for male characters, this component adds two quests in the Thieves guild: the first quest will be given by Renal
    after completing his task (wait for the messenger on the street) in chapter 3, and the second major quest will
    be given by Aran after the death of Bodhi in chapter 6, provided that the player earlier took control of
    stronghold thieves" - how do i start this quest? im a male thief and control maevars guild atm, just killed bodhi and all he says to me is "nice that you killed her"
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 301
    edited August 28
    eamon wrote: »
    how do i start this quest? im a male thief and control maevars guild atm, just killed bodhi and all he says to me is "nice that you killed her"

    For a male character (as for women), the quests "The Magic Lamp" and "The Curse of Beshaba" are available.

    To start the "Magic Lamp" quest, you need to visit the AR0305 area - if all the conditions are met, a timer will start there for two days, after which a courier will appear at any city area. List of conditions:
    Chapter - either 3 or 6
    Global("RenalJob","GLOBAL",4) // Renal's tasks are completed, the guild is under control
    Global("PlayerThiefGuild","GLOBAL",1) OR Global("PGFailed","GLOBAL",1)

    Here also is a list of conditions under which the courier from Aran should appear and the "Beshaba's curse" quest will begin:
    Chapter - either 3 or 6
    Global("RenalJob","GLOBAL",4) // Renal's tasks are completed, the guild is under control
    Global("AranLove","GLOBAL",0) // There is no romance with Aran (if the PC is male, the variable is always 0)
    Global("BodhiJob","GLOBAL",0) // You are not working for Bodhi
    Global("AranLovePrologue","GLOBAL",0) // The prologue of the romance with Aran has not started (if the PC is male, the variable is always 0)
    Global("ThiefSpawn0","GLOBAL",0) // the courier has not appeared yet

    You can check these variables in your own console via the GetGlobal command to check what values ​​these variables have in your playthrough. Then it will become clear what exactly is wrong. You can also manually change the variables via the SetGlobal command.

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