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Noober's Game



  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Zaghoul wrote: »
    3. Check the chandelier for a trap.

    As you look closely at the chandelier, you see a small network of tiny filaments extending from the ornamental arms of the light fixture to the floor. Where they attach to the chandelier, there are small levers, almost too small to detect.

    You carefully avoid the filaments hanging from the chandelier and make your way to the safe room door. It appears to be a normal door with a simple lock below the doorknob.

    1. Try to pick the lock.
    2. Place the stolen key in the lock and turn it.
    3. Try to force the door.

    OOC: I added a response here, to make an otherwise unreachable state accessible.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    2. Place the stolen key in the lock and turn it.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Zaghoul wrote: »
    2. Place the stolen key in the lock and turn it.

    The lock opens silently, and as you open the door, you find that it is comprised of two inches of solid iron. The hinges make no sound whatsoever as you close the door behind you. You turn and survey the room.

    To your surprise, you see a window overlooking the busy town square. Despite the window, the room seems surprisingly dark, and this strikes you as odd. There is a table with a small stand which holds a simple gold ring. You quickly take the ring and plan your escape.

    1. Attempt to leave through the strangely dark window.
    2. Slip the ring on your finger and exit the way you entered.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Slip the ring on your figure and exit the way you entered...
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    1. Yes, I enjoyed it very much.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Zaghoul wrote: »
    1. Yes, I enjoyed it very much.

    I'm glad to hear it. Would you, by chance, like to play again or perhaps choose another class?

    1. Okay, perhaps I will try another class.
    2. No, I would rather quit.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    1. Okay, perhaps I will try another class.
    So glad I didn't reply earlier. My natural curiosity made me want to try the window, seeing if it's a portal or something.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Arvia wrote: »
    1. Okay, perhaps I will try another class.

    Excellent! Which class would you like: a fighter, a wizard, or a thief?

    1. I shall take on the role of a fighter.
    2. A wizard sounds like it would be fun.
    3. I've always enjoyed sneaking around. Let me try being a thief.
    4. Eh, I would rather quit after all.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    I shall take on the role of a fighter.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Arvia wrote: »
    I shall take on the role of a fighter.

    Ooh, a fighter! You like to act tough, do you? I thought I wanted to be a fighter once, but then my mother reminded me I have trouble chopping wood for the winter... and the wood's sitting still! Better I stick to telling stories, I think.

    Anyway, let me just get my Tome of Adventure here... right, got it. Let's get started.

    You are a fighting woman, a mercenary who makes her living with her sword, and a good living it has been. A paragon of youth, strength, and vitality, you are an impressive sight in your brightly polished armor. So it is no surprise that when you enter the town of Berenford, the children look at you in awe, even as their parents run to shield them from an unknown, yet powerful new presence.

    It is a day like any other, and you had briefly considered scrounging around Berenford for work, but something in these people's attitudes stops you in your tracks. All is not right here. It is not unusual for people to be scared of the unknown, but this group seems a bit TOO scared. As the adults shuffle their children indoors, you are left facing what might loosely be termed a town square. Looking around, you notice several nondescript buildings, a temple of Lathander, and a blacksmith.

    1. Enter the Temple of Lathander.
    2. Enter the blacksmith's.

    Based on Arvia's portrait, this character is female.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    2. Enter the blacksmith's.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Zaghoul wrote: »
    2. Enter the blacksmith's.

    The blacksmith's shop is a small wooden building with a low roof and a crowded and drafty interior. The wall is lined with examples of his handiwork: swords, spears, and shields, but everything is covered in soot. The smith looks up warily from his anvil as you enter and beckons you forward. "What d'ya want?" he asks gruffly.

    1. Ask if he has anything rare for sale.
    2. Leave the blacksmith's and enter the temple.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    1. Ask if he has anything rare for sale.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Zaghoul wrote: »
    1. Ask if he has anything rare for sale.

    He shakes his head. "I have nothing for sale. Not anymore!"

    1. Ask why a merchant would have no items for sale.
    2. Leave the blacksmith's and enter the temple.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    1. Ask why a merchant would have no items for sale.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Grond0 wrote: »
    1. Ask why a merchant would have no items for sale.

    "Because we no longer have any currency! All we used to have went to our new lord, Fernault. 'Taxes,' he called it, but it's more like 'theft' if you ask me! Because he simply takes everything we get, gold has become worthless here, and so I don't want any you may have. The only way I work now is for an exchange of services, and I doubt you'd have anything I want. Although..."

    Suddenly, there is a commotion at the door, and before you can object, the smith hurries you behind a nearby pile of crates and motions you to be silent. Almost before he can turn back around, a large man bursts into his shop. "Smith!" he bellows. "Your shipment is late. Where are the weapons Fernault has ordered?"

    "I—I—I need time", the smith stammers in reply. "That many weapons cannot be made in a tenday, particularly when it is so difficult to come by supplies, a situation brought about by your master, I might add!"

    The large man steps forward and backhands the smith, sending him to the ground. "Watch your tongue, cur! First, Lord Fernault is not just MY master, but OUR master! Second, he will not be blamed for your incompetence! You have two days to finish the order. If you do not have the weapons by then, your daughter will pay the price!"

    1. Stay in hiding,
    2. Smite the man from behind with your sword.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    2. Smite the man from behind with your sword.

    (Not very honorable, and I'm fully expecting a dice role that makes me stumble, but he's a bully, two days should be enough to rescue the daughter, and I bet the whole village will gladly help to hide the corpse, too)
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Arvia wrote: »
    2. Smite the man from behind with your sword.

    With a mighty swing, you split the man's skull, felling him in one blow. As his body slumps to the floor, the smith looks at you in a disbelief which soon turns to panic. "You've really done it now," he cries. "Lord Fernault's seneschal killed in my shop! Quick, help me get the body into the furnace before anyone finds it!"

    1. Ask him about Lord Fernault.
    2. Leave the blacksmith's and enter the temple.

    No die roll on this one, and it won't take the whole village to deal with the body. Though they probably would be willing.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    *wipes the sweat from her brow in relief* Can we check the corpse for anything useful before burning him?

    1.Ask him about Lord Fernault.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Nothing about checking the body, no. He probably just had some mundane gear that wouldn't be an improvement.
    Arvia wrote: »
    1.Ask him about Lord Fernault.

    "No one's ever seen him," the man whispers, "but he and his soldiers came here several tendays ago and immediately set about robbing the people blind. Anything of value—gold, jewels, iron, even food and, as you just saw, weapons—they simply seize without payment."

    "His fortress lies somewhere in Mount Redigar to the north. That's where they took my daughter several days ago as a means of 'persuading' me to continue working for free. Why do you ask? You aren't really thinking of getting rid of him, are you? Because if you are, I beg you to keep an eye out for Peldea, my daughter. Rescue her if you can!"

    1. Agree to rescue his daughter.
    2. Tell him that you cannot guarantee you will be able to rescue his daughter.
    3. Tell him that you have no intention of going to Lord Fernault's fortress.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    I pledge to rescue your daughter upon... upon... you know if I had a magic sword I would pledge upon it you know. Oh well, I suppose. I agree to rescue your daughter.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Mantis37 wrote: »
    I pledge to rescue your daughter upon... upon... you know if I had a magic sword I would pledge upon it you know. Oh well, I suppose. I agree to rescue your daughter.

    "Oh, thank you!" he replies with a wide smile. "Since you have promised to return to me the only thing in this world I care about, I shall give you this!" He pulls up a loose plank from the floor, reaches his hand into the hole, and brings forth a rough cloth, which he quickly unwraps to reveal a perfectly smooth blue blade.

    As your hand grasps the sword's hilt, a series of orange runes pulse along the crossguard, hinting at the power within the blade. "It's called Caelfor, and it was passed to me by my father, a master smith known far and wide as the best these parts have ever known. I reckon there are few better swords in the world than this. May it always strike true for you, and if you could lodge it in Lord Fernault's brain, I would celebrate your name forever."

    "But we have spoken too long already. I really do need to get back to work, so I wish you luck in your travels. Farewell."

    1. Leave the blacksmith's and enter the temple.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    1. Leave the blacksmith's and enter the temple.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Zaghoul wrote: »
    1. Leave the blacksmith's and enter the temple.

    The Temple of Lathander is adorned in rich yellow, orange, and red tapestries arranged on the walls such that they mimic the hues and patterns of a rising sun. You at first think the temple to be empty before a small woman meekly pokes her head out of one of the side vestibules. "Sorry," she says timidly, "but I'm afraid the temple is closed. Please try back later."

    1. Ask her why the temple is closed.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    1. Ask her why the temple is closed.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Zaghoul wrote: »
    1. Ask her why the temple is closed.

    "The priest, Morninglord Aldaron, is not here at the moment, and I am but a lowly acolyte. I have neither the training nor enough of the Morninglord's favor to provide adequate temple services on my own."

    1. Inquire as to when Aldaron will return.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    1. Inquire as to when Aldaron will return.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Zaghoul wrote: »
    1. Inquire as to when Aldaron will return.

    "He does not approve his schedule with me", she answers curtly as she turns away. Yet something stops her, and she turns back, eyes your glistening armor and the heavy sword sheathed on your belt, and begins again. "I apologize, but the truth is the Morninglord has been gone too long now. He is almost certainly dead."

    "He left almost three tendays ago to journey to Mount Redigar, but he should have returned long ago. It is at most a three-day journey there and another three back. You can even see the mountain from the town square."

    "Mount Redigar is the home of Fernault, a warlord that recently moved into the area and began terrorizing the people. Aldaron was certain he could talk sense into the tyrant—confident that Lathander would protect him if the worst came—but he has not returned!"

    "My mentor—my friend—has been slain by that monster, and now I don't see how the people here will ever be free of him! Please, ma'am, you look to be a great warrior. Rid our town of this tyrant if you can! Oh, I'm sorry, but my emotions overwhelm me. I cannot speak any more of it!" She runs off, leaving you alone in the temple.

    1. Leave the town and head to Mount Redigar.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    Leave the town and head to Mount Redigar.

    (Uh-oh. 3 days travel she said. The bully we killed said the smith needs to deliver the weapons in two days or his daughter will suffer... we should probably hurry)
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