Which mod puts an astral phase spider in a cave near the temple of Beregost?
in BG:EE Mods
Not sure which mod is responsible for that, but wowzers. I was totally not expecting to run into anything like that there. It was wiping out party members faster than I could heal them.
In fairness, my game is set to allow enemies to follow through doors, so setting that to false would have "fixed" the issue (at the cost of realism). My suggestion would be for the dude that is running when you get near the cave to give you a bit more of a warning. Otherwise, I actually like the idea of areas in the sword coast where your low-level party shouldn't go. It gives you a reason to go back.
It is a bit brutal an encounter for what is essentially a low level area close to civilization. The problem is there is no build-up and no way to scout ahead, as the spiders will be upon you instantly when entering that cave.