[mod] Xikâsz's Grove of Chaos

Xikâsz's Grove of Chaos
Xikâsz's Grove of Chaos is a new mod that adds a new quest to IWD:EE as well as provides players with a new possible companion, Xikâsz - an elven fighter/wildmage/thief of neutral alignment.
In the mod, you will get a chance to investigate a new area near Kuldahar. An old grove near which a shady character has been spotted. Is he a friend? Or a foe? It is up to you to go there and find out. But be careful, as you may need to face some new beasts during your investigation.
To start a quest you need to talk to an agitated woman in Kuldahar. However, your main character must gather at least 10.000 experience points for the quest to start.
Some of the new areas were crafted by @Acifer - thank you!
Special thanks to @jmaeq, @argent77, @kjeron, SoulForged for their help!
Crossmod Banters will be available through IWD Crossmod Banter Pack once ready.
Sorry, but I don't remember which of my mods are already translated, you'd need to check if the mod has "German" directory in the "translations" / "tra" / "languages" directory.
Thank you for transforming IWD in a more BG style. So many quests and NPC to try 😀.
The mod locations are beautiful! It's worth getting for the visuals alone. The encounters are interesting. I'm glad that there are two separate adventure areas in the mod. "The King in Green" was a lot of fun.
Xikâsz looks like he'd be a fun addition to a party. Since I already had a full party, though, I didn't add him. But now I have a reason to play IWDEE again in the future! (I had been thinking that this would be my final game...)
One minor issue:
Thanks again for all your excellent mods! I would've stopped playing IWDEE years ago without them. The new locations and companions make it an entirely new -- and far superior -- game.
I'm glad you're having fun! Cheers!
Congrats! They just keep on coming, eh? With all these IWD NPCs, I'm in complete analysis paralysis whom to pick. Guess I'll just install all of them and go with the flow? (Who am I kidding, I'll have to prepare a flowchart mapping out their respective number of interjections and crossmod relative to each other to calculate the best combination
That club you added is kinda bonkers with a 20% blunt damage bonus. Not in a bad way just it's a very solid addition especially for that stage in the game since most of the best gear comes in near the end of the game where the combat is mostly solved. Even for someone who uses regular maces or morningstars having it in the offhand buffing your damage is a big deal, my barbarian is definitely enjoying it.
Anyway, with all the new quests and all, completing them also gives you some XP boost
"This wild magic spell creates a chaotic blade, a shortsword that isn't simply a +2 sword..."
but in @96 ("This sword was created with the Turmoil Blade spell."), the sword have a desription as it is a long sword (but damage):
"Damage: 1d6+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: One-handed
6 Strength".
Is it intentional or not?
I love it! It's really forcing me to use my brain and be creative. I haven't even been able to recruit Xikâsz yet but I am determined.
"The Vistani were renowned travelers of the mists, which did not hinder them in the least. It is believed that the Vistani got this ability from the Dark Powers."
While I do not agree with how Vistani are referred to and I do not agree to portraying them as "agents of Dark Powers", because... well, that's kinda harmful to describe a whole group of people / ethnicity through some dark connection, I do think that if anyone may know more about Ravenloft, it may be them, thanks to their travels, observations and tales.
Different sources also keep it unclear -- on one hand we can read there isn't much information about them, on the other hand we can read "The Dark Powers also seem capable of non-evil manipulations. Although their machinations are often directly responsible for the misery of many of Ravenloft's inhabitants, they also appear to play a role as dispenser of justice. Some tales of innocents, who have escaped Ravenloft for happier environs, are attributed to the Dark Powers, who have judged a being worthy of reward and release from their misty domain. "
So if there are tales, it's not like Dark Powers are always "unknown", even if sometimes they may be referred to differently. But then again, I believe Vistani may know more and it's unclear if Dark Powers call themselves Dark Powers, because perhaps it's exactly how they are referred to by those who know about something greater playing with the Domains.
These two details combined made me decide to write it that way. I want everyone to enjoy the mod, not only those that know some bits about the settings and that's also why Xikâsz's friend was introduced, as someone who has access to at least some more information about it, even if at times it may feel a tiny bit meta. It feels better, than providing almost no background information about the world the character comes from apart from "it's dark, scary, and there are vampires there."