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Mod impressions: BG:EE Quest Mods

inethineth Member Posts: 749
edited August 2024 in BG:EE Mods

This thread provides an overview of available mods that add quests to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.

Table of contents:
  • 2000s
    • Dark Side of the Sword Coast
    • BG1 NPC Project
    • The Lure of the Sirine's Call
    • The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candlelight
    • BG1 Unfinished Business
    • The Stone of Askavar
    • Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters
    • Dark Horizons
    • Ascalon's Questpack
  • 2010s
    • Shadow Magic
    • The Calling
  • 2020s
    • Shades of the Sword Coast
    • Balduran's Seatower
    • The Gorgon’s Eye
    • Black Hearts
  • Abbreviations used
  • See Also
Post edited by ineth on


  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited August 2024
    Dec 1998 — BG1 is released.
    May 1999 — BG1:TotSC is released.



    Dark Side of the Sword Coast (DSotSC) is the first quest mod that was released for any Infinity engine game.

    It adds a large, loosely-connected quest-line to the Sword Coast (ch5+), about heroically protecting the region from various powerful monsters. It is meant for higher-level parties, and even then, the combat is tough – to the point that this can be considered a tactical challenge mod.

    The new areas mostly reuse existing BG1 area backgrounds. There are also several joinable NPCs, but they don't have much content.

    How to start the quest-line:
    • Talk to Jet'laya who appears on the Friendly Arm Inn outdoors map in chapter 5.


    The BG1 NPC Project fleshes out the 25 joinable BioWare NPCs with banters, interjections, romances, etc. – and also gives small personal quests to nine of them.

    The quests take place in existing game areas (ch1+, ch4, ch5+), and require having the respective NPC in the party.

    How to start the NPC quests:
    • Coran:
      • Amelia: Enter the Firewine Bridge area with Coran in your party, and wait for him to initiate conversation and tell you about a woman.
    • Dynaheir:
    • Garrick:
      • Traveling Librarians: Enter the Nashkel Carnival area with Garrick in your party, and wait for Archibald to approach you.
    • Jaheira:
    • Kagain:
      • ...: ...
    • Kivan:
      • (Seasnake encounter): Travel to the Coast West of High Hedge, and approach the top-right milestone at night with Kivan in your party.
      • (Bounty hunter encounter): Cross the Baldur's Gate Bridge (ch5+) with Kivan in your party.
    • Tiax:
      • A strange gnome: Travel to South Baldur's Gate, and approach Belgin in the top-left map portion with Tiax in your party.
    • Xan:
    • Xzar:


    The Lure of the Sirine's Call adds a single small quest to the Sword Coast (ch1+), involving pirates and sirines.

    How to start the quest:
    • Complete the base-game mini-quest "A Child in the Lighthouse" in the Lighthouse area, and an old man greets you.


    The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candlelight adds a large-ish quest to the game (ch5+), in which your party is recruited by a secret Flaming Fist unit to defend the region against a powerful bandit organization called the Grey Clan.

    The quest takes place in existing game areas as well as changed versions of existing areas – and features small side-quests as well as very tough boss fights.

    How to start the quest: Guides:

    Installation on the EE:
    Don't install the version of the mod that is available on its official website; Instead, install the EE+EET port by K4thos.


    The BG1 Unfinished Business mod restores (and expands upon) cut content, such as characters, dialog lines, etc. that were left in the game files by the original developers but were never shown to the player. This includes tweaks to existing quests, as well as a few additional mini-quests and one additional area.

    Some of this mod's content was integrated into the base-game by BG:EE, but the mod still provides additional content here.

    How to enter the new area:
    • Ice Island Level Two Restoration:
      In the Ice Island dungeon, find the entrance to a second dungeon level.
    How to start the new mini-quests (which aren't already in base-game BG:EE):
    • Svlast, the Fallen Paladin Encounter:
      Talk to Svlast in the Firewine Bridge area.
    • Mal-Kalen, the Ulcaster Ghost:
      Talk to Mal-Kalen in to the Ulcaster Dungeon
    • Nim Furlwing Encounter:
      Talk to Nim Furlwing in Larswood
    • Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi:
      Talk to Shilo Chen on the ground floor of the Elfsong Tavern in East Baldur's Gate.
    • Edie, the Merchant League Applicant:
      Talk to Edie inside the Merchants' League Estate in Southwest Baldur's Gate.
    • Quoningar, the Cleric:
      Talk to Quoningar on floor 2 of the Three Old Kegs inn in North Baldur's Gate.
    (For the changes to existing quests, non-quest content, and content already included in the EE, see the mod's readme or wiki page.)


    The Stone of Askavar adds a large-ish quest to the Sword Coast (ch5+), about retrieving a remnant of an ancient Elven civilization before it falls into evil hands.

    It comes with three new areas (partially photoshopped from existing BG1 art), and tough battles.

    How to start the quest: Guides:


    Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters adds many small quests to the Sword Coast. The focus is not on grand adventure, but on making the game world come more alive by interacting with its inhabitants.

    The new content takes place in existing game areas (prologue, ch1+, ch5+), features well-written (sometimes whimsical) dialog, allows for a lot of player choice (usually with both good and evil quest resolutions), and includes many interjections from the Bioware NPCs.

    To start the quests:
    • Unexpected Help (a.k.a. Linda and Sir Trun):
      Talk to Linda in the Candlekeep Inn in Candlekeep.
    • Slime Quest (a.k.a. Alanna's Neighbor in Trouble):
      Alanna approaches you in the top-left portion of Beregost.
    • Family Treasure Quest (a.k.a. Family Quarrel in Beregost):
      Talk to Mr. and Mrs. Dudley in their house the top-left portion of Beregost.
    • A worried Farmer:
      Repeatedly talk to an unnamed farmer in Beregost.
    • Drunk near Beregost Temple:
      Talk to the drunkard in the top-left corner of the Beregost Temple outdoors map.
    • Lovesick Half-Orc:
      Talk to Uguth in the Area North of Nashkel.
    • Babysitting in Nashkel:
      Talk to Mrs. Blackwood in Nashkel.
    • Nashkel Monster:
      Approach little Arnim near the Manor House in Nashkel.
    • A Warm Place for Noober:
      Noober reappears after your initial base-game encounter with him in Nashkel.
    • Brage's Sword (a.k.a. Captain Brage's Guilt):
      After finishing the base-game quest "The Tale of Captain Brage", talk to Oublek in Nashkel again.
    • Many little paws (a.k.a. Hamster Dilemma):
      With Minsc in your party, talk to the vendor at the Carnival.
    • Undying Love in the Fishing Village:
      Talk to Leila in the left-most home in the Fishing Village.
    • The Unknown Egg:
      Defeat the wyvern breeder Peter The North in the Third Cloakwood cave, and talk to his hostage Teodor.
    • Bodies for a good Cause:
      Talk to the elven necromancer Sylar inside the Shop of Silence in East Baldur's Gate.
    • Orc Attacks in Baldur's Gate:
      An unnamed commoner initiates dialog in Baldur's Gate, 3+ days after you complete "Lovesick Half-Orc".
    • Fallen Paladin in Baldur's Gate:
      Approach the Temple of Helm in North Baldur's Gate.


    Dark Horizons adds a combat-heavy quest-line (ch4+) in which your party is hunted by a secretive organization called Section, with new areas that reuse BG1 and IWD background art.
    It also adds a dungeon expansion (ch1+), some mini-quests (ch1+, ch4+, ch5+), three joinable NPCs, shops, item upgrades, and many bonus combat encounters across the game world.

    To start the quests:
    • Dungeon crawls:
      • Section
        Encounter Najara on the Friendly Arm Inn outdoors map in chapter 4+.
      • Oversight
        After completing the Section quest, enter the newly-accessible house in the bottom-right portion of Central Baldur's Gate.
      • Ulcaster Crypts
        Find the crypt entrance in the Ulcaster Dungeon.
    • Mini-quests:
      • Smeagol's ring
        In Gullykin, talk to Smeagol who stands outside the right-most hut of the village.
      • Selene's dragon
        In the Second Cloakwood, talk to the druid Selene on the platform to the right of the map center.
      • Kieran's toll
        In the Fourth Cloakwood, the ranger Kieran initiates dialog in front of the bridge.
      • Diamond for Sir Winton
        In Central Baldur's Gate, Sir Winton initiates dialog outdoors just south of the Drakon Tavern.
      • Recipes for Halabasher
        At Ulgoth's Beard, talk to Halabasher Dhunshar.


    Ascalon's Questpack adds several small-to-medium-sized quests to the Sword Coast (ch1+, ch4+, ch5+), and one larger one about an evil cult that is taking hold in the region.

    Features well-written dialog and interesting (sometimes funny) situations.

    To start the quests:
    • The Magnificent Karlini:
      Talk to Ygnatius Bombastus in the Friendly Arm Inn.
    • Raukner's Ruffian Roughnecks (a.k.a. A Job Well-Paid):
      Talk to Agnus & co. in the northern part of Beregost.
    • The Quest for Jumper + A New Best Friend for Ugh:
      Talk to Kessy in the Area South of Beregost.
    • Of Wolves and Men:
      Talk to Aiwell in High Hedge.
    • A Failed Picnic (a.k.a. A Ghost in the Cloudpeaks / A Feast for the Gnolls):
      Talk to Mrs. Brunnstein in Nashkel.
    • The Serpents of Abbathor:
      Loot the note from the dead dwarf in Mulahey's cave in the Nashkel Mines.
    • The Quest for Perwell (a.k.a. The Lost Son):
      Talk to Aphriel in the First Cloakwood.
    • Breeding Gibberlings in Baldur's Gate:
      Talk to Geraldo south of the south gate in Central Baldur's Gate.
    • Fangirls:
      Talk to Ashley, Mandy, and Cindy just to the west of the Helm and Cloak in Northwest Baldur's Gate.

    Post edited by ineth on
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited August 2024

    Nov 2012 — BG1:EE is released.
    Mar 2016 — BG1:SoD is released.


    The Shadow Magic mod is a kitpack that introduces a new type of magic to the game.<br>It also adds a small quest to the Sword Coast (ch1+, ch5+) that allows your party to fight some Shadow Magic users, which can be played regardless of whether your party uses any of the mod's kits themselves.

    To start the quest:
    • Kryn Darkflame teleports in when you walk through the left portion of the Friendly Arm Inn courtyard.


    The Calling adds a quest (ch1+) involving Melicamp, that was designed as a special class quest for mages but is available to all protagonists.

    To start the quests:
    • The Calling:
      Complete the base-game quest Melicamp the Chicken, and make sure that Melicamp survives. Thalantyr then gives you this follow-up quest.
    • Peaceful Werewolf Isle Resolution:

  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited August 2024


    The Shades of the Sword Coast mod adds many small-to-medium quests all over the game world (ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, SoD), most of which center around the themes of memories, loss, undeath, and the ethereal.

    Several of them lead you to new side-areas of existing locations, with beautiful custom-photoshopped area art.
    To start the quests:
    • Shadows Below the Friendly Arm Inn:
      Talk to the innkeeper of the Friendly Arm Inn.
    • Circles of Interest:
      A scholar approaches you when you leave the Friendly Arm Inn.
    • Beetles, Dreams and an Old Man:
      Pontag initiates dialog in the top-left part of Beregost.
    • Amber Flower:
      Talk to Otter O'Forest in the center-top part of Beregost.
    • Snooping Around:
      Find a wardstone in Thalantyr's tower in High Hedge.
    • Bibliophilia:
      Click the bookshelf in Thalantyr's chamber which you can access during the previous quest.
    • Ice and Ore:
      Talk to Kulul Huggerglitter by the top-left bridge in Nashkel.
    • The Melting Man:
      Talk to Brat on the left side of the inn in Nashkel.
    • the Manhood / Into the Womanhood:
      Encounter some children to the right of the garrison in Nashkel.
    • Stronghold and its Shadows:
      Talk to Sistriya outside the Belching Dragon tavern in Nashkel.
    • Carnival and the Missing Brother:
      Talk to Tayn by the tents in the Nashkel Carnival.
    • Ormyrrs' Peak:
      Find a new area transition from the Gnoll Stronghold.
    • Doggy Life, Doggy Death:
      Find a clue from a gravestone in the cemetery map that you reach during the previous quest.
    • The Echoed Cry:
      Talk to the crying woman on the ledge outside the Nashkel Mines.
    • Unusual Shards:
      Find unusual shards during your travels across the Sword Coast.
    • The Tree of Shades:
      Find a cave entrance in the Area East of Beregost Temple.
    • My Very Own Hideout:
      Find a bizarre hand in the basilisk caves that you enter during the previous quest.
    • Eight-Legged Misery:
      Find and enter the new doorway inside the Ulcaster Dungeon.
    • The Inactive Golem:
      Find the damaged golem in Peldvale.
    • Disrespected Flowers:
      Talk to the gardener at the Bandit Camp.
    • Shandraha:
      Meet Shandraha near the bottom map edge in the Archaeological Site.
    • The Midnight Dog:
      Talk to Michalina near the back-most hut in Gullykin.
    • Big Appetite in small Gullykin:
      Talk to the merchant Manko Rubbleslide in Gullykin.
    • Final Rest of Firewine's Soldiers:
      Find the tower entrances at the Firewine Bridge.
    • Kobolds Dream Too:
      Meet Zee at the Baldur's Gate Bridge.
    • Fungal Friendship:
      Talk to the soldier inside the cave on the Second Cloakwood map.
    • Apex Predator:
      Y'Uula initiates dialog on the Fourth Cloakwood map.
    • Infesting Light:
      Complete the base-game quest "Zombie Infestation" at the Farm North of Baldur's Gate Bridge map.
    • The Ghost Ship:
      Talk to Haustro on the bottom-right pier in South Baldur's Gate.
    • The Skeletal Captain and His Sons:
      Talk to the Skeletal Captain who you meet during the previous quest.
    • Cult of the Dargon:
      Jaryo Iklaja initiates conversation in the center-left part of North Baldur's Gate.
    • The Bone Collector (a.k.a. Missing Halfling):
      Talk to the unnamed dwarf outside the Blushing Mermaid in Northeast Baldur's Gate.
    • The Dungeon of the Carnal Challenges:
      Talk to Dunstin in the Undercellar below Baldur's Gate.
    • Skeletal Mother:
      Talk to the Skeletal Mother in the top corridor of level 1 of the Candlekeep Catacombs.
    • The Parted Lovers of Ulgoth's Beard (TotSC):
      Enter the lighthouse on the left edge of the map of Ulgoth's Beard.
    • Friend Like No Other (SoD):
      Meet Ubal Al-Khartan in the Troll Claw Woods.
      Walkthrough started by me, that anyone can edit


      The Balduran's Seatower mod adds an extra district to the city of Baldur's Gate: An island close to the harbor with a castle on it.

      It has many beautiful side areas to explore, both above- and underground, and offers a whole bunch of worthwhile quests.

      To get there: To start the quests:


      The Gorgon’s Eye adds a thieves guild below the town of Beregost.

      Any protagonist who is not Lawful Good can join this guild, and receive a lot of well-written quest content from it (ch1+, ch3+) – ranging from smuggling, heists, and assassinations, to a full-scale guild war over a mythical artifact.

      To start:
      • Find the entrance to the Gorgon's Eye hideout in Beregost.


      The Black Hearts mod adds a large quest-line (ch3+, ch5, ch7) that is essentially a prequel to the events of BG2:ToB. It starts out with your protagonist getting hired as a bounty hunter, but things soon get more complicated as you find yourself in the middle of competing conspircies that tie into the BG1 main plot.

      It features several beautiful new areas, optional flavor dialog, and interjections from the Bioware NPCs.

      To start:
      • Talk to "Illasera the Quick" on the main floor of Feldepost's Inn in Beregost in chapter 3 or later.
        Walkthrough started by me, that anyone can edit

        Post edited by ineth on
      • inethineth Member Posts: 749
        edited August 2024
        • Games (BG1, TotSC, SoD, EE, BG2, ToB, IWD, IWD2, PST)
          • BG1 = Baldur's Gate
          • BG:TotSC = Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast (expansion)
          • BG:SoD = Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear (expansion)
          • BG:EE = Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
          • BG2 = Baldur's Gate II
          • BG2:ToB = Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (expansion)
          • IWD = Icewind Dale
          • IWD2 = Icewind Dale II
          • PST = Planescape: Torment
        • BG1 chapters (prologue, ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, SoD)
          I used these abbreviations to document when in the Baldur's Gate game different quest content becomes available:
          • prologue = Prologue (Candlekeep).
          • ch1 = Chapter 1 (countryside).
          • ch2 = Chapter 2 (countryside, after clearing Nashkel Mines).
          • ch3 = Chapter 3 (countryside, after clearing Bandit Camp).
          • ch4 = Chapter 4 (Cloakwood etc.).
          • ch5 = Chapter 5 (Baldur's Gate etc.).
          • ch6 = Chapter 6 (Candlekeep revisited).
          • ch7 = Chapter 7 (endgame).
          • SoD = Siege of Dragonspear expansion.


        BG1: BG2: IWD:
      • inethineth Member Posts: 749
        UPDATE: I added an entry for The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candlelight.
      • inethineth Member Posts: 749
        UPDATE: I added an entry for BG1 Unfinished Business.

        What other BG:EE quest mods mods should I add?
        Does anyone know whether Sir BillyBob's "The Secret of Bone Hill" ever got an EE version?
      • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
        ineth wrote: »
        UPDATE: I added an entry for BG1 Unfinished Business.

        What other BG:EE quest mods mods should I add?
        Does anyone know whether Sir BillyBob's "The Secret of Bone Hill" ever got an EE version?

        Hi @ineth
        Would love to see the Secret of Bone Hill in an EE version, and you giving your impression.

        I havent seen an EE version, but I think Roxanne did a semi EE version (don’t know how much of the ee conversion is an actual Sandrahfication…..).
      • Nibor_ScotNibor_Scot Member Posts: 41
        Hello, what is the different beetwen the Download Link from Dark Side of the Sword Coast to get the Version 1.02 ( or or and the Version from Github ( Link v4.2)?...thanks for help :)
      • Nibor_ScotNibor_Scot Member Posts: 41
        I found Mods like Northern Tale of the Sword Coast, Extra Enhanced Expanded Encounters, Imoen 4 ever, Twas a Slow Boat from Kara-Tur, Baldurans Seatower an the BGT-BP-Worldmap to help with this great List, thank you :)
      • inethineth Member Posts: 749
        UPDATE: I added an entry for Baldurans Seatower.
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