as long as you have EVER single spell you will ever need, because there is only so many ( actuallly there is ooddles of temples that give mind focusing i guess) but since ToB has that erase spell feature, its nice to erase spells for more XP and thats one thing that makes aerie hard, she doesnt have a lot of space for rewriting spells like edwin has for say, she can have a measely 11 when edwin can have 18 and then infinite when his INT hits 19 from lum the mad
Theres only a handful of spells each level that I like. I treat Aerie as if she were a sorcerer with a very limited spell selection. So her lower int doesn't bug me in the slightest. Shes my swiss army knife. She doesn't need to be the best magic user, she just needs to have the right spell whenever I need it and that she does very well.
i think the only real huge advantage aerie has is that theoritically she can have any spell in the game ( just needs a potion of INT to learn 'em all) and when she hits the level cap of 8 000 000 give her the robe of vecna and the amulet of power, so when you cast time stop and improved alacrity you can mash some cleric healing in there as well, i did that once and it was pretty neat, but now adays i am much more lazier and i need power hitters once their spell casting is over and if they cant produce i dont use 'em
I would never compare Aerie to Edwin, but then again who can stand that comparison, thing is I often have room for Aerie and as @sarevok57 says; she can have any spell in the game (except some druidic ones I guess?). How can that not be good???? I usually see her as my healer with benefits. I can't for my life see Anomen as my healer and who else is there? Viconia I suppose but I never understood her upside....besides Drow stink more than winged elves. I always save up on scrolls and learn them together with a potion of genius, for her crappy constitution I use the Belt of (18con) when things seem to get tough.
the only problem with aerie having every spell in the game is that, it takes a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time before that happens, but i guess there is always spider grinding?
@Lindeblom i really like Edwin but what make him better in fact is his amulet, shadowkeep it in aerie necklace slot (never tried just for you know), and if works, probally even the priest spells will recive the bonus i think (a nice idea to try later ...^^).
Edwin Amulet give's him 2 extra spells in every arcane circle he has (EVERY, from 1° to 9° circle). A normal mage would hit 9° circle gaining 1 magic slot. Edwin for being a conjurer (specialist class) get +1 and the amulet give +2 into a total of four 9° circle magic slots at start.
i think the only real huge advantage aerie has is that theoritically she can have any spell in the game ( just needs a potion of INT to learn 'em all) and when she hits the level cap of 8 000 000 give her the robe of vecna and the amulet of power, so when you cast time stop and improved alacrity you can mash some cleric healing in there as well, i did that once and it was pretty neat, but now adays i am much more lazier and i need power hitters once their spell casting is over and if they cant produce i dont use 'em
well i did say theoritically ( you could just use shadowkeeper if ye like hacking) plus i really never use druid spells anyway, and anyones that i do use a cleric can use them as well, those elemental princes only live for 10 rounds then woosh see ya later, so after you spend half their duration in buffing the vampire slayer, then they have like 5 measely rounds to do something, plus on the hardest difficulty where enemies are hitting those elementals with their eyes closed dealing 40-80 damage a hit 3 or so times a round, they really lose their edge ( mordenkanins sword - however its spelled- is still by far uncontested lay up to the basket best summon spell in the game, the only thing that can kill it is; death spell, magic damage and level drain, other than that complete invincibility)
Fair enough. I just figured I'd point it out. What, are you suggesting that the druid has decidedly a lack of spell choice at various levels? I don't know about you, but my entire spell strategy with my druid revolves around goodberry
In other CRPG D&D or not, I usually play different classes for different replays. But somehow in Baldur's Gate I prefer to play fighter types, usually Kensai, or the basic sword+shield turtle, or a Wizard Slayer just for the name of it
Been a long time since I played a raw fighter...I usually play part thief and see myself as a fighter light, using mostly Minsc as my muscles. Maybe time to try again with a pure fighter...makes life so much easier, just point and attack )
I started my first game, completely oblivious to how the game worked so I made what sounded cool (a mage) with 14's in every stat because I didn't know what was important (reading the manual is for pussies I tells ya)
She died when she met Shank. And again when she met Carbos. And again when she met a wolf. Got as far as Baldur's Gate when I had enough and started over with Drugar, Dwarf Fighter, Grand Master of the two handed sword, maxed out in Str and Con. That game went a lot better.
Since then, I always start a new RPG with a fighter, dwarven if possible. Always works out very well.
I started my first game, completely oblivious to how the game worked so I made what sounded cool (a mage) with 14's in every stat because I didn't know what was important (reading the manual is for pussies I tells ya)
She died when she met Shank. And again when she met Carbos. And again when she met a wolf. Got as far as Baldur's Gate when I had enough and started over with Drugar, Dwarf Fighter, Grand Master of the two handed sword, maxed out in Str and Con. That game went a lot better.
Since then, I always start a new RPG with a fighter, dwarven if possible. Always works out very well.
Dwarven Fighters are the best! even better if their hair is red and the first name start with the letter B
I try to play with different classes, though in general I find myself drawn to Wizards/Sorcerers/Rogues more often than the others. I played with a dual-classed 6fighter/Mage one time, and that was great fun too, although I prefer to play character concepts from a RP perspective more than a mechanical perspective, and so instinctively refrain from powerbuilds; I don't dual class often. Also, to be honest I don't totally understand why Evoker is so loved. Diviners are just as entitled to fireball spells, after all. Unless there is a 2E mechanic that makes an Evoker's evocations better than those of other Wizards that I'm not yet aware of? (which is quite possible! lol)
I like thief/mages, fighter/mages, and sorc.s. The thief/mage I play right now is actually a ninja/wild mage. He hits nearly as well as a fighter and is a mage with a little bit of excitement. This way I can free up my party to have anyone I want!
The cool thing about fighters is that they can essentially fit many roles, especially in bg. You can wield ranged weapons and be an effective sniper, using a party member that summons as a way of escaping attention. Or you could go all out with melee weapons. The melee weapons you choose dictate how different the experience is. A longsword/shield combo or dual wielding short swords. I think fighters got even better in iwd 2 as feats were their calling card.
Well met free peoples of Faerun. @I've always preferred the paladin. Though they may seem overly righteous at times they are always the one standing strong and firm in the face of pure evil and are quick to extend a helping hand when all others have fallen by the sword of the unrighteous and any hope of victory has vanished like the passing whispers of wind amongst the fading of the world. That and it's just plain fun to have a paladin with a voice character that says well looks like I'm just gonna have to go on a killing spree.
I almost always play a pure mage, but last time i played BG2 I went for a fighter up to lvl 8 then dualspecced to fighter/mage (and you pass lvl 8 with the mage spec as soon as you leave Irenicus dungeon), giving you an extremely powerful mage that can't die, hit hard with grand master in staffs, and can wear the elven mail.
Did the same thing with a fighter (up to 8)/cleric, dual wielding hammers/flails, grand master in both, turning undead and simply couldn't be killed. Slightly OP, but fun as replays
I usually see her as my healer with benefits. I can't for my life see Anomen as my healer and who else is there? Viconia I suppose but I never understood her upside....besides Drow stink more than winged elves.
I always save up on scrolls and learn them together with a potion of genius, for her crappy constitution I use the Belt of (18con) when things seem to get tough.
Edwin Amulet give's him 2 extra spells in every arcane circle he has (EVERY, from 1° to 9° circle).
A normal mage would hit 9° circle gaining 1 magic slot. Edwin for being a conjurer (specialist class) get +1 and the amulet give +2 into a total of four 9° circle magic slots at start.
Maybe time to try again with a pure fighter...makes life so much easier, just point and attack
She died when she met Shank. And again when she met Carbos. And again when she met a wolf. Got as far as Baldur's Gate when I had enough and started over with Drugar, Dwarf Fighter, Grand Master of the two handed sword, maxed out in Str and Con.
That game went a lot better.
Since then, I always start a new RPG with a fighter, dwarven if possible. Always works out very well.
Also, to be honest I don't totally understand why Evoker is so loved. Diviners are just as entitled to fireball spells, after all. Unless there is a 2E mechanic that makes an Evoker's evocations better than those of other Wizards that I'm not yet aware of? (which is quite possible! lol)
1. I love chopping enemies up, seeing the chunks fly ("Spare no one!" *flies into chunks* "Okay, I didn't!").
2. I love to stab, stab, stab!
3. Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, run around, repeat!
4. Almost a fighter-mage!
Did the same thing with a fighter (up to 8)/cleric, dual wielding hammers/flails, grand master in both, turning undead and simply couldn't be killed. Slightly OP, but fun as replays