Logically an offensive spellcaster seems to make the most sense. I can't see the skill gap between player control and AI being that wide for melee units or healers. Plus I like sending in meat shields while you're doing the damage from a safe distance.
I played Kensai (just because a dual-wielding samurai sounded awesome) and a mage (I think wild) but will probably go spellcaster again with one healer and the rest melee.
i like fighter heavy parties, infact sometimes i have teams where everyone has some sort of fighter in them ( 3 beserkers, a fighter dual classed into a cleric, a fighter dual classed into a thief, and a fighter dual classed into a mage) very powerful team combo indeedy, they all have HPs attacks per round, to hit and to damage
Would love to play a wild mage. Since the class was introduced in ToB we never really got a chance to get a taste of it and the idea of going through the whole saga as a baalspawn WM sounds very appealing but also fitting (demonic chaos magic).
This is why I'm kinda annoyed that they had to make one of the new NPCs a WM (same could be said for the Black Guard character). As soon as we got these new interesting classes/kits the devs had to force them into the game as follower NPCs thus taking away some of the joy of playing them ourselves in the situation where we really want the new NPC but don't want class duplication.
Personally, I'd really like it if there was an option where when we recruit an NPC we could select their kit (probably not for mages though). This would make it easier for us to play with all the BG2 kits in BGEE.
... To me good extra spellpower would involve 2xmage, 1 of whom fulltime, 1 bard and 1 1/2 divine caster. I like arcane-heavy parties. ...
Well. I rarely have more than 1 single class mage in my parties. If I take along more arcane spellcaster then the others will be multi-classes (e.g. Cleric/Mage, Fighter/Cleric/Mage, Fighter/Mage or Mage/Thief). Either they can help out healing or can be used as archers. It's rather annoying for me if you have to rest too often to be effective.
Fallen Paladin! lol, it’s the path that I was destined to follow. XD
When my friend and I played for the very first time, I made a Paladin. Honestly, no one told me that I couldn’t kill the lost man by the road! (He had shifty eyes, I swear!) Well, I remember I began to get paranoid, because he was able to level, and I couldn’t. I thought I broke the game. o.o’
Well, ever since that day, I’ve purposely tried playing as Fallen Paladins throughout my time playing. (Which is incredibly hard, you’re like a crappy fighter with no ‘umph’!)
When I’m not living my legacy, I usually go with rogue types, since it’s fun to go ‘stabby-stabby’.
For whatever reason, about the only class I'm any good with is a Mage/Sorc. I've long since given up on dominating the world with a melee character... Not that a rogue isn't a bunch of fun to play, but I end up spec'ing them stupid, or not gearing them effeciently (or tank with them, shudder) So I'll just stand in the back and nuke.
Rangers, out of habit. They were ridiculously overpowered for low-levels when they first showed up in D&D in part due to starting with 2d8 for HP (though they ended up outclassed at higher levels), and even though they've been balanced since then, they're still my go-to class for a first play-through.
I've only ever played a mage, played through all the games multiple times and rolled a human mage each and every time. I try to try something new on each playthrough but i'm just incapable of doing so. Going from useless in bg1 to unstoppable in bg2 is just too much fun.
My first play through in BG2 was an archer, perfect for starting out and learning the game. I'd have to say my favorite play through would have been my Kensai/Druid. It was a pretty hard role to get that dual-class to work but I loved it. Interrupting insects and Staff of the Woodlands all the way!
Has anyone ever tried Wizard Slayer dualed to Thief? The trick is to get grandmastery in two-handed weapons and wait till the Use Any Item ability so you can use the Holy Avenger. The gear goes something like this:
Wizard Slayer magic resistance (lvl 15) = 15% Human Flesh Armor = 20% resistance Holy Avenger = 50% Ring of Gaxx = 10% Amulet of Power = 5%
100% magical resistance! How is that for cheese? lol
Last save I could find in my bgt install I rolled a human bezerker who dual-wielded longswords. The avatar resembled vin diesel lol, ... i feel pretty good about it
3 classes I prefer: 1) pure Wizard OR Evoker 2) Undead Hunter (So many undead in these games...) 3) Ranger/Cleric....every Divine spell plus Ranger perks.
I always chose mage. I love magic and I can feel really powerful when I can smash my enemies with good spell Sometimes it was necromancer, sometimes master of invocation but sometimes just ordinary mage But the most favorite one always was: enchanter if you know what I mean(he used to spell using charisma and he gained spells not from scrolls but just when he gained next levels). always loved him :P
Always played Evocation Mage, till i got the whole Conjuration is better overall thing. Also tried a few Rangers and Druids, along with Clerics. To me, DnD is all about magic and spells, since it's so wast.
Just started a new playthrough on BG2, with a Solo Wild Mage, loving it! And plan to start BG:EE with a Wild mage aswell.
As for race, i tend to like Half-Elf for some reason.
I don't really play dual-class or multi-classes. I prefer to stick with one class, and I pretty much will play them all at least once. My favorites tend to be Mage, Cleric, Ranger, and Monk (if it's available).
I usually end up playing some form of Thief. Either a human fighter dualed to thief, or a Elf/Half-elf fighter/thief multi. Simply because I hate, hate, hate having a gimped game where I have no proper thieves with me. Sometimes I play a multiplayergame so I can have my protagonist be a fighter->cleric or Paladin, and make my own second character as a fighter/thief purely made for traps, locks, backstabbs etc.
These games need proper thieves! At least bg2 does.. *grumbles and goes to sit in a corner*
I played Kensai (just because a dual-wielding samurai sounded awesome) and a mage (I think wild) but will probably go spellcaster again with one healer and the rest melee.
This is why I'm kinda annoyed that they had to make one of the new NPCs a WM (same could be said for the Black Guard character). As soon as we got these new interesting classes/kits the devs had to force them into the game as follower NPCs thus taking away some of the joy of playing them ourselves in the situation where we really want the new NPC but don't want class duplication.
Personally, I'd really like it if there was an option where when we recruit an NPC we could select their kit (probably not for mages though). This would make it easier for us to play with all the BG2 kits in BGEE.
When my friend and I played for the very first time, I made a Paladin. Honestly, no one told me that I couldn’t kill the lost man by the road! (He had shifty eyes, I swear!) Well, I remember I began to get paranoid, because he was able to level, and I couldn’t. I thought I broke the game. o.o’
Well, ever since that day, I’ve purposely tried playing as Fallen Paladins throughout my time playing. (Which is incredibly hard, you’re like a crappy fighter with no ‘umph’!)
When I’m not living my legacy, I usually go with rogue types, since it’s fun to go ‘stabby-stabby’.
I don't think its possible for me to change topics into polls.
Wizard Slayer magic resistance (lvl 15) = 15%
Human Flesh Armor = 20% resistance
Holy Avenger = 50%
Ring of Gaxx = 10%
Amulet of Power = 5%
100% magical resistance! How is that for cheese? lol
1) pure Wizard OR Evoker
2) Undead Hunter (So many undead in these games...)
3) Ranger/Cleric....every Divine spell plus Ranger perks.
Just started a new playthrough on BG2, with a Solo Wild Mage, loving it! And plan to start BG:EE with a Wild mage aswell.
As for race, i tend to like Half-Elf for some reason.
These games need proper thieves! At least bg2 does.. *grumbles and goes to sit in a corner*