Back in the day when I was first playing DnD (or rather ADnD) games I found magic classes pretty daunting to play as, in spite of my unabiding love for magic classes in RPGs, because they were complete weaksauce (often died in one hit) and the magic systems itself was really difficult to learn and get to grips with.
The came along the Sorcerer, a magic class that made it easier to learn how to play with magic classes.
Now I can play Clerics, Druids, and Mages with little problem.
I usually go combat heavy (paladin, fighter, archer). The limited uses of spells keeps me away from mages, and I don't really enjoy the magic in the game. If I were to go mage, I'd take sorceror, as I hate having spells that may be useful, but sit unused, while the one I want is gone bye-bye.
I think a bard would be interesting in the way that thieves are, for the flexibility is nice. The poor THAC0 kills thieves for me, though - you either go with a ranged weapon, or get ready to miss a lot (unless you go dual/multi). Not sure how people succeed with this class (aside from Swashbuckler, whose to hit bonuses eventually make them feasible at high levels).
I usually play Druids and Sorcerers, but also like Rangers, Rogues and Bards (3.0E+). Why? 1. I'm quite interested in Druidic history and lore 2. I love all forms of magic 3. I love nature and the balance of all natural things 4. I prefer wisdom over intelligence/charisma and dexterity over strength 5. I despise Paladins.. and all classes/kits/prcs that require to be of an evil alignment
Why? I like having an impressive THAC0.
That is what I wanted to see you post when I read that.
Back in the day when I was first playing DnD (or rather ADnD) games I found magic classes pretty daunting to play as, in spite of my unabiding love for magic classes in RPGs, because they were complete weaksauce (often died in one hit) and the magic systems itself was really difficult to learn and get to grips with.
The came along the Sorcerer, a magic class that made it easier to learn how to play with magic classes.
Now I can play Clerics, Druids, and Mages with little problem.
I think a bard would be interesting in the way that thieves are, for the flexibility is nice. The poor THAC0 kills thieves for me, though - you either go with a ranged weapon, or get ready to miss a lot (unless you go dual/multi). Not sure how people succeed with this class (aside from Swashbuckler, whose to hit bonuses eventually make them feasible at high levels).
1. I'm quite interested in Druidic history and lore
2. I love all forms of magic
3. I love nature and the balance of all natural things
4. I prefer wisdom over intelligence/charisma and dexterity over strength
5. I despise Paladins.. and all classes/kits/prcs that require to be of an evil alignment