The Half-Elf Bard (Blade Kit) for sure. For me the best late game, since i can master the best i can the melee two weapon fighting, trying hard over the best items, and yet using some awsome spells to protect myself, such as protect from magical weapons
I really enjoyed melee classes - never developed much of a taste for magic users. From the several times I've played, I tended to like playing thieves and kensai the best. Nothing like the chop-chop-chop.
In BG 2 I typically I go for a human swashbluckler and then dual class to a mage after I get out of the first dungeon. I like the idea that my character sees Irenicus's pro mage powers and is inspired to take up magic. Its a fun bit of flavor and lore for me and then we get some nice stats, decent thief skills, and versatile combat abilities for my character and the team. Besides, thieves and mages provide some of the most important utility skills in the whole game.
Half-Elf Cleric/Ranger I tend to go with if I'm playing for efficiency. Having all the 'holy' spells is just an amazing advantage, I feel. Honestly, though, I don't enjoy elves much in any iteration of lore, be it DnD or otherwise, so I don't use that build often. Often times I will go with just a plain Cleric. Paladins are cool and all, but I'm not a big fan of them, and Wizards I don't find myself using all that much.
My first completion of BGI was with a Bow using Ranger. Very, very fun and satisfying scoring so many hits in a row with such high damage. However now I instead use Kivan for that role.
I think I may start up a new game and just try an unorthodox character, even a weak one. After all, it's great powergaming once in a while, but it's even more satisfying getting things done as that sheltered, unexposed kid that you really do start out as and just see how you will last and grow.
It's been so long since I've played either BG game, but I remember really enjoying the cleric class mostly because of how much I hated the undead. Ranger and Mage was really fun as well, but honestly I have to get back into the game to refresh my memory.
Always been fond of the Elven finesse sword dual wielding type. I remember rolling a ranger in Baldurs Gate but being a little disappointed I couldn't duel wield. I've pretty much been this character throughout my RPG 'career'.
All of this before I even knew who Drizzt Do'Urden was, but of course now day's if you are an Elf Ranger dual wielding you MUST be ripping off Drizzt
Not that I'm complaining, he is a fantastic character.
I'm most fond of primal classes such as Barbarians, Shapeshifters and Avengers. The Oozemaster (custom druid kit from Divine Remix) is also one of my favourites.
Loved to play as Rangers in IWD I+II as well, but not in BG I+II. That is mainly due to the pointless (and non PnP) Good alignment/race restriction. Hopefully the Enhanced Edition will "fix" this.
Ranger are from my first play in BG1. Like some said, warriors seemed plain from the description. Rangers seemed cool. Stayed as my primary focus to BGII when I completed it with an archer (god it was good to hit dragons so easily !). Did it with a monk then. Really interesting, starts weak and goes strong in the long way (never did Tutu or BGT though, I'm afraid a lvl1 monk will be gibberling food quickly enough).
Afterwards, thief came to me. Backstabbing, potion of invisibility, backstabbing again... It is really fun. I actually did BG1 again once I finished BGII with a thief, just for the sake of soloing Sarevok with a speedy backstabbing halfling. In TOB they are a bit to easy to play. You lay out traps and nothing can really stop you by then. Plus, with use any items...
I've had fun with cleric/ranger and kensai/thief for the sake of efficiency. (Backstab Jon for 200+ damages... but feels like cheating). I tried pure mage and sorcerer, but I hate sleeping everywhere like a lazy person. A hero shouldn't sleep 8 hours every 5 minutes...
A Mage/Fighter elf. I just like being able to use swords and also cast magic. After a few playthroughs I decided to edit my character and hack in the Kensai kit to make myself a Kensai/Mage Multi. Boy was it fucking overpowered.
Ranger\Cleric with undead as favoured enemy. Ultimate undead hunter, unfortunately you're then limited to a sling for your ranged weapon or duel wielding hammers.
A heavily armoured warrior with shield and one handed weapon. Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral. Discipline, law abiding, judge. Not for me the swashbuckling, stealthy or ranged classes. I want to be in the thick of things, at the frontline bashing my foe with my shield and taking the damage for my teammates!
Normally I play a Paladin.. There is just something about bashing skulls with a two handed sword in the name of goodness... Think I have gone trough BG2 + ToB twice now with a paladin.. And even though I promised myself to play a druid next time.. there is a large risk of it ending up with a paladin again.. or maybe I will play a mage this time.. for that all to enthralling feeling of absolute power in the end of the game
Paladin or multiclass fighter. Paladins are the only class whose every set got a full playthrough from me
Me too actually. Despite the fact that I really like mages I never got far into TOB with one. Right now though I have an Illusionist/Cleric that may just do that.
The Half-Elf Bard (Blade Kit) for sure. For me the best late game, since i can master the best i can the melee two weapon fighting, trying hard over the best items, and yet using some awsome spells to protect myself, such as protect from magical weapons
I think I already post the various classes I play in this topic, but for me my most favourite class is Blade as well (I always spell it with a capital B :O LOL).
I usually always start off as a fighter. Over the years though, my taste has slowly turned toward the thief. There is something that drives me crazy about not being able to get into a locked chest, or through a locked door. Also, picking pockets is always a thrill.....unless you get caught.
My all time favourite is a half-elf fighter/cleric/mage. I just like that one despite the drawback of slow level advancement.
My BG1&2 parties always end up with 1 cleric or druid, 1 mage or bard and a multi-class cleric/mage. The remaining 3 spots are filled with warriors (fighter or ranger or paladin) and rogues (thief).
Always start my games usually as a thief/thief combo as a halfling. Started my first game as a halfling and did so in the NWN's. After that I just play random combinations of race and class.
I always call him simply "z" and he has many a legend attributed to him
I started playing myself when I was 11, but watched my dad play it when I was 7... Was so excited with Baldur's Gate 2 when it originally came out! My brother, dad and I would gather round the computer - for BG1 dad would be a human ranger (CHARNAME), I'd be Xan (who is just awesome) and my brother Ajantis (who is also so cool!). The NPC's really made the game for me.
Anyway, when I played BG1 through, I was a bard, though was a little annoyed because I wanted Garrick on my team! So then played as a fighter second time round to grab him in Beregost
My BG1&2 parties always end up with 1 cleric or druid, 1 mage or bard and a multi-class cleric/mage. The remaining 3 spots are filled with warriors (fighter or ranger or paladin) and rogues (thief).
It's just handy to have that extra spell power.
To me good extra spellpower would involve 2xmage, 1 of whom fulltime, 1 bard and 1 1/2 divine caster. I like arcane-heavy parties.
My first completion of BGI was with a Bow using Ranger. Very, very fun and satisfying scoring so many hits in a row with such high damage. However now I instead use Kivan for that role.
I think I may start up a new game and just try an unorthodox character, even a weak one. After all, it's great powergaming once in a while, but it's even more satisfying getting things done as that sheltered, unexposed kid that you really do start out as and just see how you will last and grow.
All of this before I even knew who Drizzt Do'Urden was, but of course now day's if you are an Elf Ranger dual wielding you MUST be ripping off Drizzt
Not that I'm complaining, he is a fantastic character.
Loved to play as Rangers in IWD I+II as well, but not in BG I+II. That is mainly due to the pointless (and non PnP) Good alignment/race restriction. Hopefully the Enhanced Edition will "fix" this.
Its very unlikely that they'll be messing with alignment/race restrictions as BGEE uses 2E rules.
Ranger are from my first play in BG1. Like some said, warriors seemed plain from the description. Rangers seemed cool. Stayed as my primary focus to BGII when I completed it with an archer (god it was good to hit dragons so easily !). Did it with a monk then. Really interesting, starts weak and goes strong in the long way (never did Tutu or BGT though, I'm afraid a lvl1 monk will be gibberling food quickly enough).
Afterwards, thief came to me. Backstabbing, potion of invisibility, backstabbing again... It is really fun. I actually did BG1 again once I finished BGII with a thief, just for the sake of soloing Sarevok with a speedy backstabbing halfling. In TOB they are a bit to easy to play. You lay out traps and nothing can really stop you by then. Plus, with use any items...
I've had fun with cleric/ranger and kensai/thief for the sake of efficiency. (Backstab Jon for 200+ damages... but feels like cheating). I tried pure mage and sorcerer, but I hate sleeping everywhere like a lazy person. A hero shouldn't sleep 8 hours every 5 minutes...
Why? I always play a cleric in every RPG. I love them.
My BG1&2 parties always end up with 1 cleric or druid, 1 mage or bard and a multi-class cleric/mage. The remaining 3 spots are filled with warriors (fighter or ranger or paladin) and rogues (thief).
It's just handy to have that extra spell power.
I always call him simply "z" and he has many a legend attributed to him
Anyway, when I played BG1 through, I was a bard, though was a little annoyed because I wanted Garrick on my team! So then played as a fighter second time round to grab him in Beregost