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Overhaul. WTF?!



  • Google_CalasadeGoogle_Calasade Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012
    @HaHaCharade, I'm maybe halfway through the game and the patch had no adverse effects on my play (which was spotless to begin with so I've seen no adversity from applying said patch).
  • Tr_ondTr_ond Member Posts: 496
    @cryocore Other way around, if it was a new game they`d have full control of which features did what. They are messing around with old code here as you well know. And that makes for a bug-fest new games just can`t match
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    @HaHaCharade For quest fixes, I always had to either begin a new game or load a save prior to taking the quest. Although, if its a matter of variables; those can be set/reset via the CLUAConsole. If you are having variable trouble after the fix, you can post a thread and I will try to help you get it resolved so that you don't have to start the game over. For graphical, sound or area fixes, you should be fine if you can load a save prior to entering the problem area.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    This OP does have some valid points. The new UI and Cinematics are pure garbage, and lots of spoken dialogue is missing from the game. In my game I went to kill Bassilus and he didn't speak any of his dialogue, and being unable to adjust the FPS is another downer (the games too slow for me compared to tutu).

    In the amount of time that beamdog have had, such easy to spot bugs should not have made it into the release. I have no idea how the broken dialogue wasn't spotted by the beta testers nor fixed for the games release, and I don't get why we weren't given the option to keep the original cinematics.

    This remake feels completely amateurish at best, the quality is worse than what the modding community has already done over the last decade for BG1.
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    I have had quite a few bugs and one major one were I cant complete a storyline quest involving Flamming Fist HQ but I still love the game. Guys there a small company and there working there asses off I posted a thread in the bugs section and in like 20 min I got a message about the developers already know about it and are working on it. I have never had that happen before guys just give them time and the game will be top notch =) I have beaten the Black Pits, I have gotten to the final fight, and now am in the fourth level of the Durlags dungeon. Give them time they are working on it be supportive and youll be rewarded in time =)
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    I find it very hard to be impressed with all the bugs I come across, very simple to spot bugs as well that should have been easy to fix over the last two months.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,647
    Cuv said:

    @HaHaCharade For quest fixes, I always had to either begin a new game or load a save prior to taking the quest. Although, if its a matter of variables; those can be set/reset via the CLUAConsole. If you are having variable trouble after the fix, you can post a thread and I will try to help you get it resolved so that you don't have to start the game over. For graphical, sound or area fixes, you should be fine if you can load a save prior to entering the problem area.

  • lurimaxlurimax Member Posts: 28
    One thing that has to be mentioned is that some the original assets were lost, so the movies are they way they are because they had no choice.
  • cryocorecryocore Member Posts: 121
    edited December 2012
    Regarding the new vs legacy code.

    I see the your point, but I counter that with the simple fact that this release was always going to be using legacy code, and before announcing release dates and features they should have spent the time ensuring they were able to for the things they claimed. When you fail to do the ONE thing that was promised (i.e. enhance the game) then there is a serious problem. They knew what they were getting into, or at least should have known, so I have ZERO sympathy for them in this regard.

    I dont want Overhaul to fail, but even more so I dont want them touching BG2 if this is any indication of their abilities, and them fumbling around with Planescape is certainly something I would actively object to.

    All they had to do in order for me to be 100% happy was
    Provide a relatively bug free game (i.e fix most/all of the old bugs and not introduce new ones)
    Rule fixes
    Native Support for all supported resolutions (with the option to change it and the font sizes)
    Scalable/Customisable UI
    Zoom functionality

    If they did these correctly I would not be complaining at all. The original game + update and polish is all I wanted, but they failed. They had one job to do and they couldnt do it.

  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited December 2012
    cryocore said:

    I dont want Overhaul to fail, but even more so I dont want them touching BG2 if this is any indication of their abilities, and them fumbling around with Planescape is certainly something I would actively object to.

    I fail to see the logic of this kind of statements, if you don't like something - thats fine,but why do you want to deny it from others??

    Enhancing BG2 won't make vBG2 disappear out of the world - if you don't like BG2:EE, don't buy it and keep playing vBG2, nobody is denying you from doing that.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Mungri said:

    I find it very hard to be impressed with all the bugs I come across, very simple to spot bugs as well that should have been easy to fix over the last two months.

    report them so they can be fixed

  • Google_CalasadeGoogle_Calasade Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012
    @cryocore, it seems to me you might be happier with the modded version, so why not leave well enough alone and return to that? The fact you think Overhaul has utterly failed speaks to your inability to truly consider anything, especially when you so steadfastly hand down judgment in regards to legacy code when you've obviously never worked on legacy code. As a programmer, I can tell you there was no way for them to spot out every single bug or even a lot of them. Most of those come to light under massive testing (and the only real way to do that is have a bunch of different users with a bunch of different systems try to play the game). There is no feasible testing method that would have shown them this. They have responded quickly with fixes and that's about the extent anyone can ask.

    I would argue too that the original game has been updated (see the fact BG:EE uses BG 2's version of Infinity and that version has also been updated). IMO, Overhaul has polished BG because that is exactly what I see when I play BG:EE. Enhanced over the original? Definitely. Enhanced in exactly the way you wished? No.
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    cryocore said:

    Regarding the new vs legacy code.

    I see the your point, but I counter that with the simple fact that this release was always going to be using legacy code, and before announcing release dates and features they should have spent the time ensuring they were able to for the things they claimed. When you fail to do the ONE thing that was promised (i.e. enhance the game) then there is a serious problem. They knew what they were getting into, or at least should have known, so I have ZERO sympathy for them in this regard.

    This is just not true. They always intended to fix the code. They just didnt realise what a mess it was. The code is fixed now, in any event. Making the game play nice on all kinds of systems is the problem you are experiencing. Again, I am having no problems on my system. Have you reported your system specs and specific problems in either the 'Windows PC' or 'Bugs' forums?
  • KithrixxKithrixx Member Posts: 215
    cryocore said:

    Regarding the new vs legacy code.

    I see the your point, but I counter that with the simple fact that this release was always going to be using legacy code, and before announcing release dates and features they should have spent the time ensuring they were able to for the things they claimed. When you fail to do the ONE thing that was promised (i.e. enhance the game) then there is a serious problem. They knew what they were getting into, or at least should have known, so I have ZERO sympathy for them in this regard.

    ... But, they did exactly what they claimed they were going to do. BG:EE runs extremely well, bugs nonwithstanding. Load times are nearly instant, as are saves. Longstanding bugs and glitches and crashes have been ironed out and new content has been added. The result is an enhancement over the original. I know that's difficult to see considering the problems you're experiencing, but there are many testimonies from this very thread claiming that Beamdog did well. I really think what would be best for you would be to just walk away from BG:EE for a couple weeks while the devs get everything ironed out and then return once several patches have been applied to make the game more stable.

    Also, I'd like to mention something: you cannot know what you're getting into with Legacy Code until you start working with it for at least a month. Legacy Code is, more often than not, absolute insanity. I'm not kidding when I use the example of "fix one thing, break ten others". Hell, in that case, I'm being conservative. I've been on projects where fixing a single erroneous reference destroyed the entire program. Legacy Code is like a jigsaw puzzle that was made by someone with cerebral palsy because more often than not the way that it fits together makes absolutely no sense at all but somehow it still functions.
    cryocore said:

    I dont want Overhaul to fail, but even more so I dont want them touching BG2 if this is any indication of their abilities, and them fumbling around with Planescape is certainly something I would actively object to.

    This was no "fumbling attempt". If you knew anything about code and what exactly it is that they did, you would not be saying these words. Overhaul did a fantastic job. It may not be exactly what you wanted, but I'd like to point out that BG:EE is still entirely moddable, and therefore it can (and probably will) be changed to however you wish it to be.
    cryocore said:

    All they had to do in order for me to be 100% happy was
    Provide a relatively bug free game (i.e fix most/all of the old bugs and not introduce new ones)
    Rule fixes
    Native Support for all supported resolutions (with the option to change it and the font sizes)
    Scalable/Customisable UI
    Zoom functionality

    If they did these correctly I would not be complaining at all. The original game + update and polish is all I wanted, but they failed. They had one job to do and they couldnt do it.

    The first two they did.
    I will grant you that I would like them to have better resolution support and a customizable UI, but as I recall the UI was one of the hard-coded things that they absolutely could not touch without the entire thing consuming itself in a horrible fashion.
    Zoom is present and it works as much as it can, considering the circumstances.
    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "don't mess with the core game", but unless I'm gravely mistaken, they haven't "messed" with the core game all that much (if at all). If they have, please, point out these changes to me.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited December 2012

    Mungri said:

    I find it very hard to be impressed with all the bugs I come across, very simple to spot bugs as well that should have been easy to fix over the last two months.

    report them so they can be fixed

    Already done and waiting. The thing is though if they had done a proper beta since a few months ago, then most of these bugs could have already been reported and fixed before the games release.
  • State_LemmingState_Lemming Member Posts: 375
    Frankly I like the new cutscenes a lot better, the old ones definitely were showing their age.
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited December 2012
    To be honest, although there are some things i wish were different, i have to say that it looks fine, and today's patch cleared up many of the problems people were having.

    If you have problems and care about playing the game, you report them, they will get fixed eventually. going in the forums and shouting how incompetent a company is, looks like you just want to whine.

    I don't think most of the people remember the original release of Baldur's Gate, or they have a selective memory.

    Old bugs are gone, but new will of course arise because as you rewrite old code, you will stumble into problems.

    In the end, i think they did fine.

    Although i can't have my BG1 sprites yet boooohoo :3
  • IkonNavrosIkonNavros Member Posts: 227
    edited December 2012
    The new cutscenes are partly not bad, but still, you also can clearly see that there was not going much work into them. Comic Style is nice, that for sure, but the animation technology just sucks bigtime.

    I just wish, that the PC EE would have been developed differently - then we would not find so many low quality/Tablet optimized parts in it.
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    People who dont like the look of the new UI:

    I know its only the main screen UI changed, but its been done during the last 2 days... I think it bodes well for GUI modability and the options we might have in the near future
  • Zzidolfas86Zzidolfas86 Member Posts: 77
    So far I have seen very little buggy content in the game, all the spells and stuff seem to work very well, and I have not had any trouble with quests not working.
    The only bug I have run into is the "dobble-click to move a single character" thing that happens a lot. Nothing that ruins it for me however.

    The things that do ruin it for me however, is the sound getting constantly screwed up (sound vanishes totaly, gets really distorted or very low), and random FPS drops + crashes when I try to load a game.
    This stuff is something that has to be fixxed ASAP, or the game will simply loose players.
    Several of my friends are currently having the same problems.

    But regardless of this, I have enjoyed every moment of BG:EE as expected :-) I hope they will take every mistake and feedback from this game, and make BG2:EE a complete master piece.

    My system is currently:
    CPU: Intel i920, running at 4,2 ghz
    GPU: HIS Radeon 7970 x2
    RAM: Corsair Dominator
    MB: Asus P6TD
  • EldrythEldryth Member Posts: 56
    I'm near the end of the main quest, and I haven't seen a single bug yet (apart from a single out of place dialogue in Neera's quest). Most of the issues people are experiencing are due to their own hardware being incompatable with the game. The beta wasn't nearly big enough for them to test every single graphics card, so this shouldn't be too unexpected, and I certainly wouldn't blame Overhaul. They're already doing what they can to fix it too. This has been a great game, so bring on BG2:EE and BG3!
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Yeah... I've never understood the raging vitriol over games. I suppose that living in a world where people are murdered, lives are ruined, or cities razed to the ground kinda put things into perspective for me.

    You're enraged, we get it. We've seen it across multiple threads, but the petty name-calling, attacks against other users, etc. etc. won't make the fixes come any sooner. All of the attacks from both sides are uncalled for, and it's unhealthy. You will just have to be patient and wait for the fixes to come. If you have followed any of the staffs' tweets, you'll know they have been working 14 hour days to clear up as much as they can. From what I've read today, those extra hours are still continuing. Trent had worked 10 of these days in a row.

    What this means is, the fixes are coming and they aren't slacking off. Do something else for a while and take your mind off of this. Check back occasionally. Everything will be fine.
  • IkonNavrosIkonNavros Member Posts: 227
    As long as fixes are coming and also so called "minor stuff" will be taken care of, everyone will be happy. And if they fail or refuse to fix stuff, there is always the chance to send them a mail and demand a refund when good reasons are being given!
  • kazrobkazrob Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2012
    What's amazing is how low the expectations is of some peole who paid for a oroduct. Sign of the times I guess. The more you accept it the more will you get of it.

    It crashes - shut up and take my money!
    It's buggy - shut up and take my money!
    It's not a good value compared to the original game and mods - shut up and take my money!

    Where is the market pressure to put out a quality product right from the start?
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Just because we're not freaking out doesn't mean we have low expectations.
  • IkonNavrosIkonNavros Member Posts: 227
    @kazrob Well, problems can happen :) And we all can decide to let the game rest on the harddisk hidden in its folder as long as problems are not cleared up.

    And that i do for example :D
  • ratoaratoa Member Posts: 15
    Heh, again most PC games comes buggy at release, there is no way to test every single computer in the whole planet to make sure the game will work in your system, even for a game that has been done 14 years ago, like a poster say take a look at Diablo 3, Bethesda and some other companies I don't even going to bother to you think the developers are drinking champagne at their home with your money and making fun of you? The game isn't perfect from some of you, I got that and it's going to be fixed in time, either way I'm going back to play BGEE with no bugs in my end have fun you all :)
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    The only thing I would say is that I think they spread themselves too thin on this project.

    We would of had a much better product if it were only released on what it was intended for, the PC.
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