I wish I could play the game period. I've enjoyed it the amount of time I could play it for but now with the new patch released today it's stopped working yet again. BG1 certainly did NOT have this many issues at launch I can vouch for that personally and for a bunch of friends I know that were playing it at the time. BG1 ONLY started having crash issues and such when hardware advanced too far forward.
Yes even new AAA titles have bugs in them but at least most of them have a working .exe file. I honestly couldn't care less about the stylistic choices made in the game or the fact that the UI isn't customizable like they said it would be or any other myriad of small issues. I just want the damn game launcher to stop crashing so I can play the game.
Hmm, am I the only one who likes the new cut scenes? They match the SoA/ToB ones now. And the old 3D ones were TERRIBLE! Haha. I feel lucky, no bugs here, and the UI/game looks just right with my monitor's resolution.
Of course the older games were super stable on release, they had a lot less to factor in for possible computer configurations. Back in the day, we had Windows and Macintosh. Now we have Windows and Mac and Linux and Gentoo and Ubuntu and TONS OF OTHER STUFF, not to mention WAY more complicated hardware specs and drivers to go with said hardware.
Seriously there are so many bugs, glitches, broken mechanics, removed functionality, bad design, and general poor quality assurance and you still have yet to address these issues with the community.
I have to be honest and say that I am disappointed and not because of the new content, which I really appreciate, but due to the sheer number of bugs I have encountered in the "enhanced" version. I have played Baldur's Gate in various iterations, from stand alone boxset (unpatched), to Tales of The Sword Coast expansion, and eventually even Tutu. I have never had a playthrough with so many bugs, even bugs I have never seen before. It is disappointing (and frustrating while playing), but I hope the strong sales for BG:EE lead to more content as DLC and eventually BG3. Basically, I consider my $20 to be an investment for the future of gaming.
"Seriously there are so many bugs, glitches, broken mechanics, removed functionality, bad design, and general poor quality assurance and you still have yet to address these issues with the community."
I love your arrogance in that somehow your opinion represents "the community". The vast majority of folks are enjoying the game with little or no technical issues. Of course there ARE some people having technical issues, as with EVERY game, and those issues should be resolved through the proper channels. However, dont assume that just because you have had a bad experience that you in any way reflect the majority of players.
"Seriously there are so many bugs, glitches, broken mechanics, removed functionality, bad design, and general poor quality assurance and you still have yet to address these issues with the community."
I love your arrogance in that somehow your opinion represents "the community". The vast majority of folks are enjoying the game with little or no technical issues. Of course there ARE some people having technical issues, as with EVERY game, and those issues should be resolved through the proper channels. However, dont assume that just because you have had a bad experience that you in any way reflect the majority of players.
The arrogant one here is you. There are many many people with issues ranging from minor to game breaking or even rendering the game unplayable. I am not even suggesting that I am the community, but Overhaul needs to let those have issues whats going on. Your dismissive arrogance is insulting to the many people have issues with the game, and frankly I find your attitude appalling.
I hate when people say they aren't communicating. The reason why they are not communicating is due to the fact that they are trying to fix items. If you actually go look at the known bug thread, it shows what they had to work with and fix since digging through the code.
They are not going to say what new bugs they are working on because they have no idea how long it is going to take to fix an issue, so saying "We are working on it" allows trolls to say, "why hasn't this been fixed yet, you've been working on it for 7 hours." or "Why are you fixing that? I still can't do _______ and that is more important." Then they have to take more time communicating then actually fixing stuff.
Someone said, games should be like buying a new car, I disagree. Games are like buying a one size fits all stereo for the car. The manufacture is going to attempt to make it work flawlessly for X amount of people, but some, due to the wiring or space or the type of speakers the car has, it will have some issues. As long as the company that makes the stereo attempts to fix the problem that you properly address to them there shouldn't be an issue. If you still have an issue go reinvent the 8-track or something because you seem to know how to do it better.
Have to disagree with you there. I feel that BG2 and Thone have significantly different cut scene styles then BG:EE.
I do like some of the cut scenes. The death scene is good, the resting scene is good, Friendly arm inn is inconsistent. The intro in my opinion is the worst out of the one's I have scene so far and I don't think I'll see to many more as a fair amount have been cut from my understanding. I really liked Durlag's Tower cut scene and supposedly it's not there any more, a real bummer. Really sets the atmosphere for the big dungeon crawl.
I love your arrogance in that somehow your opinion represents "the community". The vast majority of folks are enjoying the game with little or no technical issues. Of course there ARE some people having technical issues, as with EVERY game, and those issues should be resolved through the proper channels. However, dont assume that just because you have had a bad experience that you in any way reflect the majority of players.
I love your arrogance that you say the 'vast majority' of people are enjoying the game. Where's your source that says this? Did you happen to take a poll of all the thousands of players who bought BGEE to get to your statement that 'the vast majority' are enjoying this game? I must have missed that poll because I don't remember ever voting.
The game runs perfectly for me. However, I can't overlook the incredibly poor and shoddy QA on this game. The most basic and easy to fix errors are still not fixed. Let alone the more complicated and game breaking errors for other people.
I spoke to a project manager from a software developer yesterday about BGEE and listed a few examples off the top of my head and he couldn't believe such mistakes could have passed Beamdog's QA. Such basic errors like the Help Button on the left side of the screen that stills says Rest. My friend was even bemused about the Zoom Reset when you enter a house it resets the zoom and when you leave the house, it goes back to how you had it before you entered the house. He couldn't believe that there's no zoom lock in this game. He was also stunned that players had to go into files and code for Window mode because the game only has one option being Fullscreen.
So, dont assume that just because you have had a good experience that you in any way reflect the majority of players.
Seriously there are so many bugs, glitches, broken mechanics, removed functionality, bad design, and general poor quality assurance and you still have yet to address these issues with the community.
This is the biggest let down this year as far as gaming goes imo. You take one of the best RPGs of all time and essentially ruin it with shoddy design and a lack of understanding of the product.
Wrong, wrong, WRONG. 1000x WRONG.
No matter how bad a job the devs do on this game it will never be a bigger let down than diablo 3
@deltago All they need to do is post a topic addressing the concerns and actually provide some feedback. The post would take no time to write, and then maybe once every day or so update the OP. Hardly a time consuming endeavor is it? There is no need for individual replies just a general one addressing the more common issues relating to both bugs and features.
I love your arrogance that you say the 'vast majority' of people are enjoying the game. Where's your source that says this? Did you happen to take a poll of all the thousands of players who bought BGEE to get to your statement that 'the vast majority' are enjoying this game? I must have missed that poll because I don't remember ever voting.
The game runs perfectly for me. However, I can't overlook the incredibly poor and shoddy QA on this game. The most basic and easy to fix errors are still not fixed. Let alone the more complicated and game breaking errors for other people.
I spoke to a project manager from a software developer yesterday about BGEE and listed a few examples off the top of my head and he couldn't believe such mistakes could have passed Beamdog's QA. Such basic errors like the Help Button on the left side of the screen that stills says Rest. My friend was even bemused about the Zoom Reset when you enter a house it resets the zoom and when you leave the house, it goes back to how you had it before you entered the house. He couldn't believe that there's no zoom lock in this game. He was also stunned that players had to go into files and code for Window mode because the game only has one option being Fullscreen.
I was a software engineer before turning to writing this year, was for over a decade, and am recognized as one of the best in the industry who has been contracted by some of the top and largest firms (Microsoft, Northrup Grumman, AT&T, government agencies, hospitals, insurance companies, real estate companies, and universities among them) in the country. It is my success as an engineer that gave me the financial freedom to write. I say this so you'll know my basis when I call BS on your statement in regards to the reaction you got from the PM with whom you spoke.
The things you've mentioned are minor. For instance, my Help does not say Rest and never has. Regardless, this is a minor labeling issue and apparently system dependent. It is impossible to test for every configuration of every system out there. The Zoom Reset is not a bug; it is a missing feature as is the Fullscreen/Windowed option.
Having all features available at launch is the ideal, but it is hardly ever the reality. During a development process there are deadlines. Some items assigned lower priorities are moved into a later phase (some post-launch and later applied through updates/patches) in order to meet those deadlines and some items as well get overlooked. It happens when you're tracking hundreds and sometimes thousands of items. Get over it. If the PM you spoke to is livid over such minor issues as what you listed then he is not very seasoned and/or has not worked on complex applications.
The largest, true bug for BG:EE that I've seen has to do with Intel video cards and their lack of OpenGL support. If you want to talk about oversights, let us discuss that . . . Intel not providing support for one of the most widely used cross-platform APIs for 2D and 3D. IMO, the blame should fall on Intel for not providing OpenGL support. I know if I spent money on a VC and found out it lacked said support, I'd be more than fairly peeved at the manufacturer rather than the application I'm trying to run.
BG:EE is hardly the only game that has issues with Intel cards.
I have a problem when people criticize the cinematics. These take a long time to produce, and hastily done cinematics with the staff Overhaul has would look shoddy. The comic-esque style would be easier and better looking than actual cinematics Overhaul could feasibly do. Besides... do you want the SAME cinematics from BG1? Half of them didn't even make sense. (Looking at Nashkel and Gnoll Stronghold).
Hey, @cryocore it looks like the devs are communicating.
That link should be copied to every complaint thread out there, so people would maybe (hopefully) chill out a bit.
I know it's frustrating for people to have problems with the game, but it's not helping at all when some of the complainers are basically telling Overhaul to go D.I.A.F. They're doing everything they can to help people out.
@cryocore The devs are hard at work on the very bugs you and others have reported. An update is in the works and is being run through the beta pipeline before it is made public.
Did he really report any bugs, or just trolls? Bugreports look something like this: OBSERVED: when i type 9000 characters in the character name edit box at character generation, the game crashes to desktop.
EXPECTED: no CTD. [link to zipped crash dump]
He goes: "Seriously there are so many bugs, glitches, broken mechanics, removed functionality, bad design, and general poor quality assurance and you still have yet to address these issues with the community.
This is the biggest let down this year as far as gaming goes imo. You take one of the best RPGs of all time and essentially ruin it with shoddy design and a lack of understanding of the product. All you had to do was look through the major modding sites, Gibberlings 3 in particular would be a great resource.
So would someone please directly address why certain choices were made (UI, frame updates, removing cinematics and replacing the rest with cheap motion comic garbage), why its such a broken mess considering the additional 2.5 months on top of your planned dev cycle, and what you're doing to address the issues?
Also fix the game and stop trying to pinch out the IOS version, because its going to be just as broken as this mess is currently."
I dislike the new cinematics so much that I will be going back to BGTutu. Unless a mod is made that restores the original cinematics, my copy of BG:EE is sadly just going to be hard drive filler.
Yes even new AAA titles have bugs in them but at least most of them have a working .exe file. I honestly couldn't care less about the stylistic choices made in the game or the fact that the UI isn't customizable like they said it would be or any other myriad of small issues. I just want the damn game launcher to stop crashing so I can play the game.
Of course the older games were super stable on release, they had a lot less to factor in for possible computer configurations. Back in the day, we had Windows and Macintosh. Now we have Windows and Mac and Linux and Gentoo and Ubuntu and TONS OF OTHER STUFF, not to mention WAY more complicated hardware specs and drivers to go with said hardware.
The market pressure's there, trust me. Remember all of the butthurt over the delay?
I love your arrogance in that somehow your opinion represents "the community". The vast majority of folks are enjoying the game with little or no technical issues. Of course there ARE some people having technical issues, as with EVERY game, and those issues should be resolved through the proper channels. However, dont assume that just because you have had a bad experience that you in any way reflect the majority of players.
I hate when people say they aren't communicating. The reason why they are not communicating is due to the fact that they are trying to fix items. If you actually go look at the known bug thread, it shows what they had to work with and fix since digging through the code.
They are not going to say what new bugs they are working on because they have no idea how long it is going to take to fix an issue, so saying "We are working on it" allows trolls to say, "why hasn't this been fixed yet, you've been working on it for 7 hours." or "Why are you fixing that? I still can't do _______ and that is more important." Then they have to take more time communicating then actually fixing stuff.
Someone said, games should be like buying a new car, I disagree. Games are like buying a one size fits all stereo for the car. The manufacture is going to attempt to make it work flawlessly for X amount of people, but some, due to the wiring or space or the type of speakers the car has, it will have some issues. As long as the company that makes the stereo attempts to fix the problem that you properly address to them there shouldn't be an issue. If you still have an issue go reinvent the 8-track or something because you seem to know how to do it better.
Have to disagree with you there. I feel that BG2 and Thone have significantly different cut scene styles then BG:EE.
I do like some of the cut scenes. The death scene is good, the resting scene is good, Friendly arm inn is inconsistent. The intro in my opinion is the worst out of the one's I have scene so far and I don't think I'll see to many more as a fair amount have been cut from my understanding. I really liked Durlag's Tower cut scene and supposedly it's not there any more, a real bummer. Really sets the atmosphere for the big dungeon crawl.
The game runs perfectly for me. However, I can't overlook the incredibly poor and shoddy QA on this game. The most basic and easy to fix errors are still not fixed. Let alone the more complicated and game breaking errors for other people.
I spoke to a project manager from a software developer yesterday about BGEE and listed a few examples off the top of my head and he couldn't believe such mistakes could have passed Beamdog's QA. Such basic errors like the Help Button on the left side of the screen that stills says Rest. My friend was even bemused about the Zoom Reset when you enter a house it resets the zoom and when you leave the house, it goes back to how you had it before you entered the house. He couldn't believe that there's no zoom lock in this game. He was also stunned that players had to go into files and code for Window mode because the game only has one option being Fullscreen.
So, dont assume that just because you have had a good experience that you in any way reflect the majority of players.
All they need to do is post a topic addressing the concerns and actually provide some feedback. The post would take no time to write, and then maybe once every day or so update the OP. Hardly a time consuming endeavor is it? There is no need for individual replies just a general one addressing the more common issues relating to both bugs and features. You dont understand what opinion means do you?
Neither of them was game-breaking, though, to be honest.
The things you've mentioned are minor. For instance, my Help does not say Rest and never has. Regardless, this is a minor labeling issue and apparently system dependent. It is impossible to test for every configuration of every system out there. The Zoom Reset is not a bug; it is a missing feature as is the Fullscreen/Windowed option.
Having all features available at launch is the ideal, but it is hardly ever the reality. During a development process there are deadlines. Some items assigned lower priorities are moved into a later phase (some post-launch and later applied through updates/patches) in order to meet those deadlines and some items as well get overlooked. It happens when you're tracking hundreds and sometimes thousands of items. Get over it. If the PM you spoke to is livid over such minor issues as what you listed then he is not very seasoned and/or has not worked on complex applications.
The largest, true bug for BG:EE that I've seen has to do with Intel video cards and their lack of OpenGL support. If you want to talk about oversights, let us discuss that . . . Intel not providing support for one of the most widely used cross-platform APIs for 2D and 3D. IMO, the blame should fall on Intel for not providing OpenGL support. I know if I spent money on a VC and found out it lacked said support, I'd be more than fairly peeved at the manufacturer rather than the application I'm trying to run.
BG:EE is hardly the only game that has issues with Intel cards.
I know it's frustrating for people to have problems with the game, but it's not helping at all when some of the complainers are basically telling Overhaul to go D.I.A.F. They're doing everything they can to help people out.
OBSERVED: when i type 9000 characters in the character name edit box at character generation, the game crashes to desktop.
[link to zipped crash dump]
He goes:
"Seriously there are so many bugs, glitches, broken mechanics, removed functionality, bad design, and general poor quality assurance and you still have yet to address these issues with the community.
This is the biggest let down this year as far as gaming goes imo. You take one of the best RPGs of all time and essentially ruin it with shoddy design and a lack of understanding of the product. All you had to do was look through the major modding sites, Gibberlings 3 in particular would be a great resource.
So would someone please directly address why certain choices were made (UI, frame updates, removing cinematics and replacing the rest with cheap motion comic garbage), why its such a broken mess considering the additional 2.5 months on top of your planned dev cycle, and what you're doing to address the issues?
Also fix the game and stop trying to pinch out the IOS version, because its going to be just as broken as this mess is currently."
I see no bugreport here.
I dislike the new cinematics so much that I will be going back to BGTutu. Unless a mod is made that restores the original cinematics, my copy of BG:EE is sadly just going to be hard drive filler.