Im sorry my opinion offends you. At least Diablo 3 worked and I live in NZ so I had to deal with being a LONG way away from the server. Diablo 3 WAS the biggest let down on 2012 until this shoddy mess was shat out by a group of over promising under producing developers who clearly bit off more that they could chew. As much as I dislike the direction Blizz took D3 they at least delivered the game they wanted, and apart from the disaster of a release (not too dissimilar from the mess from Beamdog from preload to after release with their infrastructure collapsing).
And if you honestly want the game to get better for you, then you're approaching this all wrong. Report glitches, bugs and wait for fixes. I'm sure in 1998 when BG1 launched, it had glitches and bugs aswell. It's stupid to assume the game to be bugfree at release.
The main problem is that new bugs have appeared, that were not in the original version.
If you have not witnessed the fact that, very often, the party NPC do not comply to your orders, or that that the AI scripts ar bugged, I doubt of your ability to see what's wrong in the release.
One good thing : since the patch, I have not experienced crashes - yet.
A lot of the named NPC's you encounter like Nimbul and Bassilius no longer have their unique sounds. Makes me sad.
Yes, seconded! That's got to be some sort of oversight?... Modders will surely put them back in if Beamdog doesn't. But hearing Bassilus' ravings is one of the highlights of that encounter. NImbul's sounds are fantastic as well. They should not have been removed. Nor any of the familiar sounds, honestly.
And if you honestly want the game to get better for you, then you're approaching this all wrong. Report glitches, bugs and wait for fixes. I'm sure in 1998 when BG1 launched, it had glitches and bugs aswell. It's stupid to assume the game to be bugfree at release.
The main problem is that new bugs have appeared, that were not in the original version.
If you have not witnessed the fact that, very often, the party NPC do not comply to your orders, or that that the AI scripts ar bugged, I doubt of your ability to see what's wrong in the release.
One good thing : since the patch, I have not experienced crashes - yet.
I've noticed that party members doesn't always comply to the first order you give them, but in a game where i'm constantly clicking away i can hardly feel it as a problem, that's why i don't personally see it as problem. And they are constantly working on patches to correct these bugs. They already released one patch
I also tend to micromanage all the fights so the orders will get through. So i do see problems, but they're not affecting me. But they should be fixed nevertheless.
Also i can't speak about BG1 because i haven't played it, so i don't know much about it. This is the first BG1 game i've played and for me it has worked astoundingly well.
Though, things i would like to see implemented: Locked zoom and unlocking FPS (tried raising maximum frame rate, but it doesn't work for me)
All i'm saying is people should have patience. Just shows some people (not you) completely lacks patience. One already called Trent Oster names and basically told them to go DIAF and some already views this as "fail edition" which is just uncalled for, considering how long it has been out.
EDIT: I've seen people saying there's audio files missing and i also feel there's something wrong with how many NPCs doesn't have anything to say. That makes me a sad panda and is the biggest dislike so far. Thanks to @Lemernis' post, i remembered.
Btw D3 is still a crap game with broken mechanics, broken affix, broken items, broken char.
Baldur's Gate EE its already in a better position now respect to D3 now! Don't lose faith.
Oh and D3 dev don't care a shit about their fan base, because they are "too big to fail" but its not Overhaul case! They MUST listen to us and keep our suggestion in greater consideration.
I feel to be much more listened here in 1 week of game than 8 months on D3 forum. (sorry for my poor english! I hope that my thoughts will be clear for everyone )
@Zeratul The difference here though is that Blizz took Diablo in a different direction, and imo a much worse one, but Overhaul have taken an actual game and in essence made is significantly less than it was. Missing dialog/sound/interactions/game options/cinematics. They have added some cool features, but more significantly added in a ton of new bugs and glitches. They broke the game they were claiming to "enhance". Unlike Blizz who made a new game, Overhaul have ruined an existing one.
Again I will reiterate why it is for me the single biggest disappointment of 2012. The failed to do the one thing they claimed they were doing and that was ENHANCING a respected and acclaimed game. That is not good enough and I hope the team and its backers are taking a serious look at this mess and have a strategy about how they are not only going to fix this clusterf**k, but just what they are going to do with future releases. They are inept and frankly should be ashamed of releasing this mess. What is broken, is damaged, and what isnt damaged is lacking. How do you take a game almost 15 years old and make it worse?
There is no excuse and I am sick and tired of people making excuses. Overhaul set the goals, and timeframe, they then extended that timeframe and still shat out this cold turd. They need to stay the hell away from ALL of the Infinity Engine games until they fully grasp what they're tackling, and what they're capable of.
I have no actual ill will towards the team, and I appreciate what they intended to do, but good intentions mean nothing when you fail to deliver.
Oh if we see other OS releases before they fix this then they will lose any and all respect (what there is left of it that is) I have for them.
@cryocore You really ought to relax a bit and stop your exaggerations. This game works flawlessly on my machine, haven't encountered a single bug. I don't doubt there is some bugs, but the team is working on fixing them, and that's good enough for me, and for most people who can think straight, it's normal for any release that there is a few bugs.
Stop calling this release "broken" when it's not true.
How about you realise that your "flawless" experience DOES NOT equate to everyones. Even after patching this POS glitches, has all sorts of flaws obvious to someone familiar with the game. Its broken, hell its broken on both gaming rigs in my house. My GFs rig is a mid level gaming rig and the game STILL freezes, I have a high end system and I get glitches still (no CTDs anymore though), but that doesnt forgive broken dialog, missing sounds, unresponsiveness, and a multitide of minor annoyances that collectively make this release a mess. I dont give a rats arse what your experience is, how about you look at the issues many people are STILL having ranging from bugs to missing/cut content.
It is broken. Its broken for me, it broken for my GF, its broken for many other people too. This release is garbage and apologists like yourself need to step back and realise that their experience does not equate to the collective experience of everyone else.
Well, what I'll do is give you some links to possible solutions for your problems. If none of these helps, I would suggest you wait for the next patch which should take care of most hardware problems.
You'll find that the people posting in those threads are being constructive in their dialogue and try to help and solve issues.
These threads are not there for discussing the quality of this release, and you might find its easier to actually get help with your problems if you post in a civil tone.
@Metal_Hurlant I never said there wasn't any bugs in the game, I said that I haven't encountered any! And I don't appreciate being called a liar just because the game works for me.
For the people having problems, your first port of call should be the links I provided in my previous post.
You have a much higher chance of getting help if you don't attack people who just try to help.
does anyone know a single game in history of modern gaming published without any bug whatsoever ?
yes, there are minor bugs riddle throughout this game, they get fixed by playtesting, good feedback & patching. good developers do it quickly, bad developers dont give a fck. i think were with good guys here.
does anyone know a single game in history of modern gaming published without any bug whatsoever ?
yes, there are minor bugs riddle throughout this game, they get fixed by playtesting, good feedback & patching. good developers do it quickly, bad developers dont give a fck. i think were with good guys here.
@Metal_Hurlant I never said there wasn't any bugs in the game, I said that I haven't encountered any! And I don't appreciate being called a liar just because the game works for me.
If you haven't encountered any bugs then that is just a lie. A software bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program.
The Help button which says 'Rest' is a mistake. That's a bug. As I said, stop lying. It's just blatant fanboyism to say you've never encountered a bug in the game.
Well, as I haven't had any reason to click the help button, so when playing the game I didn't notice, no. BUT that isn't what I would call a bug either, it's a typing error, sure to be rectified, and too minor in my opinion of even mentioning here. And most certainly isn't a game breaking bug.
The only game breaking issues that I've heard about is hardware and driver related, mostly due to people who bought notebooks with the incredible inferior Intel Integrated Graphic Chip 945GMA. And that one is really on Intel!
Well, as I haven't had any reason to click the help button, so when playing the game I didn't notice, no. BUT that isn't what I would call a bug either, it's a typing error, sure to be rectified, and too minor in my opinion of even mentioning here. And most certainly isn't a game breaking bug.
What you 'think' is a bug is wrong. I'm using the definition of a software bug, not some fuzzy logic false bytebrain definition of yours.
And it's irrellevant to distinguish between minor and major bugs. You clearly stated you've never encountered a bug in the game which is completely untrue. You've encountered bugs but just don't want to admit it.
I can see discussing anything with you is pointless. As I said, no, I didn't notice the help button had a wrong label. Now, if you persist in calling people liars here, you'll very quickly be labeled troll.
I, for one, is done responding to your posts, and I suggest you leave me alone too.
Just pointing out the flaws, hypocrisy and misinformation in your posts. You tell other people to "relax a bit and stop your exaggerations" when you yourself are guilty of exaggerations with not encountering any bugs in the game.
@Zeratul Overhaul set the goals, and timeframe, they then extended that timeframe and still shat out this cold turd.
Its kinda hard to take you seriously... If I were you i'd either email/tweet, hell, even write a letter if you want, to Trent Oster and his team outlining your concerns, dissapointments and problems in a civilized manner and then wait for a response/patch. Or alternatively, uninstall this "cold turd" (as you so eloquently put it) from your computer and never think about it again... I mean theres still the original game, right?
I also like his arrogant assumption that he has the answers. Ever think for one second I have tried the various "solutions" he posted. Well I have and a few others not mentioned there. I've given up playing now as the further I get the more obvious the bit that are missing, or cut out, or just dont work as they are supposed to. This game is broken the dozens of threads and hundred of posts attest to that. There are a great many people having ongoing issues with this poorly made garbage. I say garbage ONLY when referring to the work Overhaul have done, as the core game is brilliant... shame Overhaul had nothing to do with it. I've been gaming for over almost 30 years and this is one of the most broken releases I can remember (FONV was bad, TES Arena was worse, and the PC ports of Munch and Stranger Wrath even worse). All the people not affected should go away as their experience offers nothing useful.
Dude, just uninstall it, get a refund, whatever I dont really care But your constant bitching in this manner (not to mention calling people trying to help you "arrogant") probably wont get you anywhere. Good luck though...
They weren't allowed to mess with existing material by the IP holders, so they couldn't add additional dialogue to existing NPC's.
Then why were the movies cut out? Why is the difficulty much lower, why are there fewer monsters as in the original? These were all existing material. Etc. This phrase is a contradiction.
So are you just trying to keep this as a hate thread, when you respond everyone who doesn't have a problem, or experience a problem should go away? People here have been fairly civil from what i've read, i can see you're annoyed when most acts calmly and politely. What experiences are you looking for anyway, if all the tried and listed solutions are not working? You just want to let out some steam?
There are even more people around who finds the game is working for them, one thread had a poll about it and around 80% replied it's working for them (numbers might have changed one way or the other) And most votes gave the game '8' on 1-10 scale on another thread if i don't remember wrong.
The main problem, is that very visible and annoying bugs (as stated before) have not been fixed, though you have to live with them during the whole game.
you can't say that you do not suffer from the party NPC AI bugs when you see your mage or archer trying to get in close combat and being ripped off, because his script told him to shot with his bow at close range.
There are indeed work around for the moment (desactivate IA or choosing another script). But they are not satisfying at all. When these bug are mixed with the no comply to orders bug, this can lead to the death or your characters in many occasions and therefore be frustrating.
Since these bugs were added by the BG: EE release, this is very annoying, since the 14 years old game had not these bugs !
...that guy is starting to sound like one of the RPGCodex trolls. Internet tough-guy viciousness, adding no useful contributions, trying to raise the bar on meanness with each post. Yeah... I'm out. Have fun guys!
Yeah I phrased that badly. My point was that someone who is having no or few issues isnt helping anyone by saying they have no problems, just as me stating I have perfect eyesight doesnt change a thing for a blind person.
The arrogance call was directly at the statement that he was saying the game wasnt broken just because he wasnt having any issues, and then seeming to think that my/our issues were a result of not trying to fix them rather than them still being on going issues.
Until Overhaul address those of us with issues I will continue to outline my issues.
As seen in many of the game site reviews of BGEE, it is widely acknowledged that there are some annoying/serious bugs that need to be addressed. Hopefully, they fix them. It must be affecting their game sales, that is for sure.
The main problem is that new bugs have appeared, that were not in the original version.
If you have not witnessed the fact that, very often, the party NPC do not comply to your orders, or that that the AI scripts ar bugged, I doubt of your ability to see what's wrong in the release.
One good thing : since the patch, I have not experienced crashes - yet.
I also tend to micromanage all the fights so the orders will get through. So i do see problems, but they're not affecting me. But they should be fixed nevertheless.
Also i can't speak about BG1 because i haven't played it, so i don't know much about it. This is the first BG1 game i've played and for me it has worked astoundingly well.
Though, things i would like to see implemented: Locked zoom and unlocking FPS (tried raising maximum frame rate, but it doesn't work for me)
All i'm saying is people should have patience. Just shows some people (not you) completely lacks patience. One already called Trent Oster names and basically told them to go DIAF and some already views this as "fail edition" which is just uncalled for, considering how long it has been out.
EDIT: I've seen people saying there's audio files missing and i also feel there's something wrong with how many NPCs doesn't have anything to say. That makes me a sad panda and is the biggest dislike so far. Thanks to @Lemernis' post, i remembered.
Btw D3 is still a crap game with broken mechanics, broken affix, broken items, broken char.
Baldur's Gate EE its already in a better position now respect to D3 now! Don't lose faith.
Oh and D3 dev don't care a shit about their fan base, because they are "too big to fail" but its not Overhaul case! They MUST listen to us and keep our suggestion in greater consideration.
I feel to be much more listened here in 1 week of game than 8 months on D3 forum. (sorry for my poor english! I hope that my thoughts will be clear for everyone
The difference here though is that Blizz took Diablo in a different direction, and imo a much worse one, but Overhaul have taken an actual game and in essence made is significantly less than it was. Missing dialog/sound/interactions/game options/cinematics. They have added some cool features, but more significantly added in a ton of new bugs and glitches. They broke the game they were claiming to "enhance". Unlike Blizz who made a new game, Overhaul have ruined an existing one.
Again I will reiterate why it is for me the single biggest disappointment of 2012. The failed to do the one thing they claimed they were doing and that was ENHANCING a respected and acclaimed game. That is not good enough and I hope the team and its backers are taking a serious look at this mess and have a strategy about how they are not only going to fix this clusterf**k, but just what they are going to do with future releases. They are inept and frankly should be ashamed of releasing this mess. What is broken, is damaged, and what isnt damaged is lacking. How do you take a game almost 15 years old and make it worse?
There is no excuse and I am sick and tired of people making excuses. Overhaul set the goals, and timeframe, they then extended that timeframe and still shat out this cold turd. They need to stay the hell away from ALL of the Infinity Engine games until they fully grasp what they're tackling, and what they're capable of.
I have no actual ill will towards the team, and I appreciate what they intended to do, but good intentions mean nothing when you fail to deliver.
Oh if we see other OS releases before they fix this then they will lose any and all respect (what there is left of it that is) I have for them.
You really ought to relax a bit and stop your exaggerations.
This game works flawlessly on my machine, haven't encountered a single bug.
I don't doubt there is some bugs, but the team is working on fixing them, and that's good enough for me, and for most people who can think straight, it's normal for any release that there is a few bugs.
Stop calling this release "broken" when it's not true.
How about you realise that your "flawless" experience DOES NOT equate to everyones. Even after patching this POS glitches, has all sorts of flaws obvious to someone familiar with the game. Its broken, hell its broken on both gaming rigs in my house. My GFs rig is a mid level gaming rig and the game STILL freezes, I have a high end system and I get glitches still (no CTDs anymore though), but that doesnt forgive broken dialog, missing sounds, unresponsiveness, and a multitide of minor annoyances that collectively make this release a mess. I dont give a rats arse what your experience is, how about you look at the issues many people are STILL having ranging from bugs to missing/cut content.
It is broken. Its broken for me, it broken for my GF, its broken for many other people too. This release is garbage and apologists like yourself need to step back and realise that their experience does not equate to the collective experience of everyone else.
Well, what I'll do is give you some links to possible solutions for your problems.
If none of these helps, I would suggest you wait for the next patch which should take care of most hardware problems.
You'll find that the people posting in those threads are being constructive in their dialogue and try to help and solve issues.
These threads are not there for discussing the quality of this release, and you might find its easier to actually get help with your problems if you post in a civil tone.
There are minor bugs riddled throughout this game. So stop telling blantant lies. It's bordering on fanboyism.
I never said there wasn't any bugs in the game, I said that I haven't encountered any!
And I don't appreciate being called a liar just because the game works for me.
For the people having problems, your first port of call should be the links I provided in my previous post.
You have a much higher chance of getting help if you don't attack people who just try to help.
yes, there are minor bugs riddle throughout this game, they get fixed by playtesting, good feedback & patching. good developers do it quickly, bad developers dont give a fck.
i think were with good guys here.
The Help button which says 'Rest' is a mistake. That's a bug. As I said, stop lying. It's just blatant fanboyism to say you've never encountered a bug in the game.
BUT that isn't what I would call a bug either, it's a typing error, sure to be rectified, and too minor in my opinion of even mentioning here.
And most certainly isn't a game breaking bug.
The only game breaking issues that I've heard about is hardware and driver related, mostly due to people who bought notebooks with the incredible inferior Intel Integrated Graphic Chip 945GMA.
And that one is really on Intel!
And it's irrellevant to distinguish between minor and major bugs. You clearly stated you've never encountered a bug in the game which is completely untrue. You've encountered bugs but just don't want to admit it.
Now, if you persist in calling people liars here, you'll very quickly be labeled troll.
I, for one, is done responding to your posts, and I suggest you leave me alone too.
Im pretty sure everyone on the forums know your dissapointed cryocore, but when you express your opinion in such a way: Its kinda hard to take you seriously... If I were you i'd either email/tweet, hell, even write a letter if you want, to Trent Oster and his team outlining your concerns, dissapointments and problems in a civilized manner and then wait for a response/patch. Or alternatively, uninstall this "cold turd" (as you so eloquently put it) from your computer and never think about it again... I mean theres still the original game, right?
So are you just trying to keep this as a hate thread, when you respond everyone who doesn't have a problem, or experience a problem should go away? People here have been fairly civil from what i've read, i can see you're annoyed when most acts calmly and politely. What experiences are you looking for anyway, if all the tried and listed solutions are not working? You just want to let out some steam?
There are even more people around who finds the game is working for them, one thread had a poll about it and around 80% replied it's working for them (numbers might have changed one way or the other) And most votes gave the game '8' on 1-10 scale on another thread if i don't remember wrong.
you can't say that you do not suffer from the party NPC AI bugs when you see your mage or archer trying to get in close combat and being ripped off, because his script told him to shot with his bow at close range.
There are indeed work around for the moment (desactivate IA or choosing another script). But they are not satisfying at all. When these bug are mixed with the no comply to orders bug, this can lead to the death or your characters in many occasions and therefore be frustrating.
Since these bugs were added by the BG: EE release, this is very annoying, since the 14 years old game had not these bugs !
Yeah I phrased that badly. My point was that someone who is having no or few issues isnt helping anyone by saying they have no problems, just as me stating I have perfect eyesight doesnt change a thing for a blind person.
The arrogance call was directly at the statement that he was saying the game wasnt broken just because he wasnt having any issues, and then seeming to think that my/our issues were a result of not trying to fix them rather than them still being on going issues.
Until Overhaul address those of us with issues I will continue to outline my issues.