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baldurs gate 3 :D

SaberstormSaberstorm Member Posts: 60
heh if i see all this activity in discussions and a enhanced edition on the way it makes you wonder...
Do you think they are considering on making BG3?
Wouldn't it be cool if you could continue the story from throne of baal in part 3

this is probabebly for the fun only but here are some ideas i have, feel free to tell your own ideas.:

-play as a godlike character but with a serioud handicap/demotion/setback or maybe he has to establish his rule again....and creates a Avatar (the player)
- the child of the protaganist (remember 'that' child?) story: "legacy"
-sarevok: main character. story arc: "Redemption"
- Minsc and boo hear storys of a giant hamster and investigate....story: Legend of the giant space hamster;
- the baal amulet/emblem key (it's depicted to the top of the website) collect all the red bhaal tears/droplets and the emblem/amulet to open the hall where the throne resides....


  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    "Baldur's Gate 3 has been our long term goal. We have a lot of things to put in place before such a project can be launched. So currently there is no such project but that's the one we want to do."
  • SaberstormSaberstorm Member Posts: 60

    "Baldur's Gate 3 has been our long term goal. We have a lot of things to put in place before such a project can be launched. So currently there is no such project but that's the one we want to do."
    yes. i was hoping someone would say this thx

  • SaberstormSaberstorm Member Posts: 60
    Maybe our BG hero has a son/ daughter (wouldnt be a susprise anyway without proper contraception) and its unknown to him. And thats the beginning of a whole new series where you play this descendant of bhall (i love to start from lowlevel) with a very epic background. Some associations may have a huge interest in either way capture or kill you then... So you probably end up being confronted with all the past conflicts your father has left behind...
    yes excatly! and at the end of the game you confront/meet your father! maybe you have to collect the red tears of the bhaal amulet to be able to meet with him. But of course it becomes something greater as you find out there are others after the tears.

    uhm..maybe you havent seen the conclusion romance with Aerie? I'd hate to spoil it. But if you do some research you'll find out what i mean

  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    I never realy romanced any other then jaheira and that gave my adventurer a horrible headache. So I never bothered again with it. But I´ll be more flirty to Aerie in my first run through the Enhanced editions;)
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    I never realy romanced any other then jaheira and that gave my adventurer a horrible headache. So I never bothered again with it. But I´ll be more flirty to Aerie in my first run through the Enhanced editions;)
    wrong thread??
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I really hope that BG3 let you play as a deity. If the game comes to be made for a god character there's no problem of unbalance, just need to have enemies that justify the plot.

    My dream would be a 2 in 1 game, where you have 2 storylines, one for a mortal choice and one for a deity choice in the end of Baldur's Gate 2 ToB.

    "But there's no sense in play a good, you would be invencible..."

    Trow the main char on the middle of a blood war battle ground betwen 2 demon princes in true form, or better, mistake a portal and appear in the middle of the cage, at 3 steps of an angered lady of pain and tell me then who's invencible.

    No matter how strong you are, there always someone stronger.

    But, besides my delusion (that hardly will happen), i really would like BG3 to be a sequel of BG2, and to resolve some specific facts:

    1° - make a confrontation with Tethyr B**** queen for send an army on my feet to kill me.

    2° - Selectable background and and a way to recognize the previous choices of the player in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, pretty much like Dragon Age 2 or Mass Effect games does.

    3° - some multiverse stuff would be appreciated also.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Where's teh link to pre-order Baldur's Gate 3?
  • KoreKore Member Posts: 245
    edited June 2012
    @kamuizin, "Trow the main char on the middle of a blood war battle ground betwen 2 demon princes in true form, or better, mistake a portal and appear in the middle of the cage, at 3 steps of an angered lady of pain and tell me then who's invencible."

    The PC has already defeated Demogorgon... you'd have to get in the middle of a fight between Asmodeous and Helm or something in order to make it difficult enough :) But I like the premise.

    Edit: that said, i think a new story line would also be cool
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @kore the PC did not deafeated Demongorgon, but just his avatar form, sending him back to his original plane. There's a HUGE difference in face an projected avatar of a god or a demon prince and face the true beings in the multiverse.
  • KoreKore Member Posts: 245
    @kamuizin? It was just his avatar? I didn't know demon princes could even have avatar's. Fair enough though. My mistake.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Well @Kore, ingame that's what that ghost of the follower of helm says, that helm forced demogorgon in an avatar form and locked him in the vigil's watch, therefore preventing him of act in the abyss, there's a wiki page that confirm it (yet that wiki page lacks references and citations).

    I don't believe that demogorgon make his avatar form, but that it was forced on him by helm as a way to punish him (when we kill his avatar form he's loose agin on the abyss).

    But he's not a divine being and you're right about that, so i don't know if his avatar form has any penality compared to his true being on the 88th layer of the abyss.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    In PnP rules, Elminster is level 30. At the end of ToB, the PC is at least level 35, up to level 40.

    I don't think they have any interest in recreating Dragonball Z, personally. ;)

    It's my understanding that the developers have a kind of an idea of where they'd like to go with a third installment. I doubt it's a direct continuation of the story from BG2, though; or at the very least, I doubt it's with the same protagonist.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    How about a completly different story in the current FR timeline with the most recent rules because WoTC dictates so? Would only be a Baldur's Gate game because of the name lol but that's what I'm half-expecting (not that it's what I want) unless it's around that part of the Sword Coast again.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    WotC would probably require a new BG game to use the most current rules and the current timeline, but they have allowed Forgotten Realms games to be set in the past (like IWD1&2), so a BG3 set in a similar timeline of BG1&2 might be possible.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @Aosaw If it's not a sequel BG3 will disappoint, no matter what's done, so much things have been done during BG and BG2 and at least i would like to see some consequences, D&D deities lore is huge, and by all means extremly poor explored. The game does not even need to have a god main char, some loss on the essence of bhaal (in reason of the acts of Melissan) could make the character a lesser deity.

    I for one, would love a game where i take a major role on the blood war. Also would be nice to have some cool travels on the multiverse, as ppl above said, even if the main char refuse the essence and chose to stay mortal, he's already overpowered (pretty much like his father, as it's put in "The Dead Tree" book", Bhaal was also a human assassin that become powerful, and alongside Myrkul and Bane, attempet sucefully to get Jergal power (the former God of End of everything).

    But as i said its a vain hope that i have, probally will be something as the son of the main char or anything like this to take place in baldur's gate 3.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    Bah, i'm saturated with "the chosen one" formula. What's wrong with plain adventuring? Pirates and politics, and war time. The title of the game is not even sending you to Gods. The main story is over, and most people, i belive, don't really want a new game based on the old model. "We"-if i may say so-can keep the title and atmosphere, and use our..good taste and sense(that's the best i can transalte in english what i'm trying to say).
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    I'm not too fond of the sequel idea as for me the Bhaal story is over, either you ascend and become new God of Murder, reducing Cyric's power a bit or you remain a mortal and live the life of a great adventurer or retire, whatever.

    However a prequel about Gorion and his long-term friend (the one you would play, a Harper maybe?), who somehow disappeared after the battle where Gorion found the Bhaalspawn, that I would like. Or anything about Gorion's past.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Now that I think about it, if we go by realms lore, the only possible canon ending of BG2 is the one where you decide to live on as a mortal.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited June 2012
    If BG3 is ever going to happen, I wish it will be in the area of Baldurs Gate, so far BG1 and BG2 covered the South area of BG, it will be nice to explore the east and north, and to be back to Baldurs Gate sometime during the game...

  • SaberstormSaberstorm Member Posts: 60
    well i think this idea would serve everyone best considering all things said in this topic:

    a Avatar (the player) level 1 is created with slumbering powers by the new bhaal god to find the bhaal amulet (depicted to the top right of the website) and collect all the bhaal tears. Each tear gives a slight bonus/power to the avatar.
    During his travels the player makes a timejump due to some mishap machine or whatnot and encounters Gorian. Gorian helps him to return to the right time and fights alongside him for a while. What also happens is that you and gorian find the child that is the protagenist in BG1.

    hey we could even let the (avatar) player be the cause/reason that Bhaal was killed in the first place.

    This is of course a raw idea. So if you have any feedback/own ideas your welcome to post about it.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    edited June 2012
    I don't like the idea of starting as a god. Not only does this throw any power advancement out of the window (because, how much more powerful can you get?), it is also impossible to write a proper script for, considering the lack of limitations of your power, as well as the giganticly high level that you'll be playing on.
    Playing as the Bhaalspawn Mortal at level 40 presents the same problem for me; what's left in the world to challenge the player at this point? Multiple archfiends? A game of just destroying one deity after another? That would lack plot, character development, partymembers, all the things we enjoy about Baldur's Gate.

    My personal suggestion would be that we either;
    A) Have a prequel from Gorion's time, possibly during the Time of Troubles or set just after it, where the player uncovers the plot with the Bhaalspawn and tries to prevent this from happening. Gorion could be an NPC.
    B) Play as another Bhaalspawn, concurrently with the original games. If you import your final save from BG, possibly you run into your own character as an antagonist at some point. This would provide an alternate history, of sorts.
    C) With the advancing timeline set by Wizards, we're now about 100 years in the future, probably more by the time 5th Edition is released (which will happen before any hypothetical BG3 is made/released). Possibly, Bhaal has a contingency plan, or the Throne of Bhaal is discovered by some force who is trying to resurrect Bhaal again, now that Cyric is locked away for a thousand years (For killing Mystra, which is a tradition in the pantheon). You play as a far descendant of the original Bhaalspawn (who remained a mortal) and it falls to you to stop Bhaal from returning or to stop Bhaal from regaining full godhood if he does return.
    D) In a prequel, you play as Bhaal, trying to shag as many ladies (of all kinds) as you can find.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    D) sounds like fun! But A) has been my idea of a BG3 for a long time now ^^ Witness the fall of Tethyr (I think that fits in timeline?) and other epic events of that time, as you said @Drugar the end of the Time of Troubles when there was no more magic and stuff like that. Gorion as a joinable NPC is what I meant too
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    Bah, i'm saturated with "the chosen one" formula. What's wrong with plain adventuring? Pirates and politics, and war time.
    I agree with this. As much as I love the Baldur's Gate story line, I believe that it ended (for better or worse) with the end of ToB. I understand that there are possibilities for creating a game around playing as a god, etc. but I would definitely prefer BG3 to start anew with a new story line and definitely from level 1, not level 40. The idea of starting as the child of ToB's CHARNAME is reasonable, this would allow for a similar setting as far as time and location go, but would also also you to start a whole new adventure from level 1.

    As far as going back in time or playing out a prequel involving being friends with Gorion, meh. I could take it or leave it, and of the two I would prefer a prequel to a sequel involving traveling back in time, but honestly I worry about wearing the story thin if too many games are made with the same characters and story. The Baldur's Gate Saga, as it stands story-wise, has an at least decent feeling of completion to it, and I would hate to see that messed up by trying to capitalize on it too much. This is just my opinion of course, I know others here feel differently.

    Additionally, I think that all mentions of BG3 have specifically stated that it would be with all new characters (could be wrong here as I can't remember exactly where I saw this), so I'm looking forward to that if it happens, and I like the idea of Trent&Team developing a brand new adventure of there own, which I'm fairly confident is what they want to do based on what I've read.

    To get back to the point made by @Zafiro which I quoted, I would love to see the first original game put out by Trent&Team to be a game that doesn't follow the "Chosen One" formula. The formula was great in BG, but there are so many more options in games where it isn't used, like the ability of the player to truly shape the PC and the PCs affect on the world, which is severely limited with a specific story such as is present in BG. No matter the choices of the player, you are still the child of Bhaal and will inevitably have to defeat the other children of Bhaal and either ascend to godhood or give that up to live out your mortal life (a somewhat superficial choice as it is only presented once the game is already over).

  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    I see some people want explore the east and north of BG; I remember the first time i saw the Worldmap mod, i was like, by God, i want all of it!
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Some mods take you quite far already like Hlondeth or Calimport but yeh I agree a completly different setting would also be great, but then drop the BG name if there's no relation to it in game. Would just be mad advertizing by using the name of a famous game
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    I agree, if it doesn't end up being anything like playing as the child of the ToB PC, or even in the same setting, then I think it would be best for that game to not be BG3, I'm just not sure what their plans are/what they have the option to do with future games in the Forgotten Realms, etc.
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    BG3 should be a new saga, and hopefully go east a bit. I would also like to veer away from being a god child or something like it, let me be a nobody and carve out a destiny for my character depending on my actions to a greater extent than my heritage.

    As to those who say a new game would disappoint, I think it is entirely down to how well written the game is, and I have full confidence in the beamdog team to deliver.
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    edited June 2012
    As has been said before, in order to be canonical (which is neccessary to get another FR game approved by those that hold the copyright), the protagonist must have turned down Bhaal's essene at the end of ToB. Otherwise there would be a new God in the pantheon and there isn't. It would also have to be set in the current campaign setting, which is set over 100 years after Baldur's Gate. Personally I would be totally fine with a completely new storyline that is only tangentially related to the previous games. Playing as a descendant of Gorion's Ward would be perfect. There could be numerous references to the events of the old games and how Gorion's Ward shaped his world, but the narrative itself would be completely independent from that story. I love the story of Gorion's Ward, but it is over, and Baldur's Gate 3 would have to be something completely new.

    I do like the idea of Gorion's Ward being legendarily mysterious - nobody is really sure what class he was or what his motives were :D
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