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baldurs gate 3 :D



  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @smeagolheart,you know..with the troops..with the Brown Ribbon Army..
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    @Zafiro I was afraid you meant that way. Anyways.. Umm yeah, Bg3 woo hoo come on make it! First we need BgEE to be a huge success smashing diablo 3 and skyrim into the dirt then BG2 EE to be a huge hit and BG3 must be made at that point.
  • XzarXzar Member Posts: 215
    Gods are not invincible in FR universe. Our old protag could got stripped of his powers due to conspiracy of other gods, or even better - he got the Dragonlance-like reversal (Raistlin becoming a god then unbecoming one, because he became too strong as a god and thus threatened existence of entire universe). So the story in this case could be - reduced to lvl 1 CHARNAME, trying to save his hide against quite a bunch of angry gods, their churches and cults.

    Or we may abandon old CHARNAME. But if we do this, we CANNOT abandon his entrie crew, or take a leap forward in time more than 10 years. At least half of old squadmates should be in the game, involved with new protagonist party. If this wont be the case, i'd rather they name such a game with new title. New FR IP, Thay Throne for example :) Because BG3 wont feel as BG if only similarity is FR setting and isometric gameplay. Viconia, Minsc and resurrected Xzar should return ^^
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @Xzar, maybe Gods are not invincible after all; Ha Ha! Smart guy dies! But Tiax goes on to RULE!

  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    Even more in this point, as the way you put games as black and white, god of war and countless others that involve deities should not exist too, cos what would be the point in them.
    not exactly... more like: if you want to play a deity, thats why you have black & white and god of war for.. and as you said, "and countless of others.. " there are enough games that you can play god, I just dont want that BG will be one of them.

    I pesonally like much more BG1 over because in *my* opinion have BG2 too much magic, I dont like extreme high levels.
    also, BG1 had more Medieval atmosphere, something bg2 laked of, specially with all the taverns.
    if you get to continue the story from TOB, with level 40+, all the hand weapons such as swords and axes will be basicly useless, where's the fun in that???

    as minsc said "Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads! Swords for everyone!"

    Its also very fun to start as a mere peasent and to develope a strong character and earn reputation - another strong feat of BG1

    thats again my pesonal opinion, I love low level characters any time rather than "+6 armaggedon sword", I love Forgotten Realms and Abeir-Toril as @Tanthalas said, so there is nothing to argue about, everyone loves different things.

    In the End, there is not gonna be BG3 in the near future ;)

  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    edited June 2012
    Playing as a descendant of Gorion's Ward would be perfect. There could be numerous references to the events of the old games and how Gorion's Ward shaped his world, but the narrative itself would be completely independent from that story. I love the story of Gorion's Ward, but it is over, and Baldur's Gate 3 would have to be something completely new.

    I do like the idea of Gorion's Ward being legendarily mysterious - nobody is really sure what class he was or what his motives were :D
    @Communard Like Fallout 2, Gorion's Ward=The Vault Dweller? Not sure if you've played it, but pretty much the same idea (also another one of my favorite games, although I preferred Fallout 1).

    I wouldn't mind this idea (if they were dead set on referencing BG1 and BG2 in the game). Also, being a descendant of Gorion's Ward is sort of a compromise in the Chosen One formula, as your relation to Bhaal is distant. I would still prefer that the story borrow a lot less from the current BG Saga, and remove itself from the Chosen One background completely (but would still need to be called BG3 if I'm understanding the licensing issues correctly), but this would be an alternative that I could enjoy.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited June 2012

    I pesonally like much more BG1 over because in *my* opinion have BG2 too much magic, I dont like extreme high levels. if you get to continue the story from TOB, with level 40+, all the hand weapons such as swords and axes will be basicly useless, where's the fun in that???
    as minsc said "Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads! Swords for everyone!"
    Its also very fun to start as a mere peasent and to develope a strong character and earn reputation - another strong feat of BG1.
    thats again my pesonal opinion, I love low level characters any time rather than "+6 armaggedon sword", I love Forgotten Realms and Abeir-Toril as @Tanthalas said, so there is nothing to argue about, everyone loves different things.
    I totally agree. I play BGT again and again and by the time I get to SOA it's fine but as SOA gets towards the end and TOB I lose interest in removing 100 layers of magic protection every fight and reloading every fight I forget to lay out a death ward on everyone. As much as I love Baldur's Gate I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit I've never beaten TOB. The linearity of it is not so great either I've heard.

    The classic stories are about the hero's journey. Take your nobody named oh say CHARNAME or Neo or Luke, have him "gather his party" and become the great hero who can battle the big bad guy like the architecht, vader or bhaal.
  • powerfulallypowerfulally Member Posts: 261
    @kamuizin I'd stick to the number "3". There's plenty of games that have another number and the stories aren't sequels. The kind of title: "Baldur's Gate: Tales of Boo" is the thing I'd like to avoid, "Baldur's Gate 3: Tales of Boo" is much better, as it refers to previous games' gameplay, not the storyline itself. It's the same thing as with Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and AC: Revelations and then, suddenly AC3 appears making previous titles look like not-full AC game, maybe it's just my opinion. People are so afraid of destroying the legend, but:
    1. it cannot be destroyed now
    2. take risk people, don't cut off the game from it's legacy. If there wouldn't be any risk then such titles like BG would never happen
    Maybe that's just me, but I'm for preserving the number 3 in the title. Yup, it's a minor thing and I won't die if it goes in another direction, but just think about it ;)
  • PhillipDaiglePhillipDaigle Member Posts: 654
    If we were to do a BG3, we would likely* be required to skip ahead to the current year in the Forgotten Realms - which is over a hundred and fifty years after BG2.

    *it all depends on how violently the fans demand a late 1300s DR era game
  • AliyaAliya Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2012
    Truth to be told, I'd rather stay in good old 1360s-1370s. Because of... oh god, the Spellplague. 4th edition.... *faints*

    A chance to see our faithful companions once more. :)
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I have no problems with a game using the current FR timeline, but one set close to the BG1/2 timeline would make it more likely for us to encounter some of our old favorite NPCs.
  • SaberstormSaberstorm Member Posts: 60
    sounds like we could use a poll or two right?
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited June 2012
    I have no problems with a game using the current FR timeline, but one set close to the BG1/2 timeline would make it more likely for us to encounter some of our old favorite NPCs.
    @Tanthalas ,well.. dont forget that Elves and Dwarfs have a long life span, so even if it set 100 year later its still possible to encouter old NPC's

    too bad there is not a *dominant* dwarf npc in bg1/bg2....

  • leRenardruseleRenardruse Member Posts: 18
    agree with you !
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @mch202... Korgan? "better i be well paid for this..."
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    If we were to do a BG3, we would likely* be required to skip ahead to the current year in the Forgotten Realms - which is over a hundred and fifty years after BG2.

    *it all depends on how violently the fans demand a late 1300s DR era game
    As I said in some other thread. The current year's Baldur's Gate is different than your granddaddy's baldur's gate. Double the size of before and Faerun's most important city.. Plenty of storytelling potential there with starting off in somewhat familiar - yet different surroundings. The springboard to adventure is there man's_Gate
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    @smeagolheart just checked out the current Baldur's Gate wiki you posted and yeah, it has changed a great deal and has expanded a lot. There is definitely a possibility for new adventures in the current timeline. There are still plenty of other areas across Faerun that I would love to see explored in a great isometric game, which makes me lean towards setting it elsewhere, but there is definitely potential for a great new adventure starting in Baldur's Gate itself, and perhaps taking you to areas such as waterdeep that Baldur's Gate games haven't yet gone.
  • yazgangyazgang Member Posts: 41
    post-spellplague sword coast. it sounds exciting.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    For us who aren't very familiar with Forgotten Realms lore, what was the Spellplague?
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    the thing that destroyed neverwinter....
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    edited June 2012
    For us who aren't very familiar with Forgotten Realms lore, what was the Spellplague?
    In a very condensed version:

    Cyric killed Mytra the Goddess of Magic.
    The Weave (which magic was based on at the time) went down the toilet, which led to the appearance of storms of blue fire on the Forgotten Realms that reshaped the land and completely ****ed up the Realms.
    This was basically the Spellplague which lasted like 10 years. During this time magic was largely unreliable until mages and clerics learned how to use magic without the Weave.

    After this Wizards of the Coast implemented a 100 year time skip, and most new novels take place in this timeline.
    Post edited by Tanthalas on
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited June 2012
    Whoever was responsible for that idea had to much coffee... Oh and btw. does anyone know if the zhentarim are still a strong force? I loved them back in the days around the moonsea so BG3 needs some of them.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    Ah, thanks for the explanation.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I don't know much about the Zhentarim, but I believe that in those 100 years the organization eventually died out. But there is a novel being released this year (I think) that is supposed to deal with the Zhents, so maybe they'll be revived.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Just to add, was Shar that killed Mystra (with or without the help of Cyric, this i don't remember), what was in fact a shot in her own foot, as when Mystra died, not only the weave, but the dark weave that Shar controlled was lost too.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The spellplague was only conceived as a means of justifying the creation of a new spellcasting system. Kind of amateurish, if you ask me, and one of the biggest reasons why I never bothered with 4th Edition.
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    Cyric killed Mytra the Goddess of Magic.
    Just to add, was Shar that killed Mystra
    This is from Forgotten Realms wiki Spellplague page:
    "The Spellplague is a malady that struck Realmspace on 29th Tarsakh, 1385 DR and was caused by Mystra's assassination at the hands of Cyric and Shar."

    Cyric and Shar were both involved...

    @Aosaw yeah pretty much, I never bothered with 4th edition either.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I liked 3E. I heard about 3.5E. Didn't pay much attention to 4E. 5E is getting good buzz.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    IMO 5E is reasonably close to 2E, so it wouldn't have to feel very different from BG1/2 depending on the modules. Other than having AC that goes in the right direction.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    IMO 5E is reasonably close to 2E, so it wouldn't have to feel very different from BG1/2 depending on the modules. Other than having AC that goes in the right direction.
    So the D&D circle is now complete. When D&D left 2E, it was but the learner; now *it* is the master.

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