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baldurs gate 3 :D



  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    Agree! just like IWD2 was set 30 years after IWD1...

    One thing for sure, It must be in the Gerographical Area of Baldurs Gate, it would be nice to Visit Baldurs Gate ~100 years after the events.

    If its not in BG surrounding areas, dont call it Baldurs gate....
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556

    Agree! just like IWD2 was set 30 years after IWD1...

    One thing for sure, It must be in the Gerographical Area of Baldurs Gate, it would be nice to Visit Baldurs Gate ~100 years after the events.

    If its not in BG surrounding areas, dont call it Baldurs gate....
    Hmm...which characters are Elves or other long-lived types who could make a cameo?
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited June 2012
    Elminster would surely probably drop by to say something ominous then not actually help you. Supposedly Baldur's Gate "today" is more than double the size of what it was when the first game was set so if we were to get a BG3 we would find the city much er enlarged.

    Baldur's Gate city information on Forgotten Realms wiki

    Here some tidbits that happen after Sarevok according to official sources:
    "In the following year (1384 DR), the realms would experience the Spellplague, a situation which would double Baldur's Gate's population and area."
    "As of 1479 DR, Baldur's Gate not only became Faerun's most powerful and important city but..."
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    As few ppl said, a BG3 that don't focus on main char, his son, the former NPC allies at least or someone linked to his plot will not be a BG game, name it "wars of Tethyr", "Waterdeep's strife", "Dragon's Tail", "Eye of the Beholder" (ops this one already exist i think ^^).

    So, frist of all i don't buy the idea that main char can't be the new god of murder, just because there's nothing that point in this way on the actual D&D lore. BG is a game and while some games come to make part of the D&D lore, not every game made in D&D realm will be (i really hope that the BG dark alliance to stay out of the lore), this gonna be my last godhood BG3 post, just doing it to develop the idea @Saberstorm in a more fashionable way with the D&D lore from the post above.

    Would be hard to code a god char? Yes, no doubt about that, would be a poor adventure? Pffff, as commonly said in 9gag "bitchs please" :).

    Frist of all lemme point some points:

    New whole set of skills:
    A sample of a whole possibities of allies, enemies and schemes:
    Options to adventures:

    (sorry for the wiki bases, but is what i can acess to create this post atm)

    The time of Troubles event let a big variety of possibilities in D&D, and BG comes little after those events, as BG history start in the year of 1370 (get this on the diary of sarevok, in an old load game of mine).

    So we have a whole set of plots option, as for example:

    "...Waukeen was freed from her prison in 1371 DR by a band of adventurers..." (from the wiki above).
    Just 1 year after the main char events and no definition of why freed her, a good start for a adventure, since Graz'zt is one of the most powerfull dark princes with a god captive and the main char is just a newborn god (that if the essence of bhaal was fully integrated to main char and get no wear from the use Melissan gave to it).

    Cyric was very specific unpleasantness about the main char goal of godhood.

    Jergal power was once whole, and both Mirkul and Bane had their own ideas of attepts to revive, just as Bhaal.

    A lot of other story points can be raised here, as a Lady of Pain confrontation, direct interference on the blood war, a initial quest to stabilize your new shaken helm in the abyss, a way to cover all the open points of the time of troubles (or many at least), some consequences for reforce the imprisonment/kill the avatar form of demogorgon on vigil's keep, or even a control of the priesthood that pray to main char (much like a more developed stronghold and one of the ways to rise in power as a deity).

    Well, sorry for the long post but make a deity or planar involved plot is a real challenge, not impossible as Planescape: Torment showed us, but hard, so i understand if ppl want to keep to the base lvl 1 archer, figher, mage, priest. Ppl complain of the "chosen one" stigma, don't take me wrong, somehow i agree with them too, but i'm complaining here about the linear basic D&D adventure (kill goblin, xp and few gold coins, now kill ogre, xp and take the magical weapon, now kill mummy, xp and take the magic armor, now dragon, xp...).
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    @kamuizin I've never played the BG:DA series but the link @smeagolheart provided talks about some Dark Alliance, if it is related~ I was also surprised that Entar Silvershield is still alive around the Spellplague while I remember him being assassinated at some point when you return from Candlekeep in BG
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    Ppl complain of the "chosen one" stigma, don't take me wrong, somehow i agree with them too, but i'm complaining here about the linear basic D&D adventure (kill goblin, xp and few gold coins, now kill ogre, xp and take the magical weapon, now kill mummy, xp and take the magic armor, now dragon, xp...).
    First thing, you describe a hack and slash RPG such as Diablo, BG was nothing like that and the focus was more on the story and less on the fights, so its not "kill goblin, xp and few coins.."

    Second thing, one of the main aspect of RPG'S is character development, if you are already a GOD, to where are you going to develope?? become even a stronger god?? overpower characters with overpower skills and magic will make the game more a Sci-Fiction game than a classic RPG, which is what BG all about.

  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Overthrow Ao and jump into Spelljammer universe!
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @powerfulally, i'm glad im not the only one who understands the Baldur's Gate title doesn't have to be bound to the Bhaalspawn. I'm soloing IWD at the moment, and i find it to be amazing; Infinity Engine really has the best atmosphere for a crpg.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    I agree totally @powerfulally it's just that I fear the Baldur's Gate name would only be used for commercial purpose but if it remains in the "Western Heartlands" region then I see no issue. it's just that I would like to play Gorion vs Firkraag, Gorion vs Cult of Cyric, and more Gorion related story but that's just my little personal idea to expand the Bhaalspawn saga ^^ @Zafiro I've replayed IWD during last winter too and it was great! With some mods of course like the custom npc with dialogue and banters. Also tried IWD2 for the 1st time but I wasn't really excited with parts of the 3E ruleset.
  • powerfulallypowerfulally Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2012
    @Zafiro BG3 will probably use a new engine, but still be isometric half-2d half-3d game, so we just need to wait for the results and I believe they could be better. The reason why infinity has the best atmoshphere up to this day is because of lack of development on isometric RPGs over past years. There's plenty that can be made better - animation, colours, details and probably better tools for creating new content - 10 years of game engines development couldn't be in vain. The thing is to save the spirit of the game - dark colours contrasting with non-candy, plain environment , artistic vision - and ressurect it in better technology in BG3. I would LOVE that. The guys really captured the unique beauty of medieval, even though they're from Canada. Also some of the bulidings really captured the architecture of secession, maybe because of French influences on Canada. Just make it such as in infinity engine and I can give you my wallet.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @lansounet, ah, yes, ""The vitiation that breeds evil acts." G. Eliot.
    I fully understand the "fear".
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    @Zafiro I've replayed IWD during last winter too and it was great! With some mods of course like the custom npc with dialogue and banters. Also tried IWD2 for the 1st time but I wasn't really excited with parts of the 3E ruleset.

    The Icewind Dale Set is amazing because of the beautiful and harsh landscape, too bad that IWD is more hack and slash and linear... if it was less linear with open world it could have been as great as BG1 and even better.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @powerfulally, certainly a new engine should run a future spiritual succesor. The toughie is rasing funds for it; big companys don't want to pay for an isometric game anymore.
    I have high hopes for Divinity:Original Sin. And maybe Kickstarter will spark the fuel.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    @Zafiro I've replayed IWD during last winter too and it was great! With some mods of course like the custom npc with dialogue and banters. Also tried IWD2 for the 1st time but I wasn't really excited with parts of the 3E ruleset.

    The Icewind Dale Set is amazing because of the beautiful and harsh landscape, too bad that IWD is more hack and slash and linear... if it was less linear with open world it could have been as great as BG1 and even better.
    Yeah IWD has some great areas, the game hampers the fun because it forces you to go to the locations in the game's specified order. If there was an open and explorable world map and a couple extra connecting areas to flesh out the world it would be way better than BG1.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2012
    @mch202, i was truly amazed by Kuldahar and Arundel, Archdruid of Kuldahar; voice acting and soundtrack was great as well.
    "Spiritual successor"(BioWare used it for DA:O; not very accurate tho) i think is what they should go for an eventual new BG or IWD.

    P.S. "Auril's Bane is a Mod for Icewind Dale that adds new features, quest, items, and spells, and more to make your regular game more fun and exciting."
  • powerfulallypowerfulally Member Posts: 261
    @Zafiro that's why BGEE and BG2EE have to be successful, I believe that even some big publishers would show at least a minimal interest if it does well financially. Kickstarter would also be an option, but see, Wasteland 2 gathered $3M and they use another's company engine because developing their own is more time-consuming and probably more expensive. Dunno what's the budget for BGEE and it's most likely confidential, but let's trust these guys, if they say it's possible then it is. Some of them are former BioWare employees, they have years of experience to back their ideas. Kickstarter is fine, but I don't like that games funded by kickstarter have collector's editions and other goodies SO COSTLY that it's impossible for me to afford it. With rewards up to $10K it's sick that you'd have to contribute a price of a small car just to get all of the goodies and I'm all for equality if it's about gaming - normal editions and collector's editions in price everyone with a bit of patience can afford. Don't get me wrong, I gave $15 for double fine and $50 for Wasteland. Anyway, I don't see point in HUGE reward tiers as only the richest fans could afford that (that doesn't mean "most contributed to the game").
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    Anybody wishes to see The City of Splendors: Waterdeep, within open doors of a "spiritual successor", to please everybody who loves the IE games?
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2012
    In the Year of the Bloodbird (1346 DR), Lord Urtos Phylund I built
    a stone hunting lodge in the western depths of Ardeep Forest. Ever
    since, the family has used this building as a base from which to
    launch carefully planned hunting expeditions for wealthy
    Waterdhavians. The object of such hunts is always a rare and fantastic
    creature brought in from elsewhere in Faerûn and released
    just prior to the event’s commencement. Lords Urtos I and Urtos II
    have both made small fortunes hosting such events—enough to consider
    establishing similar camps in the Sword Mountains or the
    Forlorn Hills.
    No one has yet noticed that these hunts never take place during
    nights of the full moon, or that Lord Urtos II always visits the
    Phylund hunting lodge on such nights for a “private hunt.” In fact,
    Urtos II is an afflicted werewolf, and he stays at the lodge during
    the full moon to ensure that his transformations and subsequent
    hunting harm no one. Thus, visiting the area of the lodge during
    such nights is unusually dangerous." That's from Web Enhancement: City of Splendors: Waterdeep, Environs of Waterdeep.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Anybody wishes to see The City of Splendors: Waterdeep, within open doors of a "spiritual successor", to please everybody who loves the IE games?
    Anything as long as it's infinity engineesque. Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, Waterdeep, pluto. Whatever as long as the gameplay is what we know and love.

  • MerlinMerlin Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2012
    I think if they Make a BG3 you should start it with Level 1 Character(s), and start a new epic journey in the region of swordcoast. =)
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @smeagolheart, i like how "infinity engineesque" sounds, may i use it?:D
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @mch202 i know the post i made touch a sensible point, so i expect a lot of disagrees and maybe some agrees too. The hack 'n slash description you gave altrough perfectly fits the diablo game, exist on baldur's gate too, even if that's not the focus of the game, i love this game i'm not here to flame it, so lemme defend my position.

    About the 2° part of your post, if you mean by that a god char in D&D will have no change or development, we will have to assume that the time of troubles was an illusion. Gods rise and die in D&D, don't make comparison of D&D with real life deities. There's a lot of things besides the prime that even D&D P&P don't scrach the surface, what to say of game plataforms.

    Even more in this point, as the way you put games as black and white, god of war and countless others that involve deities should not exist too, cos what would be the point in them.

    I make my point and i give facts to it, so everything i ask is that in reply anyone that don't like it to use a justify, and not a random argument about sci-fi and whatever (and understand that my point here is not make an offense, i just ask from you the same devotion i had in the making of my post if you want to criticize it).

    Outside this forum i saw a lot of complains about BG games being overpowered, many people has a dislike on this point saying that is unreal a game plot to find the amount of magical items as is done in Baldur's Gate and that unbalance the game. I disagree, as for me, what shape the game balance is the challenge the game present, and not the items you get.

    @powerfulally i know the title refeers to "Baldur's Gate City", however that's not the plot, the title could be the "3 little pigs" and yet that would not change the focus of the game, the history of the Gorion's ward. If they want to change the focus, don't put a sequence number, instead of Baldur's Gate 3, put a Baldur's Gate, secrets of waterdeep or anything like this. This is how i think at least.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @kamuizin, i agree is better not to add "3" to the title.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited June 2012
    @smeagolheart, i like how "infinity engineesque" sounds, may i use it?:D
    @Zafiro I'm sorry, I'll have to charge you 3 cents everytime you use that phrase. Just kidding of course use it as you like!

    Agreed it doesn't have to be Baldur's Gate 3, it could be Baldur's Gate: The Phantom Troublemaker or whatever
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @smeagolheart, from the ashes of Ku Y'leh I have mixed for you a potion.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    The big reason why I wouldn't be thrilled with BG3 being the story about the new God of Murder going to town throughout the multiverse is because the world I love is the Forgotten Realms and Abeir-Toril.

    Its probably one of the reasons that Planescape Torment doesn't interest me as much as BG and IWD.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436

    *hands out potion of 3 cents*
    Just drink the potion and the coins will come out the other side. Refusing to drink the potion will bring you badge of pusillanimity and cowardice.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited June 2012

    *hands out potion of 3 cents*
    Just drink the potion and the coins will come out the other side. Refusing to drink the potion will bring you badge of pusillanimity and cowardice.
    @Zafiro Question: If I drink the potion the coins will come out the other side of what?
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @smeagolheart, um...
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