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baldurs gate 3 :D



  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    Isnt it strange to think the period between 2E and 5E was just the path to know the goal to satisfy the consumers?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Personally, I'm a fan of Pathfinder.

    A Golarion-set iso-RPG would be cake. :)
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    Personally, I'm a fan of Pathfinder.

    A Golarion-set iso-RPG would be cake. :)
    I'd totally go to the Starstone Dungeon at level 1 just for kicks...
  • GridianGridian Member Posts: 50
    edited July 2012
    I read in the FAQ that BG3 is being agressively pursued.

    Unfortunately, you cannot see how wide my grin is at the moment. I have been hoping and waiting for a 3rd Baldurs Gate ever since I started playing BG 2! :D

    There is only one question in my mind:
    When do you start selling preorders (heck, I'd even pay to preorder BG3 in full knowledge that it is not guaranteed to come to existence at all!)?

    :D:D:D:D (and so on...)
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Well, we don't know exactly when or IF it will be made. It's a hope, a living hope, more like a future project? I don't know that. But as far as I know, it's a lot dependent on how successful BGEE and BG2EE will be. That's why we need to buy 20 copies each, so moneyz goes to Overhaul Games and they make BG3! :D
  • GridianGridian Member Posts: 50

    Well, we don't know exactly when or IF it will be made. It's a hope, a living hope, more like a future project? I don't know that. But as far as I know, it's a lot dependent on how successful BGEE and BG2EE will be. That's why we need to buy 20 copies each, so moneyz goes to Overhaul Games and they make BG3! :D

    It's a plan, then! :D
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2012
    Why not have bg3 in undermountain?

    its big and it is dangerus and the master of it is as good as a god in it

    it have citys and evry thing in it and from all i know you can start as lvl 1 and basikly go as high as you want

    char name grand son have the essence and the lord of under montain want it
    also insain as he is he want you to have a utter nigtmare that just dont stop befor he drains you of your essence and use it for hiss reincarnation of baal

    i mean if any one can make a pet baal i guess it would be him
    Post edited by Coriander on
  • AranneasAranneas Member Posts: 282
    edited July 2012
    :eyes OP closely for further signs of troll:
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    best thing with it is its just so big i mean that crasy mage bean going at it for hundreds of years
    from what i know he even older then elminster
  • DLiteDLite Member Posts: 53
    I'd love an Undermountain dungeoncrawler-campaign, but I think it'd work better as a separate module - like Trials of the Luremaster.
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    well all i say its perfect for a long and crasy adventure
    god knows why all i seen of it is some little trip in nvn i mean it fealt like some thing made tiny

    did not realy give under mountain what it deserves

    and bg is the best is why i did figure why not give it a shot and make it as grand as it shood be
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    found this just to make it that it is the grandest dungion in forgotten relms

    Expedition to Undermountain is a 224-page super-adventure that revisits the greatest dungeon in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. Located beneath the city of Waterdeep, Undermountain has lured countless heroes to their doom.
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    Interesting idea! Unfortunately, the Undermountain has already been completely cleared out by Gretek and the aptly named Maulers of the Undermountain, of course there are those that doubt the maulers - rumormongers whispering about how the infamous group supposedly got lost on the way to the actual Undermountain, instead finding a random cave where they killed a few skeletons and looted a grave or two, then got back to Baldur's Gate where they bragged about cleaning out the entire Undermountain... but I'm sure there's nothing behind these rumors but jealousy and spite!
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Visiting Undermountain wouldn't be too bad, but the adventure shouldn't take place *only* there. I mean, at least put Waterdeep in as well, and you have a sizeable adventure. Could still get monotonous, however, cause it'd basically be just city and dungeon. No forests, no Sahuagin cities, no snowy passes...
  • nmenme Member Posts: 24
    Why not have BG3 in Kalimshan, or Tethyr?
    Silverymoon sounds also great.
  • drechanadrechana Member Posts: 53
    edited July 2012
    BG 3 would be a great thing but I tell you something.....after the success and lasting playability, epic storyline, side quests, the whole magical feel of the BG series, I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the person trying to do it lol.

    People love this game, in a way that I dont think any other game has ever been loved. That is not something to toy with. Get it wrong and careers could be broken, sanity could be lost, the hills and earth would crumble, time would twist in all manner of directions and hell could be unleashed!!!!!

    Hang on, what?

    Oh and please dont make it 3rd person for helms sake!

  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    drechana said:

    Oh and please dont make it 3rd person for helms sake!

    You mean first person or 3D? We know it's gonna be isometric and probably 2D static backrounds with 3D characters in it.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    I certainly hope they make it third person. First Person Isometric would be extremely confusing I think :P
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    An expedition trough parts of the underdark in First Person view would be extremely cool if done right. And dont mention D&DO please, thats not the underdark fo real!
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    well as i say it is citys down there and all kindsa stuff all you going to miss is forrests but then again i guess you can always start in waterdeep and move from there on and drop down there ones the going gets tuff i mean so much ranodom stuff that can happen down there shood be a blast
  • NathanNathan Member Posts: 1,007
    Current plans for BG3 involve an EPIC tale involving COVER-BASED MECHANICS in a never before seen KART-RACING EXTRAVAGANZA that will leave your BLOOD PUMPING for MORE.
  • DarksigilDarksigil Member Posts: 7

    An expedition trough parts of the underdark in First Person view would be extremely cool if done right. And dont mention D&DO please, thats not the underdark fo real!

    I really would want this kind of game, but not in Baldurs Gate. Make a new game within underdark and for goodness sake make it frikkin dark! Not like the shitty forgotten realms MMO... It doesn't look like the underdark at all for me (read the drizzt books, so that's where I got my view of the underdark).

    Anyway for BG3, I wouldn't mind it if a part of the game took place in the underdark. Mostly I'd want to see baldurs gate again, but I wouldn't mind seeing waterdeep or silverymoon. Or maybe as far as into Cormanthor. But I think a return to baldurs gate would be most fitting... since the game is called baldurs gate :P
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    edited July 2012
    Darksigil said:

    I really would want this kind of game, but not in Baldurs Gate. Make a new game within underdark and for goodness sake make it frikkin dark! Not like the shitty forgotten realms MMO... It doesn't look like the underdark at all for me (read the drizzt books, so that's where I got my view of the underdark).

    So like Amnesia, but with drow?

  • DarksigilDarksigil Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2012
    Coriander said:

    So like Amnesia, but with drow?

    Somewhat like that yes and gameplay with drow. I'd play the hell out of that game if gameplay were like jedi outcast/academy (a bit more fast paced with auto block and action attack but still with the ability to have good magical control) and the look actually represents the real underdark, very dark and very dangerous in the outer caves (outside the controlled drow cities) with it being easy to get lost or killed and a compelling story about the drow society and then of course let it really be like the drow society, i.e: be a male -> never talk back or hit a female or you'll most likely regret it in some way. Follow orders and if you disobey you (or rather your house) will be in disfavor of lolth (depending on what had been done) etc etc, details details.

    I'm getting off course, this was a BG3 thread, sorry :P
  • HinkelHinkel Member Posts: 14
    To get back to topic:
    Although it would be possible to create a BG3 focused on a the adventures of our hero after becoming a god, I really don't think this will happen.
    Now what's left are two scenarios:
    1. in the recent years after BG2, which would also be hard to realize as the Spellplague would give problems to any kind of spellcaster class and thus the player would be heavily restricted in their class choice, which is something many ppl wouldn't like.
    2. a setting in the current d&d time. This would also allow the developers the biggest freedom in creating a story I think which is definitely a plus.
  • SirBuliwyfSirBuliwyf Member Posts: 137
    In reply to an earlier suggestion somewhere... anything anything anything but time travel...
  • shout27shout27 Member Posts: 90
    I've noted in another thread BG3 thread the best thing to do would be to alter the export character option for BG2ToBEE to record your choice (mortal or god) and have that affect either PS2 or BG3 depending on what you chose. If you chose to become a god then you can play your bhaalspawn character alongside the Nameless One as something happened to your godly powers when you freed him from the Blood War. Because of how the Planes work on belief, even if your character re-obtains his godly powers there's no guarantee that he'll still be a god of the Forgotten Realms setting and can be tied to some other plane. Which ought to keep the ones in charge of Forgotten Realms lore happy.

    if mortal and no love interest then you get booted to level one after losing your divine essence and get to keep a few magical trinkets.
    if mortal and Jaheira or Aerie were LI then you get to play your child who is trying to find his dad, he has some magical items.
    if mortal and Viconia was your LI then you get to play yourself and your child in tandem on the mortal and no LI path, with a few magical items unique to your child (something for drow like the mace of that priestess who attacks you in the Viconia romance).
    if deity and Jaheira or Aerie were LI then you get to play your child who is trying to find your mom for someone (turn out the coded message you're carrying was about you all along), he has some magical items.
    if deity and Viconia was LI then you get to play your child in the mortal and no LI story.
    If no previous character/save is loaded then you're playing a nameless pissant bum who got strong-armed into finding that adventuring ex-Bhaalspawn.

  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    edited July 2012
    I'd still love to see a spinoff, where you can explore Sarevok's story. Beginning with him being raised by his foster-father to becoming a true child of Bhaal and resulting in his defeat at the end of Baldur's Gate.

    This would have been a worthy addition.
  • FootDiveFootDive Member Posts: 3
    Where there is a beginning, there is an end.

    Baldur's Gate ToB should've been and is Baldur's Gate III. The game had a good variety of closure for all characters; some tragic, some glorious, but they fit. I don't want to see a sequel because it'd ruin the trilogy to be honest since the Bhaalspawn is f*cking overpowered at this point. I mean, like, the Bhaalspawn is level 40 for god's sake, what's he gonna go back to fight again? Mutant gibberlings? Demons? Been there, done that.

    Baldur's Gate is one of the few series in any medium that ended well. Let it end well.

    I'd rather see a prequel that goes through how Gorion and his harper friends managed to deal with Bhaalspawn problems. The waffer-thin plot is there already: Gorion as NPC, Bhaalspawn's mother as final boss, deciding between PC and Sarevok in final area, Harpers, etc.
  • shout27shout27 Member Posts: 90
    My problem with either the prequel or playing Sarevok is that we already know how the story ends for them, though I wouldn't be opposed to a story from another angle with us taking a part of those events as a side-quest.

    I'm saying that the only way to continue the godling's version of the story without completely breaking things is to have him shunted off to the next planescape, which is fine with me as there are ways to handle beings like him in that sort of setting. It's more of an interactive story than anything else, afterall.

    Additionally, if I can't continue with some options from playing the game, nor can I continue my bhaalspawn's legacy on the forgotten realms regardless of the deity or mortal choice. . . why should I bother buying the game when it first comes out at full price? Because if none of those things continue then I have no reason to believe that they'll continue to use the 2E system for the game. Which is a shame, because if they can successfully continue the series, it's a guaranteed money-maker. Which is kind of important in these times of low employment.
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