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Do @Minion really hate us?

lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
Here's a little statistic from the Castle Greyhawk thread. Data was processed at 16.11.2018.

|____________________Average rolls:______#Critical miss:______#Critical hit:_______#of rolls: |
|OOC:_________________13.22_________________0__________________1______________8______ |
|Aerie:________________ 10.11_________________2__________________1______________ 26_____|
|Alora Frogslayer:______8.76__________________2__________________1______________ 49_____|
|Anomen:______________8.76__________________5__________________1______________48_____ |
|Boo and Co.:__________ 9.8___________________2__________________0______________44_____ |
|Arkanis:_______________11.09________________ 0__________________2______________44_____ |
|Ajantis:_______________ 10.53________________ 1__________________2______________18_____ |
|Jaheira:_______________ 12.47_________________0__________________2______________18_____ |
|Neera:________________ 10.11_________________1__________________1______________ 8______|
|Oops:_________________ 18___________________ 0__________________0_______________1______|
|Edwin:_________________9.88__________________1__________________1______________15_____ |
|Friendly NPC's:_________9.5___________________0__________________0_______________7______|
|======================================================= |
|======================================================= |
|Enemies:______________10.52_________________6__________________6______________110____ |
|======================================================= |

Average Party rolls: 10.07


  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited November 2018
    Conclusion: @Minion doesn't hate all of us...

    Otherwise, that 5 critical miss from Anomen is really spectacular.

    Edit: OOC rolls presents the occasions, when we made @Minion roll just for testing if it functions right.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    edited November 2018
    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik

    Edit: Hmm... I get an average response. Maybe @Minion is neutral to me.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    edited November 2018
    Another test:

    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik
    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik
    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik
    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik
    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik
    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik
    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik
    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik
    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik
    Minion roll 1d20 for Rik

    Edit: Average 93/11 = 8.45

    Eww... That's worse than any of you have got! :'(

    I think it's great that @Nimran doesn't trust @Minion to do the dice rolls! :D
  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    Looking at the Total row (highest #rolls) the average is not significantly different than what you would expect from a fair @Minion.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    edited November 2018
    Hey! Look at that, my last attack just rolled my average, an 8 :|

    Total average is 10, so Minion doesn't hate us, he's just being fair.

    Although with the amount of 1s I have rolled with Anomen, and also getting a critical roll against him the last encounter (where that's what it would have taken to actually hit him) makes you wonder. I think I should just start putting in my variables (+1,+2,+3 to hit for magical weapon, +2 for Strength) to make my rolls look a little better.

    edit: Also average roll may not be the best thing to look as if I roll an 18, a 2 and 4 my average is a roll of 8 out of 20, or a 40% average. But my mean of hitting (lets say over 50%) would only be 33%. I think the mean, is more brutal to us than the actual average of die roll.
    Post edited by deltago on
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Well, I think my PALADIN has failed more saving throw rolls than any other character in our rp thread...
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Minion, roll 1d20 for kicks.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    I have missed Minion and @LadyRhian's roleplaying thread, where I played Alora for many years.

    Minion, roll 1d20 for old times' sake
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