BG1 NPC Pack mod for Android 2.5.17 without Windows

Hello all,
My apologies for asking a question which may have already been answered; nevertheless, despite wading through multiple threads, I cannot seem to find an up to date answer. Is there any possible way to get this mod running without having access to a PC running Windows? This is the only mod I want to run, but getting access to a PC Is just not possible for me. Thanks in advance.
My apologies for asking a question which may have already been answered; nevertheless, despite wading through multiple threads, I cannot seem to find an up to date answer. Is there any possible way to get this mod running without having access to a PC running Windows? This is the only mod I want to run, but getting access to a PC Is just not possible for me. Thanks in advance.
Just provide a list of mods and components for each and I will see what I can do.
Merry Christmas
I am uploading in two parts. First part is the game without SCS (in case someone wanted the dialogues without the difficulty of SCS) and the second is with SCS.
First Part:
Because the modfile is just over the 50MB limit, I have separated the from the rest. I have also included the WeiDU.log so that you can see exactly what was included.
What's in it:
BG1NPC v23.3 - Left everybody in their original starting location.
BG1NPC Music Pack v6.0 (Standard)
Neera Banters v0.9.1
Chatty Imoen v1.2
Gavin v13 (Cleric of Lathander)
Aura v1.91 (Artificer - Thief)
Valerie v1.1 (Sorcerer)
Vynd v2 (Drow Assassin)
Sirene v2.51 (True Paladin)
VerrSza v5.2 (Ranger)
White v2.0 (Barbarian)
Tweaks Anthology v7.0
- Bag of Holding added
- XP Cap removed
- Bottomless Bags
- Unlimited Stacking
- couple of other small tweaks
To Install:
- Download the files attached and place them onto your device.
- Copy ' to your 'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files' folder (into the root where baldur.lua is)
- Unpack '' into the same folder making sure that you keep your folder structure. You should be able to do this with the default File Manager.
- You should no have something looking like:
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/override' (folder)
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/save' (folder)
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/baldur.lua' (File)
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/' (File)”
Make sure you don't have a copy of the .zip files in your Files folder as this may conflict and crash the game (nothing serious).
The modfile is only valid for this version of the game ( due to the changes that get made in diaog.tlk.
I have batched the install, so if there is something extra that you want, or something that you don't want, let me know and it will be a quick change.
SCS version in next post.
UI.MENU and Console:
May as well put it in while I am here... There is an additional file attached called UI.MENU.txt. If you want to have access to the Cheats Console, just rename this file to UI.MENU and copy it to the override folder. An icon will show in the bottom right hand corner - single touch opens the console and long touch closes it. This will also work with the above modfile.
Edit: See below for Updated version
Because this was always going to be over the limit, I have included the within the zip files and when upacked, it will sit in the right postion.
Contents are the same as above with only SCS as extra. There was an install error with SCS in that it couldn't find 'INNATE_FIEND_DISPEL_MAGIC.spl' when modding the Improved Demon Cultists. I am not sure what the impact of this will be but only one way to find out...
To Install:
- Download the files attached and place them onto your device.
- Unpack '' into the 'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files' folder making sure that you keep your folder structure. It contains the first half of the override folder and the
- Unpack '' into the same folder making sure that you keep your folder structure. It contains the second half of the override folder.
- You should now have something looking like:
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/override' (folder)
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/save' (folder)
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/baldur.lua' (File)
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/' (File)”
UI.MENU and Console:
I forgot to include the console access in the above post. There is an additional file attached called UI.MENU.txt. If you want to have access to the Cheats Console, just rename this file to UI.MENU and copy it to the override folder. An icon will show in the bottom right hand corner - single touch opens the console and long touch closes it. This will also work with the above modfile.
That is about it. Again, hopefully it all works as intended. If not, just let me know and I will see if it can be fixed.
Gather your party
Edit: Removed one of the install lines (copying the as it will unpack into place) - Sorry, copy and pasted that section...
Also forgot to let you know how to uninstall either mod.
To Uninstall:
- Delete the file from the root of Files
- Delete the 'override' folder
- Done. Back to Vanilla.
Edit: See below for Updated version
No probs
Can it be confirmed that the file '' is located in the root of Files (where baldur.lua is) and that it is the only .zip file in that folder. Also making sure that it isn't unpacked into /lang folder (there shouldn't be a /lang folder). If any of the downloaded .zips are still in the Files folder (this is what could conflict and crash the game), they would need to be moved or deleted. I normally keep any packed modfiles I am playing/testing within 'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition'. The game doesn't use this other than as a containter for Files.
I just tried both versions (on a Samsung Note 4) of the modfiles and both worked with dialog showing as it should (no Invalid text), and I was able bring up the Area Map (albeit a little slower with the SCS version due to my ancient device); no crashes. I will test them a little while longer to see if any problems show up later in the game.
Hopefully the problem is something simple like the initial .zip files still there...
I suppose I should confirm that you are using english as the language to play the game...
Edit: See below for Updated version
Hope you enjoy the game.
I will remove the above modfiles so as not to confuse anyone...
What's in it (examine WeiDU.log for components):
BG1NPC v23.3 - Left everybody in their original starting location.
BG1NPC Music Pack v6.0 (Standard)
Neera Banters v0.9.1
Chatty Imoen v1.2
Gavin v13 (Cleric of Lathander)
Aura v1.91 (Artificer - Thief)
Valerie v1.1 (Sorcerer)
Vynd v2 (Drow Assassin)
Sirene v2.51 (True Paladin)
VerrSza v5.2 (Ranger)
White v2.0 (Barbarian)
Bardic Wonders v1.3
Tweaks Anthology v7.0
- Bag of Holding added
- XP Cap removed
- Bottomless Bags
- Unlimited Stacking
- couple of other small tweaks
To Install:
- Download the files attached and place them onto your device.
- Unpack '' into the 'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files' folder making sure that you keep your folder structure. It contains the first half of the override folder and the
- Unpack '' into the same folder making sure that you keep your folder structure. It contains the second half of the override folder.
- You should now have something looking like:
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/override' (folder)
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/save' (folder)
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/baldur.lua' (File)
'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/' (File)”
UI.MENU and Console:
There is an additional file attached called UI.MENU.txt. If you want to have access to the Cheats Console, just rename this file to UI.MENU and copy it to the override folder. An icon will show in the bottom right hand corner - single touch opens the console and long touch closes it.
To Uninstall:
- Delete the file from the root of Files
- Delete the 'override' folder
- Done. Back to Vanilla.
Also, I ony generated the SCS version. If you actually wanted the Non SCS version, let me know.
P.D.: ¡el paladín mártir es fabuloso!
Muchas gracias por tus aportaciones.
(Uso Freakyzip 1,2,3,4 entre otras aportaciones que has compartido, la verdad, es que formáis un gran foro).
Have a great 2019
1. Mod NPC español.
2. Mod nuevos kit bardo (o incluir NPC bardo).
3. Poder cambiar NPC de profesión.
(P.D.: acabo de ver qye en el MOD, que también está el kit de Explorador de la Naturaleza, pero solo para NPC).
Gracias de nuevo.
Buen 2019.
I could change the kit for Jaheira but we are having visitors for the next couple of weeks so I am unsure when I could get to it. I might be abe to do it before they arrive but that is an unknown... I also found that I made Sirene a True Paladin (finger fault) instead of keeping her as the Martyr kit so I wanted to fix that as well.
P.D.: Sin SCS también estaria bien.
¡Muchísimas gracias Gusinda!
You should also now have more success with the romance and yes, set to standard (1 Hour).
Other than that, the description of the modfiles and use of UI is as above.