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[MOD] Afaaq, the Djinni Companion for BG2 and BG2:EE released



  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    argent77 said:

    Yeah, having Afaaq upgraded during the hell trials is one of the requirements. If you have a save from before entering the smuggler cave for the first time, I could try to fix it.

    Heuréka, I find older save from start of chapter nine :wink: Can I ask you for a help with fixing it? I attached this saved game. But I must say, that I have many mods installed, is it a problem?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    @Caszidy I have enabled a debugging flag for the mod. After you load the attached save, get the djinni out of the lamp and talk to him. Select the bottom-most option and wait for the upgrading process to finish. Afterwards it should be possible to trigger the quest simply by entering the smuggler cave.
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    @argent77 You are simply the best! It is working like charm :+1: Thank you very much
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521

    Update: Afaaq, the Djinni Companion 2.6

    Changes in v2.6:
    • Added banters for Imoen.
    • Added banters for Viconia.
    • Added banters and an 'event' for Edwin.
    • Added crossmod content with Golem Construction: New Wish options.
    • Fixed conditions to improve triggering Afaaq's Underdark quest.
    • Fixed "Converse" button label in IWD:EE.
    • Fixed installation errors under specific conditions.
    • Fixed various minor bugs.
    • Fixed spelling errors.
  • UOLegacyUOLegacy Member Posts: 153
    edited September 2018
    One of my absolute favorite companion mods. I would love to see you implement this into BG1:EE in some manner. Note that it's already compatible with IWD:EE.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    All kinds of genies have powerful supernatural abilities. I think Afaaq would be way too powerful in BGEE, probably even in SoD.
  • YR6892YR6892 Member Posts: 1
    I need help with the vengeance quest. After receiving the ward stone from the serpent statue nothing happens and the quest doesn’t advance, no matter where I place it. Am I doing something wrong?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    There is more than one wardstone needed to pass the barrier. Look around the map, check every container and click on everything that can be clicked on.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Do you miss out on (significant) content by keeping Afaaq inside the lamp? Does he still get xp? Gain respect for Charname? Initiate conversation? Start quests?

    I ask because I'd ideally like to do the quests and get the conversations, but due to things getting a bit crowded with a full party+familiar+possible golems and pets etc, I would prefer to bring him out only when the situation calls for it rather than having him tag along continuously.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Afaaq's level adjustment won't be affected, since it is connected to Charname's XP progress. His personal quests should also be unaffected by it.

    You will miss some comments and banters though. I think his respect is also affected by it, although not by much. You don't have to worry about it anyway if you're playing a good party with high reputation.
    Btw, he will gain much respect by doing some of the optional mini-quests in the Underdark city, such as freeing slaves or liberating genies.
  • cddscdds Member Posts: 55
    edited February 2019
    I don't understand how to proceed with (i.e. start) the Vengeance quest:
    The Rakshasa just stole the lamp and teleported away and the journal entry implies i should make haste following him, however it doesn't state where i should follow him to. There is no new area on the world map and going back to the druid grove house doesn't seem to be the answer as well since the portal is no longer there. Where do i have to go or what do i have to do in order to continue this quest and find the lamp again?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited February 2019
    cdds wrote: »
    I don't understand how to proceed with (i.e. start) the Vengeance quest:
    You should have found a special item (which looks like an orb) after defeating the hostile rakshasas. It has to be used to proceed with the quest. If you missed the item you can probably still return to the map and pick it up.

    Edit: Don't take too long though. The quest has a timer.
  • cddscdds Member Posts: 55
    edited February 2019
    OK, got it, thanks! Already had that in my bag of holding. However, i now can't find wardstone no. 4. Any tips? :)
    Edit: nevermind, found it! Thanks argent, great mod so far
  • kev666kev666 Member Posts: 28
    Hi, @argent77! I've been playing with Afaaq for the past week or so now and I am absolutely loving him as an addition to a game I've played many times these last fifteen years. So, thank you for this gift! I mean this as no criticism against you but sometimes I do wish he'd talk more often. When he actually comments on my actions or interacts with me I find myself dying for him to keep on chatting.

    The reason I'm reaching out: quite by happenstance as I was altering some global variables in Edwin's Nether Scroll quest --in this case C:SetGlobal("TalkedDegardan","GLOBAL", "2")-- and like clockwork (I replicated this exact situation several times), the moment I set that variable to 2, Edwin asks Afaaq some question about perhaps doing Edwin a favor. And then the moment that banter ends Edwin starts another separate banter with Afaaq! This is also the first time any of my characters have interacted/bantered with Afaaq -- so this all strikes me as rather incongruous with expected behavior

    I probably have too many mods installed or something, maybe that is messing with Afaaq's convos? Anyway, I'm dying to get to the bottom of this and get this djinn to open up a lil bit more to me and my party :D

    Attached just in case it's relevant -- WeiDU.log

  • kev666kev666 Member Posts: 28
    @argent77 a follow-up:

    I realized a couple days ago from perusing the FAQ that Afaaq doesn't have like a crazy amount of banters with NPCs. That's fine. But after reinstalling and seting the banter time down to 30 minutes, and then down to 15 minutes, the only times Afaaq has ever spoken to CHARNAME are when he's made a few remarks on my actions, such as killing Firkraag. No banter between CHARNAME and Afaaq.

    What can I do to get him to speak to my pc? I'm perfectly fine adjusting a few different variables every hour or two when I want to hear from him. Thanks!

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    kev666 wrote: »
    The reason I'm reaching out: quite by happenstance as I was altering some global variables in Edwin's Nether Scroll quest --in this case C:SetGlobal("TalkedDegardan","GLOBAL", "2")-- and like clockwork (I replicated this exact situation several times), the moment I set that variable to 2, Edwin asks Afaaq some question about perhaps doing Edwin a favor. And then the moment that banter ends Edwin starts another separate banter with Afaaq! This is also the first time any of my characters have interacted/bantered with Afaaq -- so this all strikes me as rather incongruous with expected behavior
    I couldn't find anything specific regarding the "TalkedDegardan" variable in the mod, but I'll look into it further.

    kev666 wrote: »
    I realized a couple days ago from perusing the FAQ that Afaaq doesn't have like a crazy amount of banters with NPCs. That's fine. But after reinstalling and seting the banter time down to 30 minutes, and then down to 15 minutes, the only times Afaaq has ever spoken to CHARNAME are when he's made a few remarks on my actions, such as killing Firkraag. No banter between CHARNAME and Afaaq.

    What can I do to get him to speak to my pc? I'm perfectly fine adjusting a few different variables every hour or two when I want to hear from him. Thanks!
    There should be several talks between the djinni and the protagonist. Maybe a variable isn't properly set. Could you execute the following codes in the debug console?
    Should return a non-zero value.
    Should return 0.
    Should return a big number.

    Talks won't be triggered in certain areas though (e.g. dungeons, Watcher's Keep or the Underdark).
  • kev666kev666 Member Posts: 28
    thanks for getting back to me!

    I had to start a new game, and just started a fresh mock run using the console to jump around and check out areas, interact with modded npcs etc to make sure that they are all working before I start a real new game.

    Collecting Afaaq and using the console to advance real time, his 2nd quest works well and his banter works! I skipped over it all very fast so as not to spoil it for myself :)

    If you'd like I can pull those variable numbers from an old save using EEKeeper. Just let me know.

    This mod, SCS, SR, and holy shit your Test Your Mettle mod are making me so frikkin stoked to play this game. Thanks!
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  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited July 2019
    Is there anywhere a walkthrough for this mod?

    Because Afaaq got kidnapped, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
    Post edited by Arthas on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited July 2019
    Sergio wrote: »
    I would like to report a bug: in my games, I first help the genies, and when they leave, I use the device on the chief.

    But when you bring the genie to the rakhasa they tell you it's the wrong genie..
    I have answered that already on SHS. In short, this is most likely a timing issue, since the genie you're trying to capture is already scripted to leave the area. I don't think that issue can be fixed on the mod's side.

    Arthas wrote: »
    Is there anywhere a walkthrough for this mod?

    Because Afaaq got kidnapped, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
    There is a FAQ section in the mod's readme, but it doesn't answer that particular question.

    You should have looted a special item from the dead bodies of the attackers. Place it into your quick slot and use it. There is a time limit applied to the quest though (about 3 days). If you take too long to start the quest you will lose the djinni forever.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited July 2019
    1) After having found Afaaq soulgem in the cavern (I delivered the insigna), are there other quests in SoA? If yes, when do they start?

    2) If no, when do these start in ToB?

    3) Also, did i miss any "evil option" yet? I'm in ust nasta. Or are there only in ToB content?

    4) If I skipped right to the hell location, because I don't want to do suldanesselar, then I beat IRenicus, will Afaaq transition correctly to ToB?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited July 2019
    1+2) More an event than a real quest - and somewhat related to the Underdark quest - can be expected during the hell trials in chapter 7 (don't lose Afaaq's soulgem in the meantime). There is one final (and bigger) quest in a later ToB chapter.

    3) The Underdark quest doesn't really have 'good' or 'evil' options since you're dealing with drow. Each possible outcome will have their own rewards.

    Edit: 4) Never tested this. But the main stuff happens in hell, so I don't think skipping Suldanessalar will break the mod.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2019
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  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @argent77 as much as three days might make sense in terms oft the mod's story, is there any specific reason why the timer couldn't be prolonged to five or six days, maybe?
    It's always the question of giving the player a little more time to figure out what to do, and pretending that's how it's meant to be.

    As for the item not being recognised as a usable item, for Ajantis BGII I tried to give a clear hint in the item's description (without knowing the exact item description of your mod's item, I'm just making smart suggestions).
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited July 2019
    1) The evil path should work since your protagonist is evil. However, you don't have to use the whistle directly, but instead it's used automatically in a cutscene triggered by a dialog option when you talk to the the efreet boss. Using the whistle manually has only an effect if you provoked the efreets to turn hostile.

    2) These are just random items with no special meaning.

    3) Short answer: For plot reasons. Long answer: You are guests of the efreets, so they have no reason to start a battle by their own. Btw, the fire trolls and elementals are neutral as well for similar reasons. (Edit: They may stay neutral even if you attack the efreets unless you convinced them to join the efreet's campaign.)

    It just happened to be 3 days, since it made the most sense to me. Actually I had initially outlined the limit as 10 days in my earlier design documents, but that seemed too long, so I reduced it to the current time limit.

    I have already added a "Use" button to the item, so it should be more obvious now what to do with it. However, I can probably delay the time limit somewhat as well, since the journal entry is rather vague about the limit.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2019
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  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Ah yes, this is because Afaaq didn't retreat into his lamp before you entered the cavern. The efreets might react allergic if one of their enemies enters their cave uninvited. He should have given you the advice himself unless you rushed into the lower caverns after ending the conversation with Karim.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2019
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  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    1) Inspecting the save you posted earlier more closely, it looks like you have already enslaved Afaaq. In that case there are no more banters (and also no warning about his presence). I haven't thought of that possibility when I replied to your last comment. You should still be able to continue the quest peacefully if you force Afaaq into the lamp before entering the efreet cave.

    2) What do you mean with scriptures?

    3) Stores will only identify items they can buy or sell. Try the cleric in Amkethran. He should be able to identify headgear.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2019
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