- EEex_PlayerSetQuickSpellResref(resref): Sets the quick spell slot that the player is currently configuring; spell resref must be memorized + currently accessible.
- EEex_PlayerCastResref(resref): Casts the given resref; spell must be memorized + currently accessible.
- EEex_PlayerCastResrefInternal(resref): Casts the given resref from an active Opcode #214; spell must be part of the Opcode #214 spell list.
- EEex_PlayerCastResrefNoDec(resref): Casts the given resref with no prerequisites; casting won't decrement the spell if it is currently memorized.
All the above functions cast at the level the player would normally cast at. EEex_PlayerCastResrefNoDec() is probably the notable addition here, the others are just ports from my spell menu mod.
OP was also updated to match the current state of EEex, so it should be a little less confusing now.
@Stormfin: You should install EEex from the latest master branch, (here), before installing OlvynSpells. As long as it's placed before, the rest of the order doesn't matter.
Does EEex allow for new 2e base classes and multiclass combinations? What about free multiclassing like in 3e but compatible with other mods so far? What about the option to point buy or roll stats for characters? (I know IWDII has much of this natively.)
Does EEex allow characters to have different equippable body slots than normal? More spells known/per day than currently possible in EET? How can/should the UI be adjusted/adjustable to compensate? (I'd like the ability for users to add spells and the engine and UI to be able to keep up.)
Would EEex in its current form or in a near-future form also allow the integration of Planescape: Torment into EET?
Would EEex allow for more than 6 characters in the party simultaneously? What about more than 6 players connected to a game/server for multiplayer? What about a GM/DM mode where the GM can spawn/delete/modify characters/creatures/items in real time, move units, transition areas, etc.?
Would EEex allow for creature stats below 1 and above 25?
Would EEex allow for a true turn-based combat mode? If not, how close is possible/practical in the near-term?
Would EEex allow for summoned creatures, familiars, and other minions with thieving skills to steal from stores?
Would EEex allow for the creation/implementation of different sorts of 'spell' systems like 3.5's incarnum, Binders, Psionics, Shadowcasters, Truenamers, and martial adepts (Tome of Battle characters/Crusader, Swordsage, Warblade, etc.)?
Would EEex allow multiclassing/dual classing between different kits of the same base class like Fighter (Kensai)/Fighter (Berserker)/Fighter (no kit)?
Would EEex allow dual classing more than once per character? Multiclassing to have 4+ classes simultaneously?
Would EEex allow spells/similar abilities to require special conditions to perform, such as only being able to cast a spell between 8 AM and 4 PM, requiring material components/money/EXP/levels, casting a spell if the caster's X stat is exactly/at least/at most Y, and allowing spells/abilities to refresh at a different rate than after finishing a long rest?
Would EEex allow the setting/removal/modification of custom hotkeys to abilities (CONTROL/ALT/SHIFT+_) like in the original BGII?
Would EEex allow users to totally customize their F1-F12 hotbars to be more flexible like in WoW or Divinity: Original Sin II? (The presets are generally OK, but there are certain abilities I simply don't want on that bar and I want others in their place.)
Does EEex have the ability to set a party member's (or another creature's) EXP to a certain value/level and let them relevel from 0/1 like in Knights of the Old Republic or respeccing in Divinity: Original Sin II?
Does EEex allow the easy tagging, categorization, and sorting of items? For example, can potions be tagged as [Potion], [Consumable] with healing potions also tagged as a healing ([Healing]) item? What about items that deal [Fire] or [Cold] or [Magic] damage? What about [Arcane] or [Divine] scrolls or wands? What about [(Not) Equippable] items or items [(Not) Equippable By Current Character] or [Quickslot] items?
Does EEex allow players to enter a text string to find the location of items in inventory, in a container, or at a vendor? (This makes finding something in a large list SO much faster!) Preferably, this would include or be heavy inspiration for a mod that let players search the inventories of every vendor they've already met to quickly find who has what and for what price.
Does EEex allow mod authors to make new EET-compatible campaigns and start points for the current campaigns? I'd like to be able to experience EE engine adventures in Eberrron, Athas/Dark Sun, Ravenloft, Krynn/Dragonlance, and others! (Planar Sphere/Planescape/Spelljammer/Plane Shift/Portals/Gates, away!)
Does EEex allow the execution of arbitrary executable programs on the user's computer? If so, this seems dangerous.
I think you are putting to much on EEex, its not a magic one stop solution, but a tool that hopefully will expand on some of the features in the game engine.
Most of your questions really are about a specific mod being created by a modder to do the thing you suggested. So its up to modders to implement some of them if possible. Some would take considerable time and effort, and some are probably not feasable.
Some of the questions cannot be achieved by any modding due to engine hard coding or limitations: party members greater than 6 for example.
Would EEex in its current form or in a near-future form also allow the integration of Planescape: Torment into EET?
I'd like to be able to experience EE engine adventures in Eberrron, Athas/Dark Sun, Ravenloft, Krynn/Dragonlance, and others! (Planar Sphere/Planescape/Spelljammer/Plane Shift/Portals/Gates, away!)
Thats down to modders creating mods or total conversions for those
Does EEex allow the execution of arbitrary executable programs on the user's computer? If so, this seems dangerous.
Not any more than a weidu mod, a batch file, or any other mod related programs, or mod related setup/install tools you might download and run.
@Endarire, I'm not EEex dev, but I think I can answer some of these questions. As mentioned by fearless you're mostly looking for stuff that can be added by mods, not directly by EEex.
Does EEex allow for new 2e base classes and multiclass combinations? What about free multiclassing like in 3e but compatible with other mods so far? What about the option to point buy or roll stats for characters? (I know IWDII has much of this natively.)
Would EEex allow multiclassing/dual classing between different kits of the same base class like Fighter (Kensai)/Fighter (Berserker)/Fighter (no kit)?
Would EEex allow dual classing more than once per character? Multiclassing to have 4+ classes simultaneously?
I'm working on a 3E style multiclassing that works exactly the same as in IWD2. There is still some unresolved stuff to make the whole system 100% reliable (EEex_MatchObject or similar function used as a replacement for CLASS references in triggers/action, so that we can use bitwise values there) and things that could be improved although are not crucial (see my previous post in this topic). But yeah, advanced multiclassing is already doable with EEex. And implementing it for 2E rules also could be done using similar code. It's not something that EEex provides as it is though (it's a material for external mod).
More spells known/per day than currently possible in EET?
known spells / spell per day stuff can be changed via 2DA and IDS files, without EEex
I'd like the ability for users to add spells and the engine and UI to be able to keep up.
I'm pretty sure none of the vanilla GUIs have problems with amount of known/memorized spells (they use sliders to scroll lists)
Would EEex in its current form or in a near-future form also allow the integration of Planescape: Torment into EET?
See the link posted by fearless. It can be achieved without EEex (at least based on my limited investigation into PST:EE features).
Would EEex allow for more than 6 characters in the party simultaneously? What about more than 6 players connected to a game/server for multiplayer? What about a GM/DM mode where the GM can spawn/delete/modify characters/creatures/items in real time, move units, transition areas, etc.?
I remember Bubb mentioning that 6 characters party size is hardcoded so many times in the executable that changing it is no viable.
Would EEex allow for creature stats below 1 and above 25?
Would EEex allow spells/similar abilities to require special conditions to perform, such as only being able to cast a spell between 8 AM and 4 PM, requiring material components/money/EXP/levels, casting a spell if the caster's X stat is exactly/at least/at most Y, and allowing spells/abilities to refresh at a different rate than after finishing a long rest?
most if not all of this can be achieved already with current EEex functionality but features like this require UI.MENU code changes to implement, so it's something outside scope of this project (it's a job for modders to take what EEex has to offer and implement new features with it)
Would EEex allow for the creation/implementation of different sorts of 'spell' systems like 3.5's incarnum, Binders, Psionics, Shadowcasters, Truenamers, and martial adepts (Tome of Battle characters/Crusader, Swordsage, Warblade, etc.)?
As above. For example in a mod that I'm currently working on whole spellcasting functionality has been rewritten from scratch using EEex functionality, so implementing stuff like Psionic spellcasting with it is indeed very much doable (since it no longer depends on hardcoded functionality).
Does EEex allow players to enter a text string to find the location of items in inventory, in a container, or at a vendor? (This makes finding something in a large list SO much faster!) Preferably, this would include or be heavy inspiration for a mod that let players search the inventories of every vendor they've already met to quickly find who has what and for what price.
If you mean something like a search bar that limits list of shown items based on what you type I think it's already possible via UI.MENU edits, even without EEex (at least when it comes to containers, bag of holdings and stores - characters inventories are more hardcoded)
It hasn't. What the mod does do is make it so characters can get damage resistances higher than 127 or lower than -128. It might be possible to do something similar with ability scores, but it would be trickier.
Would EEex allow spells/similar abilities to require special conditions to perform, such as only being able to cast a spell between 8 AM and 4 PM, requiring material components/money/EXP/levels, casting a spell if the caster's X stat is exactly/at least/at most Y, and allowing spells/abilities to refresh at a different rate than after finishing a long rest?
Would EEex allow the setting/removal/modification of custom hotkeys to abilities (CONTROL/ALT/SHIFT+_) like in the original BGII?
Does EEex have the ability to set a party member's (or another creature's) EXP to a certain value/level and let them relevel from 0/1 like in Knights of the Old Republic or respeccing in Divinity: Original Sin II?
All this can be done in vanilla EE already, although the first one I hope EEex can improve how it's implemented because currently I think it's more of a dirty thing you can do because of how rich the engine is rather than something that's intended to be done. Second one I'm not so sure if you can remap ctrl/alt/shift but you can map abilities just like in BG2 to otherwise unused keys, just go to the Assign Keys menu under Gameplay Options. SCS implements the third one.
Some of your questions are either really hard or outright impossible to get working, even if the source was available.
For example in a mod that I'm currently working on whole spellcasting functionality has been rewritten from scratch using EEex functionality, so implementing stuff like Psionic spellcasting with it is indeed very much doable (since it no longer depends on hardcoded functionality).
I'd love to see Psionic manifesting as a mod since Psionics Unleashed is seemingly abandoned and doesn't work beyond patch 1.3. I'd be even more interested if this new spellcasting system included Metamagic and Metapsionics.
EXDAMRED() => As requested by @Shin , this function, called by a Screen Effects opcode, gives the creature 3e-like damage resistance, preventing the first parameter1 damage of the damage types specified by parameter2. It can prevent a total of parameter3 damage before the effect ends.
If parameter3 is 0, then the total damage preventable is unlimited.
You can also make parameter1 negative, increasing damage dealt of the chosen damage types by a flat amount.
There is a flag you can set to disable the damage prevention messages.
EXDAMAGE() => This function, called by an Invoke Lua opcode, deals damage to the target, and there are options to increase the damage dealt based on the source's Strength, proficiencies, and damage bonus effects. This could be used to make a weapon that deals non-physical damage that scales with the wielder's damage bonuses.
Had a chance to try these out now, it seems to work brilliantly!
Hello, dear Bubb!
I installed EEex and your spell menu for IWDEE, but I get an error message on running the game and the menu doesn't appear. This window appears:
Can I fix this?
EEex has been in a limbo version for quite a while. Looks like you installed the latest release instead of the master branch, (which is what you normally do, I've just been behind). I've released v0.7.0-alpha, which should get things up to date.
Try downloading the latest EEex release, (found here), and install that alongside the spell menu. Hopefully everything works after that!
I'll try to do a release shortly after I release new features so this sort of thing doesn't happen again.
Here's an interesting idea - I've implemented a way to store persistent data on a creature. It expands the .CRE file format to store EEex data, so it needs to be extensively tested before I release it. Note that the vanilla engine safely ignores EEex data, but wipes it when resaving a game. Here's what's added: EEex_AddMarshalRequestor(fieldName, functionTable) =>
functionTable keys include the following functions:
["marshalSize"] = function(creatureData) => Should return the size of the field that the requestor is about to write.
["marshal"] = function(creatureData, marshalAddress) => Should write the field to [marshalAddress].
["unmarshal"] = function(creatureData, address, fieldSize) => Should read the field from [address].
["default"] = function(creatureData) => The field wasn't found on the creature when reading; should read the field using a default value.
The following example stores "Hello World!" on every creature in the game when a save is performed:
EEex_AddMarshalRequestor("B3HelloWorldTest", {
["marshalSize"] = function(creatureData)
Infinity_DisplayString("[marshalSize] on "..EEex_ToHex(EEex_GetActorIDShare(creatureData)))
return 13
["marshal"] = function(creatureData, marshalAddress)
Infinity_DisplayString("[marshal] on "..EEex_ToHex(EEex_GetActorIDShare(creatureData)))
EEex_WriteString(marshalAddress, "Hello World!")
["unmarshal"] = function(creatureData, address, fieldSize)
Infinity_DisplayString("Read stored field on "..EEex_ToHex(EEex_GetActorIDShare(creatureData))..": \""..EEex_ReadString(address).."\"")
["default"] = function(creatureData)
Infinity_DisplayString("I wasn't stored on the cre: "..EEex_ToHex(EEex_GetActorIDShare(creatureData)))
Note that due to potential savegame breaking bugs, this feature is currently in its own branch. You can download and test it out from here, if you want. Near Infinity handles the modified format fine, just showing some "Unused bytes?" on occasion. EE Keeper works correctly, but will wipe any EEex data stored on the creature. This is unavoidable; EE Keeper would have to be updated in order to preserve EEex data.
i installed this with the spell menu mod but im having issues now spells like spell turning, spell deflection, and shield of the archons are not protecting form the correct amount of spell lvls allso some spells seem to be protecting from themselves and dropping instantly another thing i just tested spells seem to go strait through spell trap but it will still restore casts
i also made a fresh install of bg2ee and just put in EEex 0.7 and still had the same problem
@Rickert9019: That was a very nasty bug - surprising you're the first person to catch it. EEex v0.7.1-alpha is now released to fix spell protections - download here!
I noticed the spell reflection bug, but I have so many mods its difficult to do any thorough testing. I am also noticing some issues with stoneskin. It seems like it is often auto-refreshing itself. Some SCS wizards are almost unbeatable, stoneskins keep coming back without triggers or sequencers. Can someone look into this? eeex 71 didnt fix.
@seraglio: Are you saying that the spell protections still aren't fixed, even with EEex v0.7.1-alpha installed? Very odd, I can't reproduce either the aforementioned spell-protection burnout, or the stoneskin reapplication. Might be a mod-only conflict between EEex and SCS though, so I'll have to test that out.
In the mean time, could you zip and upload EEex_Opc.lua, found in your override folder? I want to make sure that my previous fix is being applied.
I didn't retest the spell reflection stuff because I disabled it. As for stoneskin (is that also a "spell protection"?), it just keeps reapplying itself , over and over. Not sure if its the same symptom or not. Might be "olvyn spells" specific. Opcode 218 was changed to allow a spell to fire when the last skin was expired. Could it be defaulting to reapplying the spell the called it in the first place?
I have another question. I hope its not too general or ignorant.
What does EEEX interact with mod wise?
The reason I ask is because I just noticed .71 alpha reinstalled a bunch of mods. I mod myself, without weidu, thus any mod that reinstalls other mods I cant use, it wipes out my work. I didn't expect EEEX to reinstall simple old mods like Item Upgrades, but it did. Is this a standard weidu thing you can't avoid? Or is it actually necessary to reinstall for the changes EEEX introduces to work?
A perfectly valid question - that's standard WeiDU. When you uninstall a mod it basically unwinds the install list up to the mod you are uninstalling, then reinstalls them after it's done uninstalling. To my knowledge this is to make sure mods installed after the one you are uninstalling reflect the change, in case they relied on / reacted to the mod you're removing.
EEex on its own is completely modular and doesn't directly affect other mods. Most EEex updates can be done manually by copying EEex\copy files to the override folder, and EEex\loader files to the game's base directory. Note that if you do this WeiDU won't "know" about the update, so automatic WeiDU stuff might not work correctly in regards to EEex should you alter your installed mods in the future, (should be OK if your lineup of mods is fairly concrete).
(Edit: Note that overriding EEex files like this has the potential to override any of the edits you made to EEex files. Additionally, m__skill.lua should probably be left alone, as that file is dynamically populated by other mods).
Getting maybe a little closer to the stoneskin issue.
It happens most frequently when the stoneskin is called through an intermediary, like opcode 146. If I simply cast spwi408.spl, the stoneskin does not constantly reapply. If I modify a potion of stone form to cast spell (146) to spwi408.spl, the stoneskin reapplys infinitely. I think the intermediary is interacting with the new feature, carrying over the name of the calling spell, making it fire when the last stoneskin goes off. in a loop.
@seraglio Oh, right. I think I once encountered this problem with Stoneskin refreshing itself when I was creating some effect for one of my mods.
I think the problem only happens when the resource field in the Stoneskin effect is blank. Setting it to the name of a SPL that doesn't exist (like UGU or something like that) should prevent it from looping.
@seraglio: The default behavior of the EEex Opcode #218 modification is to apply resref + "B" when all layers are lost. You wouldn't perhaps have "SPWI408B.SPL" in your override, would you?
Could you zip up and upload your SPWI408.SPL, (and SPWI408B.SPL if it exists), and the modified potion which you say causes the bug?
I thought I downloaded the branch for eeex. But I don't see a "resource" field for opcode 218. Do I have the right version and if not can someone provide a link? I find Gith Hubs branches confusing and may have downloaded the wrong one
That is the version my branch is on, (I haven't updated it in a while, but it still works fine). Here's a direct link to the modified jar that supports (some of) EEex: link.
Edit: Also, this is what the field should look like:
The default behavior of the EEex Opcode #218 modification is to apply resref + "B" when all layers are lost. You wouldn't perhaps have "SPWI408B.SPL" in your override, would you?
It might be better to only apply a spell when all layers are lost if a spell is specified in the resource field of the stoneskin effect.
All the above functions cast at the level the player would normally cast at. EEex_PlayerCastResrefNoDec() is probably the notable addition here, the others are just ports from my spell menu mod.
OP was also updated to match the current state of EEex, so it should be a little less confusing now.
Does EEex allow characters to have different equippable body slots than normal? More spells known/per day than currently possible in EET? How can/should the UI be adjusted/adjustable to compensate? (I'd like the ability for users to add spells and the engine and UI to be able to keep up.)
Would EEex in its current form or in a near-future form also allow the integration of Planescape: Torment into EET?
Would EEex allow for more than 6 characters in the party simultaneously? What about more than 6 players connected to a game/server for multiplayer? What about a GM/DM mode where the GM can spawn/delete/modify characters/creatures/items in real time, move units, transition areas, etc.?
Would EEex allow for creature stats below 1 and above 25?
Would EEex allow for a true turn-based combat mode? If not, how close is possible/practical in the near-term?
Would EEex allow for summoned creatures, familiars, and other minions with thieving skills to steal from stores?
Would EEex allow for the creation/implementation of different sorts of 'spell' systems like 3.5's incarnum, Binders, Psionics, Shadowcasters, Truenamers, and martial adepts (Tome of Battle characters/Crusader, Swordsage, Warblade, etc.)?
Would EEex allow multiclassing/dual classing between different kits of the same base class like Fighter (Kensai)/Fighter (Berserker)/Fighter (no kit)?
Would EEex allow dual classing more than once per character? Multiclassing to have 4+ classes simultaneously?
Would EEex allow spells/similar abilities to require special conditions to perform, such as only being able to cast a spell between 8 AM and 4 PM, requiring material components/money/EXP/levels, casting a spell if the caster's X stat is exactly/at least/at most Y, and allowing spells/abilities to refresh at a different rate than after finishing a long rest?
Would EEex allow the setting/removal/modification of custom hotkeys to abilities (CONTROL/ALT/SHIFT+_) like in the original BGII?
Would EEex allow users to totally customize their F1-F12 hotbars to be more flexible like in WoW or Divinity: Original Sin II? (The presets are generally OK, but there are certain abilities I simply don't want on that bar and I want others in their place.)
Does EEex have the ability to set a party member's (or another creature's) EXP to a certain value/level and let them relevel from 0/1 like in Knights of the Old Republic or respeccing in Divinity: Original Sin II?
Does EEex allow the easy tagging, categorization, and sorting of items? For example, can potions be tagged as [Potion], [Consumable] with healing potions also tagged as a healing ([Healing]) item? What about items that deal [Fire] or [Cold] or [Magic] damage? What about [Arcane] or [Divine] scrolls or wands? What about [(Not) Equippable] items or items [(Not) Equippable By Current Character] or [Quickslot] items?
Does EEex allow players to enter a text string to find the location of items in inventory, in a container, or at a vendor? (This makes finding something in a large list SO much faster!) Preferably, this would include or be heavy inspiration for a mod that let players search the inventories of every vendor they've already met to quickly find who has what and for what price.
Does EEex allow mod authors to make new EET-compatible campaigns and start points for the current campaigns? I'd like to be able to experience EE engine adventures in Eberrron, Athas/Dark Sun, Ravenloft, Krynn/Dragonlance, and others! (Planar Sphere/Planescape/Spelljammer/Plane Shift/Portals/Gates, away!)
Does EEex allow the execution of arbitrary executable programs on the user's computer? If so, this seems dangerous.
Most of your questions really are about a specific mod being created by a modder to do the thing you suggested. So its up to modders to implement some of them if possible. Some would take considerable time and effort, and some are probably not feasable.
Some of the questions cannot be achieved by any modding due to engine hard coding or limitations: party members greater than 6 for example.
Related discussion: https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/30500-pst-in-eet-feasibility/
No. The game engine can already be customized to point to different campaigns by modifying the UI.MENU and using. See https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/1102538/#Comment_1102538
Thats down to modders creating mods or total conversions for those
Not any more than a weidu mod, a batch file, or any other mod related programs, or mod related setup/install tools you might download and run.
I'm working on a 3E style multiclassing that works exactly the same as in IWD2. There is still some unresolved stuff to make the whole system 100% reliable (EEex_MatchObject or similar function used as a replacement for CLASS references in triggers/action, so that we can use bitwise values there) and things that could be improved although are not crucial (see my previous post in this topic). But yeah, advanced multiclassing is already doable with EEex. And implementing it for 2E rules also could be done using similar code. It's not something that EEex provides as it is though (it's a material for external mod).
known spells / spell per day stuff can be changed via 2DA and IDS files, without EEex
I'm pretty sure none of the vanilla GUIs have problems with amount of known/memorized spells (they use sliders to scroll lists)
See the link posted by fearless. It can be achieved without EEex (at least based on my limited investigation into PST:EE features).
I remember Bubb mentioning that 6 characters party size is hardcoded so many times in the executable that changing it is no viable.
I think stats above 25 feature has been implemented by @OlvynChuru in his High Power mod: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/60325/mod-high-power-baldurs-gate-v2-2-2#latest
most if not all of this can be achieved already with current EEex functionality but features like this require UI.MENU code changes to implement, so it's something outside scope of this project (it's a job for modders to take what EEex has to offer and implement new features with it)
As above. For example in a mod that I'm currently working on whole spellcasting functionality has been rewritten from scratch using EEex functionality, so implementing stuff like Psionic spellcasting with it is indeed very much doable (since it no longer depends on hardcoded functionality).
If you mean something like a search bar that limits list of shown items based on what you type I think it's already possible via UI.MENU edits, even without EEex (at least when it comes to containers, bag of holdings and stores - characters inventories are more hardcoded)
It hasn't. What the mod does do is make it so characters can get damage resistances higher than 127 or lower than -128. It might be possible to do something similar with ability scores, but it would be trickier.
Some of your questions are either really hard or outright impossible to get working, even if the source was available.
Had a chance to try these out now, it seems to work brilliantly!
I installed EEex and your spell menu for IWDEE, but I get an error message on running the game and the menu doesn't appear. This window appears:
Can I fix this?
EEex has been in a limbo version for quite a while. Looks like you installed the latest release instead of the master branch, (which is what you normally do, I've just been behind). I've released v0.7.0-alpha, which should get things up to date.
Try downloading the latest EEex release, (found here), and install that alongside the spell menu. Hopefully everything works after that!
I'll try to do a release shortly after I release new features so this sort of thing doesn't happen again.
EEex_AddMarshalRequestor(fieldName, functionTable) =>
functionTable keys include the following functions:
The following example stores "Hello World!" on every creature in the game when a save is performed:
Note that due to potential savegame breaking bugs, this feature is currently in its own branch. You can download and test it out from here, if you want. Near Infinity handles the modified format fine, just showing some "Unused bytes?" on occasion. EE Keeper works correctly, but will wipe any EEex data stored on the creature. This is unavoidable; EE Keeper would have to be updated in order to preserve EEex data.
i also made a fresh install of bg2ee and just put in EEex 0.7 and still had the same problem
EEex v0.7.1-alpha is now released to fix spell protections - download here!
love the spell menu mod its awesome for cleric mages with tons of spells
In the mean time, could you zip and upload EEex_Opc.lua, found in your override folder? I want to make sure that my previous fix is being applied.
What does EEEX interact with mod wise?
The reason I ask is because I just noticed .71 alpha reinstalled a bunch of mods. I mod myself, without weidu, thus any mod that reinstalls other mods I cant use, it wipes out my work. I didn't expect EEEX to reinstall simple old mods like Item Upgrades, but it did. Is this a standard weidu thing you can't avoid? Or is it actually necessary to reinstall for the changes EEEX introduces to work?
EEex on its own is completely modular and doesn't directly affect other mods. Most EEex updates can be done manually by copying EEex\copy files to the override folder, and EEex\loader files to the game's base directory. Note that if you do this WeiDU won't "know" about the update, so automatic WeiDU stuff might not work correctly in regards to EEex should you alter your installed mods in the future, (should be OK if your lineup of mods is fairly concrete).
(Edit: Note that overriding EEex files like this has the potential to override any of the edits you made to EEex files. Additionally, m__skill.lua should probably be left alone, as that file is dynamically populated by other mods).
It happens most frequently when the stoneskin is called through an intermediary, like opcode 146. If I simply cast spwi408.spl, the stoneskin does not constantly reapply. If I modify a potion of stone form to cast spell (146) to spwi408.spl, the stoneskin reapplys infinitely. I think the intermediary is interacting with the new feature, carrying over the name of the calling spell, making it fire when the last stoneskin goes off. in a loop.
I think the problem only happens when the resource field in the Stoneskin effect is blank. Setting it to the name of a SPL that doesn't exist (like UGU or something like that) should prevent it from looping.
This is still an issue that needs to be fixed.
Could you zip up and upload your SPWI408.SPL, (and SPWI408B.SPL if it exists), and the modified potion which you say causes the bug?
I thought I downloaded the branch for eeex. But I don't see a "resource" field for opcode 218. Do I have the right version and if not can someone provide a link? I find Gith Hubs branches confusing and may have downloaded the wrong one
Edit: Also, this is what the field should look like:
It might be better to only apply a spell when all layers are lost if a spell is specified in the resource field of the stoneskin effect.