There is an issue I just ran into. After killing Dynaheir with Edwin in the group, the dialogue which is firing is about Red Wizard supremacy instead of thanking for the deed. So the quest remains forever stuck as unfinished, no xp and journal update. All other ways of dealing with her result in normal quest progression.
Another question: are the text errors on xzar done on purpose? I did his personal quest time ago and I seem to remember to have been surprised by the errors on the text. But I may remember wrongly
Vastly prefer the full expanded diary, myself. It ties together a lot of the happenings in and before the game, throws in some foreshadowing, gives Sarevok more of a personality (something otherwise very lacking) and expands on his feelings in regards to Charname and his/her exploits.
@ArthasII I agree with @Shin ,I like the extra content so always choose SixofSpades extended version. The more learned about Saervok the better, story wise.
i tend to prefer the expanded version. kinda remains me of a mod for yoshimo which also adds a diary that goes more into why he did what he did [ i wanna say thats from the romance mod.]
Hello-- any advice on how to install this mod for macOS? I copied the files into Macintosh HD ▸ Applications ▸ Baldur's Gate - Enhanced ▸ Contents ▸ Resources, and then attempted to run setup-bg1npc.command using the Terminal app. The terminal opens and displays:
Whoops! I wasn't running the .command. When I do, it attempts to install and hums along... and then it produces this error:
...(SUCCESSFUL Copying)...
Copying1 file ...
ERROR: COPY ~bg1npc/Core/X#component.xx~ ~override/X#BG1NPCCore.G3~ FAILED: cannot open targetStopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing[The BG1 NPC Project:RequiredModifications], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 257 files for[BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2] component 0.
@ArthasII It explains why it ends, certainly if you play a good character. I don't know for sure what happens if you are evil though I believe that the romance never starts.
Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I've been here.
When it comes to the NPC Project, has there been any new, updated ones for Enhanced Edition that include additional banter from the new NPCs from Enhanced Edition?
I understand that they have a lot of dialogue that interact with Gorion's Ward. But what I was hoping for was for banter that goes back and forth with their fellow NPCs just as hearing Dorn interact with Minsc or Shar-Teel. Or having Ajantis & Kivian interacting with Rasaad. Or Baleoth & Visconia have a banter together over their drow heritage or Edwin as a fellow magical madman.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message.
@WARZARD The BG1NPC Project is for the BioWare NPCs only, and was closed content-wise (long before the EEs came out).
If someone writes it up, such a banter mod could be easily made an own mod, though.
EDIT: Who already got a lot of love is Neera, if you look at the mod list there is banter as well as PC dialogue mods.
@ArthasII thanks nontheless. There were other reported symbols, maybe it's a general problem with text format. I do have reports from elsewhere that GitHub transformed texts into utf8, which would be not good for modding where they should be in ANSI.
Whilst I love this mod and wouldn't play without it, the use of strings used elsewhere does detract from it slightly. For example Mendas in Candlekeep using exactly the same dialogue as is used elsewhere in the game is slightly immersion breaking. I don't know if it takes a lot of work to alter such things, but changing the dialogue slightly so that it differs would make a big difference IMO.
Late follow-up: Mendas in Candlekep is not introduced by BG1NPC.
I didn't get any interaction whatsoever from Dynaheir after killing Winski, either... I think she's supposed to say something, and you should get a few items when Dynaheir is in the party, but I saw none of that myself, either.
@Thels Do you still remember whether the Dynaheir-Winski encounter in the maze worked as planned for you, i.e. whether
The Tanar'ri turned against Winski first and killed him?
@AstroBryGuy Does 'The BG1NPC Project: Bardic Reputation Adjustment' really needs PID component to be reinstalled?
GROUP @1065/* The BG1 NPC Project: Tweaks */
REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~bg1npc/bg1npc.tp2~0@1004/* BG1 NPC Required Changes component is not installed. *//* makes sure PIDs go last */
UNINSTALL ~bg1npc.tp2~200
INCLUDE ~bg1npc/tweaks/bardrep/bg1npc_bardrep.tpa~
@ALIEN Currently yes, as it also adds dialogues triggered by NPCs (Ajantis for example) which need to go before the PID dialogue.
Is this a problem for PI in any case or why were you asking?
@jastey No, it's not a problem for PI. I asked because I saw some opportunities for improvements to how BG1NPC handle components structure. with Astro being MIA, those cosmetic things can wait.
BG1NPC updates to v24.1!
The new version incorprates all changes from v24 beta with regard to compatibility with the BG:EE 2.5 patch changes, changed portrait choices, and changes in mod components, plus fixes for the BGT install problem, more bugfixes, and a Russian version by Aerie Team & Arcanecoast Team!
Version 24.1 does not fix all bugs and issues but the most glaring ones: BGT install problem, Winski-Dynaher encounter in the Thieves Maze, Xzar and his Vial of the vile extract incident in the undercellars, and more.
Thank you all for your bug reports!
Changelog of v24 and v24.1 and more description here.
/Applications/Baldur\'s\ Gate\ -\ Enhanced\ ; exit;
[/Applications/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced] WeiDU version 24200
Please run this program in your Infinity Engine game directory.
FATAL ERROR: Failure("Not a game directory")
...(SUCCESSFUL Copying)...
...And then restores everything.
Awesome mod! Thanks!
When it comes to the NPC Project, has there been any new, updated ones for Enhanced Edition that include additional banter from the new NPCs from Enhanced Edition?
I understand that they have a lot of dialogue that interact with Gorion's Ward. But what I was hoping for was for banter that goes back and forth with their fellow NPCs just as hearing Dorn interact with Minsc or Shar-Teel. Or having Ajantis & Kivian interacting with Rasaad. Or Baleoth & Visconia have a banter together over their drow heritage or Edwin as a fellow magical madman.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message.
If someone writes it up, such a banter mod could be easily made an own mod, though.
EDIT: Who already got a lot of love is Neera, if you look at the mod list there is banter as well as PC dialogue mods.
@ArthasII assuming that was you, do you have a screenshot of text erors in Xzar's quest dialogue?
Late follow-up: Mendas in Candlekep is not introduced by BG1NPC.
@ALIEN Currently yes, as it also adds dialogues triggered by NPCs (Ajantis for example) which need to go before the PID dialogue.
Is this a problem for PI in any case or why were you asking?
The new version incorprates all changes from v24 beta with regard to compatibility with the BG:EE 2.5 patch changes, changed portrait choices, and changes in mod components, plus fixes for the BGT install problem, more bugfixes, and a Russian version by Aerie Team & Arcanecoast Team!
Version 24.1 does not fix all bugs and issues but the most glaring ones: BGT install problem, Winski-Dynaher encounter in the Thieves Maze, Xzar and his Vial of the vile extract incident in the undercellars, and more.
Thank you all for your bug reports!
Changelog of v24 and v24.1 and more description here.
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