Baldur's Gate 3: Ayes or Nays

There's been another poll in the past asking the same question.
But since we know what's the newest “BG game“ is all about now (thanks to the PAX live Let's Play). And we cannot re-cast our previous votes in polls. I figured we're in need for a new one.
That, and I'm curious how the current forum member consensus sees things. Should prove to be interesting when compared to the previous voting.
But since we know what's the newest “BG game“ is all about now (thanks to the PAX live Let's Play). And we cannot re-cast our previous votes in polls. I figured we're in need for a new one.
That, and I'm curious how the current forum member consensus sees things. Should prove to be interesting when compared to the previous voting.
- Baldur's Gate 3: Ayes or Nays117 votes
- Ayes38.46%
- Nays43.59%
- Neithers17.95%
I expect it to be a good game, but not really a BG game. However, since the story of the old games was concluded and I was not hoping for a real sequel, I don't this game will be able to do any harm to the series.
I just can't find BG spirit in this game for some reasons:
1) No portraits - they can, and should, change that.
2) Graphics - It's something we can get use to, but in my opinion BG3 should stay isometric. If it was BG: Ceremorphosis I would understand, but they decided to make it number 3 so they should stay with the original isometric concept. The new era of gaming... bla.. bla.. doesn't seem to convince me because we can see that isometric RPGs have their second glory right now (PoE, PK, upcoming Black Geyser) and people would not complain if BG3 is 2D isometric.
3) I don't like UI right now and hope they will change it. Right now it's OrginalSinesque - not Balduresque.
4) Turn-Based combat. Yes - it is a DnD game and DnD is turn-based. But BG wasn't and BG should be turn-based. Combat in BG was great for me and was one of the reasons I like the BG series better than Fallout. I just don't feel the turn-based fight as a real fight, it's phlegmatic and boring to me. D:OS II is a very good game but TB combat is the biggest flaw in it. Just imagine how brilliant real-time combat will be in the D:OS series. They should for die-hard DnD fans give a turn-based option like PoE2, but BG is real-time with pause and nobody ever complains about that. P.S. Planescape: ToN biggest flaw was also turn-based combat to me.
Besides that it will probably be a very good game and turn-based combat fans will be thrilled. But if you named your game Baldur's Gate 3 and don't draw conclusions of its ancestors and fanbase - it just makes me sick. Perfidious commercialism and feeding on nostalgia.
I've never actually played Divinity. I've looked at it, I know how the game plays, but I haven't actually played it yet.
This new Baldur's Gate 3 might as well have been called Divinity 3 instead. It doesn't look or feel like BG at all, and I will always be dissapointed in that.
However, if we ignore the name and look at it as Divinity 3, it may end up being a decent or even good game.
So, Neither. It's certainly not BG3, but it may be a good RPG. Only time will tell.
i'm also not a fan of the dos turn based combat. it just feels way to slow and the fact people want this to be a norm is an issue for me.
and having the dialogue options in past tense just seems clunky and it's not clear what you are saying.
I agree about your point in playing spellcasters in IE engine games, but there’s a much better solution than using autopause.
This incredible mod fully changed my gameplay experience for spellcasters, from annoying to awesome.
My point is, just because IE games does not have a good spellcasting UI doesn’t mean the whole combat system needs to be changed to turn based to overcome it.
Back on topic, it’s a big nay for me as if I want to play Divinity, I can play Divinity games. Not a Divinity clone disguised as BG3. And I find it very dishonest to change everything in the game and then put Minsc or something just to lure old BG fans with nostalgia. So, I guess I prefer 20 more years with the IE games instead. Luckily, other companies are still producing awesome rpgs mentioned above like black geyser, pathfinder, PoE, etc.
PS: the results of a poll I did on reddit a week and a half ago.
This one has 26000 votes at the moment, with 53% for TB.
Of course that vote is still heavily skewed, because only RTWP fanatics have a real reason to vote, because they want something to happen. Most potential clients have no interest in this discussion, they will just enjoy what will be on offer, and they realise that such votes don't have a real effect.
The game is a “yes” from me. I’ll buy it on release day and probably play on Google Stadia (mainly to see if streaming is the future of gaming)
Having said that it’s clear that the “BG3” name is mainly for the press and marketing, and less for it being an actual sequel to BG1 and 2.
That’s not a good thing or a bad thing (it’s been 20 years...) but anyone expecting a continuation of BG1 and BG2 is going to get a surprise
To me this will always be Baldur's Sin 3 the same way the game that followed Dragon Age: Origins was Dragon Effect 2. Not the exact game I wanted, but something similar, an amalgation of two separately good things. I have no intention of being toxic or snarky about it though, I'll most likely keep this opinion to myself and enjoy the game for what it is rather than what I wanted it to be.
Despite its popularity, my dislike for turn-based combat in western RPG's is the same as with soccer. I find it not enjoyable. And no internet poll in the world will change this.
I was talking about sales, not about tastes. Everybody has their own and it´s a waste of time discussing about what you like or not. The heart wants what the heart wants.
I don't know what to think of it, but Swen Vinke did retweet this poll at first, but later that tweet was removed. Was he disappointed by the high number of RtwP votes? Or did he decide to step out of the rumblings for now? No point for him to stir up this fire.
Erm, no, they published two articles with opposite opinions almost simultaneously.
The game will be turn based, so there is little reason to vote for that, unless you are involved in some virtual ideology war. The real time fans do have reasons to vote, to express their dissatisfaction, and the negative always trumps the positive.
Personally I think RtwP is fine for the Infinity games, for PoE and for grand strategy like Europa Universalis. The HOI4 game director also tweeted on the poll, saying turn based is better for tactical situations, RT for everything else.
BG3 will be turn based fighting, and is real time in between.
Kind of like how this poll uses quotes around "BG game" ; )
I disagree with the rest of your post. There's no reason to believe that this was the case. My guess is: Sven realized that while he prefers TB, it's better not to ruffle the feathers of any potential buyers by doing what could be considered "rubbing it in their faces" that they lost.