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Project Infinity - mod manager for Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and EET



  • AtherakhiaAtherakhia Member Posts: 22
    ALIEN wrote: »
    Atherakhia wrote: »
    You can provide game directories (in setttings cog) for "BGIIEE", "BGIIEE for EET" and "Path to clean, unmodded "Seige of Dragonspear" game for EET", then select BG2EE as the target directory (from the dropdown in the top left), paste (or create your own) install order in the bottom right and install. Once that is done, change the top left dropdown to EET and install the rest.

    Not quite correct (especially when you have 2 separate BG2EE copies) - you don't need to switch the game from BG2EE to EET. You just have to split installation into two parts: the one with mods for BG2EE pre-EET, one with mods for BGSoD-part + EET + BG2EE mods.

    I'm not sure I completely understand this, are you saying that if I set PI to install the Pre-EET BG2EE mods with EET selected it will automatically install them onto BG2EE?

    I had thought fro myour other comments that I needed to force it to do so because otherwise PI would default to installing pre-EET mods on BGEE. Is that only the case when PI sees EET in the install order?
  • AtherakhiaAtherakhia Member Posts: 22
    Atherakhia wrote: »
    Atherakhia wrote: »
    Cahir wrote: »
    Actually while we're on it, @ALIEN is it possible to implement a feature that would allow also installing mods that need to be installed on BG2EE in one go? Something like:

    BGEE + SoD mods -> BG2EE only mods - > EET - > EET compatible mods.

    That is essentially what I was asking for, well done for phrasing it better.

    There are onyl 2 mods that I know of that should be installed on BG2EE pre-EET, @smeagolheart's Soundsets and @Daeros_Trollkiller's SoD to BG2EE Item Upgrade. It's not a big deal to do this prior to starting the EET sequence, but would be handy to have a function to allow it as a single operation.

    @ALIEN - so I'm trying to use Project Infinity for the first time, and I have to admit this above step has me a little confused. I read the discussion on it on the previous page - but I dont know how to do the BG2 before EET install with the tool.

    Would simply installing the SOD item upgrade mod directly (not through the tool) into the BG2EE folder work? Do I select SOD in the top left, check just the SOD item upgrade component, run an install, uncheck it - select EET and then check all of the boxes for the components that I want to install and run the install after that?

    Thank you in advance for the help!

    My install order may help:

    This appears stable up to Chapter 4 in BGEE excluding one bug with relocated Dorn.

    You can provide game directories (in setttings cog) for "BGIIEE", "BGIIEE for EET" and "Path to clean, unmodded "Seige of Dragonspear" game for EET", then select BG2EE as the target directory (from the dropdown in the top left), paste (or create your own) install order in the bottom right and install. Once that is done, change the top left dropdown to EET and install the rest.

    As it is only 2 mods, you can also just install them manually with Weidu on BG2EE before running your EET install. They do not work if installed after EET or on BGEE.

    This has revealed to me that I understand less of what I'm doing than I thought (Especially after consulting your install order document - thanks for providing that).

    So I've got a bunch of install order groups. I was under the impression that I wanted to place any mod that is local only to BG1EE + SoD at the top (it has its own group), then put the core EET file in its group, and all of the mods that are either in BG2EE or are universal across the rest of the groups below it (before ending with EET_end).

    Consulting your document, I see tthis is not exactly how you sorted. You have things like BG1NPC installed after EET core. You have BGQE after EET core as well.

    So I guess my new question is: What exactly goes into the header area before EET installs, and how do you decide what you're putting after EET core?

    Glad I could help.

    Any guide that suggests grouping mods by type should be seen as a starting point at best. Many mods do not fit neatly into a bracket (perhaps they add quests and items or an NPC and several new spells?) and so many mods have compatibility requirements with other. EET slightly complicates this, but not too much.

    My install order, and @Cahir's on G3, are based on a fair bit of trial and error, a lot of searching readmes for compatibility info, and loads of pestering modders for info or updates!

    It's way simpler if you reduce the number of mods somewhat, I have been... ambitious.

    The difficult bits are generally related to kits, tweaks and their interactions, note the very messy sequence starting with item_rev:0 and ending with item_rev:1060, things were badly broken before I worked through that with much help on G3.
  • AtherakhiaAtherakhia Member Posts: 22
    edited May 2020

    So I guess my new question is: What exactly goes into the header area before EET installs, and how do you decide what you're putting after EET core?

    Missed your actual questions.

    Essentially, you want everything that is EET compatible after EET Core and before EET_end.

    The only mods I know of that should go before on BG2EE are the two mentioned upthread.

    Definitely install anything the EET compatibility list says to before EET. (Excluding mods duplicated in the after EET section as per @Cahir's comments)

    SCS currently has to be installed after EET, and aTweaks + klatu are advised to be after SCS (I think quite a few compnents ca nbe moved before EET_end but I haven't yet tested them) so those 3 go last. Any exe mods can also go psot EET+end, @Bubb's pathfinding fix for instance.

    It's likely that a few other mods could go after EET_end and be stable, and that might be advantageous if they are things like NPC tweaks or graphics mods, but you'd need to test those.

    Portrait mods can usually go whenever, but be careful as a few of them bundle other tweaks.
  • NezraddinNezraddin Member Posts: 7
    Hello together,
    I kinda feel blind but I didn't find a way how to save the sorting order I set in ProjectInfinity itself manually. Is there an options/button for this?

    (always tried to find an answer to this question in these 21 pages here, but I guess I oversaw it :/ )
  • ithildurnewithildurnew Member Posts: 277
    edited August 2020
    *reads through the thread and various related links elsewhere...*

    So much for thinking this project was supposed to simplify the task of installing mods.

    *goes back to installing manually*
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Error "installatioon" message typo!

  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited September 2020
    ## 0.8.0

    - New Feature: Dynamic Install Order
    - added 'Overwrite' install order group
    - removed 'UI-Overwrite' and 'UI-Patch' install order groups
    - minor fixes

    Congratulations to Lauriel with her Transitions mod - the first one which is using Dynamic Install Order feature!

    If you want your favorite mod to have those helpful, enforced rules, please reach to mod authors.

  • bohoboho Member Posts: 3
    ALIEN wrote: »
    ## 0.8.0

    - New Feature: Dynamic Install Order
    - added 'Overwrite' install order group
    - removed 'UI-Overwrite' and 'UI-Patch' install order groups
    - minor fixes

    Congratulations to Lauriel with her Transitions mod - the first one which is using Dynamic Install Order feature!

    If you want your favorite mod to have those helpful, enforced rules, please reach to mod authors.

    Heads up, your new executable is getting detected as a Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml. Previous version didn't have this problem.
  • bohoboho Member Posts: 3
    I figured it was a false positive, just wanted you to have the heads up. Thanks!
  • DymeDefDymeDef Member Posts: 66
    How many mods are using g this dynamic load order? I'm not asking for a specific number but is it many of them?

    The factor that always gets me stuck is load order and I end up giving up. Curious if now with this dynamic load order thing you have, if most use it could be huge for EE modding.

    If it's still fairly new, is there somewhere that has good information on load order?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited September 2020
    @DymeDef Well, there was only one. But now, subtledoctor joined the party!

    How many mods do you use? Look at G3 boards where people created and shared install order for many mods.
  • DymeDefDymeDef Member Posts: 66
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @DymeDef Well, there was only one. But now, subtledoctor joined the party!

    How many mods do you use? Look at G3 boards where people created and shared install order for many mods.

    I use something like 120-150 tops. Around 50 or so are Banter/NPC Friendship/Romance packs. Many are smaller tweaks after that, and then the general IR/SR/SCS/Ascension and the mods Subtle has made or helped make. This is also for an EET install. Not sure how "heavy" the install is, but I tried to remove overlap, or will not be installing those modules that overlap.

    I'm pretty experienced as a mod user having modded dozens of games over the last decade +. Though this game always seems to give me trouble lol.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Congrats on this feature ! I hope many modders join in!
  • DymeDefDymeDef Member Posts: 66
    I'm having an issue with Almaterias Restoration Project not having its modules show up when I expand it. It just goes to an empty branch. All the other mods I have extracted expand properly but this one. Any idea what could be wrong? I used the download from PI and from SHS directly and both had the same result.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited September 2020
    @DymeDef Hi, it's know but with weidu, it will be solved with version 247. Right now you can apply workaround:
    1. Inside arestorationp\arestorationp.tp2 replace:
    LANGUAGE ~English~
    LANGUAGE ~English~
    2. Copy arestorationp\language\english\setup-win32.tra as arestorationp\language\english\setup.tra

    Then rescan mods/restart PI.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited September 2020
    @ALIEN what happens with the install order given via Dynamic Install Order feature if the player wants to do it otherwise nevertheless?
    I am asking because the problem of single components needing to be installed in at different time than the main component remains. I'd love to integrate Dynamic Install Order but if my mod(s) have a crossmod component that *needs* to be installed after all other NPC mods it make no sense if the Dynamic Install Order specifies that it should be installed before NPC mods x, y, and z because the main component needs it to work.
    What would happen then if the player shifts the crossmod component to a later instance?

    EDIT: Looking at the screenshot here I assume the installation wouldn't run if components of mods violate the specified dynamic install order. If that is the case then I hope that Wisp agrees to implement the component-wise dynamic install order feature into WeiDU, or this feature will be useless since I can't use it in several of my mods unless I split needed crossmod stuff out into a separate mod.
    Post edited by jastey on
  • DymeDefDymeDef Member Posts: 66
    @ALIEN great thank you
  • ensbanaensbana Member Posts: 80
    I’m considering installing this tool to manage my mods. I’m having around 60 mods, with some big and popular ones like SCS, The Tweaks Anthology, aTweaks, Rogue Rebalancing, NPC Strongholds, around 10 mods that add banters to the NPCs, and the rest being quest mods and new area mods. Would any of those likely to cause problems when using with the tool?
  • ensbanaensbana Member Posts: 80
    Idk if the author of the mod takes suggestions at all, but I’d like to see a “Select all” feature or something like that in the mod panel. A lot of time I install most of the components of a mod and leave out just a few, so being able to deselect only some components would be better than having to select most.

    Also during installation, it’d be nice to still be able to scroll up and down in the mod panel.
  • tl1942tl1942 Member Posts: 178
    edited September 2020
    Guldygar wrote: »
    It looks like 0.5.1 broke the mod tree. Suddenly 'wmart' is at the top of the tree instead of the bottom.

    Also 'process_strref' and 'iwdification' have appeared in the tree; it looks like they were found in the bowels of 'strategems' and they are shown right below 'strategems' on the tree.

    Can confirm that this is still the case for me, 1+ years later.


    Also getting an install-breaking bug. During the installation sequence, I get the following:
    #H:\Baldur's Gate\EET install\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition directory assigned via auto install batch command
    #Enter the full path to your BG:EE+SoD installation then press Enter.
    #Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\BeamDog\Games\00806

    When I type in the correct directory, I get this:
    #Invalid directory, or incorrect BG:EE+SoD installation.

    This is a 100% clean BG:EE+SoD installation (completely fresh, no previous mods or tweaking of any kind whatsoever before using Project Infinity).

    H:\Baldur's Gate\EET install\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition is correct, so I'm not sure what the issue is.
    Of course, this is already set in the Project Infinity options. I try typing it out, but it makes no difference. The message just reappears.

    BTW, I want to be VERY clear:
    This is from the FAQ, "When the program asks for BG:SoD path, provide it."

    I *am* providing it. It's H:\Baldur's Gate\EET install\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition

    EDIT #2:
    This was setup-EET.exe asking for the BGEE+SoD directory. Encountered this again during manual install, but it worked perfectly.
    Post edited by tl1942 on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @ensbana PI doesn't interfere with mods so it can't cause problems for them.

    The 'Select All' feature is not planed due to previous mod manager experience where it proves to create many installations with components that players didn't fully understand what they are doing to their games.

    Allowing scrolling during installation would also mean that you can possibly change the status of the mod or it's placed at the install order - both those things needs to be disabled for modification during installation.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271

    The position of the mods can be changed by the player since version 0.7.0.

    The appearance of 'process_strref' and 'iwdification' is not a bug, it's a consequence of the "Unlimited sub-folders in the folder with extracted mods." feature.

    The 'providing a path to the game' means that you provide the path to the directory which contains CHITIN.KEY file.
  • tl1942tl1942 Member Posts: 178
    edited September 2020

    No issues at all with manual ordering of mod position, this worked fine for me.

    As far as providing a path to the game:

    CHITIN.KEY is in the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition directory (by default, as always). Again, this is a 100% clean, untouched, brand new install, and I can confirm that chitin.key is exactly where it should be, in this case H:\Baldur's Gate\EET install\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition

    I mentioned in an edit to my comment that it worked perfectly during a manual installation (using the exact same directory).

    I can also confirm that after attempting to make this work for several hours, there were no obvious errors (eg including an erroneous space in the directory). This worked perfectly during manual installation but never worked when using Project Infinity. I uninstalled and re-installed and used the manual EET installation procedure multiple times to make absolutely sure of this.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited September 2020
    The Almateria Restoration 8.4 mod doesn't properly display on the PI list. It's visible as _arestorationp but disappears immediately upon highlighting it!

    What's the "Clear All Selected Mods" button do? I've been hesitant since I have hundreds of mods and don't want to need to resort them!

    Why do some rare mods not have an expanding list of options? Ruad 29.2 is one.

    Why has Project Infinity sometimes frozen (become unresponsive except to forceful termination), sometimes randomly and often when I've been sorting through my current, big mod list?

    -Allow the dragging of mods between PI windows for easy reordering for ease of use with really big mod lists.

    -Add a search box so we can easily find mods (by display name and filename) and components by text strings.

    -When moving a mod or component via holding the mouse cursor, allow pushing page up and page down to rapidly scroll.

    -Allow right-clicking mods and assigning them to a category (late, quests, items, etc.) Also allow users to choose where in the category this goes (top, bottom, or middle).

  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited September 2020
    Almateria Restoration will be fixed when weidu 247 will be released - workaround is here

    "Clear All Selected Mods" > "Uncheck all selected mods" hope the description is much better now

    Ruad - I've fixed the mod itself, as soon as the 29.3 version will be released, it will work fine

    Hanging/freezing needs more time and work to investigate on my part, if anything will be improved, you will read about it in the changelog.

    As for requests, all noted but I'm not able to determine when I will have time for usability improvements.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Endarire wrote: »
    Why has Project Infinity sometimes frozen (become unresponsive except to forceful termination), sometimes randomly and often when I've been sorting through my current, big mod list?
    amber:0:Amber the NPC MOD for BG2EE and EET
    amber:1:Amber ToB Content (English Only)
    Your mod list contains inofficial mod versions the mod authors explicitely asked Roxanne to take them down, e.g. Amber.
    All in all I am surprised how much Roxanne-adaptions you have on your list. Either free your mod list from inofficial mod versions or stop spreading it.

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    These rare mods, for me, in PI have shown no + and no options under it.

    -IWDification beta 4 and 6
    -Ruad 29.2

    These rare mods have, for me, in PI disappeared from the PI list upon clicking.

    -Almateria's Restoration Project (_arestorationp)
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Endarire Did you read my reply at all? Iwdification BETA 6 has no problem for me, please download it directly via 'Mods' panel.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited September 2020
    Regarding IWDification beta numbers, I was mistaken and you were correct.

    Item Revisions 4b10: Is Store Revisions intended to be a + menu? If so, I don't see it. Instead, I only see "[ ] Store Revisions." meaning on or off completely.
    Post edited by Endarire on
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