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Wings Version 0.91b



  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Thanks! That seems to have resolved it.
  • ithildurnewithildurnew Member Posts: 277
    Skitia wrote: »
    I kept it at two branches, and just changed the Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",0) to !Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1). There is no way it could be 2 from the reading of the file, so it captures both 0 and 3 and the weird person who modifies the number to something silly just because. Download link below.

    At some point I'll change error messages to point to or this forum. Probably once I actually start development. I don't mind fixing bugs like this now though.

    Hi Skitia, are you currently maintaining/updating this wonderful little mod?

    I'm wondering if you're aware that EET Install tool downloads a version of the mod that apparently Roxanne has been updating - she has a version .94 that the above tool will download and install:

    Not sure if there are differences/conflicts/issues or if it would be possible for there to be a unified updated version kept available for the community's benefit.
  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    From what I have seen Roxanne mostly does their own thing, so while it would be a good idea I am not sure how fruitful the attempt to coordinate would be.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Roxanne loves to alter other modders' work without asking them first...
  • ithildurnewithildurnew Member Posts: 277
    edited July 2020
    So I've heard. Unfortunately her EET install tool is currently the most convenient method for EET installs... the drawback obviously is that by default it's set up to download and install versions of mods S/HE prefers, including undocumented changes she made herself (as in the case of Wings) without warning - I had no idea this was the case until well after the installation was finished.

    Still, looking at the tp2 I don't think there were majorly insidious changes or such, probably a few fixes or tweaks (I hope... :neutral: ).

    I wish all modders would behave and get along. It's one of the reasons I endorse Gibberlings Three mods and the modders that have ties to that community - they have a history of talented and solid people working together cooperatively on many projects that have stood the test of time.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @ithildurnew Isn't Project Infinity supposed to be the next big install tool?
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Project Infinity does some things well, but it's not very automated and requires a fair amount of knowledge (for one thing, there are a ton of mods that you have to track down yourself, and install order/compatibility is chancey at best).
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Project Infinity does some things well, but it's not very automated and requires a fair amount of knowledge (for one thing, there are a ton of mods that you have to track down yourself, and install order/compatibility is chancey at best).

    Install order with the EE Setup Tool is "chancey at best" even more, because Roxanne does not communicate with other modders which order would be best. Plus, EE Setup Tool downloads older (i.e. buggier) or even altered mod versions. It's a black box pretending it's the easiest option, and then you'll have to run to Roxanne's forum for help if your install is borked.
    With Project Infinity you can set up an install order approved by the community (e.g. see here, here, and here) and know what you get.
  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    One thing to note is that my install order is being done via manual install since I'm using a bunch of mods with ReadLN components that Project Infinity can't handle. I would love it if there was a good tool that accounted for all the various dependencies and made it easy to just select the mods you want and get going right away, but unfortunately digging into what is available reveals issues with pretty much all the available options.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I don't use install tools myself, I do everything manually just like Caedwyr. I keep my mod selection pretty small, so it's not an issue for me.

    @ithildurnew I think the main difference I saw with Roxanne's is that hers is EET compatible. This Wings is not. It is very easy to make it EET compatible, and is probably one of the first things I will do when I'm done with my other projects. Eventually this version will have new content as well and so theirs would be obsolete.

    All of my github repos are public, so they can easily do a pull request if they want to help with other bugs. (They've actually done the same for my other mods, mostly to correct spelling errors/minor bugs.)
  • ithildurnewithildurnew Member Posts: 277
    edited July 2020
    Thanks for response @Skitia. How is this version of Wings not EET compatible? Is it just the tp2 file not having 'eet' in the 'game is' line, or something more involved?

    @jastey thanks for providing the G3 links related to PI. Regarding the downsides of using Roxanne's tool - I knew using her EET Install Tool was a risk, but as @masteraleph noted PI is a PITA to setup and run. I wasn't aware of those links/information out there that might help resolve PI issues; perhaps next time I'll refer to the G3 links and give PI another try - however I still find it a rather poorly documented and executed project - the fact that one has to chase down links like these only serves to reinforce such an impression. Next time I'm more likely to install everything manually as others suggested.

  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    @ithildurnew The main bits of EET compatibility for BG2 is chapter globals and Fade Spirits. You have to set it up a bit so it captures all of that right. It's more than one line, but it's only a few hours work at worst. You have to update the tp2 and the script files.

  • zoharzohar Member Posts: 25
    Can someone who has played the mod tell me if it is stable? Some gamebreaking bug or incompatibility with Ascension, SCS or the other npc mods?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    it does not have any tob content currently. besides one small encounter it is primarily a banter mod.
  • zoharzohar Member Posts: 25
    Thanks for the answer. My fear was because of the beta state of the mod and the breaking of the game because of that.
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    FWIW, All Things Mazzy is doing its own take on Aerie potentially being able to regain her wings.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited August 2020
    I'm aware! This mod doesn't give her wings, not in any future content Coutelier had planned that I will work on or otherwise.

    So I guess the question is should this mod acknowledge if she gets wings from another mod? I'm not sure. Aerie's story and development is never about recovering her wings. It is about learning to live without them, creating a new identity for herself, and letting go of the old one. Giving her wings back kind of undercuts and destroys all of that, making it an unwise writing decision.

    The mod's premise is really centered on learning to reform oneself. Obviously though, people also like everything fitting nicely together. So it isn't something I will decide on right now.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited August 2020
    i do believe bioware's original plan for aerie was to turn her into a bird so she could fly again. but it was cut due to time consrants.

    the two mods should have some form of cross mod as it may cause a conflict if she gets wings in all things mazzy then has talks about giving up on them from wings.
    Post edited by megamike15 on
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Skitia "Aerie's story and development is never about recovering her wings. It is about learning to live without them, creating a new identity for herself, and letting go of the old one. Giving her wings back kind of undercuts and destroys all of that, making it an unwise writing decision."

    And when romanced, she goes back to Faenya Dail and returns to her old life anyway. Honestly, the "pont" of Aerie's character arc seems to change depending on if she's romanceed, Bioware has the time to turn her into a bird, etc.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited August 2020
    I've never heard of the bird thing anywhere, nor can find any verification of that.

    The romance epilogue doesn't say she returns to Faenya Dail to live her old life. Just to be married there. It's a nice happy conclusion for her to be married in front of them and parents that haven't seen her in ages. You could read later years as them being significantly older, perhaps even elderly, before they make the trip, but that's up to reader interpretation.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    the bird thing was something in soa. it was to explain her changes at the end of the game.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited August 2020
    Like a temporary thing/spell? where she gets to enjoy flight for a moment as a bird?

    That would be much better than permament, especially if it was used as this metaphor of letting go and being free of her past burden and letting go.

    I'd encourage the mod authors to go that route. It also avoids clashing with ToB Banters that mentions the lack of wings, and is a lot easier and comfortable for me to work with cross-mod wise. But that is their choice.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Skitia wrote: »
    Like a temporary thing/spell? where she gets to enjoy flight for a moment as a bird?

    That would be much better than permament, especially if it was used as this metaphor of letting go and being free of her past burden and letting go.

    I'd encourage the mod authors to go that route. It also avoids clashing with ToB Banters that mentions the lack of wings, and is a lot easier and comfortable for me to work with cross-mod wise. But that is their choice.

    i had to look it up. she refuses to take the bird transformation and deal with her issues on the ground. which explains her voiced lines in tob.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited August 2020
    Oh that makes sense. That's also another good story-beat option: The offer tests her development. Her refusal is the completion of her transformation.

  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    Skitia wrote: »
    Oh that makes sense. That's also another good story-beat option: The offer tests her development. Her refusal is the completion of her transformation.

    It might be worthwhile checking @jastey Solaufein mod that was released recently. Aerie touches on a lot of the elements you describe as being core as part of her banters with him. There's also a little more background on avariel society given (based on FR lore around them). I quite liked it and thought it fit well with her overall story arc as well as gave her some character appropriate self awareness (she has Wisdom through the roof, she is just inexperienced.)
  • zoharzohar Member Posts: 25
    Hey Skitia, any news on the mod? When will we have version 1.0?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited August 2020
    When Skitia's NPCs for BG2:EE/EET reaches 100% (Currently at 74%, and tomorrow it will probably be at 75% and I'll have a progress report posted up once it hits that number, that's 3/4's of the way there!).

    Because I like to be open, I'll probably outline all of the work I want to add on this mod for myself, and then do the same percentage style. Right now it's something like:

    A Main Quest for Aerie (I.E., like Jaheira/Anomen have), as Coutelier says on page 1. This will probably extend all the way into ToB though, and not quite stop at chapter 6 like the others do.
    -Minsc/Aerie Mini Quest is a maybe, because Coutelier never got back to me with the notes on that, but I'll probably still spin something.
    -A new area or two, if I am bold!

    Since I've worked on my other BG2 mod for so long, I can be far better at making predictions and say it's probably a 1-2 month project once I start. (+However long it takes to make a custom area if I do get bold and try it.). Since this is so much less work than my other mod, I will probably have more room to focus on extra details like this and not have to flesh out the main points and ideas.

    I'll also make a new thread once I start. I imagine its confusing to constantly see Wings 0.91b when it is technically more updated then that, and I can't change the initial page at all.
  • zoharzohar Member Posts: 25
    edited August 2020
    Thanks for the answer my friend. It's because of modder like you that we never tire of playing these games, so many thanks for that too! You said that the mod is more updated than the 0.91b version. Can you post a link for the more updated one?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    it's not getting updated until after thier current project.

    it's not just gonna be quests. the friendship needs to extend into tob. mabey afew banters etc.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited August 2020
    The most recent link is:

    Wings 0.91d

    Compared to 0.91b it has more fixed bugs.
    Post edited by Skitia on
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