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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    @Grond0 I thought that Mad Arcand ALWAYS gave a reward. It just shows that I always have a high charisma character leading the party.

    @Wise_Grimwald in v2.5 he does, but he's much more picky in the current draft of v2.6 ;).
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited December 2020
    Journal of Michaela the Mighty and friends

    Minsc was killed whilst we looked for the final menhir. A spider webbed him and there was nothing that we could do other than kill the spiders and raise him afterwards. We are now in troll claw woods and Marcia can now raise the dead.

    As we sought to defeat Coldearth one room proved to be exceptionally dangerous, but we did prevail.


    Subsequently with the aid of the secret revealed, we were victorious and returned to the camp, relieved to have survived such an epic battle.


    We eventually prevailed at the Boareskyr Bridge but it was a close run thing due to being incapacitated myself, I had to rely on my allies.


    Now at the Coalition Camp having raised my dead comrades.

    Having reached level 9, I put a * in katanas.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited January 2021
    Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 220, Core rules + unmodded (update 2)
    Retro (female gnome bounty hunter, Grond0); Doppel (male human sun soul monk, Gate70)
    Previous updates
    A quick check at the start of the session suggested working on reputation would be useful, so Retro led the way to Greywolf. A failure to rest in advance meant no easy kill using traps. However, it was easy enough to escape into stealth, allowing sneak attacks from Doppel to be followed up with punishing backstabs from Retro.

    After taking Samuel to the FAI and handing over Joia's ring, reputation was up to 20. However, that didn't prevent Doppel from sneaking into the ankheg nest to loot that and then return a battered body to Farmer Brun. Some bandits in that area became a few of the victims of Retro's special traps. As usual Doppel acted as a focal point, while Retro withdrew a few steps before a rasping, humming sound (reminiscent of WWII buzz bombs) proclaimed for those in the know that a trap had been launched.

    A few purchases at Ulgoth's Beard included mirror image potions, as the next destination was Durlag's Tower. The first battle horror there was run round by Doppel until Retro could hide and wait for Doppel to position the battle horror for an attempted backstab. Once it was near dead, a sun soul ray kept things tidy by providing a combination of execution and incineration.
    Keeping the attention of battle horrors like that though meant risking being hit and Doppel took a few whacks for his pains - meaning he stayed out of the way for the second battle horror on the path while Retro found bits of shade to hide in.

    With the exterior sanitised, the route up onto the roof was clear - except for a single ghast. Retro laid a trap outside the room with the intention of dragging the ghast out, but it proved a bit quicker to respond to a stealth attack than Doppel expected and he duly froze in place. Retro tried hiding to go for a one-shot backstab, but failed the stealth check - and it was dubious whether Doppel would last long enough to try that again. Instead, Retro tried to attract the attention of the ghast to get it to come after him. It moved a bit, but then latched onto Doppel again. However, Retro tried attacking once more and this time the ghast moved after him just far enough to trigger the trap laid earlier.

    On the roof, Doppel went mad - consuming a potion of cloud giant strength as well as another of heroism, so that he could boost his damage for the short time potions of mirrored eyes work. It was pretty clear though that he wouldn't be able to kill all 4 basilisks using a single protection potion and gulped another down while attacking the second greater basilisk.
    Inside, Riggilo looked like he might expire after being poisoned by the Dagger of Venom - Retro put him out of his misery to make sure though.

    A trip through the Cloud Peak mountains proved no trouble, with just the odd thrown trap used there. Then it was time for the Nashkel Mine. Mulahey just survived a couple of special traps set for him, but was finished off before he could think of responding - leaving his support crew inadequate to deal with the threat they faced.

    Outside the mine, Retro threw a couple of special traps into the midst of the amazons, before sneaking in to add a normal one as well. That killed the casters, but Telka and Maneira were only hit by one trap each and required a bit of beating up to finish them off.
    Gate70's tip of the day there was to set the traps slightly further away - meaning that they would still hit targets who were fractionally delayed in going hostile after a conversation.

    Bounty hunter 7, 47 HPs, 117 kills
    Sun soul monk 7, 59 HPs, 93 kills, 0 deaths
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    Amel, Elven Stalker, Update 9

    Previous updates:
    First up, we recruited Alora in order to go on a pickpocketing spree - Dushai, Shandalar, the Cloak of Balduran and Algernon's Cloak. Back with Imoen, we started the Marek&Lothander questline, making sure to kill the high priestess of Umberlee in order to keep the tome. We also surrounded Lothander after turning in the quest to prevent him from fleeing, force-attacking him to get his boots of speed. We buffed up for Marek and just went all-in with melee attacks, just about breaking his stoneskins and mirror images before he was able to finish another spell:
    Next up, we went down into the sewers. The ogre mage starts without defenses, so I backstabbed him - sadly, not enough damage for a kill, but he didn't fire off any buffs immediately, so the next hit was enough:
    Also killed some spiders, backstabbed Ratchild, killed the sewer king and also dealt with Arkion and Nemphre.
    Degrodel's house was next - we buffed up (Recitation, Prayer, Bless, PfE, Haste, with Branwen adding in Holy Strength and Chaos of Battle later on) and went inside, melee weapons equipped:
    I used a few magic missle spells against the invisible stalkers, otherwise, my three fighter-types did their job well enough without any help.

    Talked to Degrodel, used his scrolls on the statues and killed the resulting 1 hp adventurers (nice xp for no work, as they die instantly). Back to Degrodel, I made sure to surround him, so he wouldn't be able to run away with Balduran's Helmet (a bit of a risky move, but I've done it before):
    Minsc took a lot of damage from the guardians, so he retreated out of the melee range, while the others finished the fight:

    I decided to move on to the Iron Throne Battle - this was the fight I wanted to do again and do much better after it almost ended in total defeat in my previous run. This time, I planned to make full use of the stairs. After buffing, Ajantis went upstairs and immediately back down. Most of the Iron Throne party followed him, though the archer and one of the two mages remained at the top. I took the opportunity to kill one warrior right away, as I was able to do so before one of the enemy spellcasters finished a spell. Before the first spell could impact us, I moved back up - and only the two rogues followed. This gave me a great opportunity to take down the mage upstairs - I interrupted his spellcasting, while Imoen blinded the archer:
    The two rogues tried to hit Branwen, but failed due to her good AC, allowing us to take them down:
    Now, we only had a mage, the cleric and the primary fighter remaining, all of them waiting downstairs. Took down the mage first, once again getting through his defenses before he was able to finish a spell. The cleric was interrupted in the same round - a fairly clean victory compared to the near-disaster last time around:
    Turns out using the stairs to divide this party makes a huge difference.

    Oh, and I had to be very careful to stop my skeletons from attacking the now hostile merchants. Luckily, they don't attack once you leave the area (they only seem to turn active as you enter again).

    Next up: The three EE companion quests.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,944
    Grond0 wrote: »
    A few purchases at Ulgoth's Beard included ... The first battle horror there was run round by Doppel until Retro could hide and wait for Doppel to position the battle horror for an attempted backstab.

    No wand of the heavens? The monk can use it, and it's perfect for taking down battle horrors.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Mallus, CN Halfling Priest of Talos (3)

    Previous reports:
    BG1: 1, 2

    At around 30k XP per character, we decide to continue exploring the wilderness areas, hoping to push our Dragon Disciple Neera and our Shaman Branwen to level 6. But first Imoen pickpockets Dushai's ring of free action, several scrolls from Shandalar, and a hammer from Hurgan Stoneblade in Ulgoth's Beard.

    Krumm and Caldo succumb to fire and ice but we refrain from talking to to the dryad of the Cloudpeaks because of aTweaks' Revised Bhaalpowers component, which offers a useful damage and knockback ability for low rep Charnames as an alternative to DUHM: Divine Wrath. For a single-class Cleric Charname, DUHM will of course be readily available from the divine spellbook so we intend to reduce reputation later on for the last two Bhaalpowers, and raise it afterwards with the help of the dryad and others.

    We burn down a gnoll fortress and a xvart village, and we fight Borda with Ashideena (Mallus), acid arrows (Branwen) and bolts of lightning (Imoen) to pierce his defenses. He doesn't accomplish more than a Hold Person on Rasaad before he goes down. At the archaeological site Neera uses wand scorchers against the rabid diggers as they attack fire immune Sirene, to speed up their demise - they're quite beefy in SCS.
    The Doomsayer is tanked by Branwen's spirit animals while we expose it to fire, cold and magic damage and to Sirene and Rasaad's scimitars.

    We then return to Durlag's Tower to deal with the ghasts on the upper levels and with Kirinhale, who gets stunned by Neera.
    Downstairs, a phase spider, another ghast or two, and three greater doppelgangers help Sirene reach level 6, to take a second pip in scimitars.

    We proceed to clear the three tombs in the Nashkel mine exit, relying on the ring of free action and better movement speed to neutralize the Revenant's threat. After that, we visit Ulcaster. There we first lure the dread wolves from the room in front of the Wolf of Ulcaster's hideout toward us so we can dispatch them without the big wolf joining them. Then we use missiles against the evil wizard Rick from Recorder's quest, again to prevent the Wolf of Ulcaster from appearing before we want it to. (BTW I should play with Skitia's NPCs next time now that the BG2 versions are also available).
    When we do engage the Wolf of Ulcaster we prevail very easily as Neera's first Blindness disables the creature.
    It doesn't use any of its abilities and we can just pick it off with ranged attacks. Mallus finishes the creature off with the wand of the heavens.

    At 40k XP, Neera's first level 3 spell is Flame Arrow while Branwen learns Call Lightning as her first level 3 spell, for more elemental might. Those spells don't see much usage during our first quests in the main plot line though. Call Lightning can only be cast in the open air, and Flame Arrow is neither as effective against mobs as the wand of fire nor as damaging against single targets as the wands of frost and the heavens, as the kobold shaman and Mulahey experience in the Nashkel Mines.
    We leave the mines to deal with Narcillicus and his two mustard jellies. Mallus's skeleton warriors and Branwen's spirit summons do the tanking against these dangerous foes.
    The same strategy works against Nimbul, even though he's a bit more aware than Narcillicus that his real enemies are hanging back, as this damaging Lance of Disruption shows:
    I may pick this level 3 spell for Neera at some point so that she can deal physical burst damage when the occasion calls for it.

    As usual, Tranzig is no threat for a party of six, and we soon find ourselves in the Wood of Sharp Teeth, where we help Nim Furlwing, slay Osmadi and Corsone, and dispatch all bandits that attack us except for Raiken and his men. The bandit camp we loot before we wipe Tazok's tent clean with fire damage from Neera's wand, a necklace of missiles and some potions. Only Mallus takes a bit of damage from a black talon crit; Ender Sai remains unscathed.
    Venkt survives the assault but not the subsequent barrage of missiles the party has in store for him. Outside the lightly buffed party (Shield for Rasaad and Neera, MI for Neera) continues to aggressively attack the enemy with fire and missiles.
    A second suit of full plate, our biggest prize, is donned by Sirene.

    We are about as thorough in Cloakwood, clearing entire maps instead of cherry-picking specific locations. Branwen casts Call Lightning a lot, and to great effect.
    Mallus and Rasaad reach level 7 here.

    Both the Lamalha and the Molkar ambushes take place in Cloakwood. The amazons are first. As we're not traveling invisibly, they have the initiative. Zeela Holds Rasaad, but the rest of the party save Neera gang up on the priestess and stop her from taking down our monk. Neera deals with Lamalha and Telka, who does land a backstab on her, and injures Maneira using wand scorchers.
    She goes invisible after that to avoid a potentially deadly second backstab, but Maneira's morale fails her, so she can be finished off without risk.
    In the third Cloakwood area, Branwen and Neera reach level 7. Branwen adds three defensive spells to her repertoire: Armor of Faith, Resist Fire/Cold, and Storm Shell. Neera learns Spook, Melf's Acid Arrow, and Spell Thrust. (I would have preferred Secret Word for her instead of Spell Thrust, but the 4th spell level has too many other important spells. In any event, Imoen should be able to cast Secret Word in the future.)
    Molkar's aide Halacan has a slightly injured Neera quaff a potion of magic blocking to stop a Melf's Acid Arrow and possibly other spells the hasted gnome has in store for her. Sirene locks Morvin in melee combat, Imoen pelts Molkar with bolts of lightning, and Rasaad, Branwen, and Mallus stop Drakar from casting any of his disablers. Mallus does some nice AoE damage with Holy Smite, and blinds two enemies in the process.
    With a non-evil Charname cleric in a neutral/good party, this spell has been quite useful already; a pleasant change from my previous evil clerics and parties. With extra wand damage, we prevail without incident.

    At the mine, skeleton warriors and, for the first time, wand summons are called upon to keep Drasus at bay and to soak up some of his wizards' most dangerous spells: Emotion and Chaos. Mallus actually has to roll to save against the Emotion spell, and succeeds with a 5 thanks to his shorty saves and protective gear. We manage to defeat the warriors with ranged attacks and some wand and spell damage (Drasus's potion of magic shielding has him automatically make his saves, but half damage is still damage).
    The wizards have already wasted their nastiest spells, and of those only a Slow has affected Branwen. Neera puts her newly learned Spell Thrust to good use, dispelling the enemy mages' MSD and MGoI spells, and making it easy for the party to hurt them.

    On the second level of the mine we're in for a bit of a surprise when we take too long to kill a single guard on our way to the corridor with the two ghasts. Other guards and Hareishan decide to come and take a look. Mallus immediately uses a charge of the wand of fear, which thankfully affects most of of the guards. Nevertheless a rather chaotic battle ensues, literally, as Branwen, Imoen, Rasaad, and Sirene all suffer the effects of a Chaos spell cast by Hareishan just after Branwen has cast a Writing Fog at the appearing enemies.
    Neera attacks Hareishan with a Spell Thrust, to expose her to Branwen's Writhing Fog, and Mallus casts Holy Smite. Thankfully the confused companions don't immediately start to slaughter one another. Sirene keeps on attacking the guards she has been fighting, while the others wander around aimlessly. Mallus and Neera take down a few non-panicked guards with wands, and a scroll of Dispel Magic is used by Neera to try and get her confused companions back. It only works with Branwen, arguably the most important companion to have on board again. Not only can she cast Spiritual Clarity to remove confusion, she also has several castings of Writhing Fog left to disrupt Hareishan with. Since we're not in bad shape, she goes for the Writhing Fogs. The confused companions survive their state, but Rasaad gets Dire Charmed almost immediately after it. Mallus engages the monk and takes a hit or two for the team, but he and the others have to run when Hareishan casts a Confusion at him. Mallus saves, Neera fails her save but is brought back to her senses by Branwen, and the others avoid the spell's AoE.
    Mallus Silences the mage (and himself) and just as she completes a casting of Vocalize, Neera finishes her off with the wand of frost.
    An exciting battle with somewhat surprisingly no casualties. I suspect it would have gone quite differently without that wand of fear charge at the beginning.

    The remainder of the mines offer not nearly as much entertainment for the party as Hareishan's surprise attack. The ogre mage falls when Commanded by Mallus and attacked by the party, Natasha succumbs to some fireballs thrown at her by Neera from out of sight, wand scorchers take down two battle horrors, and several Writhing Fogs Davaeorn's guards.
    When his MIs expire, Davaeorn is attacked with ranged weapons and spells. Branwen deservedly gets the kill as her Writhing Fogs have done most of the work.
    We loot the place, evacuate the miners, flood the mines, and travel to the shadow druids to report our success to Amarande (with Faldorn temporarily in the party). Amarande rewards us with an enchanted shield called 'White Oak', usable only by true neutral warriors and divine casters, courtesy of the BG1 NPC Project. It's a very nice shield for Branwen as it grants her +1 to AC, +1 to AC vs missiles, and +1 to CON.

    The companions are currently in Baldur's Gate sitting on 70-72k XP per person. Imoen has only one level and 40k XP to go before dual-classing. I'm not sure what the most comfortable way is for the party to get by without her Thief skills. I'm considering the following approach: (1) travel to Candlekeep asap (i.e. postpone most Chapter 5 quests until Chapter 7), (2) tackle Durlag's Tower, (3) defeat Slythe & Krystin and save the Dukes, (4) de-trap the maze below the Shadow Thieves guild, (5) dual-class Imoen, and (6) do all the quests we skipped in Chapter 5 (without the Flaming Fist harassing us).
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    jmerry wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »
    A few purchases at Ulgoth's Beard included ... The first battle horror there was run round by Doppel until Retro could hide and wait for Doppel to position the battle horror for an attempted backstab.

    No wand of the heavens? The monk can use it, and it's perfect for taking down battle horrors.

    We tend to be pretty light in our use of magic items in general - though I agree that wand is very handy and I'm more likely to make use of it than Gate70. Retro did actually offer the wand to Doppel when he was shopping there, but didn't really expect that offer to be taken up - and it wasn't B).
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    Amel, Elven Stalker, Update 10

    Previous updates:
    We started with Neera's quest first, because it's by far the easiest and quickest. We got our first and only wild surge when buffing stoneskin at the entrance, and, luckily, it was a beneficial one:
    We killed the goblins because of a dialogue misclick - they do some backstabs, but even if they hit, the damage is survivable. The mages at the end don't have SCS scripts (I think), and they didn't come with any pre-buffs (or mabye they didn't have time to activate them? I remember them at least having some defenses in the past):
    Next, we recruited Rasaad and made our way to the docks in order to unlock the Cloudpeak Temple - Branwen actually has quite a bit of dialogue up there. Imoen went invisible in order to disarm the traps before the party buffed up and rolled through the area:
    We went through the tunnel, solved the riddle (which seems to yield zero rewards, not even XP, so I propably won't bother next time) and rebuffed haste and recitation before defeating Gamaz - no trouble here, as we're at the XP cap already and quite prepared for anything facing us (the traps would've been the only possible dangers).

    Finally, we recruited Baeloth to lower our reputation to 18, which in turn allowed us to recruit Dorn (he doesn't join at 19 or 20). Buffing remove fear before engaging the necromancer removes any difficulty from this battle:
    We met Simmeon at the city gates and managed to snipe his mage before she could buff herself. The cleric was swarmed and disrupted, and the battle was ours:
    Some decent loot for little effort - I really like to have Albruin available, if only for the detect invisibility. Now, we will make our return to Candlekeep.
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    Amel, Elven Stalker, Update 11

    Previous updates:
    Returning to Candlekeep, we went straight into the ogre mage ambush. We started with Albruin's detect invisibility, recitation and 2* stoneskin while sending the fighters to attack. All saves against inital chromatic orbs were made, but Branwen got affected by horror:
    Luckily, Dynaheir also had resist fear memorized. As the ogre mages hit her with magic missles, she was barely alive, but got to cast the spell. Meanwhile, Imoen started haste and Branwen started prayer as soon as resist fear hit:
    Now, as the first ogre mage died, we expected Dynaheir to die to the next round of nukes, so to save her, I wanted to have her drink an invisibility potion. Her aura was still clouded, though - but an ogre mage hit her with PW:Sleep instead of a nuke and this caused the enemy to ignore her for the rest of the fight:
    With our party now sufficiently buffed - also adding in Chaos of Battle - and the ogre mages mostly out of spells, melee combat was enough to take down our foes:
    Now, we entered the library after a short rest. I decided not to kill Rieltar this time around, instead going for the greater doppelganger upstairs. After some exploring in the catacombs, we made it to Prat, and Amel took out his mage with a successful backstab right before combat:
    Prat started off with a quick "Shout"-spell, but we made our saves, and this was the only spell he got to cast before getting swarmed by our melees. We only had to chase down the two remaining foes:
    We almost got into a bit of trouble when a couple of phase spiders teleported to the party (and Amel got web tangled for a short time), but everyone made it out alive:
    Amel used PfP for the basilisks, and we rested up, learned some spellscrolls, bought some ammo and are now preparing to re-enter Baldur's Gate.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited January 2021
    Journal of Michaela the Mighty and friends, last entry.

    We had reached the underground river and got past the dragon.

    Then everything went wrong. The enemy mages cast spells that disabled some of us and panicked Dynaheir. She attacked the dragon and after that it was all downhill.


    I was just about to continue with Halba and Helmud who have now picked up a full party are about to enter the Candlekeep mines. Continued from page 410

    However I saw this character that intrigued me so herre she is:

    I was assaulted by assassins, not once, but twice in Candlekeep. The first followed me outside whereupon I was aided by a watcherr. I killed the assasssin with a thrown blade. The second asssassin did not follow me. I therefore hid, crept up behind him and slew him with a single backstab.

    Outside another assassination attempt ended up with Gorion being killed. I buried him and am wondering what to do next. I have an expensive jewel in my pocket so buying equipment could be a good idea.

    Gorion's note said "Go to the FAI," so that is what I did, only to be ambushed by Tarnesh. He said, "Hold still," so i did the opposite by dashing inside the inn whilst he cast mirror image. I had a good night's sleep, hid and backstabbed him. I hurt him quite badly and dashed inside whilst he cast horror. It never reached me, so I hid again. The next backstab was lethal. I then memorised the spells on his scrolls before setting out once more into the unknown.


    Sadly a blow from Greywolf brought the run to an end. :'(
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited January 2021
    I am continuing with Halba and Helmud who have now picked up a full party and have just completed the Candlekeep mines.

    Xan was rescued and taken to the surface.

    Then Lamalha and others were dealt with.


    At Dorn's suggestion, I sought out and killed Kryll.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited January 2021
    Orientals - Infinity run using unmodded core rules {9} (update 1)
    Previous run

    Since the last posted run I've had six abortive new runs with the aim of minimising party deaths (starting off by avoiding any in BG1). Each time though I've suffered an unintended loss and abandoned the runs (I think there was a genuine loss in there and a couple of chunkings that would normally be counted as the run ending anyway).

    I've considered changing the party a couple of times, but the same logic as I used originally remains - it would be easy to come up with a more capable party, but taking advantage of those capabilities would take more effort than I would be likely to put into it. Not taking the time to reroll a new party also has its attractions ...

    This time I've finally made it past Sarevok, as usual for my parties with almost no use of items and relatively little spell use. Sarevok's 2-handed sword and the different pathfinding in vanilla meant it was hard to avoid getting hit by him even after dispelling his haste. However, he ran out of HPs before the Orientals did ...

    Originally I was planning to get the helm from Ogre Droth, but ultimately decided to forgo that in order to keep a clean record of deaths. I did a completionist run, exploring fully all areas and undertaking all encounters - which means kills were much higher than last time. XP, at about 140k each, is way above the original BG1 cap (and hence the party are all due level ups ahead of starting TotSC).

    Stats to date:
    Tobet - M CN gnome F/I (18(46),18,18,19,2,18) used charisma and strength
    Small sword, missile weapons Kills: BG1-306
    Indie - F TN half-elf F/D (18(94),18,18,8,18,15) used intelligence, wisdom and constitution
    Large sword, missile weapons Deaths-0 Kills: BG1-348
    Brutan - M CN dwarf F/Cl (18(00),17,19,10,18,2) used dexterity
    Blunt weapons, missile weapons Deaths-0 Kills: BG1-411
    Nipal - M CG dwarf F/T (18(00),17,19,11,3,10)
    Blunt weapons, bow Deaths-0 Kills: BG1-603
    Chila - M CG elf F/M (18(00),19,17,18,3,9)
    Axe, bow Deaths-0 Kills: BG1-314
    Hapan - M CE gnome F/T (18(00),18,18,11,2,8)
    Large sword, missile weapons Deaths-0 Kills: BG1-323

    Nipal took advantage of being the usual backstabber with his +3 staff and also was pretty vicious using Hakt's bow with the gauntlets of weapon expertise (I forgot about the need to get invited into the camp to get the other pair of those from Tazok).
    Post edited by Grond0 on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited January 2021
    A corrupted file brought the Halba and Helmud run to an end. Sadly no back-up files. :'(

    A new run with Tharl, a gnomish berserker. ** in axes, ** in dual wield.

    When my rage expired, I collapsed and I slept for over four days. Just as well the place was friendly!I then cleared the area of hobgoblins before heading north where I killed Sonner and returned Tenya's bowl

    I then helped Mellicamp, calmed Marl, took a tome to Firebead, and "found" an indestructable mace .

    Silke attacked me, missing twice with lightning bolts, hitting instead the three that she wanted me to kill and then Garrick. I didn't give her a third chance!

    Upon going into a nearby inn to rest, Karlat attacked me and paid the price of doing so.

    I headed south killing ogrillons and hobgoblins en route.

    In Nashkel I found some armour, chatted to Noober and turned down an undeserved reward before fighting Greywolf near the mines.

    After picking up a wand and a ring I took Samel to the FAI.

    Upon returning to Beregost I took the Colquetle Amulet to Mr. Colquetle and killed some spiders. I then spent nearly all my gold on a +1 axe.

    After returning to Nashkel I headed south west where I reunited Albert and Rufie before killing Vax and Zal.

    I then helped a dryad and 'Drienne, my reputation increasing to 20 as I did so.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    edited January 2021
    Amel, Elven Stalker, Update 14

    Previous updates:
    This post is going to be a bit longer, since it covers the entirety of Durlag's Tower and the return to Ulgoth's Beard:
    We entered the first lower level of Durlag's, making sure to clear out any phase spiders, skeleton warriors, greater doppelgangers and flesh golems. I buffed up for the trio of doppelgangers to the east, because they have given me trouble before. Returning to the dwarven warders, we buffed up again and immediately ran away, with only Pride and Fear following us all the way to the entrance (we do this not only to separate the warders, but also to get away from the cloudkill). This allowed us to take these two least dangerous warders down with relative ease:
    Moving up a bit, Ajantis managed to lure out the stealthed Avarice, who tried - as usual - to backstab Branwen, which resulted in his death:
    Now, only love remained. Not wanting to take any risks, I sent in my buffed-up skeletons and waited for a good time to finish the final warder with Amel's backstab:
    Very clean battle, happy with the strategy and execution.

    Down to level 2 - a careful approach with traps, waiting out any cloud spells and making sure to quickly and decisively focus greater doppelgangers made a big difference when it came to clearing the level. Once again, the most dangerous encounter involves three of them, in changing forms, in the room with the bridge. Here, I summoned and buffed up. I was able to lure one of them outside by itself, which greatly reduced the diffulty. The others started as Islanne, but luckily changed into their relatively harmless doppelganger form after casting a lightning bolt spell (only hitting skeletons - they did this as I was luring the first one outside with my summons) and summoning a lesser earth elemental each:
    Finally for this level, we dealt with the dwarven doom guards - still buffed from the previous encounter. These are always dangerous, and they started dealing huge damage to Ajantis (I didn't realize this yet at this point, but he didn't have the gauntlets of dexterity equipped, so his AC wasn't that great), so I had to support my fighters with the wand of the heavens and magic missle spells do deal some quick damage:

    In level three, I went the western path first, getting all of my allies killed while fighting the wyverns. Next, Ajantis used a PfU scroll for the middle path:
    We explored the eastern path next, with Imoen taking the lead with her trap disarming skills and stoneskins. No trouble here, only one backstab hit Branwen. In the elemental rooms, Ajantis equipped the belt of the antipode before moving in to the ice room, making sure the focus was on him:
    Luckily, the animals don't have smart targeting. We shot ice arrows at the phoenix guards and defeated the invisible stalkers with some summoned skeletons before resting for the chess event. The fission slime would be killed with fire wands, but we prepared with potions of absorption first (in addition to the usual buffs). Once entering the chessboard, we immediately used our two double web minor sequencers in order to stop the charging enemies:
    As you can see, we equipped our two rings of free action on Amel and Ajantis. We forgot to have Minsc switch to Spider's Bane though (but he would eventually make his save and swap his weapon). Imoen and Dynaheir continued to cast webs, and Branwen helped out with her sling, though most of the work was done by our free-actioned fighters:
    You're looking at 6 webs in total, three of them with invoker saving throw penalties. Pretty good stuff.

    Down to level 4. We used our remaining haste + recitation spell to deal with the big spider group:
    We rested and fought our way to Grael, equipping free action items from time to time if needed:
    Soon, it was time to face the demon knight. I didn't use any potions for this fight (except for Ajantis' frost giant strength potion - he always had some kind of giant strength potion going in the tower, because I have too many of them and won't use the lower ones otherwise), only the usual buffs, plus chaotic commands from the one scroll found in the tower (I want to protect Ajantis against Symbol:Stun). Sending in my summons first (I sometimes add spider spawn to help out the skeletons), I got what I wanted: The immediate Remove Magic, hitting only summons and keeping my own buffs perfectly safe:
    The party moved in with +2 ammunition and Ajantis was ready for melee combat, joining the summons:
    Some immediate damage, but it was clear that the demon knight would get another spell in - would it be fireball, or symbol stun? No, it was PW:Blind, hitting Imoen and Minsc - not much I could do against that one. However, that was all - Ajantis killed him soon after that:

    We moved around the map, buying the remaining potions and green scrolls we still wanted, and moved to the Beard from Baldur's Gate - the journey is short enough for invisibility 10' radius to still run once you move in, which allowed us to avoid the initial ambush. Instead, we moved northward, summoned help and buffed up before facing our foes. No easy backstabbing targets here - and the one cult enforcer somehow moved away instead of trying to buff up, resulting in his early death:
    One cult assassin landed a backstab on Branwen, but it didn't deal too much damage, and that was their only success - a quick victory, and as our buffs were still going, we moved on to the cultists in front of the building, killing them as well. Now, we rested and prepared to enter, once again under invisibility 10' radius. One cult enforcer and one cult wizard here - the powerful enforcer had invisibility among his many pre-buffs, so no chance to get him right away, but the Wizard fell to Amel's backstab, opening up the fight:
    As the enforcer returned to visibility, we tried to focus him, and he attempted to dispel our buffs. I realized that I couldn't interrupt him in time, but at least he only hit Amel. He continued with a slow spell, once again we were unable to interrupt, and Imoen started to re-cast haste to counter the effect. Meanwhile, we got in some hits at last, and Branwen countered his attempt to recharge his stoneskins with a deadly wand of the heavens charge:
    In a now purely physical fight, our party had no trouble dealing with the remaining cultists:
    We rested again, now preparing for Aec'Letec. Besides our usual buffs, here are the many, many potions I added: Storm giant strength/strength, defense/invulnerability, heroism, agility/fortitude, oil of speed, and, most importantly, magic shielding + mirrored eyes. We opened up on the mage, Tracea, but couldn't quite finish her before her pre-buffs fired - so we moved upstairs for a second to avoid her remove magic spell (losing our buffs could've easily ended the run). We returned and successfully destroyed her stoneskins before she was able to cast another spell:
    As long as magic shielding is up, Aec'Letec can't do much (I don't think that mirrored eyes is even needed, because there should be a saving throw against death gaze, and you can't fail saves under magic shielding) - we just started killing the cultists one by one, ignoring the demon. During combat, we added in Chaos of Battle and Holy Strength on Branwen, and soon, the cultists were all gone, and the one-turn duration of mirrored eyes wasn't done, so we felt pretty good:
    Indeed, seconds later, Amel got the killing blow:
    All done within less than one turn. We used our remaining gold to recharge some wands and fully charge our necklaces of missles. Still have tons of stuff in our various bags - mostly to sell it in SoD.

    Now, we have to take down Sarevok.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited January 2021
    @Enuhal Congratulations

    I continued on to the Gnoll stronghold where I defeated Hairtooth and Gnarl before progressing to a cave where I found a valuable looking tome.

    Heading North, I killed a polar bear and was rewarded for doing so. I killed Neville before proceeding to the archaeological site where I helped Charleston Nib and killed Gallor.

    After helping Brage, I killed Neira.

    I then hunted down Bassilus

    and then killed Zargal.

    Proceeding to Farmer Brun's farm, I cleared the area of ankhegs, both above and below ground.
    By doing this, I reached level 6.

    Killing Meilum was not easy.

    Neither was killing Zordral.

    I now have to decide whether to continue solo, or pick up a party.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Enuhal Well written up. :)
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    @Wise_Grimwald Thanks :smile: I don't often get to record a battle in such detail, but I was able to write this report just after playing through it, so my memory was very fresh.
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