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The LoB + SCS Solo Challenge vs Bhaal´s Cataclysm



  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    Well... if you do not use healing @Grond0... thats your problem! *G*

    I also changed the phrase to "at least one enemy is in vision" and as i would count the bat as an enemy burning them - and most likely - Sarevok would be fine even though this might be indeed a bit odd. If you - or someone else - has another idea or a better formulation for this one: Your chance! ;o)
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Yeah... i agree that all those curses and their cross effects are getting trickier the more we get @Blackraven! So lets - for the moment - remove Mask until a better solution has been found. I dont want to bash to many heads even though the charm of putting in more curse is sometimes too fascinating for me. ;o)

    What would a better solution for Sune be? Just no charm and domination items while still allowing spells? Sounds like a compromise, no?

    Maybe we should stick to about 16+1 curses and try to finetune the remaining ones. Still some work to do!
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    What would a better solution for Sune be? Just no charm and domination items while still allowing spells? Sounds like a compromise, no?

    That would be fairer imo, yes. Charm/domination from spells isn't nearly as powerful as from the cloaks anyway.
    So lets - for the moment - remove Mask until a better solution has been found.

    Yes, we can fine-tune what he have, and come up with new curses if we come across loopholes we'd like to get rid of.

    Nice to read your thoughts @AvidGamerFan! @Grond0 has already addressed most of your doubts regarding some of the curses. I'd like to add that Talos is quite severe already, so if fireballs and other elemental damage spells are added, we'd probably have to loosen the terms of the curse: one potion instead of three?

    Aernalf (5)

    Aernalf met his doom in Baldur's Gate this morning. He'd already acquired some key items (Helm of Balduran, Nymph cloak,some potions), and even Gretek's Battle Axe of Mauletar, but when he left the Helm & Cloak, Wilf (the Maulers' Cleric) followed him and surprised him - and me - with a Cause Medium Wounds. I haven't really experimented with this spell, but I knew that according to its description, it's supposed to be a touch spell. Well, apparently that's not the case. Aernalf was throwing axes at Wilf, and while he may have been somewhat close when Wilf started his casting (throwing axes are slow), he had moved well away from from his foe before the casting was complete, and he wasn't even hasted.
    The screenshot shows the distance between Aernalf and Wilf the moment the Berserker got hit by the spell.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited January 2021
    Blackraven wrote: »
    Aernalf met his doom in Baldur's Gate this morning. He'd already acquired some key items (Helm of Balduran, Nymph cloak,some potions), and even Gretek's Battle Axe of Mauletar, but when he left the Helm & Cloak, Wilf (the Maulers' Cleric) followed him and surprised him - and me - with a Cause Medium Wounds. I haven't really experimented with this spell, but I knew that according to its description, it's supposed to be a touch spell. Well, apparently that's not the case. Aernalf was throwing axes at Wilf, and while he may have been somewhat close when Wilf started his casting (throwing axes are slow), he had moved well away from from his foe before the casting was complete, and he wasn't even hasted.
    The screenshot shows the distance between Aernalf and Wilf the moment the Berserker got hit by the spell.

    Tough luck @Blackraven. Some of the cleric spells that are almost a non-issue in the main game are pretty deadly with SCS/LoB. Apart from the cause wounds spells, I've died multiple times to holy smite/unholy blight.

    By touch, the game means within touching distance when the spell starts and not when it's complete. It's the same sort of issue you get with maze - letting a mage get within touching distance of a solo character is dangerous, even if that's only for an instant ...
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Grond0, thanks for clarifying. Lesson learned. I'll have to be a lot more careful around clerics... I think I might roll one for my next character, as no one plays them it seems.

    You mention Maze, and I do recall characters of yours fall to that. Are you aware of other arcane spells like that, which call for extreme caution?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    @Blackraven if you've learnt your lesson already, you obviously have a far steeper learning curve than me :p. Maze is a significant problem for me later in BG2. For many characters, particularly shorties, saving throws are by then good enough against almost all status effects that offer a save (earthquake, succubus charm and the odd dragon fear effect are the only exceptions that come immediately to mind). You do need to be careful to keep HPs up to protect against things like PW: stun and PW: kill, but that comes pretty naturally to me. However, if things have been seeming relatively straight-forward, then it's easy (at least for me) to forget about the need to keep your distance from any mages. As some of them deliberately use invisibility or mislead in order to sneak into range to maze you, you need to be prepared in advance rather than just react to the situation.

    I might be caught out by a maze when I'm paying half-attention to what's happening (as opposed to almost none). In that case I would probably be able to react fast enough to use a scroll of PfM on myself. The maze projectile hits you and starts an animation process that takes a while to actually send you into limbo - the dispel magic effect of the scroll halts this process, allowing you to survive if you're reasonably quick about activating the scroll.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    jmerry wrote: »
    Second, the standard Cause Medium Wounds spell deals 14 damage. In order to get as much as you saw, you need the SCS component that powers up Cure and Cause spells; 3d8+level for this third-level spell.

    Yup, I installed this to power up the otherwise unimpressive cure wounds spells.

    Wilf must have rolled a perfect 24 because Aernalf wasn't fatigued or affected by any other effects.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    Another idea for...

    Tempus: No retreat from any combat area until at least one combatant drops down to half health. Charname may also flee after saving three times against spell effects or gazes

    This would not only take into account ambushes. Its much simpler but more brutal while also picking up an old idea of @Blackraven regarding "desperate retreats". What do you think?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Harpagornis, yes I was also a bit saddened (though mostly just surprised) by Aernalf's downfall. The good thing is, we're now back at the drawing board, a good place. Hope and promise aplenty over here.

    Good input, @Harpagornis, I'd like to say the following.

    - The innate slow poison does ameliorate the ban on antidotes and elixirs of health, but some poisons are very aggressive, i.e. fast-ticking, and hasted characters suffer poison damage at double the rate, so casting can quite easily be interrupted in certain cases.
    - Wouldn't Myrkul's curse turn places like the SoD opening dungeon into hell for certain classes? Maybe invisibility + speed will get you past the hordes of undead, including the bone bats that will follow you?
    - Tempus / half health will be coin tosses at lower levels, where no character can take more than a few hits. Surviving one is often quite a feat. "Desperate retreats" might work if "desperate" could be defined.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    Thanks for your feedback @Blackraven!

    With regard to Myrkul:

    I tested the SoD starting dungeon with a plain Fighter and at the end it was not that hard even though a little bit of luck may be required. You can easily lure the Bone Bats (and the rest of the pack) to the Flaming Fist Soldiers and when they aggro you can sneak by running down all the way to Korlasz. Even though some of them might follow shortly they will abort their hunt returning to the others. The only tricky part is to find a path through the group and the small corridor. To avoid this you have to run through them as soon as the Flaming Fist engage while the undead are still streaming in. If you wait too long they will block the path and then it will be a battle of endurance. This worked seven out of eight times with Oil of Speed only. One time the Bone Bats followed me while the rest was attacking the Flaming Fist but even they stopped the hunt once i broke vision and kept running. Another time even though i got surrounded and both bats attacked i just had to wait until the skels started moving again (for whatever reason) and i could slip through again.

    EDIT: Its far easier. Speed up, get invisible & just run through the Bone Bat group as they will stop the hunt after some time if you hide in the room with the door mechanism.

    So the SoD starting dungeon is not the real problem while some fights in SoA might get significantly harder so what about allowing just one use througout the whole saga? I know @histamiini will now say that it should be one use per part... *G*

    Yeah, whats the defintion of desperate retreat? Any ideas on that one? Would be really cool if we find an easy simple solution for this one!
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Yeah, the Mental Domination thing is what i always did with my Druids @AvidGamerFan. Summon in Nymphs, cast Farsight and let´s see if poor Davaeorn saves against five of them. Works most of the time. Oh, Shadowdancers have an easy time against Davaeorn if you have no problems shooting him out of stealth over and over again even though this will take some time due to his AC and protections. Too bad there seems to be no way around Big B for the moment... hhmmmm....

    I managed to lose a Totemic Druid against Tarnesh forgetting that Level 3 Spirit Lions are not immune to fear so Tarnesh followed the Lion... got in vision and used this time window to cast Sleep so i had to watch how two Magic Missiles landed after coming back... GG.

    Any opinions on Myrkul and toning down PfU scrolls?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @AvidGamerFan, congrats on your successful mission against Davaeorn, well-played!
    @Harpagornis, sorry about your Totemic Druid. I'd be very interested to see how a druid fares in this challenge. I've rolled an Avenger but will probably go with another Berserker first.
    For Myrkul I'd be ok with a limitation on PfU scrolls, though perhaps one that's not too harsh... I'm already fearful enough of the Shade Lord...
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited January 2021
    @Harpagornis Maybe some limiting factor is in order for PfU's, but like with some other curses I wouldn't make it straight up ban, because it can make some stuff inaccessible. For example how is anyone going to get Amulet of Whispers from the Undead Cave? I think you should also be able to use it when Undead see through invisibility, like in Coldhearth's cave, because the cave was designed for you to use it I think.

    No leaving from combat area will remove spell skipping, but otherwise I think it will make fighting unimmersive if you can't escape when you want. It will be very hard to define something like desperate retreat so that it doesn't feel bothersome in every fight.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    It gets even better: I lost Karla the Shadowdancer6/Cleric in the Palace Ambush after silencing the casters failed. Messed up timing so magic protection expired when she landed a backstab giving the Mage time to fire Chromatic Orb... save failed... death!

    Totemic Druids should have an easy time thanks to their powerful summons. Once the immunities of the spirits tick in they are almost unstoppable. Avenger looks pretty cool too even though the lower levels will be a bit harder. A Berserker/Druid looks like a decent choice too and should be able to deal with almost anything until Big B.

    Yeah, i agree that banning PfU completly would be really painful. Getting the Amulet of Whispers is easy even without PfU @histamiini as you can use invisibility to lure the undead away from the chest and slip through them - just a matter of timing.

    What about this one...

    Myrkul: Protection from Undead scrolls may only be active when fighting lesser undead but not against bosses

    Is this something everyone could live with? Has anyone beaten the Shadow Lord without PfU? ^^

    Yeah, the ambush and no retreat from battle is tricky. I really like its impact on lower levels but later on its quite boring. If someone has an idea to improve this one... you are welcome!
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Aaah nooo, I thought you had the Ducal Palace covered already with Algernon's cloak! Sorry about Karla..

    Good progress with the Totemic though! Will you dual yours?

    I just had a Berserker (to be dualled to Thief) petrified by a basilisk that attacked from the fog of war, and I mean the black fog of war, unexplored land....
    But with Myrkul eager to curse us further, I guess a Berserker->Thief dual isn't the best option anyway. I think I'll roll one to dual into a caster.
    Regarding your last proposal, what if there are lesser undead and a boss? Charnam would be allowed to kill the altar, Shadow Patrick, and some shadows, but would then have to retreat and rest to fight the Shade Lord without PfU?
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    Yeah, Ducal Palace was finished @Blackraven with my Shadowdancer6/Fighter. ;o)

    Oh... yeah... i lost last week a char in the same way... petrifying gaze out of the dark... end of story...

    Regarding Myrkul i am open for ideas... killing lesser undead while the big ones are untouchable as long as PfU is active could be an idea... or just one use per part... like mentioned earlier... what about the others?
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    @Harpagornis Yeah there probably is some tactic against the Undead cave, it's so long I've played that without PfU. But if I recall some of the Undead there are invisible, which makes the situation tricky. Maybe ban PfU against single bosses, but when there's hordes of undead like with Coldheart allow it? Then you can't use them against Liches in SoA but could use against Shadow Lord?

    @Grond0 For one I have never used the double damage, as SCS recommends not to use that. What problems I've had were mostly against Basilisk and Ghast ambush when you have to take a hit, which could end the run if you don't have anything that protects. Web ambush web can be escaped with taking actions before moving I think, at least against Ettercaps.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    @Grond0: I agree that some classes will have more troubles than others regarding ambushes and when looking back i always played chars with helms so its good to get some words from the other side!

    I always thought double damage is the default setting for this challenge @histamiini. *G*

    The Web ambushes at least against the Ettercaps are no problem as long as you do not move to the west, the spiders however are another story. Okay, it looks there are no new suggestions handling ambushes so we could leave this curse unchanged, no?

    I removed however "Talos" and "Leira" as the first felt far too odd while the other one had too little impact. Or is there any Leira lover who wants her back?

    More feedback on "Myrkul" is welcome, so what about this:

    Myrkul: Charname cannot attack undead bosses while under the effect of Protection from Undead

    Or should we stick with @histamiini ´s idea of banning it only against single bosses?

    EDIT: Another thing we should clarify....
    We have stated that Charname may change his deity once per part lifting one curse. Does this mean i can change the curse anytime when moving for instance from SoD to SoA or will we be forced to pick the curse right at the start? Switching anytime once would give us far more flexibility... i like that one.. whats the opinion on this one?
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited January 2021
    @Harpagornis Yeah I like that it can be changed for every part, as it allows more fexibility and you don't have to bore yourself with some curse the whole saga. Or did you mean to change it middle of SoA for example? I would allow it to change once, at any point of SoA for example.
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2021
    having just lost a cataclysm run to a ghast ambush paralysis, following one to a basilisk ambush petrify I feel the "must take damage in an ambush" just raises the early game rng factor arbitrarily, nixing many nR runs before they get out the gate. Its neither a restriction nor a challenge because there is little you can do about it early game except take the hit and pray for a save or low damage, but it is a frequent run killer.

    My thoughts would be that it be modified to be you either either take damage or deal damage. Since kiting a ghast around with throwing knives for 20 minutes to kill it, only to mess up and get hit when its near death is... well...
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2021
    Sophia the Dragon Disciple rides again for BG1.

    I thought I would see if find familiar as a starting pick is really necessary - i.e. can you get up to level 5, kill mulahey and then nimbul for the FF scroll without the bonus familair HP. The answer is yes, with the help of a spreadsheet... haha

    Requires: The usual stuff, a blue PfP scroll, 120 throwing daggers, Korax, and a potion of speed to get max basilisk xp without an attacking familiar, and a precise route to Mulahey, but its not difficult. It was Nimbul who was hardest - far more so than Mulahey. I had not killed him on CATACLYSM yet, since it seemed too difficult for to little reward, however...:

    My new strategy for Nimbul consists of Web from out of LoS, timing blinds once you know he has failed his save then let the guards kill him after web expires - he never fires his prebuffs, or his emergency minor sequencer, and web doesn't aggro the guards or civilians, delicious cheese. This allows, with some prior work, a sorceress/DD not to need to take find familiar as a level 1 spell. Since Mulahey seems to have a web in his chest it is also not necessary to take web as a spell (yet).

    Its a minor bonus but it would allow the DD: Shield, Blindness, Protection from Evil, Chromatic Orb/Magic Missile, Grease (without save fix its nice to have a lvl1 CC spell)/another pick at level 1, with minimal chance of death if doing nR.

    For example no FF means it is easy to have Chromatic Orb and Blind by level 5 allows easy killing of both the South Beregost Ogrillon for the letter, and Hairtooth for the Gauntlets of Dex so there are some significant run advantages for unpatched saving throw LoB.
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