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The LoB + SCS Solo Challenge vs Bhaal´s Cataclysm



  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    I've run this a few times now nR and it has worked so long as ambushes don't get you. My new little "wheeze" is ferret as familiar - unfortunately, even buffed with (2x) luck scrolls it still can't pickpocket Dushai, buuuuut what is the opinion on pickpocket hostility and Tyr. Am I allowed to beat them down if I can hostile them through pickpocket rather than just through dialogue?

    I had the same idea, but Harpagornis wasn't keen - that's why the curse specifically refers to a target being made hostile through dialogue.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Ah, @AvidGamerFan keeps on writing them down! ;o)

    @alice_ashpool: Tyr says loud and clear that you may attack and kill innocents only if you can hostile them through dialoogue first. Failed Pickpocketing would made this far too cheap - sorry! ;o)
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2021
    histamiini wrote: »
    Now that Wand of Polymorph doesn't work anymore against Belhifet with the fixed saves, I was thinking how Sorcerer could beat Belhifet. Anyone tried the Fireshield Blue and Otilluke's Resilient Sphere combo? I tested it few scrolls and the tactic works in principle and numbers look good for Sorcerer. There's 31 Otilluke's Resilient Sphere scrolls, 7 Fireshield Blue scrolls, Sorcerer can cast 7 himself and 2 from Robe of Arcane Aptitude (Spell Sequencer). Basically each one lasts 10 rounds because you need to refresh Fireshield when you refresh Otilluke's. Belhifet only needs 103 rounds on average to kill himelf, and 16 castings of Otilluke's gives 160 rounds of safety. Of course there's time lost between castings and Belhifet will lose apr on summoning Demons, but 60 rounds of leeway sounds good.


    1130 hp
    50 CR

    6.5dmg * 4apr = 26dmg * (1 - 50CR/100) - 2hppr = 11 average damage per round
    1130hp / 11 = 103 rounds
    16 * Otilluke = 160 rounds

    31 Otilluke's Resilient Sphere 10r
    1 Shandalar
    1 Durlag's Tower (Goblet Level)
    20 Sorcerous Sundries (Chapter 5)
    3 Sorcerous Sundries (Chapter 7)
    6 Belegarm

    16 Fireshield Blue 1d8 +2 6.5 avg
    1 Resar (Thieves Guild)
    6 Belegarm
    7 Sorcerer Slots
    2 Robe of Arcane Aptitude (Spell Sequencer)

    @histamiini The problem I experienced with this is that the Erinyes seems to see through and dispel invisibility. Once that happens there is little chance of refreshing both Fireshield blue and ORS before being ganked since there's a large all surrounding welcoming party waiting when ORS expires. Any thoughts?

    Shoving yourself in a corner makes for some funny stuff since they all teleport on top of each other, shifting and shunting each other around - where's my telefrag?
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    @alice_ashpool: Tyr says loud and clear that you may attack and kill innocents only if you can hostile them through dialoogue first. Failed Pickpocketing would made this far too cheap - sorry! ;o)
    turns out the being saddled with the ferret familiar was not punishment enough :(
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    turns out the being saddled with the ferret familiar was not punishment enough :(

    Have you tried adding Cat's Grace? A ferret familiar has 18 DEX, Cat's Grace can make that 20. Combined with Luck, could that make the difference?
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Looks like @Blackraven has more luck with Berserkers than me. Or maybe its just superior technique! ;o)

    Hah, nice finding about the Ferret and stealing @alice_ashpool. Its really lovely how new rules forces us to search for new ways. Cool stuff!

    No time to play today and also no new curses on the horizon... for the moment... *G*
  • AvidGamerFanAvidGamerFan Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2021
    Another challenge idea came to me last night. It's along the lines of the wizard slayer or the adventurer challenges in that the details are (hopefully!) relatively simple, but will also provide complexity all the way through. This is not intended to be added to the Cataclysm (although you can if you like!). Hopefully, it'll also hit casters and non-casters equally hard.

    Amnesia Challenge
    Your character has been afflicted with amnesia, making them forget how to use multiple weapons and spells effectively:
    • Arcane casters can only have as many arcane spells scribed as a sorcerer of equal level (e.g. a level 8 wizard could have 5 level 1 spells, 3 level 2 spells, 2 level 3 spells and 1 level 4 spell scribed). Numbers of spells they can memorise remain unaffected.
    • Divine casters can only choose from as many divine spells as a shaman of equal level would have access to. (e.g. a level 6 cleric can only choose from 4 level 1 spells, 2 level 2 spells and 1 level 3 spell). Numbers of spells they can memorise (including bonuses from Wisdom) remain unaffected.
    • Each character can only carry as many weapons as fit into their quickslots. So a paladin could carry 3 different weapons, a fighter could carry 4 and a mage could carry 2. An additional 1-handed weapon can be kept exclusively for off-hand use if desired, and can be interchanged with a shield as necessary.
    Hopefully, casters will be hit harder at the start while martial classes will have it easier. The lack of restrictions on other items should still allow all classes to compete early on. However, I also hope the limitations should become equally biting by the end, where the range of hazards is broader and more special spells/weapons are needed.

    I've included a FAQ for discussions on my initial thoughts on rule interpretations.
    • Divine casters receive all their spells once reaching the appropriate level up...
      Just so, and it's on your honour not to cheat. Lathander/Helm/Talos/Mother Nature is watching!
    • Can I scribe excess arcane spells and then simply not memorise them?
      Nope. No XP bonuses for scribing beyond your allocated limit.
    • Can I stock more than 3 sets of ammunition?
      Yes, although this is subject to change if an egregious exploit is found.
    • Can a weapon initially be main-hand and then moved to off-hand later?
      Nope. You decide when you acquire it whether it is main or off-hand and this choice is permanent.
    • Can I sell my excess weapons or must I drop them?
      You can sell or exchange an old weapon for a new one, but this exchange is one-way and permanent.
    • Can I swap my permitted spells around as I level up?
      Can a sorcerer or shaman do this? No? Then neither can you.
    • Spontaneous casters don't seem particularly hard hit by this challenge.
      Shamans have a rough time anyway, so they deserve a break. If you want to play a sorcerer, kindly choose another challenge.

    The details are, of course, up for negotiation. Hopefully they sound reasonable and I'd love to hear everyone's feedback. Feel free to combine with any of the other challenges for double the pain fun!
    Post edited by AvidGamerFan on
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Hah, i like your concept @AvidGamerFan of limiting spell/weapon selection even though i must admit that my Clerics/Druids normally only use a handful of spells to be quite effective. But one will have to think twice which spells to pick in the long run thats for sure. Could be well another curse for Cataclysm in my eyes or played as a single, unique challenge! ;o)
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    Any thoughts on the "Tie difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings to the difficulty slider" element of SCS for BG2?

    its the only one i'm hesitating about installing - the last time I remember something like this is was Tactics spawning a lich + squad in front of the Temple of Amaunator floorpuzzle, back in classic.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Any thoughts on the "Tie difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings to the difficulty slider" element of SCS for BG2?

    its the only one i'm hesitating about installing - the last time I remember something like this is was Tactics spawning a lich + squad in front of the Temple of Amaunator floorpuzzle, back in classic.

    I always play with it, but according to Harpagornis's post on p1 this isn't a requirement. Improved AI settings, better calls for help, prebuffing, improved creatures & chapter-end-fights are the SCS components mentioned there. I've skipped some SCS components myself, such as Inquisitor Dispel nerfing, and powerful items' moving to ToB.
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    I'll put it on, I mean how hard can It make it?

    I'm currently messing around in Irenicus's dungeon with my imported Sophia v2 (sorry Bel but not today). Something has broken with my SCS install though, since the deurgar are all there, but there's no limit on resting - no ambushes occur, so every encounter is trivialised by 3-4x hasted Phase spiders + web, rest and repeat. Time to add in the arbitrary and punishing optional rules.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Everyone... except for some basics... may chose whatever SCS settings they like even though i prefer to put activate most of them. Yeah, you can rest all day long with a solo char in the Irenicus dungeon @alice_ashpool which puts away lots of its danger. But if you allow yourself only one rest then things might get interesting... ;o)

    What´s the opinion on the nice idea of @AvidGamerFan? Shall we put this into Cataclysm as another curse or should it be a standalone challenge? Maybe both?
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited February 2021
    @AvidGamerFan What about looting weapons if you have slots taken?

    @Harpagornis I like the spell reduction, but I'm not too keen on the weapon reduction, on a difficulty where you need many weapons to succeed.
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2021
    Yeah, you can rest all day long with a solo char in the Irenicus dungeon @alice_ashpool which puts away lots of its danger. But if you allow yourself only one rest then things might get interesting... ;o)
    Yeah, I was just under the impression that the harder irenicus dungeon component stopped resting:
    This is a very low-key modification to the initial dungeon. It replaces the pathetic goblins with duergar (which I think has a better "feel" to it in any case) and it prevents you from sleeping more than once. (I allow you to sleep once because (i) it gives you a chance to choose your spells, and (ii) Imoen has some rest-related dialogue that I don't want to block.)

    Would make for a much more interesting challenge. Is this a difference between party and solo?

    I remember Weimar's Harder Illych you could rest but you would always be ambushed by duergar when you did, im not sure if SCS is ment to be the same or if it is just meant to prohibit resting.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    With the random liches in particular - those monsters show up even in vanilla if your protagonist is a high enough level. There are four spots with that spawn trigger (two in the temple ruins, one in the undead village, one in Spellhold).
    In vanilla, that trigger gives you a lich if (Protagonist has 2M XP).
    With the SCS component, that trigger gives you a lich if: (Spawn difficulty is LoB) or (Spawn difficulty is Insane+ and protagonist has 400K XP) or (Difficulty is Insane and protagonist has 1M XP). The lich will not spawn regardless of protagonist XP on Hardcore or below.

    If you leave the spawn difficulty on "default" and let it float with game difficulty, the Insane difficulty version is the highest you can reach - but that component has two levels beyond Insane which can be forced if you really want it.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    What about making the weapon reduction a bit more flexible @histamiini - for instance every 10 levels Charname may use an additional weapon of his/her choice. More opinions on that one?

    Karla the Mage3/Cleric has arrived in BG but with the Skels killing everything with ease i will park her for the moment maybe trying to test some more Druids. Totemic´s seem to be strong early on but what about the others? Lets see how the Avenger deals with Cataclysm...
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited February 2021
    What about making the weapon reduction a bit more flexible @histamiini - for instance every 10 levels Charname may use an additional weapon of his/her choice. More opinions on that one?
    I don't know, giving up weapon making it permanently inaccessible sounds very hard to me. Although I'm just guessing here, maybe it's feasible. The idea is good though, making some uses for additional slots.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Hey... this should be a challenge @histamiini... not a walk in the park... so it has to be painful cause... yeah.. pain is fun... well thats at least my credo... and @Grond0´s. You may look at your old saves to get a view on how many weapons you have got. I can say for sure that my poverty Druid has so far used... well... 0 weapons... and she´s still alive... *G*
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2021
    *thinking fiendishly* you could restrict picking up weapons only to those you have at least 1 pip in?
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    @Harpagornis No I get it and it sounds interesting idea. I just looked my Blade on hold, and him keeping Staff of Magi on one slot, making one slot for destroying weapons. First it sounds hard because many weapons are situational, and then I think it could become boring when you're keeping Staff of Magi and FoA from SoA onwards as an example. Just my 2c.
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