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Ask Beamdog



  • fluke13fluke13 Member Posts: 399
    Question for Beamdog: Are you working on KOTOR 3 with Lucas Arts? ;)
  • majbermajber Member Posts: 53
    God please no, or after release we will wait next 10 years for patches.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    edited February 2021
    Are the 2.6 updates for the iOS versions in the making?

    The release of NWN:ee for iOS has been a real eye opener since the in game files has been made more accessible - a very nice option as I see it.

    The files for BG1, BG2 and SoD (in their 2.5 patch state) are only “semi” open now and IWD has unfortunately been left out of reach :'( .
    Can we expect the in game files in the IE games made accessible like the NWN:ee version? This would be a very welcome fix imho.
    Post edited by StummvonBordwehr on
  • patryxpatryx Member Posts: 2
    Is there any chance for discounts on Playstation Store on Baldurs Gate/ Planescape or NWN. Since 15th semptember those games were constantly in regular prices despite the fact that box versions are now in much lower prices. Hope you dont forget abaout digital versions fans. :). Eventualy Hope also that you will figure out one day some big bundle for BG/Icewind/Planescape/Nwn so fans of clasic rpgs could make themself great surprise:D
  • GlaciaruzGlaciaruz Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2021

    No, we're working on our own IP.

    We'll get to testing 2.6 on mobile after the patch is released on PC.

    Hi JuliusBorisov.

    Back in December 2020 I wrote a message directed to you, and you still haven't reacted nor responded to my questions?

    I've been patient, and I mean I thought I was both polite and respectful in my inquiry, and all I, as well as those who liked my post (I assume), just want to have some answers, or at least a solution to our problems with your products - in this case the console ports of the Infinity Engine games.

    Why do you and/or Beamdog continue to ignore reasonable and legit questions, and again I ask if you would consider to refund those who bought the (now it seems abandoned) console ports if you so decide not to fix the games? That seems only fair especially considering that many of those who supported Beamdog with purchases of the console ports probably already supported you guys before with the PC versions as well like I did - in my case on both your own platform as well as Steam and GOG.

    I think it's very unfortunate that Beamdog simply choses to ignore those who've helped Beamdog sustaining income to begin with, and I'm extremely disappointed that as someone who thrown a lot of my hard earned money in your direction doesn't even receive a proper response of my legit questions, or at least an acknowledgement of my message being taken into consideration.

    So therefore would you, or one of one colleagues who's able to answer these questions, be so kind and stop ignoring the legit questions from my post from 23. December 2020?

    Best regards

    Just in case here's a copy paste of my message located in page 33 in this thread:

    Hi JuliusBorisov.
    Well that response isn't quite uplifting to those of us who already bought the retail console versions of both Baldur's Gate/Siege of Dragonspear/Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale/Planescape: Torment and Neverwinter Nights, and found out that they weren't very stable, and have many gamebreaking bugs.
    I haven't even played them after I bought them since they all - especially Planescape Torment which already broke the first time I played it after the very first dialog tree initiated by Morte in the very beginning where the text disappeared, and I couldn't proceed - have various problems which still to this day hasn't been fixed.

    I already own all all of the Enhanced Edition Infinity Engine games plus soundtracks on Steam and GOG (and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition on Beamdog) as well as Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Digital Deluxe on GOG, and of course all of all of the abovementioned games on Xbox One, and to be honest your response where you wrote the following "I'd suggest making a decision based on all the factors" isn't very comforting at all since it could be interpreted both ways which usually is a clear "corporate indicator" of "No", so I was wondering, especially with the whole Cyberpunk 2077 controversy which resulted in a refund offer (and yes I also bought Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox One, and it was broken on consoles to a degree I've personally never experienced before, and definitely one of the greatest disappointments of the year - I mean 8 years of waiting while mentally trapped in the manipulative evil corporate hypemachine (made by a company that built its entire fanbase around having the anti-corporate approach to its game and interaction with its customers!) where the result is a trainwreck in slowmotion!?), if you guys could show your supporters the same customer friendly gesture, and refund those of us who bought the console versions just like CDPROJEKT RED just have done? Or at least promise that you'll fix the console versions eventually?

    I'll of course will keep my PC versions, and play the games once the patch 2.6 is finished (which hopefully finally fixes all of the bugs either not fixed or introduced in previous patches), but the console versions, again especially the "Icewind Dale/Planescape: Torment" version, seems to be abandoned with either only vague semi-answers about the plans of fixing it, or completely ignoring the Beamdog supporter's questions in the forum.

    Speaking of patches and in particular Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition then I've asked this question before, but I'll ask again since it's my all time favorite game, and there's still some gamebreaking bugs in the PC version Enhanced Edition (and probably also in the console version) with the infamous Modron Cube and areas reset which definitely should be fixed ASAP since that bug can ruin the whole game as well as the immersion of the experience. That particular bug wasn't in the original release back in the day, but anyway It's a legendary cult classic CRPG game, and even though it seems like it wasn't a huge success financially it's still a treasure and part of the CRPG legacy of the end 90's beginning 2000's that should be treated with utmost respect:

    Anyway it's been a while since I've posted about these issues, but at least the Patch 2.6 is finally on the table, so maybe there's still hope that the other potential fixes won't be abandoned?
    Thanks for your help (and more specific answer?), and I wish you all a merry christmas, and a happy new year (even though these are indeed dark times we're living in).

    Best regards

  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    What will be the genre of the new IP?
  • kokarol91kokarol91 Member Posts: 25
    @JuliusBorisov is there a chance that you will soon add a translation of bg sog to consoles? I mean exactly the Polish translation
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385

    No, we're working on our own IP.

    We'll get to testing 2.6 on mobile after the patch is released on PC.

    Hi @JuliusBorisov
    Good to know, and I will look forward to testing the patches.

    Btw if the patches don’t have an easy access and mod ability like the NWN:ee, I will file them as unfit for release :D . Consider this a fair warning o:)
  • GlaciaruzGlaciaruz Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2021
    Arvia wrote: »
    This has always been a thread to ask questions that one wants to be seen, but I don't think it's fair to try to pressure one single person into an answer. I'm glad we have this thread to post questions that will be seen, but trying to demand an answer by force, might go beyond the intention of a thread that is not "Beamdog guarantees an answer to your questions".
    Also, please speak only for yourself and not for the rest of us. It sucks when a game doesn't work properly as intended on one platform, but comparing it to the situation with Cyberpunk 2077?
    Yes, the games have bugs, but they aren't unplayable, they work reasonably well for most of us in most situations, and a patch is currently being tested. That they all have "many gamebreaking bugs" seems exaggerated to me.

    I hope this doesn't come across as a personal attack, I just wanted to throw in my two cents to what @Glaciaruz said, because, although everyone is free to speak their mind, it's not the viewpoint of the majority and I felt the need to counterbalance that.
    I'm waiting for 2.6 as much as the next player, but I don't believe they owe us an answer or should be pressured publicly to give one.

    I have the right to ask questions, but the other side can always choose not to answer, especially if there's nothing new to say.

    Hi Arvia.

    First and foremost where did I write that I was speaking for everyone? I literally wrote that "I assumed" that those who liked my post also wanted some answers about the console ports of the Infinity Engine games since why would they otherwise take their time to acknowledge my original post by liking it?

    With all due respect it's very difficult not to see this post as an attack on my character when there are some insinuations that are simply (and obviously if you read what I literally have written) untrue.
    I'm aware that in this day and age communication (or lack thereof - which you also seems to endorse with the following quote: "...I have the right to ask questions, but the other side can always choose not to answer, especially if there's nothing new to say.) is more based on interpretation that reading the words of the post or article. Now it seems that I myself have finally stepped on that kind of landmine in the unofficial warzone we call the internet.

    I of course acknowledge that you are entitled not only to your opinion, but also to write the words you so choose to although I also have the right to react to those words - especially it seems like you either misunderstood my post, or didn't even read properly since you also write the following: " Yes, the games have bugs, but they aren't unplayable, they work reasonably well for most of us in most situations, and a patch is currently being tested. That they all have "many gamebreaking bugs" seems exaggerated to me"

    You do realize that the patch being tested is only for the PC, MAC and Linux platforms, and there's been no formal announcement on any new patches for the Xbox One and PS4 versions?
    For example the very first time I played Planescape: Torment on the Xbox One it already broke the game in the very first dialogue with Morte in the beginning of game where you can't either proceed and/or choose any dialogue (in one of the most dialogue heavy games), and have happened several times for many players - and according to various forums in particular to the PS4 version. And it has many of the same bugs as the PC version that hasn't been fixed to this day, e.g. the Modron Maze reset bug (which really needs to be fixed on all platforms)! Doesn't that fulfill the criterias of the definition of "gamebreaking"?

    And Cyberpunk 2077 (mostly on consoles, but the PC version had a savegame bug that broke the game as well) is infamous and forever associated with the word "gamebreaking bugs" as well as showing the angry and disappointed customer the kind gesture of a refund on that very basis, so why is it unreasonable to draw a parallel to that game and it's controversy and the devs handling, and why does broken Planescape: Torment version and the other Infinity Games on the console gets a free pass?

    If I as a customer buys a product that's not working as intended why is it suddenly a wrong thing to do if you try to communicate in direct and firm manner if your questions are being ignored even though you've been respectful and diplomatic in your tone.
    JuliusBorisov is the moderator and in the forum a "face" of Beamdog that's been most active in answering various questions, and should I then as a customer just be quite, and accept being in the unknown when it comes to getting support, or at least clarification, for the product that I've purchased which doesn't work as intended?
    If that's the case, and it seems five other forum members agree with your post, then I assure you that the big corporations will appreciate your approach and attitude a lot, but not those unfortunate laying beneath the corporations big black boots.

    Secondly it's very misleading to insinuate that I'm trying to "demand an answer through force"?
    Care to elaborate?
    I mean it's fair enough if you don't agree with what I'm writing, but using very strong and highly aggressive words like "pressuring", "demand" combined with the word "force" is almost like your trying to appeal to Beamdog's mighty higher-ups "ban hammer", and it's no secret that many people have been hit with that Ban Warhammer of (In)Justice +3 before. Maybe it's finally my turn, and a sad turn of events it will be if that's the case.

    And JuliusBorisov if you're reading this I'm aware that you're probably just a middleman, and that it's limited what you can say and do in this matter, and even though we live in a time where one can write a critical inquiry, and suddenly be accused of heresy on a larger scale by a potential mob with torches and hayforks, but I'm not attacking you in any way, shape or form, but I reserve my right as a paying customer to inquire, critique and complain in a firm and insistent, but of course respectful and diplomatic manner to if the product doesn't live up to a proper high standard, and the "seller" of the product doesn't show any sign of either fixing the product nor refunding it.

    Imagine going into a physical store with a purchased product that doesn't work as intended, or advertised, and then first getting no real answer of what's going to happen, then getting ignored and afterwards when you don't accept the outcome of no answer or solution then the other customers gets irritated, or even makes implicit insinuations about your improper behavior since they themselves haven't had problems with their purchased product even though (it seems) that they haven't even purchased the same product (console versions) to begin with.

    To be honest I think the only one being disrespectful to you are people in this forum who're not associated with you and/or Beamdog who claims to speak for you guys with sentences like this: "...might go beyond the intention of a thread that is not "Beamdog guarantees an answer to your questions". The thread is literally called "Ask Beamdog" (although it's true that it doesn't say aftwards "and you shall receive answers", so maybe Arvia got a point there - but then again all I do is asking), and the only one that really can speak for you and Beamdog is you and Beamdog.

    I'm probably in the minority in this forum, and unfortunately not the "right" kind of minority, so who knows maybe it's finally time for me to be killed of with the mighty ban hammer for asking the wrong questions in a persistent and regular manner (although with great time intervals), and at the same time with a sour taste in my mouth wonder why did I support Beamdog so much as I did, but we'll see what happens. All I can say is that I'm extremely disappointed with the console versions, and in particular with the Planescape: Torment port.

    Best regards

  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited February 2021
    @Glaciaruz Cute, except that Arvia is, in fact, a site moderator, as am I. Veiling the pressure you are applying to Julius under overtones of politeness does not negate the pressure.

    This thread exists as a courtesy. You can ask just about whatever you wish here, but this does not mean that Beamdog is compelled to give you an answer. Pressuring Beamdog to give you an answer by repeatedly asking the same questions, or by insisting that your questions are eminently more worthy of being answered because they are more "reasonable" or "legit" than those of others, or by implying that Beamdog is somehow being improper by "ignoring" you is not helping your position.

    I would also like to point out that Beamdog is most certainly not a "big corporation", as you say. Beamdog is, in fact, a very small business with equally limited resources. They have a great many concerns and projects to deal with all at the same time. Answering the questions of individual disgruntled customers is likely near the bottom of the list of their concerns.

    I can assure you that Julius does indeed see this thread and everything that goes on in it. If you get no answer from him, it likely means that he is unable to provide an answer for reasons beyond his control. That means that pressuring him for answers is a wasted effort and will only serve to draw attention from site moderation, as it is indeed doing.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    "I don't think it's fair to try to pressure one single person into an answer.", "trying to demand an answer by force", "Cute", "This thread exists as a courtesy.", "Pressuring (...) to give you an answer by repeatedly asking the same questions", "[this company] is, in fact, a very small business with equally limited resources. They have a great many concerns and projects to deal with all at the same time. Answering the questions of individual disgruntled customers is likely near the bottom of the list of their concerns."

    I'm trying to imagine these responses on a customer site of a company that sells kitchen utensils, reacting to a customer complaint about a product not working as expected and asking for a refund. Doesn't work for me.
  • superfly86superfly86 Member Posts: 31
    Hello, I have a few questions about future and current projects.
    Something change about Icewind Dale II? still haven't found any sources?
    Is there any change to remaster and refresh NWN 2, or Kotor 1/2.
    Are you interested to refresh some old but think forgotten RPG's like arcanum, temple of elemental evil or other titles?
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    superfly86 wrote: »
    Is there any chance to remaster and refresh Kotor 1/2?

    Rumors say that Aspyr Media will be in charge of that...
  • superfly86superfly86 Member Posts: 31
    i would see fallout 1/2 remastered in high def on newer engine
  • kokarol91kokarol91 Member Posts: 25
    @JuliusBorisov is there a chance that you will soon add a translation of bg sog to consoles? I mean exactly the Polish translation
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2023

    Just thought I should drop a line here and let you know that I updated both "NWNS-2218" here and "Beamdog/NWN issue #155" here. This reflects the most recent occurrences of the Attack Bonus Miscalculation Bug affecting Attacks of Opportunity and the Rapid Shot feat in addition to the aforementioned feats and abilities. Let it be known this bug affects both melee and ranged base attack bonuses when a character has the right combination of feats, abilities and a Haste item equipped.

    Let it also be known that unlike Mr. @Glaciaruz, I have no intention of ever pursuing a refund. I realize I am well beyond the 14-day period from purchase. Although, even if I were to be offered a refund, I would not accept it. All I want, all I've been wanting for almost a decade and a half, is for what used to work in my single-player game to work again. That is, I want these unwarranted additional penalties to be gone. I am personally invested in seeing this through. BioWare made it personal when they released a patch that FUBAR one of NWN's core components. Most stores have a general policy when dealing with their customers: "You break it, you buy it". It makes me wonder what a store's policy should be when dealing with a customer who bought the same product both long before and after a part of it had been broken by the manufacturer.

    I appreciate you taking the time to inform me that my bug report has not been forgotten, sir. I understand you all at Beamdog have a lot of work ahead of you regarding the IE 2.6 patch and NWN across multiple platforms. However, if I may make a suggestion, you might want to reevaluate your triage policy when it comes to fixing bugs. When a customer can't play one of your games because a bug stops that game from functioning, obviously there is something seriously wrong with it. When a customer quits playing one of your games because of the constant, antagonistic behavior of a very old bug and tells you about it, repeatedly, that should also clearly indicate there is something seriously wrong with the game.

    Thank you for reading. Happy, healthy (both mentally and physically) gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • DonCzirrDonCzirr Member Posts: 165
    To Julius / Beamdog - would you consider the following:

    One of the key weaknesses, I feel of both the Infinity Engine and NWN series is the quality and variety of voice choices for playable characters. In each game, there are several that are of sufficient quality to not be cringe-worthy and do not break immersion.

    So – I would suggest that a DLC – perhaps called “The Universal Voice Pack” be published that would pool together all the available select / combat / acknowledgement bits for all the existing characters and make them available in the character customization screens.

    This would help enhance the immersion of each game and give users a lot more flexibility / choice. This would be particularly valuable on IOS where adding voice Mods is not user friendly.

    The idea of having the Sarevok voice from TOB or the Irenicus style voice from SOD available in IWD or the barbarian brute voice from IWD mapped to a character in the BG games or NWN seems very appealing.
    I don’t think this would violate the current WOTC mandate of no further development as it would just be a collection of existing assets that would not even require voice actors to get into a studio etc ….

    Anyways …. I think this would be a good idea and I would certainly shell out a reasonable amount for such an offering …. Hope you’ll think it over ….
  • DonCzirrDonCzirr Member Posts: 165
    That's unfortunate that the Copyrights were arranged in such a way.

    Thanks for the link / info - that does not do much for me as an IOS player but others may yet benefit from it.
  • DyrmazDyrmaz Member Posts: 7
    I bought additional soundfiles (german) for BGEE would it be possible to be able to buy them for BG2EE i really find them better than the original PC voices...
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Dyrmaz wrote: »
    I bought additional soundfiles (german) for BGEE would it be possible to be able to buy them for BG2EE i really find them better than the original PC voices...

    Sorry, can you clarify what you bought and where (which store)?
  • DyrmazDyrmaz Member Posts: 7
    Additional Voices for the maincharackter in the ingame store of BGEE on ios.
  • KharadorKharador Member Posts: 215
    So... 2 years later there's no release date for 2.6 patch?
  • ValafeinValafein Member Posts: 19
    I have a question, Baldur's Gate EE, Baldur's Gate SoD and Baldur's Gate 2 SoA and ToB for IOS, are playable on Apple Silicon Mac?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Kharador wrote: »
    So... 2 years later there's no release date for 2.6 patch?

    The 2.6 beta is playable. The stable patch is being done. There is a separate forum section for 2.6.
    Valafein wrote: »
    I have a question, Baldur's Gate EE, Baldur's Gate SoD and Baldur's Gate 2 SoA and ToB for IOS, are playable on Apple Silicon Mac?

    We will probably test it during the next patch (2.7 or whatever it's called) so we're interested to hear players' experience with our games and Silicon. Please note that the iOS version is for iPad (and if you want that, for iPhone), the Mac version is separate.
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