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Attn: Those Who Have Not Pre-Ordered



  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2012
    Come now, Pre-ordering a digital piece of software is nothing more than marketing. If it makes you feel like you're supporting the devs, go for it, but they have other metrics to support receiving more funding in their bag.

    -- its almost as bad as people who pre-order iphones thinking they'll get one sooner, meanwhile on launch day anyone can walk into a store and buy one without trouble. It's marketing.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited October 2012

    I didn't realize that people paid so much attention to 'badges'; they're just tiny icons symbolizing a false sense of accomplishment anyway. At least we won't have to worry about such silly marketing concepts encouraging in-game-purchases making way into BGEE.

    This forum is the hottest place on the net to discuss BG, any and all fans should be welcome, whether or not they plan to purchase the game.
    The only way to judge the amount of pre-orders is with the badges, this thread has nothing to do with getting more badges. I know that not all people who have pre-ordered have created accounts here, but it's still something to look at for pre-order numbers since Beamdog/Overhaul can't release the real number.

    As for people who are not purchasing, I was directly speaking to those who complain about the price, perceived lack of features, that you can get it for free with mods, etc. There is no need to be defensive here, I am not attacking anyone, if you feel that way I apologize.

    Come now, Pre-ordering a digital piece of software is nothing more than marketing. If it makes you feel like you're supporting the devs, go for it, but they have other metrics to support receiving more funding in their bag.

    -- its almost as bad as people who pre-order iphones thinking they'll get one sooner, meanwhile on launch day anyone can walk into a store and buy one without trouble. It's marketing.

    Totally agree, for digital purchases pre-ordering only "shows support", nothing more.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Sorry to sound like a prick, didn't mean it. ;)
    This board is unique, celebrating an ancient RPG that is about to be reintroduced to a whole new generation. OMG I must be so old to have just said that!

    I'm sure that there are thousands of viewers to these boards who will never post, so it's important to keep the place fresh.

    BTW, your riker with visor icon totally weirds me out...but in a good way.
  • JanderJander Member Posts: 4
    I'll just repeat the same thing so many others have said: no Pre-orders for the iPad or Mac. If there were, I would have done it yesterday.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited October 2012
    Eventually, you will probably be able to click a pre-order button for all apps, in place of the purchase button, and have it pop up as an update when available.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    ghostowl said:

    @TJ_hooker Yeah I don't mean to piss off any veterans here. I'm just saying that Beamdog could have attracted many more sales from PC players(such as me) if they only chose to add in slightly more main plot content/more storyline


    They are actually adding a main plot content/more storyline -- ' Adventure Y' , they have not released more Information about it yet, but its there.

  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited October 2012

    The three new NPC's have their own quest and area's you can visit, which are an expansion of the main game world. You also get the black pits. As for existing content, they are contractually obligated not to make any changes to quest/dialoge, but they can fix bugs in the content.

    They can add, which is exactly what they did with new adventures for each character and Black Pits.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited November 2012

    PC Version Gets:

    -BG & Tales - Gutted source code of old and inefficient code
    -Optimized for compatibility and performance on new OSes
    -Over 400 bug fixes, many of which could not of been done without source code changes
    -BG2 Classes & Kits
    -At least 3 (each) new female and male voice sets.
    -Improved Multiplayer
    -Brand new UI with native widescreen support
    -Dorn joinable NPC + Up to 4 hours of adventuring quest
    -Neera joinable NPC + Up to 4 hours of adventuring quest and new areas to explore
    -Rasaad joinable NPC + Up to 4 hours of adventuring quest and new areas to explore.
    -Black Pits - Up to 6 hours of content
    -Plus a series of planned post-ship features being added for free.

    - Plus the unsaid benefit that this, is in my opinion, is going to become the new foundation for modding for years to come. Why would you not want in on that?

    That's well worth $20.
    Post edited by bigdogchris on
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    i find discussions like this a bit pointless. are there solid arguments for preordering? no. are there solid arguments for not preordering? no.

    at this stage, preordering means only supporting the IDEA of overhauling old games we love, cons and pros being based purely on speculations. we did not see new content, we did not see any enhancement of graphics and gameplay or previous work of overhaul on infinity games, for that matter. we didn't see almost ANYTHING yet. IMO, project has major potential and i like the people developing it.
    but, 30th november will be the premiere night, people.

    fanatical defense of project is as meaningless and baseless just like hate-thread going on at rgp-codex (i love that thread, people there spill more bile in one day than whole octoberfest beer in one month. hilarious. :D ).

    while community support is important, i think this discussions will have some credibility after the game is out and we actually know what we're talking about. did overhaul got some minuses over the past half year? yes, just as well as some pluses, but all that is irrelevant until we see the finished product and their ability to deliver.

    that said, i hope for the best. :)
  • Zadred_DarkflameZadred_Darkflame Member Posts: 7
    I didn't pre-order. I re-purchased the series for the fourth time via GoG just before the teaser page was posted, and I haven't really had the time to even play that. Or any of a vast number of games I've purchased via Steam sales and never gotten to. That said I'm very excited about it, which is why I'm here. But this year I won't be purchasing any more games. I'll probably order a copy around March or so of next year. Beamdog will get my money eventually.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    I think pre-ordering is a bit like queuing overnight for a movie. If you like doing it go ahead and do it but I don't think it gives you the moral high ground.
  • TarquinTarquin Member Posts: 41

    Come now, Pre-ordering a digital piece of software is nothing more than marketing. If it makes you feel like you're supporting the devs, go for it, but they have other metrics to support receiving more funding in their bag.

    -- its almost as bad as people who pre-order iphones thinking they'll get one sooner, meanwhile on launch day anyone can walk into a store and buy one without trouble. It's marketing.

    I somewhat agree with the first part (pre-ordering digital software is a metric that the big-time support givers seem to care about. I suppose it shows intensity amongst fans), but you're off base about preordering iphones...they actually are hard/impossible to get after launch. </minor nit>
  • MikeMastersMikeMasters Member Posts: 141
    I didn't pree-order but will buy the game when its out. Im not really interested in a $2 discount or a forum badge.

    I know some people are complaining about a lack of new content but there will be DLC in the not-to-distance future, besides its going to make it soo much easier to setup instead of needing a bunch of fix packs and mods.

    Its a real shame about no boxset version, I would have happily spent $100 to get my hands on something like that.

    I also don't plan to play immediately, ive left off playing BG1 for a few years now so I can try and forget as much as possible to enjoy discovering it all again, il also wait for stuff like SCS to officially support BG1 as I have a limited amount of time so im only going to really play through beginning to end a few times.

    This is the first game I really hate the idea of it ending up on torrent websites, I wish there was something we could do to discourage people from stealing this, maybe leave negative comments or something to make people think twice?
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    I plan to buy BG EE after it has been released and has received good enough reviews that I may consider it worth the money that I would spend on it. The only things I've ever pre-ordered are books from my favorite authors, who've proven over the years that they can write good stories. I pre-order them from because since I've bought hundreds, maybe even thousands of things from them over the years, I know that they are a reliable company and will deliver the goods I paid for.

    While I have no reason to doubt that BG EE will actually be created and sold as the developers said it would, I have never purchased anything from them before so for me they have yet to prove that they are a reliable company. I have bought games before (from Target) that turned out to not be what was advertised and Target kept my money and wouldn't let me return them. After that experience, I always read reviews before buying and never buy anything until there is sufficient evidence that it works, that the company can be trusted, and that the product it is everything that I hoped it would be.
  • jolly_bbjolly_bb Member Posts: 122
    the only real reason for me to buy BGEE is iPad version. Can't preorder for iPad can i now.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    edited October 2012
    I'd really like to buy the Linux version. As long as there is no native Linux version I will not pre-order, because it is not 100% clear if it will work very well with wine (an environment allowing to run Windows software on Linux, no joking) or not.

    Now once the game is out and there are some test reports on how well it runs in wine, that's another story. Ideally I'd like to get a boxed version too, so might even wait for a little bit more until there is clarity about wether or not there will be a boxed version.
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    edited October 2012
    @cyberhawk, I'll be sure to test it on WINE after the release :).

    A Linux version would be nice (I have four computers with Linux installed; Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, and Backtrack. But I also have Ubuntu 12.04 ready to install at any time). However, I can't see it selling very well for Linux; too many distributions to take into account (should they support the less used distros? Does it have KDE or Gnome?) Thee's too much effort required to cover them all, and if they only cover the most used one - which is Ubuntu, I think? - other users would be outraged.

    Android, which is a Linux derivative (I'm sure everyone knows that, but I thought I would say it anyway) will likely sell reasonably well due to it being a hand-held device OS. Hand-held device versions (mainly the iPad, I think) may even sell better than the PC version since that version, albeit old, already exists.

    I know a number of people who already have the original one on PC, but want it for the iPad so they can play it while travelling.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    edited October 2012
    @Troodon80: It's not so hard to make a game for Linux. I don't see a problem in making it run in all distros. Now if we are talking about wine support, that is where you get different results with different distros. But if you create an executable binary it will run everywhere, provided you got the correct dependences. If you want to go further than that, include the dependences in the binary itself. For example, Machinarium runs on Flash. I don't have Flash (only Gnash and Lightspark). Yet when I start Machinarium it works and I get the information about Flash 11 when rightclicking on the interface.

    There are the Loki-Installers, they were used to install already existing games on any distro, they can be adapted. And why would KDE and gnome be an issue? Are you talking about the integration into the "games" submenu? It could be ommited on all DEs but one, if it's that hard for the developers to do. You can integrate things like that per hand anyway...

    The only real problem I see is 3D support by different graphicscards. Some of them have very bad support for certain features if running on fully free drivers. One would have to be careful to not use features that might cause problems for people unwilling to install a huge proprietary binary driver into their kernel.

    Since there was some talk about the possiblity a native Linux version in the past, I assumed there were no actual problems from the technical side, only a question of what do the IP holders want to do and what they don't want to do.
  • shawnppickettshawnppickett Member Posts: 25
    Personally, I pre-ordered. $17.99 for a tweaked and peaked version of the game with a bit of new content didn't seem like a bad deal. When it got delayed, I broke out my cd-roms for BG1, TotSC, BG2, and TOB and followed the directions from the GoG article just to see what that was like. I never could get the widescreen mod to work quite write though so I'm playing in an 800x600 window on my 17" laptop...
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    I already have 2 copies of this game, the original boxes for both BG1 + expansion and BG2 + expansion boxsets, and then I also bought the later complete DVD release with all 4 games and discovered BGTrilogy / tutu mods.

    I skipped the GoG version since I already had everthing and that didn't add anything new, but I want BGEE for the new content, improved UI, bug fixes and widescreen / new OSes support.
  • mrhedgehogmrhedgehog Member Posts: 14
    I'm waiting for reviews.
    I have often been disappointed by games i've bought without reading reviews. (Like Diablo 3....)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I'm waiting to see how the game is reviewed, especially by fans who have already beaten the first game many years ago. I will buy it when I feel like buying it, but I don't see myself ready to buy it the moment it comes out (or sooner for that matter).
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336

    I'm waiting for reviews.
    I have often been disappointed by games i've bought without reading reviews. (Like Diablo 3....)

    elminster said:

    I'm waiting to see how the game is reviewed, especially by fans who have already beaten the first game many years ago. I will buy it when I feel like buying it, but I don't see myself ready to buy it the moment it comes out (or sooner for that matter).

    Both very valid points. I suppose purchasing does depend on how much experience with BG that you have. I still think the games hold up and I do not imagine in any way that this overhaul has made it worse.

  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited November 2012
    Diablo III isn't so bad i think, probally it just didn't meet the legend made for him only, for somehow 12 years the legend of a Diablo III lurked around the internet, the project was oficially announced something like 2-3 years before the launch. People expected perfection, anything less would be received as flawed, specially after Diablo II PvP style, that by far was one of the Best PvP Game ever made.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    I didn't pre-order simply because you can't pre-order the Mac version, otherwise I would have. If the Mac version isn't released at the same time as the (delayed) Windows version I will not be very happy, though.

    I have the GOG versions of both BG1 and BG2 which I run fine under Windows in Bootcamp on my Mac, but would much prefer to not have to reboot just to play BG.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738


    The three new NPC's have their own quest and area's you can visit, which are an expansion of the main game world. You also get the black pits. As for existing content, they are contractually obligated not to make any changes to quest/dialoge, but they can fix bugs in the content.

    Just to clarify this, only Neera and Rasaad come with new areas. Dorn's plot takes place in already existing areas.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    kamuizin said:

    Diablo III isn't so bad i think, probally it just didn't meet the legend made for him only, for somehow 12 years the legend of a Diablo III lurked around the internet, the project was oficially announced something like 2-3 years before the launch. People expected perfection, anything less would be received as flawed, specially after Diablo II PvP style, that by far was one of the Best PvP Game ever made.

    My only problem with D3 is the forced online play that personally brought me no advantage whatsoever and only disadvantages (lag, inability to play when servers are down, etc, etc). When I don't have those issues its a solid and fun game to play. I don't think that the game merits all the hatred directed at it.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I'm still unsure why somebody that doesn't pre-order is disloyal, isn't going to buy it or some other conclusion. It's perfectly reasonable to expect people to want to see a product before putting money forth - as is their right. I did pre-order, as I don't care if it's delayed and can wait, but that was only for one copy. I plan to buy a second for somebody if/when the translation to Japanese is done/available. I didn't pre-order that because I couldn't verify that it was actually coming soon.

    Another frequent comment is that it makes no sense for people that didn't preorder and don't plan to buy the game to be on this forum. Hogwash - there are some people playing legacy or Tutu and the discussions about the game are germane.

    Besides, we're a good community and share love for a great game. If somebody is happy with their version, no skin off my back. I'm excited about BG:EE but don't think it reasonable to expect everybody to feel the same as I do.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    On the other coin - my interest in The Black Pits is only dwarfed by my interest in whatever WoW is doing next. A series of gladiator fights... I'll pass. What brought me to this is the modernization of the game; extra additions are a very minor consideration for me.

    For others, those are great selling points. Cool that BG:EE can bring so many different good things to so many good players!
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    When the Japanese version is done, you shouldn't need to buy the game again. An update will be released that adds that language option.
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