I would also say that an XP tweak component should be added, where we can choose the desired XP multiplier, from e.g. 10%-100% or something)
This is a good point and a huge issue regarding mods that add new quests and content. BG2 has a lot of potential to cut XP since it provides ridiculously high rewards for some quests, disarming traps and the like. So I think the best way to play these kinds of mods is to install some sort of experience fixer like SimDing0‘s DEF JAM.
I'll try to add an XP tweak option for the XP gained in Skyfire as well.
@Acifer if I could suggest something, it wouldn't be a bad idead to post about Skyfire also on G3. There are a lot of skillful modders active on G3, some of them not present here. I'm sure you'll find modders that will be more than happy to lend a hand, here or on G3
This is a good idea. I hope I can provide a playable version soon. Once I have something to share on GitHub, I'll post my stuff on G3 as well.
For the new (ported from NWN:EE) creatures, as well as new assets for this module, I would like these to be permitted for the community to use so we can have further community member-made adventures in the Lands of Intrigue.
I will make the new NWN animations available to the community once the final version of Skyfire is ready.
However, for the other assets, this will not be possible due to copyright concerns.
Let's say the fact that I have all the rights to use a certain texture does not give me the right to provide a free-to-use community asset with the artwork I created with that texture.
Regarding what assets are allowed to be used by the community, ensure you clearly mention which ones can legally be used, how, and why!
Easiest way to ensure this is to specify an according license for the mod. @Acifer now I want to play the mod even more and experience the new monsters/creatures!
I am wondering if the airship itself is going to be one of the new areas? Like a sort of base camp for the party. I find the idea of base camps appealing because it means that even the people who aren't on adventures with you are still with you in a manner of speaking, and that is a convienent way of making everyone available and included somewhat in the story.
@lollers your idea might conflict with the travel system @Acifer is using depenent on how it is done technically. Plus, making it the same intereor for all destinations would need some variable+script magic so it can be entered and left from all destinations (it would be doable, but needs some effort).
I should probably wait and find out when the time comes, but I'm not sure what could be meant by the "new travel system by airship" point. I have seen enough games to know that a system like that is one of the first decisions made so that the story stuff can be written around it, so I understand if it can't be described at all. I can't really imagine BG1 with the pocket plane system, or dark souls without the bonfire system.
I should probably wait and find out when the time comes, but I'm not sure what could be meant by the "new travel system by airship" point.
You can only reach the new areas of the mod by the use of this airship. You get on at Waukeen's Promenade, determine the destination, and get off at your destination area.
The areas are spread across southern Faerun, so there is no way to reach them using the regular worldmap. The mod won't change any existing travel system.
For future mods, the use of the airship could offer a great opportunity to explore really far-flung areas - Maztica, Chult or the Moonshae Isles for example.
I am wondering if the airship itself is going to be one of the new areas? Like a sort of base camp for the party. I find the idea of base camps appealing because it means that even the people who aren't on adventures with you are still with you in a manner of speaking, and that is a convienent way of making everyone available and included somewhat in the story.
That's a good point. As @jastey mentioned, it might be too difficult to include a full base camp.
However, your idea of having some people travel with you is intriguing, so I'll try to include two non-joinable NPCs that will act as a support team (a cleric and a merchant).
This reminds me of Final Fantasy VI's airship (the Blackjack) which had an on-board healer and merchant! It also had some sort of flight crew to mimic being part of a crew and not just a flying base for the party.
Another seemingly simple request: For at least one mission, I want to be able to jump off he airship and land at our destination, being saved from damage via feather fall. Even if mechanically it's simply teleporting us to a new area, I want to be able to honestly say, "I cast feather fall in Baldur's Gate II and jumped off an airship!" (|=^)
(Throne of Bhaal sorta does this with water breathing and going underwater/screen transitioning/teleporting to certain areas.)
Another seemingly simple request: For at least one mission, I want to be able to jump off he airship and land at our destination, being saved from damage via feather fall. Even if mechanically it's simply teleporting us to a new area, I want to be able to honestly say, "I cast feather fall in Baldur's Gate II and jumped off an airship!" (|=^)
(Throne of Bhaal sorta does this with water breathing and going underwater/screen transitioning/teleporting to certain areas.)
The idea sounds awesome. In the old Eye of the beholder games, there where rings of feather fall - and you had use for them.
But perhaps the idea does require more than a little work. And I think consensus amongst the other modders where, that Acifer already has some very cool (and sufficient) ideas for an awesome mod - but now only needed time to make them materialise. So perhaps time has come to give Acifer just what he needs: time.
This forum is brimming with good ideas. If you ever need some new ideas, feel free to reach out - we will be happy to help you.
And if you need help to place 5-8 tomes or manuals for some juicy OP loot, you can PM me directly. I’d be happy to help you with that.
Unfortunately, the characters used the last remaining potion of feather falling in the Lands of Intrigue in another mod of mine to head straight back to the Underdark, so there might be no way to jump out of the airship anymore.
This forum is brimming with good ideas. If you ever need some new ideas, feel free to reach out - we will be happy to help you.
And if you need help to place 5-8 tomes or manuals for some juicy OP loot, you can PM me directly. I’d be happy to help you with that.
Thank you very much for your support! PM is on its way.
I was totally serious about using feather fall to parachute like that!
I really hope that the possibility to jump into that deep chasm in Ravimor's Cave straight into the Underdark (as shown above) will be an acceptable alternative.
You could have the cursed parachute have the party simply return to the airship so they can jump off again. That seems like a simple, pleasant alternative!
Since this seems to be the place for it, and I find the idea amusing, let players purchase private islands for their parties. Developing them with mechanical effects is optional. This is mostly for the vanity or prestige of having such islands. (The current strongholds are also sort of this way.)
Definitely! Beware of Calim’s breath in Dashadjen and Memnon’s crackle in Memnonnar! But maybe it's just the smell of Boo’s fur because he came too close to the Great Brass Gate?
From who or where do all these strange words come from? I feel like I should recognize them from somewhere and they seem like lore references.
Yes, the names are Canon names, primarily from the 2nd edition sourcebook "Empires of the Shining Sea" by Steven Schend, which describes Calimshan and its rich history in great detail.
I try to rely on as much Realmslore as possible, because I think it's nice to be able to visit places or meet characters in the mod and then read about them in the sourcebook or Forgotten Realms Wiki.
The Mod is doing fine.
I am busy debugging another, soon-to-be-announced modification of mine at the moment, so I'm taking a short break from Skyfire as I switched to this other project for a couple of weeks. Once the other project is in a stable state (depending on feedback from the closed beta testers), I will return to Skyfire and post an update.
I believe that if you stick to your own vision for your mod's content, this will bring the best outcome.
Looking forward to your release
I'll try to add an XP tweak option for the XP gained in Skyfire as well. This is a good idea. I hope I can provide a playable version soon. Once I have something to share on GitHub, I'll post my stuff on G3 as well.
However, for the other assets, this will not be possible due to copyright concerns.
Let's say the fact that I have all the rights to use a certain texture does not give me the right to provide a free-to-use community asset with the artwork I created with that texture.
Regarding what assets are allowed to be used by the community, ensure you clearly mention which ones can legally be used, how, and why!
Argent77's Trials of the Luremaster in EET is an example of EXP modifications for an adventure area.
@Acifer now I want to play the mod even more and experience the new monsters/creatures!
+1 to the idea set forth by @lollers.
The areas are spread across southern Faerun, so there is no way to reach them using the regular worldmap. The mod won't change any existing travel system.
For future mods, the use of the airship could offer a great opportunity to explore really far-flung areas - Maztica, Chult or the Moonshae Isles for example.
That's a good point. As @jastey mentioned, it might be too difficult to include a full base camp.
However, your idea of having some people travel with you is intriguing, so I'll try to include two non-joinable NPCs that will act as a support team (a cleric and a merchant).
This reminds me of Final Fantasy VI's airship (the Blackjack) which had an on-board healer and merchant! It also had some sort of flight crew to mimic being part of a crew and not just a flying base for the party.
Another seemingly simple request: For at least one mission, I want to be able to jump off he airship and land at our destination, being saved from damage via feather fall. Even if mechanically it's simply teleporting us to a new area, I want to be able to honestly say, "I cast feather fall in Baldur's Gate II and jumped off an airship!" (|=^)
(Throne of Bhaal sorta does this with water breathing and going underwater/screen transitioning/teleporting to certain areas.)
Seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY?
The idea sounds awesome. In the old Eye of the beholder games, there where rings of feather fall - and you had use for them.
But perhaps the idea does require more than a little work. And I think consensus amongst the other modders where, that Acifer already has some very cool (and sufficient) ideas for an awesome mod - but now only needed time to make them materialise. So perhaps time has come to give Acifer just what he needs: time.
This forum is brimming with good ideas. If you ever need some new ideas, feel free to reach out - we will be happy to help you.
And if you need help to place 5-8 tomes or manuals for some juicy OP loot, you can PM me directly. I’d be happy to help you with that.
Something like that?
Unfortunately, the characters used the last remaining potion of feather falling in the Lands of Intrigue in another mod of mine to head straight back to the Underdark, so there might be no way to jump out of the airship anymore.
Now I'm tempted to include a cursed parachute...
Thank you very much for your support! PM is on its way.
I was totally serious about using feather fall to parachute like that!
+1 to defending your airship mid-flight!
Thank you for your interest! I will announce the aforementioned mod soon as well.
You could have the cursed parachute have the party simply return to the airship so they can jump off again. That seems like a simple, pleasant alternative!
Since this seems to be the place for it, and I find the idea amusing, let players purchase private islands for their parties. Developing them with mechanical effects is optional. This is mostly for the vanity or prestige of having such islands. (The current strongholds are also sort of this way.)
(You TOO can invest in fictional real estate!)
From who or where do all these strange words come from? I feel like I should recognize them from somewhere and they seem like lore references.
I try to rely on as much Realmslore as possible, because I think it's nice to be able to visit places or meet characters in the mod and then read about them in the sourcebook or Forgotten Realms Wiki.
I am busy debugging another, soon-to-be-announced modification of mine at the moment, so I'm taking a short break from Skyfire as I switched to this other project for a couple of weeks. Once the other project is in a stable state (depending on feedback from the closed beta testers), I will return to Skyfire and post an update.