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[v2.21] Shadow Magic



  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    Yes, I tried with and without EET_GUI and it made no difference.

    Hmm… the Dusk Mod maybe? I‘ll check this out, stay tuned.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153

    After some further Investigations, it seems as if two NPC Mods - "Sir Neth'aniel" and jasteys "Solaufein" were causing the issues. These should be installed after Shadow Magic.
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    edited February 2024
    This seems a hell of a bad interaction/installation, quite difficult to nail down. I've done a test EET (log below) install with just a few mods, but I am unable to reproduce the issue.

    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~EET/EET.TP2~ #0 #0 // EET core (resource importation): V13.4
    ~NEH'TANIEL/NEH'TANIEL.TP2~ #0 #0 // Neh'taniel NPC Mod: v7.2
    ~C#SOLAUFEIN/C#SOLAUFEIN.TP2~ #1 #0 // Solaufein's Rescue: Jastey's Solaufein NPC for BGII: 4.2
    ~SHADOWADEPT/SHADOWADEPT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Shadow Magic: Main Component: 3.0
    ~SHADOWADEPT/SHADOWADEPT.TP2~ #0 #1 // Shadow Magic: Resource Costs -> Drain Constitution on Cast: 3.0
    ~SHADOWADEPT/SHADOWADEPT.TP2~ #0 #5 // Shadow Magic: Shadow Monk monk kit: 3.0
    ~SHADOWADEPT/SHADOWADEPT.TP2~ #0 #7 // Shadow Magic: Enhanced Shade Lord (BG2:EE) -> Standard Difficulty: Casts up to 7th level spells: 3.0
    ~SKIPCHATEAUIRENICUS/SKIPCHATEAUIRENICUS.TP2~ #0 #102 // Deal with skipped NPCs -> All available NPCs: 3.4
    ~SKIPCHATEAUIRENICUS/SKIPCHATEAUIRENICUS.TP2~ #0 #200 // More realistic opening cutscene: 3.4
    ~EET_END/EET_END.TP2~ #0 #0 // EET end (last mod in install order) -> Standard installation
    Post edited by Frenzgyn on
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    edited February 2024
    After a little bit more testing, while I am still unable to reproduce your issue (Shadow Adept with Mage Spell, while other Shadow Kit with Shadow magic spell), I noticed a few oddities with Neh'Taniel kit descriptions and tracked them down to the fact it uses an old version of fl#add_kit_ee.tpa, 1.1.0, while the latest is 1.1.5. (info here).

    If the weidu.log you attached before is still current, I noticed that the Soulafein Rescue version you use is 3.2, the latest is 4.2 and in 4.0 there were plenty of fixes, updating also fl#add_kit to the latest version.

    While I am not very convinced that's the cause of the issue, there is a tiny possibility that untidyness in some .2da tables due to mods that use old versions of fl_add_kit could add up till they generate issues, in particular on EET since it is not the first time it has problems with a malformed table (it happened with PDialog and GlamNPCpack a while ago).

    If you plan a new install, it would be better to update Jatsey's Soulfain mod to the latest version and manually overwrite fl#add_kit_ee.tpa with version 1.1.5 in Neh'taniel folder.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    Nice! Thx a lot for your support.

    I have to specify that the bug changed while testing, if this is of any further use. It also corrupted the sorcerer kit and multiclasses on a random base, while on the other hand the pure Shadow Adept worked well, surprisingly. At first I thought it would have something to do with mixed up mage schools while EET_end is processing. But that doesn‘t seemed to be the case.

    Anyways, I‘m doing a fresh setup indeed, and will try as you suggested.
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    The author of SMagic said on discord that's possible a random and not pedictable interaction not related specifically to a single mod that could happen when many "mage" kits are installed and at some point something break and ShadowMagic's kits get treated as kits of a mage school and spell selection mess up.

    Just to exclude all possible issue, it is possible (it happened to me) that during tests (uninstall-reinstall) something will go south, and it will corrupt the installation (I was able to have ALL kits from Shadow Magic with mage spell and lots of text all messed up).

    Be sure to use the setup_EET / Setup_EET_End that is packed the "master" repository of EET,
    it's Weiudu 249 legacy x86, to be comptible with Windows XP, and it avoids a known bug with "Generalized Biffing" mod.
    My VERY VERY VERY wild guess is that EET could be affected too in some cases, so it is better to stick with what is bundled with the mod and not update use the "standard" weidu 249 x64 for EET.

    More info here
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    I was easily able to circumvent the issue by putting both of the mods at the end of the installation, far after installing SM.

    Your advices of updating both mods seemed to have worked as well.
    Will do some further testing on this.

    Thx for your patience.
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    You're welcome, it's an useful discovery for me too.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2024
    Got a new error message with the latest Version of SM (3.5.0 ?) on my current EET Installation;

    Switched back to 3.0.1. and everything went fine.

    I also installed the latest Versions of Bardic Wonders and Warlock Mod, and updated SCS from 34 to 35.10.
    So maybe it's one of those causing issues?

    WeiDu Log attached.
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    edited February 2024
    Argh. That's... that's becoming a bit messy.
    I am afraid you're a bit too ambitious wit your installation. Too much stuff, I could offer very limited support, some of the mods you installed I never use. Don't wanna discourage you, but I am very pessimistic something like that will work without gamebreaking issues, you will have a huge of a headache and will waste a lot of time.

    Anyway, regarding SM (latest version 3.11) it literally miss a file, no idea why, I installed the same version without that problem.

    Now some things I really advise against:

    1) You installed EET Gui and then, middle way, DragonSpear UI. BAD. All kind of wrong interface things could happen this way.
    2) Skill and Abilities and Refinement do the same kind of changes, they will probably clash with each other, just choose one. They should be installed almost near the end, after EET_End;
    3) CDTweaks (and other tweaks) go AFTER spells and kits (but before EET_End).
    4) SCS is just another planet, I cannot give advice because I don't use it yet, but the order in which you installed it will create problems. Don't know if you already know it, but you could check here: to see some example of working install orders, albeit less ambitious than yours.

    5) I will install some things in a very different order:

    Tome and Blood (not sure how it will interact and there is a new version: 1.1)
    Shadow Magic
    Bardic Wonders (it gives inspiration to one of SM bard kit)
    A7 Chaos Sorcerer
    Ranger Warden
    Artisan Kitpack ( there is a new version: 4.7)
    Improved Shamanic Dance
    Skill & Abilities
    Ehanced Powergaming Scripts.

    To be completely honest, if I were in you, I will avoid installing SCS for the time being and probably skip Shadow Magic too, while I like it a lot, if you plan to install so many kits and spell there is a very very high probability that something will broke due to bad interactions.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    Ok. Till now I'm fine with 3.0.1. Version of Shadow Magic. May think about another installation Order for the next Setup. :)
    Artisans Kitpack gave me some errors as well, so I switched back to a former Version.

    I' didn't know that one could install anything after EET End? My last Mod is usually atweaks. Don't bother too much, since it seems my current setup is working well with older Mod Versions.
    Let's see what happens in Game ;)
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2024
    It seems as if both installation errors were related to SCS. I switched back to 34.3 (latest pre 35.x Version) and Artisans Kitpack as well as Shadow Magic installed fine.

    Got just one minor issue on SM;
  • _DD__DD_ Member Posts: 63
    Now I understand why Artisan stopped using forums.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2024
    Is there something wrong with posting Problems and Bugs?
    I thought that‘s what these Threads are used for?
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    Reporting a bug is a specific thing: you need to be detailed and explain how to reproduce it.

    Reporting a problem and asking for help is legit too, but in this case _DD_ is right: the discussion is going quite OT, moving towards an "EET install order issues" theme, it's not specifically related to Shadow Magic anymore.

    I am sorry for that, I guess I let myself get carried away by the discussion, maybe polluting the thread.

    While I totally understand the feeling and I agree this is not the right place to discuss install oders, still there is a silver lining:

    incedentally while trying to reproduce Kensei first issue (I sitll can't) I was able to track down and report properly to the authors or to the community a specific issue with fl#add_kit_ee library affecting a few mods, a probelm in a library used by Subtledoctor's mods and an issue with ClassSpellTool used by ShadowMagic.
    Reading the thread I decided also to do a pull request fixing an old bug from 2021 with SM that the Artisan naturally didn't notice.

    All in all, it was constructive.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2024
    Ok, no offense meant. I'm not too familiar with how things work in the modding community, since I'm no modder at all and not even much of a gamer nowadays, except for Baldurs Gate, one of my long time favorites, wich I still use to play every now and then.

    I'll try to avoid spamming threads in the future.

    Thanks for your help and your patience anyways.


    Just wanted to add, that after fixing my EET Installation order, everything went fine and smooth with the latest Shadow Magic Version. :)
    Post edited by Kensei_xXx on
  • bouncer1798bouncer1798 Member Posts: 6
    Getting the below error when installing Made In Heaven Tweaks component Alternative Damage on Large Creatures after the Shadow Monk kit:

    ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
    Resource [HPPR.2da] not found in KEY file:
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR: [hpclass.2da] -> [override/hpclass.2da] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("resource [HPPR.2da] not found for 'COPY'"))

    I can provide a setup.debug file and a weidu log file if needed but installing only these 2 mods as mentioned above should reproduce the error.

    I am unsure which of the two mods should resolve the conflict so I have posted the error on the forums of both mods.
  • Granger77Granger77 Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2024
    Has anyone had an issue with crashing on the transition from BG2 to ToB when playing an EET game since the last few big updates?
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    I published a little walkthrough for the mod's BG1 quest on the wiki:
    Shadow Magic walkthrough
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    edited August 2024
    Does Shadow Magic recognize the Olvyns Spells Mod and disables the new Spells for Shadow Adepts? And whats the right Installationorder for both Mods? I guess Shadow Magic after Olvyns Spells?
    Post edited by Kensei_xXx on
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    I wouldn't even mix them together. They are both mods so big in the number of spells they add that I'd keep them in different installations because something is bound to explode.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    edited August 2024
    I would and did.
    Installed both of them and found no issues so far.
    Artisans Mod recognizes the new Olvyn spells and blocks them for shadow magic users.
  • KelianKelian Member Posts: 5
    Hi there, I encounter a small issue with the Shadow Magic mod: human characters dualed to mage, who then become shadow adepts using the orb, cannot learn shadow spells from scrolls (the "Learn" button doesn't show up on shadow magic scrolls, even with 25 int). I tried dualing from a fighter, a cleric and a thief, the result is the same. There is no problem with multiclassed characters.

    I play on Linux with a fresh BG2 EE 2.6.6 install from GoG, using weidu 249 to install the mod. Unless I missed it there was no error displayed during the installation of the mod (see attached weidu.log, terminal output available in shadow_magic_install.log). There is no other mod installed so far and I tried with different versions of the mod available on Github (latest master branch, 3.2 and 3.1.1).

    I already posted this on the discord channel, but maybe someone here can spot what I did wrong during the install, or had the same issue and (with some dark luck :p) found a workaround.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    Got this error message when installing Bardic Wonders before Shadow Magic;

    Tried on an EET Setup at first, but later on plain BG1EE with the same results.
    Vice versa both Mods work fine.
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    You want to install SM before BW anyway, so that BW can work on the SM bard song.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 153
    I know, but then there are issues if you want to use custom spell Mods like olvyns, because you have to install them after BW to let the new Bard Kits make use of them, but before SM, so that they're disabled for shadow magic users.
  • PandemicLegionPandemicLegion Member Posts: 40
    edited January 23
    Hi guys im thinking about installing the shadow magic mod but as im reading about the Spells on this Page -> it seems that i laggs some important defensive Spells like : "Spell Immunity" "Contigency Spells" "Spell Trap" "Spell Trigger" etc. The Shadow Spells seems pretty strong but again what do i do against some nasty high level spells. Because it seems the only real protection besides "Magic resistance" is "Shar’s Shield" or do i miss something?
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