I just "recruited" Afaaq.
However, every couple of seconds a "glitter" effect with a sound is played, and i find annoying.
Is that a bug or a working feature?
In case of a bug, how could fix it? I tried to re-install the mod but nothing changed .
In case of feature or no better solution, do you know the filename sound effect? In that way I could override with a no-sound file and I think that should work.
That effect is part of the "turn into gaseous form" transformation when the djinni is badly hurt. However, it is not applied as a repeating or permanent effect. It could just be a glitch, or maybe a conflict with another mod that modifies the spell effect.
You could try to remove it by pressing the Ctrl+R cheat code while placing the mouse cursor over the djinni selection circle to strip all dispellable effects from the creature.
If that doesn't work could you zip and upload a save (the whole save folder "000000000-Name-of-the-Save")? I could take a look and remove the offending spell effect.
2) I need to tap the power of the lich skull. How would I do that?
Talk to Karim again about Malik's offer to get some pointers where to look for these instructions. Or open the spoiler tag if you don't want to find it out on your own:
Travel to Watcher's Keep. Enter the upper floor and talk to the archivist. He should tell you the general location of the script. Location is randomized, so I can't give you more specific advice.
Hi, a bit of necro-posting because I'd need some help on this part of the quest.
I've talked with the archivist on the first floor of Watcher's Keep.
I get the following dialogue (copied from the github code)
IF ~~ Archivist.Cold.1
SAY @5886 /* A tome... yes we have many tomes and scriptures. But I am the only one left to take care of them. */
= @5887 /* They have become so dusty and cold... so cold. Oh how I long for a warm fire. It has become so cold in these halls lately. */
++ @5888 /* About the tome... */ + Archivist.Cold.Bye
IF ~~ Archivist.Cold.1
SAY @5886 /* A tome... yes we have many tomes and scriptures. But I am the only one left to take care of them. */
= @5887 /* They have become so dusty and cold... so cold. Oh how I long for a warm fire. It has become so cold in these halls lately. */
++ @5888 /* About the tome... */ + Archivist.Cold.Bye
I don't understand what should I do.
The Archivist will be more helpful if you help him out first. He talks about being cold. Maybe you can do something about it?
Quick question. For the vengeance quest is the container in the top left of the map supposed to be locked & warded against spells? (I’ve already done the riddles, the statues, & killed the spiders.)
Quick question. For the vengeance quest is the container in the top left of the map supposed to be locked & warded against spells? (I’ve already done the riddles, the statues, & killed the spiders.)
No, it requires a key to open the lock. Look around, you've probably killed the guardian of the key already.
The area where the djinni can be found is quite nice. The djinni itself is very useful and versatile, e. g. casting mirror image or dispelling illusions.
I also managed to lost the djinni during Call of the Goddess - not sure why or how. He may have died.
Anyway. I believe the djinni itself is a bit too powerful. He is super-fast and somewhat tanky; at the least soaks up quite nicely. Also he seems to respawn like Hexxat, so he has like imbued ressing.
I think the main problem I have, is not so much with the djinni itself, but with those additional features AND being around the party at all times, thus basically being a strong seventh companion. I am not suggesting to nerf the djinni in functionality; I get that djinni should not be weaklings. But perhaps some other changes could be made, e. g. he has to be summoned out of his flask, and there is a limit to daily calls, say, 3x or 1x per day. Then after some time he goes back into his flask. Right now he is always outside when the player wants him outside, and this seems a bit broken; other summonable tend to vanish after some time (well, most do, like Kithix or the efreeti from the bottle, I think; or it is also a djinni from the bottle there, from the Dao djinni in Trademeet).
As it stands right now, the djinni is probably the strongest companion to be had, stronger than the berserk warrior, the djinni from the bottle, Kithix (I think ... though the improved blood Kithix from Paina may be stronger), the initial golem from the golem manual and most other of these summonables from items.
Ah! Also, perhaps some crossmod interjection could be added, or extended.
The obvious one I can think of is the bottle that can be stolen in Trademeet, so Afaaq may make some comments if that other djinn appears. Also perhaps some other banter, such as teasing Edwin or having philosophical discussions with Jan (after all both should like illusion spells). A quest idea may be to release the djinni into his home or something like that. Like reversing the roles: Djinni asks the leader whether he can have a wish -> Yes -> I want to be released from service. Or something like that.
Anyway. I believe the djinni itself is a bit too powerful. He is super-fast and somewhat tanky; at the least soaks up quite nicely. Also he seems to respawn like Hexxat, so he has like imbued ressing.
Afaaq is powerful, but I don't think he is too powerful. His stats and skills are that of an average fighter/mage. What could be seen as overpowered are his immunities to a number of status effects (e.g. level drain or death effects), which exist to prevent his scripts from breaking. It's true that he can't permanently die. However, if he is mortally wounded then he either turns into an uncontrollable gaseous cloud for a while, or he disappears completely and can only be summoned again after several hours. Both outcomes can be detrimental in combat.
I would agree that his improved version is powerful, though. But at that point of the game everyone and everything tends to be at epic levels already, so a companion as powerful as Afaaq shouldn't really make a big difference anymore.
But perhaps some other changes could be made, e. g. he has to be summoned out of his flask, and there is a limit to daily calls, say, 3x or 1x per day. Then after some time he goes back into his flask. Right now he is always outside when the player wants him outside, and this seems a bit broken; other summonable tend to vanish after some time (well, most do, like Kithix or the efreeti from the bottle, I think; or it is also a djinni from the bottle there, from the Dao djinni in Trademeet).
Afaaq is designed as a permanent party member. Reducing him to an ordinary summonable creature would certainly interfere in some ways with his banters, quests and scripted events. I'd rather not apply such a fundamental change.
The obvious one I can think of is the bottle that can be stolen in Trademeet, so Afaaq may make some comments if that other djinn appears. Also perhaps some other banter, such as teasing Edwin or having philosophical discussions with Jan (after all both should like illusion spells).
There is already some "special" content with Edwin and several other NPCs. He will also comment a number of game events or the presence of certain creatures (like the Dao genies in Trademeet).
A quest idea may be to release the djinni into his home or something like that. Like reversing the roles: Djinni asks the leader whether he can have a wish -> Yes -> I want to be released from service. Or something like that.
His whole quest line is already more or less related to his binding to the lamp, which can even amount to losing him forever after certain events if you're not careful.
Ah! Also, perhaps some crossmod interjection could be added, or extended.
That would be nice. Sadly I'm not very good at writing dialogs, so it's unlikely I will provide it myself. Contributions are welcome though.
So the djinni comes with the main character - all the time. Like, literally,
if you have to ... eject some food leftovers and what not, the djinni comes
with you.
I also have the BG2 romances installed - you know, everything a hero can do,
he or she should do, right?
In some situations, there are certain games to be played, like ... "what's
there in your pocket?".
And the faithful djinni companion, always comes with the main character!
Now picture the traditional situation: a comfy bed, a male protagonist
and a female protagonist. An elegant room, where these two enjoying one
another's company. And ..... RIGHT AT THE BEDSIDE, THERE IS THIS CREEPY
I think it was explained in the thread that the djinni companion works
a bit like a familiar, so it makes sense that he comes into every scene.
But still it is weird, that every time there is something to be done
between just two, a creepy floating blue-skinned thing stares at them
with wild eyes!
I am glad djinni have a healthy attitude in this regard. Imagine if the
djinni would be prudish - or, worse, give comments as to what could be
done better. Kind of like a love-teacher.
(My main character also has a rabbit familiar, but this one is in the
inventory. I guess technically the djinni can also be put into the
lamp, so this is not really any issue whatsoever - just laziness on
my part. But when I first noticed the djinni was floating nearby and
STARING AT THE TWO, I was surprised - into every house, every room,
the djinni follows along ...)
So the djinni comes with the main character - all the time. Like, literally,
if you have to ... eject some food leftovers and what not, the djinni comes
with you.
Yeah, the bed scene of Charname and Phaere in Ust Natha is especially awkward in that regard.
Technically the djinni is a familiar. The only difference is that it doesn't use the effect opcode that also penalizes the summoner with a stat decrease if the familiar dies.
I tried to decouple the djinni from the protagonist for some scripted events, but that's unreliable because it is sometimes overridden by the hardcoded engine behavior. You just have to live with the fact that protagonist and djinni are inseparable.
Not sure if this is a bug or not. I tested some things in a new play through and got
the djinni. I did, however had, lose the lamp somehow - not sure how, perhaps it
was accidentally dropped when the inventory was full. Anyway, the djinni remained
with the party.
But now, after Irenicus was defeated in the tree-of-life battle, upon now being in
the area where one has to collect the five tears, the djinni did his spiral-upwards
animation before death. And then was gone. In other words: the djinni seemed
to insta-die right there. In older play-throughs, I know this was not supposed to
happen as there is an interaction with the other djinni here that the party can
give that sword, and Afaaq then will say some things.
I am not sure if Afaaq is supposed to die (in my older play through he did not
die), and the only difference is that his lamp is gone. IF this happens on purpose,
though, then perhaps it would make sense for Afaaq to say something before
he dies ... e. g. "I need my lamp" or whatever. If it is a bug then perhaps it
can be queried what is supposed to happen here. (His death animation
happens right before control is handed over to the player again; health-wise
Afaaq was fine in the fight against Irenicus before, so he did not die there.
He just did his death animation - and vanished.)
I couldn't reproduce this issue. Afaaq should behave normally as long as he doesn't die or is otherwise dismissed. It could have been caused by a delayed spell effect from the Irenicus battle at the tree, or maybe a conflict with another mod?
Not having the lamp in your possession will even provoke a special reaction from the djinni in the Greed trial.
That effect is part of the "turn into gaseous form" transformation when the djinni is badly hurt. However, it is not applied as a repeating or permanent effect. It could just be a glitch, or maybe a conflict with another mod that modifies the spell effect.
You could try to remove it by pressing the Ctrl+R cheat code while placing the mouse cursor over the djinni selection circle to strip all dispellable effects from the creature.
If that doesn't work could you zip and upload a save (the whole save folder "000000000-Name-of-the-Save")? I could take a look and remove the offending spell effect.
Hi, a bit of necro-posting because I'd need some help on this part of the quest.
I've talked with the archivist on the first floor of Watcher's Keep.
I get the following dialogue (copied from the github code)
I don't understand what should I do.
The Archivist will be more helpful if you help him out first. He talks about being cold. Maybe you can do something about it?
Changes in v2.10:
No, it requires a key to open the lock. Look around, you've probably killed the guardian of the key already.
The area where the djinni can be found is quite nice. The djinni itself is very useful and versatile, e. g. casting mirror image or dispelling illusions.
I also managed to lost the djinni during Call of the Goddess - not sure why or how. He may have died.
Anyway. I believe the djinni itself is a bit too powerful. He is super-fast and somewhat tanky; at the least soaks up quite nicely. Also he seems to respawn like Hexxat, so he has like imbued ressing.
I think the main problem I have, is not so much with the djinni itself, but with those additional features AND being around the party at all times, thus basically being a strong seventh companion. I am not suggesting to nerf the djinni in functionality; I get that djinni should not be weaklings. But perhaps some other changes could be made, e. g. he has to be summoned out of his flask, and there is a limit to daily calls, say, 3x or 1x per day. Then after some time he goes back into his flask. Right now he is always outside when the player wants him outside, and this seems a bit broken; other summonable tend to vanish after some time (well, most do, like Kithix or the efreeti from the bottle, I think; or it is also a djinni from the bottle there, from the Dao djinni in Trademeet).
As it stands right now, the djinni is probably the strongest companion to be had, stronger than the berserk warrior, the djinni from the bottle, Kithix (I think ... though the improved blood Kithix from Paina may be stronger), the initial golem from the golem manual and most other of these summonables from items.
The obvious one I can think of is the bottle that can be stolen in Trademeet, so Afaaq may make some comments if that other djinn appears. Also perhaps some other banter, such as teasing Edwin or having philosophical discussions with Jan (after all both should like illusion spells). A quest idea may be to release the djinni into his home or something like that. Like reversing the roles: Djinni asks the leader whether he can have a wish -> Yes -> I want to be released from service. Or something like that.
Afaaq is powerful, but I don't think he is too powerful. His stats and skills are that of an average fighter/mage. What could be seen as overpowered are his immunities to a number of status effects (e.g. level drain or death effects), which exist to prevent his scripts from breaking. It's true that he can't permanently die. However, if he is mortally wounded then he either turns into an uncontrollable gaseous cloud for a while, or he disappears completely and can only be summoned again after several hours. Both outcomes can be detrimental in combat.
I would agree that his improved version is powerful, though. But at that point of the game everyone and everything tends to be at epic levels already, so a companion as powerful as Afaaq shouldn't really make a big difference anymore.
Afaaq is designed as a permanent party member. Reducing him to an ordinary summonable creature would certainly interfere in some ways with his banters, quests and scripted events. I'd rather not apply such a fundamental change.
There is already some "special" content with Edwin and several other NPCs.
His whole quest line is already more or less related to his binding to the lamp, which can even amount to losing him forever after certain events if you're not careful.
That would be nice. Sadly I'm not very good at writing dialogs, so it's unlikely I will provide it myself. Contributions are welcome though.
So the djinni comes with the main character - all the time. Like, literally,
if you have to ... eject some food leftovers and what not, the djinni comes
with you.
I also have the BG2 romances installed - you know, everything a hero can do,
he or she should do, right?
In some situations, there are certain games to be played, like ... "what's
there in your pocket?".
And the faithful djinni companion, always comes with the main character!
Now picture the traditional situation: a comfy bed, a male protagonist
and a female protagonist. An elegant room, where these two enjoying one
another's company. And ..... RIGHT AT THE BEDSIDE, THERE IS THIS CREEPY
I think it was explained in the thread that the djinni companion works
a bit like a familiar, so it makes sense that he comes into every scene.
But still it is weird, that every time there is something to be done
between just two, a creepy floating blue-skinned thing stares at them
with wild eyes!
I am glad djinni have a healthy attitude in this regard. Imagine if the
djinni would be prudish - or, worse, give comments as to what could be
done better. Kind of like a love-teacher.
(My main character also has a rabbit familiar, but this one is in the
inventory. I guess technically the djinni can also be put into the
lamp, so this is not really any issue whatsoever - just laziness on
my part. But when I first noticed the djinni was floating nearby and
STARING AT THE TWO, I was surprised - into every house, every room,
the djinni follows along ...)
Yeah, the bed scene of Charname and Phaere in Ust Natha is especially awkward in that regard.
Technically the djinni is a familiar. The only difference is that it doesn't use the effect opcode that also penalizes the summoner with a stat decrease if the familiar dies.
I tried to decouple the djinni from the protagonist for some scripted events, but that's unreliable because it is sometimes overridden by the hardcoded engine behavior. You just have to live with the fact that protagonist and djinni are inseparable.
the djinni. I did, however had, lose the lamp somehow - not sure how, perhaps it
was accidentally dropped when the inventory was full. Anyway, the djinni remained
with the party.
But now, after Irenicus was defeated in the tree-of-life battle, upon now being in
the area where one has to collect the five tears, the djinni did his spiral-upwards
animation before death. And then was gone. In other words: the djinni seemed
to insta-die right there. In older play-throughs, I know this was not supposed to
happen as there is an interaction with the other djinni here that the party can
give that sword, and Afaaq then will say some things.
I am not sure if Afaaq is supposed to die (in my older play through he did not
die), and the only difference is that his lamp is gone. IF this happens on purpose,
though, then perhaps it would make sense for Afaaq to say something before
he dies ... e. g. "I need my lamp" or whatever. If it is a bug then perhaps it
can be queried what is supposed to happen here. (His death animation
happens right before control is handed over to the player again; health-wise
Afaaq was fine in the fight against Irenicus before, so he did not die there.
He just did his death animation - and vanished.)
Not having the lamp in your possession will even provoke a special reaction from the djinni in the Greed trial.
Changes in v2.11: