Invincible Children

Just an observation...
I'm sure this was by design, but I was playing Icewind Dale in anticipation for Baldur's Gate: EE and I noticed that children cannot be killed. Found this out by casting an area of effect spell that accidentally netted one. They turn hostile but can't die. Interesting change by the developers and I'm sure there was reason behind it (a statement against violence against children maybe?). In the original Baldur's Gate, you can kill anything from cats to dogs to women to children to Gnolls. I'm not sure if BG2 is the same or different, but since it came out after IWD I'm betting the No Child Death mechanic was passed on. Now my goal is to get a kid in my party, since they can't die. Lol.
I'm sure this was by design, but I was playing Icewind Dale in anticipation for Baldur's Gate: EE and I noticed that children cannot be killed. Found this out by casting an area of effect spell that accidentally netted one. They turn hostile but can't die. Interesting change by the developers and I'm sure there was reason behind it (a statement against violence against children maybe?). In the original Baldur's Gate, you can kill anything from cats to dogs to women to children to Gnolls. I'm not sure if BG2 is the same or different, but since it came out after IWD I'm betting the No Child Death mechanic was passed on. Now my goal is to get a kid in my party, since they can't die. Lol.
Here's an interesting article I read a while back, though I don't agree with the author's view:
There is this mod for Skyrim to kill children lol its not pretty but well its a game anyway Not for the faint of heart.
In my opinion this is plain stupid. It's just a game. Even if you are some sick bastard (or roleplay as one) and kill children for fun, the game punishes you enough.
It's not realistic, when children are invincible. But then again: censors usualy have no brain at all (censoring obvious middle finger or word "asshole", but "ass" and "hole" separately are fine). And developers can't do much about it.
I've even seen censorship of writing 'hell" or "damn"... Really? 5 year olds already use these words. But yeah, let's pretend that the world is made out of unicorns and candy. There are no cursewords at all.
Why is it ok to go around killing fantasy people, but killing fantasy children is completely unacceptable?
Either they should both be allowed, or both should be disallowed. There is no ethical difference over the age of the fantasy character.
It's interesting to read about it, though.
Oh, so murdering innocent people is alright, as long as they are over 18?
That's is sick crap over there if you ask me.
In my opinion, you can kill/murder whatever and whoever you want, as long as it happens in a video game and you don't take it seriously. It's just a friggin' sprites. Why can't you make them bleed red pixels? That is just beyond me.
Seriously? Children in BF3? Did you even play the game?
It's a military shooter, with soldiers fighting with eachother. What did you expect? Children running around as cheap minesweepers?
Bullshit. Developers don't want to deal with oversensitive parents (BTW, why they let their children play such games is beyond me. Parenting fail much?) and censorship.
And games like that would get M rating, so the audience for the game would be MUCH smaller. So they would make less money.
That is sick.
So again, you don't give a crap about innocents murdered, as long as they are over 18?
Wow... I think you need help, man.
This whole "article" is bad, and the author should feel bad.
Ok... heres the article anyway:
I quoted not the person I wanted :P
Sorry :P
Now that I know that licenses can be obtained in the Government Building, and how much they cost, I always start every game by selling everything from Irenicus' dungeon, and making a beeline for the Government Building to buy a license. It's the first order of business in every run.
This thread is promoting the harming of imaginary children! We must stop this wild fantasy before an imaginary child is hurt!
Shame on you @HaHaCharade, for putting an imaginary child in harms way! I will be sending the social services to remove all the imaginary children from your laptop so that they can be placed on my USB Stick orphanage for the violently harmed or accidently fireballed...
Haven't looked into the IWD code, but if it's not hardcoded it shouldn't be that hard to make the children there mortal too.
They get a bum wrap for taking away imaginary children from imaginary families who should really know better... Can't reveal names for legal reasons... But one mother allowed a child to wander in the forests south of Beregost unattended! Of course the child was taken into care... And now lives happily on PC along many other children left homeless by a Simcity disaster initiated by a careless, uncaring player...
The kid uses a big-boobed adult sprite though (for casting and combat animations, I think). It's so disturbing to hear that childish voice coming from someone who looks like a grown woman.
Go go power of non-lawful neutrality!