The new stat total

Well done on the new update, lots of fixes, but I don't agree with adding a stat point total for when rolling characters. I know that most people roll until they get good or even mega stats but adding a total just makes it too easy and takes the accomplishment out of sitting there for an extended period to get a good roll (this sounds sad but at least you feel like you have in a way earned those high stats)
Am I alone in thinking this or do people agree?
Am I alone in thinking this or do people agree?
- The new stat total271 votes
- I like the stat total93.73%
- I prefer it without  6.27%
For me, this feature doesn't spoil rolling for good stats - at least, the chance of, "I've rerolled in a hurry but the previous result was so good I miss it" is decreased. You still must reroll till you get good results - if you want a high score.
And for fighters you still have to wait till some high strength.
Also, there're many posts on the forum where people say they rerolled many hours but it was many years ago and now when they don't have much time (due to working) they don't spend it on rerolling. So, it helps a lot. And by the way, I'm one of these people))
And it doesn't make it any less painful when you click past that 93!
If this makes the stat rolling quicker then I'm all for it.
EDIT: As a solution for the 3 people that don't like - grab a post-it note and put it on your screen while you grind away rolling dem dice.
You are damn right that sounds sad, if you get feeling of accomplishment from sitting on your ass and pushing random number generator button for "extended perioid" you might want to rethink what you are doing. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but that's the way I see it.
I refuse to dump stats. I hate it.
What anyone else does doesn't affect me in any way.
And I love the tally. I don't go for super insane rolls, but it makes it really easy for me to find that nice mid-to-high 80s that lets me get the stats I want without doing the math in my head beforehand.
I think it all comes down to whether you want to roleplay or play hack+slash. Right now, the game accomodates both styles in satisfactory degrees (IMO, the roleplaying aspect isn't as great as modern RPGs).
The biggest reason for me is this: a lot of people have said that if you're just going to sit there and roll until you get mega stats, you might as well cheat and set your stats using ShadowKeeper, because the results are the same. My counter to this is that if you've spent the time rolling, you've actually done something to deserve your good stats (a reward for your patience, if you will) which makes it different than cheating (in my mind at least). Adding a stat total makes rolling significantly easier (the amount of time you have to spend determining if you got a good roll is much less, so you can roll much faster), so you've done less to 'earn' your stats, which erodes my argument that it isn't effectively cheating.
Just my two cents. I don't care about this too much, so no one has to worry about me complaining about it all over the forums, as is the norm whenever anything gets changed.
Personally, I like it because every character I build has a specific set of scores that I won't go below; knowing the total allows me to get to that baseline much faster, which allows me to start the game sooner (which ultimately is a good thing).
Sometimes I roll till I get the stats I want, sometimes I roll 10 times and take the best I got, but even on the times where I don't roll very much and take the best roll I have to ask.
1) Of my X (1-infinity) why shouldn't I take the highest one?
2) If I'm going to take the highest one, in my example of rolling 10 times and taking the best, why should I have to add the numbers up 10 times? I realize that only takes mere seconds, but why should I have to? How does that make it more of an accomplishment?
Even if you are so hardcore you only roll once. Is it not nice to be able to at a glance say "Cool I rolled a 78" and know what you got instead of having to add up 6 numbers?
@Messi - Dude, you basically described the whole game.
As a teacher with lots of marking. This is as useful as the answer book!