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The Greater Wolfwere in TotSC...

The greater wolfwere in the shipwreck is unkillable unless I'm missing something. A bug maybe? It can only be hit with +4 weapons but I'm pretty sure you normally need a +3 for a greater wolfwere. And then it regenerates in no time.


  • SeranSeran Member Posts: 28
    @CaptRory That's pretty sound advice. Didn't know hold worked on them though I did try fear. I'm going to give this thing another try.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    @Seran Good luck! A lot of people have been having trouble with the Werewolf Island. Don't neglect buffing your own guys too. Haste is very important even if you just have your guys with the bastard sword and dagger use Oils of Speed.
  • SeranSeran Member Posts: 28
    @CaptRory It worked! In the end I held him and had to fire like 3 lightning bolts at him until he finally died.

    I tried beating him up with my fighter using Balduran's sword but the wolfwere kept regenerating to full health shortly after every successful strike.

    Thanks! Hopefully I can finish this island for the first time ever.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Congrats! You're welcome!
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    For future reference, the flaming sword you find in Durlag's Tower works on this guy as well. I did about half the requisite damage to him with my PC F/T wielding that sword, and the other half was between Neera spamming flame arrow and MM and Branwen dropping Flame Strikes out of her wand.
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115

    On this page, Dragonspear lists the weapons that are able to hit Karoug. Sounds like you've already triumphed, but it could be helpful for future reference.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660

    The problem is that he can only be hit by certain weapons which possess the "cold iron" tag in them which we cannot see. I believe that @Tanthalas said those weapons are the following:

    Sword of Balduran
    Dagger of Balduran
    Bastard Sword +1, +3 against shapeshifters
    Flametongue +1, (it gets +2 v something, +3 v regenerating creatures IIRC and +4 v demons or undead)

    Honestly I need to get off my ass and do a playthrough that way I can make a guide and post it on the forums for easy solutions to hard bosses.

  • AndtalathAndtalath Member Posts: 23
    Hmm, I believe Melphs Minute meteors should be able to hit him as well.
    But I never tried it.

    It's just one of those spells/attacks which always work (they count as +4).
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Uh oh! He regenerates like they do in bg2 now? I may need a new plan for killing him now.
  • SeranSeran Member Posts: 28
    @Andtalath I don't have Melf's Minute Meteors in my spellbook yet so I didn't get a chance to try it.

    @Tresset Regeneration rate is crazy too. I'd say unbalanced as well since there are so few weapons that can actually hurt him.
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    Some fights need to be hard..

    I got him down by smacking him with the +4 dagger and blasting him with Magic Missiles/Dorn's Lifesteal
  • gunmangunman Member Posts: 215
    I have just killed him with no problem. Had Khalid and Minsc, with the two weapons that can kill him (Kondar and the Werebane), drink potions of strength, heroism, defense, haste. Had Jaheira summon two Sirins (call woodland beings). Then sent Khalid upstairs to lure them down while the rest was waiting below.

    When they appeared, had Jaheira cast Doom on him. Then cast Spook (my sorcerer), Rigid Thinking (Jaheira), Paralyze (Dynaheir from wand), Confusion (by Sirines). It was overkill. Karoug was affected by at least two effects, and a second paralyzation attempt got him. Then he went down fast, he never had the chance to hurt anybody. Khalid was barely scratched by one of his minions, which were also affected by confusion.
  • SeranSeran Member Posts: 28
    @Ken Don't know how you managed because everytime I was ready for a second magic missile spell, he had already regenerated to full health while my other characters were hitting him with Balduran's sword, +4 dagger and everything they had. I fully agree that some fights are meant to be hard but they should've made that wolfwere weak to +3 not +4/cold iron and it would've been hard enough with just the regeneration.
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    Two Mages cast magic missile when he got hit by the dagger, and then Dorn hit him with his magic attack.

    Gotta wait for him being hit first
  • gunmangunman Member Posts: 215
    If you are prepared for this battle (minimum level 7 party, plenty of potions and spells) then I think this battle is even easier than in the original BG. Here you can position your party on a perfect arrangement on the level below and send one character upstairs only to lure them below. In original you were forced to fight him on his floor, which meant all of your party members had to be protected from melee attacks since you couldn't control how they were positioned at the start of the battle.

    I see a lot of threads about Karoug being difficult, but haven't seen many with Aec Letec (the Nabassu). Am I to understand that this battle is now easier? I haven't got there yet, my next stop in my no reload game after finishing the Balduran Island is Durlag Tower.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    I'm not sure how hard Aec'Letec was supposed to be... I stunned him with a summoned Ghoul and defeated him quickly =\
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    I was wondering if the helm cleric kit seeking sword would hurt the various werewolfs that a +1 or +2 mace couldn't hurt?
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    jflieder said:

    On this page, Dragonspear lists the weapons that are able to hit Karoug. Sounds like you've already triumphed, but it could be helpful for future reference.

    Also see this list here for weapons with the "cold iron" ability:
  • ZveruidZveruid Member Posts: 2
    That's a way to get the stuff from the ship even if you can't kill greater werewolf.
    You need to kill all other wolves, then lure the greater one downstairs and leave ship.
    He won't come outdoors. So you just go to rest. Then cast invisibility on your rogue, go upstairs past the wolf, disarm traps, get stuff from chest and table and run out (prolly in shadow).
  • ZveruidZveruid Member Posts: 2
    There is one more hint I can give. If you have a druid with lightning spell, lure the greater were wolf out, since this lightning doesn't work indoors. This way you can deal more damage - druid isn't too offensive otherwise. You can also summon a nymph. My summoned nymph hit the wolf for 17 damage with a spell.

    Yeah and the good way to deal damage is to paralyze the wolf with a wand first. Usually he gets paralyzed within first 3 attempts. Also it's cool if the guy who will use the anti-wolf sword (+4 against werewolves) drinks a potion of some giant strength. It makes difference.
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601
    @Zveruid First you say that he won't come outdoor en next you say yoy lure him outside???
  • SeranSeran Member Posts: 28
    Yeah I don't think they come out.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Awong124 said:


    Nice! Was this a first try (no reload)?

  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    edited March 2013

    Nice! Was this a first try (no reload)?

    Hell no! Lol. But that particular battle I kind of cheesed and nobody in my party lost a single hp.
  • cedessecedesse Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2013
    I'm using a Level 6/7/8 party. Even at the 2nd highest difficulty setting a single Greater Wolfwere is still able to defeat my party.

    Due to their attack speed and constant ability to regain nearly all of their lost HP with a single hit against a party member, you can only win if:
    1) You've been far too lucky to notice how strong they actually are (shame on you!), or
    2) You make some serious preparations for this fight and are able to lure them out one by one - or at least never more than two at a time.

    Casting Haste on all party members is an absolute must, and I suppose that I should take a nap and prepare some Slow spells as well. From my experience potions of Defense are USELESS. In fact, only potions that can help changing the number of attacks in your favor are useful.

    Updates from the battlefield:
    1) Killing the first three greater wolfweres turned out to be manageable, because they were easy to separate. 2) Haste is the key to victory.
    3) I can't separate the last three greater wolfweres. This is my 24th attempt, and it has already become a nightmare.
    4) Casting Confusion (all magic takes ages to cast and is pretty much useless in most situations) turned out to be a bad idea. Mr Wolf still prefers to slaughter his primary target regardless of his mental condition.
    5) I'm neither fast nor invulnerable enough to resist these insane creatures... Gonna lower the difficulty setting.
    Post edited by cedesse on
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    cedesse said:

    I'm using a Level 6/7/8 party. Even at the 2nd highest difficulty setting a single Greater Wolfwere is still able to defeat my party.

    Due to their attack speed and constant ability to regain nearly all of their lost HP with a single hit against a party member, you can only win if:
    1) You've been too lucky to notice how strong they actually are, or
    2) You make some serious preparations for this fight and are able to lure them out one by one - or at least never more than two at a time.

    Casting Haste on all party members is an absolute must, and I suppose that I should take a nap and prepare some Slow spells as well.

    Have you tried using Fire Shield Red?
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    When I fought this battle I didn't do any prep work whatsoever, other than giving my characters the proper weapons to damage the wolfweres. I lured them down to the lower level a few at a time. By the time I got to Karoug he was the only one left. I won the battle without any of my characters losing a single hp. No cheating, just cheese and a lucky critical hit backstab.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited March 2013
    I tried with Fireshield Red, Neera used it and used Melf"s Minute Meteors, I haven't tried lowering the difficult setting, I play with the normal one or sometimes I make the game difficult for fun and XP.
    I tried with Invisibility 10' Radius, in a formation that made my entire Party invisible, I killed the Greater Wolfwere adn most of his minions, but the last one destroyed my StoneSkin on main char and killed it, always using Haste and a lot of protection spells.

    The Greater Wolfwere has a lot of magic resistance, I tried with almost every spell but they said Save Vs. Spell or Magic Resistance.

    Edit: I forgot to say that he also regenerates so when Kivan w/Sword of Balduran hits him, he gets regenerated before the next attack hits him.
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