[MOD] Convinient Ammunition

Convinient Ammunition
For BG and BGEE (v2.0)This is a small (WeiDU) mod that adds a three quivers (with unlimited normal (non-enhanced) ammunition) and a ammo belt to Taerum's shop (Thunderhammer Smithy) in Beregost.
For BG2EE (only EE)
Adds one of each in Irenicus Dungeon and the fletcher in Waukeens Promenade sells a few (a shop some stairs above Adventures Mart)
Items added are:
• Quiver of Plenty
• Case of Plenty
• Bag of Plenty
• Ammo Belt
Download (v2.0)
Post edited by Freche on
Do you plan to make the file .tra available?
The BG2 quivers have +1 version of the used ammunition. While +1 is okay in BG2, I felt that unlimited +1 in BG1 wouldn't fit the game.
So my quivers are just normal arrows/bolts/bullets.
There is no plan to personally translate it to any language.
Yes. Unfortunately, the information about which items are sold is stored in your savegame. This is required for the game to remember the items you buy/sell. As a workaround you can use the CLUA console to create the items. If you wish I can check the item codes for you.
Edit: please find below the item codes for the console
Ammo Belt: bag05CA
Bag of Plenty: quiv05CA
Case of Plenty: quiv02CA
Quiver of Plenty: quiv01CA
I like how this items are useful without being too powerful. Nicely done.
Thanks for the info. I thought that might be the case. And thanks for the CLUA codes.
Now I can stop loading up Bill the Pony with gobs of ammo. :-) (Well, actually the pack mule mod, but I like to think of him as Bill the Pony).
New version wont need a new game for them to appear in the store.
I have also added them to BG2. One of each will appear in the beginning of Irenicus dungeon, then the fletcher in Waukeens will sell a few (it's a store above Adventures Mart).
I'm concidering adding a way to upgrade them to +1 (as an optional component). Sugestion on price? I was thinking Quiver + 100 of ammo type +1 and some gold.
SoD support will also come once I know where to add them.
This shouldn't conflict with anything though, unless some mod change the area code for the shopkeepers. I got 2.0 working for BGEE & BG2EE, hopefully it installs properly for non EE version havn't tested it. Just waiting on SoD release so I know it will install properly with the expansion installed.
EDIT: Version 1 should still however work fine, just install it before you visit Thunderhammer Smithy for the first time.
Case of Plenty - Sold by Taerom Fuiruim in the Thunderhammer Smithy in Beregost.
Bag of Plenty - Sold by the Storekeep in the Nashkel Store.
Quiver of Plenty - Sold by the Merchant in the Ranged Weapons Tent at the Nashkel Carnival.
And the Add Bags of Holding component included in the Tweak Pack includes the following item:
Ammo Belt - Sold by Taerom Fuiruim in the Thunderhammer Smithy in Beregost.
I had to look up where they were sold. Thought they were all sold by Taerom. Like your mod, these quivers also produce regular (nonmagical) arrows.
But going through the readme, these components seem to have been around for quite a while already. I guess it's just coincidence that you got to the same idea.
Sorry, but tonight I feel the urge to translate some stuff, otherwise I won't sleep
This tutorial explains how to include .tra files in your mod. It is easy
Can't remember. Beamdog managed to ruin all my interest in Baldur's Gate for the moment, so I probably won't be putting much time in anything here for a while.
Nope. I have just checked again and the English .tra file is missing.
Attached the Italian translation. Can you please add it to your mod?
Please, before updating your mod, can you read what @Erg wrote here?
This will avoid any CTD.
Thanks for your attention