Advice for playing as a kensai?

I had seen people on here talking about how powerful a kensai is (or has the potential to be), so I thought about trying one on my next playthrough. However, the prospect of playing as a tank fighter who can't wear armor or use shields is strange to say the least.
I had originally intended to do my next playthrough as a dual-wielding fighter, but it would seem more prudent to use one weapon and put 2 points into single weapon style for the extra AC bonus.
Does anyone have any tidbits of wisdom to offer?
I had originally intended to do my next playthrough as a dual-wielding fighter, but it would seem more prudent to use one weapon and put 2 points into single weapon style for the extra AC bonus.
Does anyone have any tidbits of wisdom to offer?
When you get to BG2, that's a good time to start putting points into two-weapon style, and if you're following the "One sword to master" archetype, it makes for a pretty logical progression.
I tend to favor the Long Sword because Varscona.
On a more serious note, kensais probably shouldn't be tanks (get another fighter to draw fire as much as possible). You might also want to look into ranged weapons (axes and daggers) and get any protective item you can get (shield amulet)
Potions of defense and invulnerability are very powerful, you can loot some from Silke quest in Beregost.
Jaheira can cast barkskin on you, the duration is rather short, though it can help in a pinch.
Single weapon style can help with ac, but two handed weapon style is very viable, too.
Actually, staff-saint is a nice build. Go quarterstaves++ two handed style ++ at lvl 1. Quarterstaves have middling damage, but the speed and reach are critical factors for a kensai. Also you can buy Aule's staff+3 in Ulgoth's beard. It is an already fast weapon, combined with two handed style's speed bonus, and kensai's innate speed bonuses, it is instant-hit. With reach superiority, a kensai can dance around a heavily armored foe, doing an instant-smack, and retreat before the enemy can get in melee-range, circle around a few seconds to avoid attacks, and smack again in the next round. Most heavy hitter enemies (Taugoz Khosan, etc) can't touch you. Plus, crushing damage is the best type of damage in the game, skeletons and jellies are weak to it, and many armors are strong against slashing and piercing. Ps:this may not work well on Big S in the end game, well, he has reach and speed too, and hits like a truck ^^
Best advice about playing Kensai I can give is - play an Archer instead.
By the way, It's strange because Kensai is NOT a tank, especially at lower levels
PS. It's not exactly the same, since the full plate also gives very cool AC modifiers (another -4 vs Slashing, -3 vs Piercing and Missile).
Kensais do get an innate bonus to AC as well, so with spirit armor on they are very close to a regular fighter with full plate on. With a girdle of piercing/slashing they are even better.
One thing to keep in mind is that although they are fighters, Kensais should be treated as pure damage dealers (in BG1) with no tanking component. They can survive a few attacks, but they are not meant to take sustained hits. Move around a lot, potentially with a long-reach weapon (staff is a good choice), as has been suggested above.
This all changes in BG2, though, most notably because you can dual into a mage once your fighter bonuses taper off (lvl9/13). This eliminates all your disadvantages, and turns you into an un-killable damage monster. Some of that can be emulated earlier with mages/druids in the party casting buffs on you, but it's nothing close to the amount of protection you get when you dual.
Still, despite the notorious power of Kensais in BG2, you won't see much wow from them in BG1. They are a viable class to be sure and can definitely be used effectively, but they will be nowhere near as devastating as ranged damage dealers.
I think your 'glass canon' analogy is unfair when addressing the Kensai class, The whole point in the class is to do massive amounts of damage quickly, the damage he can achieve is incredible however that comes with it's weaknesses.
Though an Archer I agree with you is a good class but the short burst's of two weapons hitting at max damage or even a two handed weapon consistently hitting max damage is a game changer, the class is built not to solo but to be a wing man of a tank.
Throw a Mage companion or even the dual class possibility to be a mage into the equation and it will add a different dimension to the class, as you can see your starting to develop a strong party which works well together all you need is a cleric and a thief and your pretty good to go through the whole game.
If I was to refer to your glass canon I would say that the glass canon is as light as a feather an can be moved around quickly and it's fire rate is like a semi-automatic rifle and constantly hits your targets in the head. Okay it can break very quickly but if used with care you can kill some of the most difficult opponents pretty quickly.
Rant over.
i wouldn't worry too much about AC, your kensai should never be in a situation where he's being hit hard. use the shield amulet and rings/cloaks of protection. dwarves and half-orcs are good for their extra con health (which really rockets with the tome of con and DuHM), half-orcs also get the 19 strength damage/thac0 bonuses which are considerable.
have your kensai engage the archers and mobs, enemies that shouldn't take much to kill, because kensais will cut through them like butter. then when fighting bosses, have them skirt around the edges attacking from the sides while the enemy is hitting your tank
dual to mage
but seriously all those armor spells from mages
protection from evil
different belts
clerics other buffs
you are not going to die easily
for bg1 i would not recommend kensai because berserker or barbarian are far superior
I had no difficulty with a halfling kensai through BG and BG2, for example.
Change his appearance to that of male monk via shadowkeeper - he'll look more stylish!
Though I'd trade GM (that they shouldn't have anyway) for the barb's speed bonus, everything else being the same in a heart-beat. As a skirmish fighter they'd really benefit from a speed bonus, even if it cost them a little of their damage progression.
BG 2 is a different story. ( Kensai / mages are awesome ) Even a straight Kensai is the bomb.
You have to sacrifice build for survival in BG. That's no fun.
A Kensai ( IMM) should be a dual wielding tornado of death. No 2 handed weapons allowed. ( Maybe staff or spear in a clinch...but no 2H swords or Halbreds )
Start saving for all those potions and clearing out spell slots...for one guy ? I'll pass.
In BG 2 I would pick Kensai in a heartbeat though.